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Permanent slides

BRESSER prepared slides, high quality, set of 10
This set contains especially well made, thin preparations, nicely colored and with very fine detail. The use of high quality sample material makes them very useful in school or for amateur microscopists. They are a real joy to look at!The set contains the following slides:DiatomsVolvoxZea Mays Stem c.s.Mouth SmearHuman Sperm SmearMitosis of Animal CellOnion Root TipsFly HeadLily AntherTomato leaf. c.s.

BRESSER Prepared Slides 100 pcs. Box
Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.The prepared slides are marked with english and german descriptions. Includes:Three Types of Bacteria Penicillium,W.M. Aspergillus,W.M. Rhizopus,W.M. Actinomyces,W.M. Chlamydomonas,W.M. Diatoms,W.M. Stellato-Pilosus W.M. Spirogyra,W.M. Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M. Lichenrons Ox, Sec Fern Leaf, Sec Fern Prothallium,W.M. Leaf of Winther Jasmine,C.S. Elodes Stem, C.S. Elodes Leaf,C.S. Pine Leaf, C.S. Pinus Male Strobile,L.S. Pinus Female Strobile L.S. Rubber Tree Leaf,C.S. Corn Root Tip,L.S. Vicia Faba Young Root C.S. Corn Stem, C.S. Corn Stem, L.S. Cucurbita Stem, C.S. Cucurbita Stem, L.S. Helianthus Stem,C.S. Moss Antheridia L.S. Moss Archegonia,L.S. Moss Protonemata W.M. Basswood Stem C.S. Basswood Stem L.S. Pelargonium Stem C.S. Vicia Dicot Leaf W.M. Pollen Germination W.M. Pollen W.M. Tomato Fruit Sec Cymbidium Aerial Root C.S. Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells Corn Seed With Endosperm L.S. Plasmodesma Sec Lily Ovary C.S. Lily Anther C.S. Lily Leaf C.S. Capsella Old Embryo Sec Capsella Young Embryo Sec Allium Scale Epidermis,W.M. Euglena W.M. Paramecium W.M. Hydra W.M. Hydra L.S. Planaria, C.S. Schistosoma Male W.M. Schistosoma Female, W.M. Ascaris Egg W.M. Earthworm W.M. Snake Skin, W.M. Daphnia Sp W.M. Rotifer W.M. Mosquito Female Mouth Parts W.M. Honey Bee Mouth parts, W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. Butterfly Mouth Parts W.M. Musca Mouth Parts, W.M. Grasshopper Mouth Parts W.M. Ant W.M. Fish Scale W.M. Planaria C.S. Trachea Clam Gill C.S. Blood Smear Human Blood Smear Fish Ciliated Epithelium Sec Simple Flat Epthelium W.M. Stratified Flat Epthelium W.M. Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs Small Intestine, C.S. Dense Bone Sec Tendon Dog Sec Loose Connective Tissue, W.M. Skeletal Muscle L.S,C.S. Cardiac Muscle Sec Spinal Cord C.S. Motor Neurous W.M Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation W.M. Lungs Sec Stomach Sec Liver Sec Lymph Node Sec Lung With Blood Vessels Injected Rat Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected Rat Sec Kidney Rat L.S. Testis Sec Ovary Cat Sec Squamous Epithelium Smear DNA RNA Pancreas Gland, Sec Frog Egg Sec Human Chromosome (Male) Human Chromosome (Female)SCOPE OF DELIVERY100x prepared slidesDurable plastic box

BRESSER Prepared Slides 25 pcs. Box
Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.All preparations are labelled in German and English language. A list with all preparations is included.This set includes:Penicillium,W.M.Rhizopus Sporongia,W.M.Chlamydomonas,W.M.Pine Leaf,C.S.Leaf of Winter Jasmine,C.S.Corn Root Tip, L.S.Vicia Faba Young Root C.S.Corn Stem C.S.Corn Stem L.S.Cucurbita Stem C.S.Cucurbita Stem L.S.Basswood Stem C.S.Basswood Stem L.S.Pollen W.M.Daphnia Sp W.M.Hydra W.M.Paramecium W.M.Rotifer W.M.Honey Bee Mouth Parts W.M.Cardiac Muscle Sec.Skeletal Muscle L.S,C.S.Dog Small Intestine C.S.Spinal Cord C.S.Motor Neurons Cell W.M.Blood Smear HumanSCOPE OF DELIVERY25x prepared slidesCase with space for 100 slides total

