BRESSER 8-Day 4CAST XL 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station with Solar-powered Sensor

With a huge 48.3 cm display, comprehensive 8-day weather forecast and eco-friendly solar-powered multi-sensor, this weather station is packed with features.

  • Solar-powered weather station with weather forecast for 8 days (via Wi-Fi)
  • Measures temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, UV level, light intensity
  • Read/share local data/forecasts; with sunburn time
  • Base station: 418 x 309 x 33 mm; 2031g / Sensor: 217 x 365 x 200 mm; 534g
  • Includes: Base station, solar-powered sensor, power adapter
  • Operation of the sensor via solar panel, if there is insufficient sunlight via 3x AA batteries (not included)
  • Internet time synchronisation
  • Atmospheric pressure display, perceived outdoor temperature
  • Supports up to 7 additional sensors (optional)
  • Weather index for dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 7003230
EAN: 4007922071992
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

Want to know what the weather will be like? With BRESSER weather stations, it's no longer a problem!

BRESSER offers a wide range of weather stations for both private and professional use. Complete packages with thermo & hygro outdoor sensors as well as rain & wind sensors can predict the weather for several days. Not only technically, but also visually, BRESSER weather stations are real eye-catchers. With the latest radio weather stations, personal weather forecasting is possible: allowing you to plan your day based on the upcoming weather.

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Entdecken Sie unsere Ratgeber!

How Temperature Measurement Helps Save Energy

Did you know? Lowering the room temperature by just 1 degree can save up to 6 percent of energy. It's worth paying close attention when heating. With the integrated thermometer in our weather stations and thermo-hygrometers, you can always keep an eye on the current room temperature – allowing you to adjust your heating habits to save energy. Has the temperature reached a level that's comfortable for you? Then the thermostat can be turned down a bit to maintain the room temperature and save money.

Practical everyday helpers: Some models also offer a high-low temperature alarm that alerts you with a sound when your individually set temperatures are reached. Our modern Smart Home weather stations take it a step further: based on the measured values, these devices can automatically regulate your heating through an app and your existing Tuya thermostats. Saving energy can be that simple!

Why Get a Weather Station for Your Home?

Storm surges, hurricane-force winds, and heat waves – climate change is becoming increasingly noticeable. Even in Germany, we are experiencing more frequent meteorological changes. And the trend is rising!

Why is it worth having a weather station at home when weather apps are available? BRESSER's product manager for consumer electronics, Dominik Becker, answers this and other interesting questions in an interview for you.

Product information "BRESSER 8-Day 4CAST XL 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station with Solar-powered Sensor"
The BRESSER 8-day 4CAST XL 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station with a solar-powered sensor features a modern design with a huge 48.3 cm (19”) wide-angle colour screen for displaying your meteorological data. Ideal for offices, schools and plant nurseries – the base station is perfect for providing an overview of the weather in large rooms. In addition to displaying the data from your outdoor sensor, the Wi-Fi weather station can also connect to the Internet to display forecast data from the ProWeatherLive platform, including an 8-day weather forecast with maximum/minimum temperatures and the chance of rain, as well as the local visibility and cloud cover.

Solar-powered weather station

The weather station comes with an eco-friendly 7-in-1 outdoor sensor that operates via solar power and measures the temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, UV level and light intensity. The sensor uses the sunlight as power-source. Simply align the large solar panel with the sun. In case the sun doesn't shine, 3 AA batteries (not included) serve as a backup. The data will then be displayed on your base station, which has a range of up to 150 metres.

Wi-Fi weather station with feature-packed base station

In addition to displaying the measurements from your outdoor sensor, the base station of the 8-day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station also has many other functions. For example, it comes with a built-in thermo/hygro sensor which measures the ambient indoor temperature, humidity and air pressure. There is also a maximum/minimum memory – perfect for monitoring your indoor climate and preventing mildew and excessively dry air. The max/min values for outdoor, temperature, rainfall and other outdoor measurements can also be viewed on the display. In addition to weather data, the large screen has plenty of space for displaying the time, date, day of the week and moon phase. The sunrise/moonrise and sunset/moonset times are also displayed at the top of the screen.

Share your weather data and connect to your smart home

The readings from the wireless solar-powered sensor can be published on the Internet with a few simple clicks so that you can access your data remotely using the ProWeatherLive weather platform (with a web browser or the app). You can also send the measurements from your weather station to a smart home system free of charge using the German-language portal AWEKAS. Simply follow the link below to configure the settings:

Solar-powered weather data: Monitor the local weather conditions with the BRESSER 8-day 4CAST XL 7-in-1 Wi-Fi weather Station with a solar-powered sensor.

  • 8-day weather forecast (today and 7 following days)
  • Extra large 48.3 cm (19”) colour display with slim bezel
  • Wide-angle display for easy reading of measurements when wall-mounted
  • Wi-Fi connection for sharing local weather data on platforms such as
    ProWeatherLive, AWEKAS, Weather Underground or WeatherCloud
  • Forecast for maximum and minimum temperature and chance of rainfall via the ProWeatherLive server
  • Local visibility and cloud cover via ProWeatherLive server
  • Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity
  • Displays precise measurement data from the 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor
    (Outdoor temperature and humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, light intensity)
  • Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index)
  • Gusts and average wind speed
  • Beaufort index (scale for measuring wind speed)
  • Sunburn time (in mins)
  • Air pressure
  • Weather data calibration
  • Weather alarm function via ProWeatherLive server
  • Maximum/minimum value memory (daily/total)
  • Backlight with automatic dimming function
  • Displays the time, date, day of the week and moon phase
  • Sun/moonrise, sun/moonset
  • 7 languages for days of the week (EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, RU)
  • Supports firmware updates
  • Supports up to 7 additional sensors (not included, see accessories)
  • Mounting options: Can be placed on tabletop with built-in stand or wall-mounted
  • Power supply: Mains plug (included), CR2032 back-up battery (not included)
  • Dimensions: 418 x 309 x 33 mm / Weight: 2031g

  • Powered via a large movable solar panel
  • When there is insufficient sunlight, operation via 3x AA batteries (not included)
  • Measures the temperature and humidity
  • Measures the wind speed, wind direction and rainfall
  • Measures the UV level and light intensity
  • Power supply: Solar panel, 3x AA back-up batteries (not included)
  • Range: up to 150 m
  • Dimensions: 217 x 365 x 200 mm / Weight: 534g

  • Base station
  • Solar-powered outdoor sensor
  • Power adapter
  • Instruction manual

Body material: Plastic
Colour: black
Features: Automatic Internet Time, Backlight, Beaufort Index, Cloudiness, Compatible with online weather platforms, High/low alarm, History data storage, Max./min. value memory, Moon phases, Probability of rain, Storm warning, Sunburn time, Sunrise and sunset, Temperature alarm, Visibility conditions, WIFI, Weather forecast, Weather index, Weekday display, multicolour display
Material: Plastic
Measurement function: Barometric pressure, Humidity (inside), Humidity (outside), Inside temperature, Light intensity, Outside temperature, Precipitation, UV level, Wind Direction, Wind speed
Typ [Batteries]: CR2032
Type of mounting: Wall bracket

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

BRESSER Precision Thermo-Hygro Sensor
This high-performance outdoor temperature and humidity sensor is the perfect extension for your BRESSER weather station. The sensor transmits measurement data over an ultra-long wireless range of to 150 metres at a frequency of 868 MHz. There are seven different wireless channels available to choose from. Thanks to the built-in display, you can also use the precision thermo-hygro sensor as a standalone solution without a weather centre. Compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7002580, 7002585, WSX1001, 7902535, 7902534, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003510, WSX5003, 7003100 FEATURES Temperature measurement function Humidity measurement function 7 available channels Built-in display, can also be used as a standalone solution without a weather centre Temperature range: -20 ~ 60℃ Wireless frequency: 868 MHz Ultra-long range of up to 150 m Battery-operated with 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Outdoor sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Soil Temperature and Moisture Meter
This additional sensor allows you to take two additional practical measurements with your BRESSER weather station. In addition to the soil temperature, the sensor can also measure the soil moisture – ideal for plant lovers and gardeners. Measurements are sent to the base station at 60 second intervals. The soil moisture meter can be positioned up to 150 metres away from the base station. There are also 7 different channels to choose from. And thanks to the weatherproof housing, the wireless sensor is able to withstand adverse weather conditions. Compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7002580, 7002585, WSX1001, 7902535, 7902534, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003510, WSX5003, 7003100 FEATURES Wireless and compact soil sensor Measures the soil humidity Measures the soil temperature Transmission interval: 60 seconds Extra-long range of up to 150 metres 7 available channels LED indicator for data transmission Weatherproof housing Battery-operated with 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Soil sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Spa and Pool thermometer
Want to cool off in your pool? This wireless and floating pool thermometer from BRESSER will tell you whether the water is at an optimal temperature. Measurements are shown on the built-in LCD display. You can also connect the pool thermometer to your BRESSER weather centre so that you can check the pool temperature from the comfort of your own home. The pool sensor is compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7002580, 7002585, WSX1001, 7902535, 7902534, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003510, WSX5003, 7003100, 7002531 FEATURES Floating pool sensor for measuring the water temperature LCD display for displaying the temperature (°C/°F) Wireless frequency: 868 MHz Wireless transmission range of up to 30 m to optional base station 7 available channels Waterproof (IPX7) Powered by 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Pool thermometer Instruction manual