BRESSER Prepared Slides 50 pcs. Box
Prepared slides are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained. The prepared slides are marked with english and german descriptions. A printed list of the contents is included. Set includesPenicillum.W.M. Croton stellatopilosus Fern Leaf Sec Pine Leaf C.S. Corn Stem C.S. Corn Stem L.S. Helianthus Stem L.S. Hydrilla Stem L.S. Vicia, dicot Leaf W.M. Pollen W.M. Plasmodesma Sec Leaf of Winter Jasmine C.S. Allium Scale Epidermis W.M. Paramecium W.M. Hydra W.M. Daphnia W.M. Rotifer W.M. Culex, House Mosquito Larva Blood Smear Human Fish Scale W.M. Blood Smear Chicken Skeletal Muscle C.S. Smooth Muscle Teased Prep. Motor Neurous Cell W.M. Stomach Sec Small Intestine Sec Lymph Node C.S. Spinal Cord C.S. Ciliated Epithelium Sec Testis Sec Ant W.M. Butterfly Wing W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg W.M. Butterfly Antennular W.M. Musca Leg W.M. Mosquito Leg W.M. Spirogyra W.M. Spirogyra Conjugation W.M. Euglena W.M. Blood, Fish Smear Lichenrons Ox Sec Potato Sec Basswood Stem C.S. Letter “e Planaria C.S. Skin of Frog W.M. Honey Bee, Mouth Parts W.M. Liver Sec Dense Bone Sec Clam Gill C.S.SCOPE OF DELIVERY50x prepared slides1x plastic box

BRESSER Prepared Slides: Animals
30 prepared slides based on the theme "Animals".CONTENTParamecium W.M. Paramecium Conjugation, W.M. Paramecium in Fission, W.M. Euglena W.M. Hydra C.S. Hydra, Spermary, C.S. Hydra L.S.Hydra With Bud, W.M. Schistosoma Male, W.M. Schistosoma Female, W.M. Ascaris Egg, C.S. Schistosoma Miracidia, W.M. Schistosoma Ceraroae, W.M. Schistosoma Adults in Copula, W.M. Bladder Worm, W.M. Tapeworm, Mature Proglottid, W.M. Ascaris Female and Male, C.S. Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs, Sec. Earthworm C.S. Honey Bee Mouth Parts, W.M. Mosquite Mouth Parts, W.M. Culex Common House Mosquito, Larva, W.M. House Fly Mouth Parts, W.M. Butterfly Mouth Parts, W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. Ant W.M. Clam Gill, C.S. Frog Egg, C.S. Frog Liver, Sec. Blood, Pigeon, smearSCOPE OF DELIVERY30 prepared slidesplastic case

BRESSER Prepared Slides: Histology
This collection of specimen enables a perfect access to the microscopy. It contains 30 prepared slides based on the theme Histology.Loose Connective Tissue, W.M.Hyaline Cartilage, Sec.Elastic Cartilage, Sec.Spinal Cord, C.S.Clavicle, S.S.Dense Bone, Sec.Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation W.M.Skeletal Muscle, L.S.C.S.Tendon Rabbit, Sec.Squamous Epithelium Smear From Human MouthSimple Flat Epithelikum W.M.Stratified Flat Epithelium, Sec.Ciliated Epithelium, Sec.Human Skin Sec, Through Hair FollicleHuman Skin Sec, Through Sewat FollicleLung, Sec.Lung With Blood Vessels Lnjectde, Sec.Kidney.With Blood. Vessels Injected.Rat.SecArtery & Vein, C.S.Human Blood, Smear.Lymph Node,Sec.Thyroid GlandWall of Stomach, Sec.Small Lntesine, C.S.Liver, Sec.Cardiac Muscle SecTestis Sec.Ovary, Sec.Kidney L.SHuman chromosomeSCOPE OF DELIVERY30 prepared slidesPlastic box for 100 slides total