BRESSER Water Detector
Whether it’s the washing machine in your basement or the dishwasher in the kitchen, old appliances are susceptible to water leaks. The BRESSER water detector triggers a 90 dB alarm tone when it detects a leak. If the sensor is connected to your BRESSER weather station, a symbol will also appear on the display of your base station, allowing you to take action before the water causes serious damage. Also a handy helper in aquaristics, where leaks occur frequently, for example when the sealing gasket on the external filter needs to be changed. The water detector is compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230 FEATURES Water sensor for detecting water leaks Loud 90 dB alarm tone Range of up to 150 m 7 available channels Wireless and compact design Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Water detector Instruction manual

€19.99* €45.00* (55.58% saved)
BRESSER Lightning Detector
The BRESSER lightning detector keeps you informed during stormy weather. It displays a light signal when it detects a lightning strike within a range of approximately 40 kilometres. To get the most out of the lightning detector, you can connect it to your BRESSER weather centre: from there, you can view the time since the last lightning strike, including the estimated distance, as well as the number of lightning strikes per hour. And to ensure that the lightning sensor is configured to your surroundings, you can choose from 3 different sensor sensitivity levels. The lightning detector is compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7003240 FEATURES Lightning sensor for measuring lightning strikes Displays a light signal when a lightning strike is detected The following data can be viewed when connected to a compatible BRESSER weather centre:Time since last lightning strike, including estimated distanceNumber of lightning strikes per hour LED indicator for data transmission Range of up to 100 metres Adjustable sensor sensitivity (high/medium/low) Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Lightning sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Thermo-Hygro Sensor 7 Channel 868 MHz
Remote sensor for measuring of temperature and humidity. Seven channels settable. With extra long radio range of 150 meters on a radio frequency of 868 MHz. Good news for Smarthome owners: The sensor can be connected to the system of the market leader Tuya. Suitable for the following BRESSER weather stations: 7902535, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003230, 7003210, 7003200, 7003220, 7003510, WSX5003, 7002531, 7002571, 7003100 Compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations, but exclusively with firmware version V1.11 or higher (download available on the product page of the BRESSER homepage): 7002580, 7002581 und 7002585/WSX1001 FEATURES Temperature measuring Humidity measuring 7 channels settable RC frequency: 868 MHz Extra long radio range of 150 meters! Suitable for smarthome systems by Tuya Powered by battery; 2x AA (LR6) (not included!) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Remote sensor

BRESSER Additional / Replacement Base Station for the 7003230 8-Day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station
The ultimate weather setup – this additional base station for your existing BRESSER 8-day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station gives you access to all your weather station on an additional extra-large 48.3 cm (19”) wide-angle colour display. The chic screen is especially useful in large rooms such as offices, restaurants and shops, and displays all your weather data: simply connect the additional base station to your 7-in-1 solar-powered outdoor sensor (not included) to view the local readings for temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level and light intensity. Well connected: Thanks to the built-in Wi-Fi function, the additional base station can retrieve the usual data from the ProWeatherLive server, giving you quick access to the comprehensive 8-day weather forecast with maximum/minimum temperatures and chance of rain, as well as information on the local visibility and cloud cover. Keep track of the time: the time, date, day of the week and moon phase are automatically synchronized via the Internet. Monitor the indoor climate The indoor climate is just as important for our wellbeing as the weather. The additional base station features a built-in sensor that keeps you informed of the ambient temperature, humidity and air pressure. There is also a maximum/minimum memory to help you monitor recent trends: with a simple button press, the base station shows you the maximum/minimum values of the past day and since the last reset. This can help you to prevent mildew and excessively dry air, as well as keep track of other key measurements. What’s more, the additional base station also shows you useful information to help you prepare for the day ahead. For example, the feels-like temperature will help you decide whether to wear a jacket. For sunny days, there is a sunburn time indicator, while the Beaufort index will show you how strong the wind is blowing. More space for your weather data – expand your BRESSER 8-day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station in another room with this additional base station. BASE STATION FEATURES 8-day weather forecast (today and 7 following days) Extra large 48.3 cm (19”) colour display with slim bezel Wide-angle display for easy reading of measurements when wall-mounted Wi-Fi connection for sharing local weather data on platforms such as ProWeatherLive, AWEKAS, Weather Underground or WeatherCloud Forecast for maximum and minimum temperature and chance of rainfall via the ProWeatherLive server Local visibility and cloud cover via ProWeatherLive server Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity Displays precise measurement data from the 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor (Outdoor temperature and humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, light intensity) Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index) Gusts and average wind speed Beaufort index (scale for measuring wind speed) Sunburn time (in mins) Air pressure Weather data calibration Weather alarm function via ProWeatherLive server Maximum/minimum value memory (daily/total) Backlight with automatic dimming function Displays the time, date, day of the week and moon phase Sun/moonrise, sun/moonset Alarm with ice/frost warning 7 languages for days of the week (EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, RU) Supports firmware updates Supports up to 7 additional sensors (not included, see accessories) Mounting options: Can be placed on tabletop with built-in stand or wall-mounted Power supply: Mains plug (included), CR2032 back-up battery (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Base station Power adapter External sensor not included! Instruction manual

€249.00* €549.00* (54.64% saved)
BRESSER 7-in-1 Outdoor Sensor for 7003210/7003220/7003230/7003510 4CAST PRO Weather Station
One moment of inattention and it’s happened: The 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor of your 4CAST PRO weather station by BRESSER didn't survive the move or the installation at its new location. A replacement is needed! However, since the base station is still working perfectly, you don’t want to buy a whole new weather station. That’s why this 7-in-1 solar wireless sensor is the spare part you’re looking for. You can install it as usual: Simply fit the wind vane and the rain gauge funnel, insert backup batteries, and—most importantly—position the solar panel according to your location. Only with the perfect spot in the sun will eco-friendly solar power flow all year round for reliable weather measurements through your solar wireless sensor. Once you’ve fixed the sensor in place and aligned it with the sun, you’re ready to connect it to the base station of your weather centre. The connection can be set up in no time: simply press the sensor/Wi-Fi button to enable synchronisation mode. Once the base station has paired with the sensor, your local measurements for the outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, UV level and light intensity will appear on the display. Clear skies or adverse weather – restore full functionality to your 4CAST PRO weather centre with this replacement solar-powered sensor. FEATURES Powered via a large movable solar panel In case of insufficient sunlight operation via 3x AA batteries (not included) Measures the temperature and humidity Measures the wind speed, wind direction and rainfall Measures the UV level and light intensity Power supply: solar panel, 3x AA batteries as back up (not included) Range: up to 150 m Dimensions: 390 x 174 x 465 mm DELIVERY CONTENT Solar-powered outdoor sensor Mounting materials Base station is not included! Instruction manual


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BRESSER Lightning Detector
The BRESSER lightning detector keeps you informed during stormy weather. It displays a light signal when it detects a lightning strike within a range of approximately 40 kilometres. To get the most out of the lightning detector, you can connect it to your BRESSER weather centre: from there, you can view the time since the last lightning strike, including the estimated distance, as well as the number of lightning strikes per hour. And to ensure that the lightning sensor is configured to your surroundings, you can choose from 3 different sensor sensitivity levels. The lightning detector is compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7003240 FEATURES Lightning sensor for measuring lightning strikes Displays a light signal when a lightning strike is detected The following data can be viewed when connected to a compatible BRESSER weather centre:Time since last lightning strike, including estimated distanceNumber of lightning strikes per hour LED indicator for data transmission Range of up to 100 metres Adjustable sensor sensitivity (high/medium/low) Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Lightning sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Precision Thermo-Hygro Sensor
This high-performance outdoor temperature and humidity sensor is the perfect extension for your BRESSER weather station. The sensor transmits measurement data over an ultra-long wireless range of to 150 metres at a frequency of 868 MHz. There are seven different wireless channels available to choose from. Thanks to the built-in display, you can also use the precision thermo-hygro sensor as a standalone solution without a weather centre. Compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7002580, 7002585, WSX1001, 7902535, 7902534, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003510, WSX5003, 7003100 FEATURES Temperature measurement function Humidity measurement function 7 available channels Built-in display, can also be used as a standalone solution without a weather centre Temperature range: -20 ~ 60℃ Wireless frequency: 868 MHz Ultra-long range of up to 150 m Battery-operated with 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Outdoor sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Soil Temperature and Moisture Meter
This additional sensor allows you to take two additional practical measurements with your BRESSER weather station. In addition to the soil temperature, the sensor can also measure the soil moisture – ideal for plant lovers and gardeners. Measurements are sent to the base station at 60 second intervals. The soil moisture meter can be positioned up to 150 metres away from the base station. There are also 7 different channels to choose from. And thanks to the weatherproof housing, the wireless sensor is able to withstand adverse weather conditions. Compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7002580, 7002585, WSX1001, 7902535, 7902534, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003510, WSX5003, 7003100 FEATURES Wireless and compact soil sensor Measures the soil humidity Measures the soil temperature Transmission interval: 60 seconds Extra-long range of up to 150 metres 7 available channels LED indicator for data transmission Weatherproof housing Battery-operated with 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Soil sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Thermo-Hygro Sensor
Living room, bathroom, kitchen, cellar – there are many rooms where it can be useful to monitor the indoor climate. If you’re in need of more temperature and humidity sensors for your home, this practical thermo-hygro sensor allows you to expand your existing BRESSER weather station for an additional measurement location. The sensor sends data to your base station over a frequency of 433 MHz at a range of up to 30 metres. What’s more, it also features a clear LCD display so that you can read the measurements directly from the device or use the sensor as a discreet standalone solution. Compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7004320, 7004310 FEATURES Measures the temperature and humidity Clear LCD display Can be used as standalone solution or as an additional sensor for select BRESSER weather stations Wireless transmission range: 30 m Dimensions: 60 x 22 x 60 mm / Weight: 39 g 2x 1.5 V AAA batteries (included) PACKAGE CONTENTS Wireless thermo-hygro sensor 2x AAA batteries (1.5 V) Instruction manual

BRESSER Additional / Replacement Base Station for the 7003230 8-Day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station
The ultimate weather setup – this additional base station for your existing BRESSER 8-day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station gives you access to all your weather station on an additional extra-large 48.3 cm (19”) wide-angle colour display. The chic screen is especially useful in large rooms such as offices, restaurants and shops, and displays all your weather data: simply connect the additional base station to your 7-in-1 solar-powered outdoor sensor (not included) to view the local readings for temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level and light intensity. Well connected: Thanks to the built-in Wi-Fi function, the additional base station can retrieve the usual data from the ProWeatherLive server, giving you quick access to the comprehensive 8-day weather forecast with maximum/minimum temperatures and chance of rain, as well as information on the local visibility and cloud cover. Keep track of the time: the time, date, day of the week and moon phase are automatically synchronized via the Internet. Monitor the indoor climate The indoor climate is just as important for our wellbeing as the weather. The additional base station features a built-in sensor that keeps you informed of the ambient temperature, humidity and air pressure. There is also a maximum/minimum memory to help you monitor recent trends: with a simple button press, the base station shows you the maximum/minimum values of the past day and since the last reset. This can help you to prevent mildew and excessively dry air, as well as keep track of other key measurements. What’s more, the additional base station also shows you useful information to help you prepare for the day ahead. For example, the feels-like temperature will help you decide whether to wear a jacket. For sunny days, there is a sunburn time indicator, while the Beaufort index will show you how strong the wind is blowing. More space for your weather data – expand your BRESSER 8-day 4CAST XL Wi-Fi Weather Station in another room with this additional base station. BASE STATION FEATURES 8-day weather forecast (today and 7 following days) Extra large 48.3 cm (19”) colour display with slim bezel Wide-angle display for easy reading of measurements when wall-mounted Wi-Fi connection for sharing local weather data on platforms such as ProWeatherLive, AWEKAS, Weather Underground or WeatherCloud Forecast for maximum and minimum temperature and chance of rainfall via the ProWeatherLive server Local visibility and cloud cover via ProWeatherLive server Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity Displays precise measurement data from the 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor (Outdoor temperature and humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, light intensity) Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index) Gusts and average wind speed Beaufort index (scale for measuring wind speed) Sunburn time (in mins) Air pressure Weather data calibration Weather alarm function via ProWeatherLive server Maximum/minimum value memory (daily/total) Backlight with automatic dimming function Displays the time, date, day of the week and moon phase Sun/moonrise, sun/moonset Alarm with ice/frost warning 7 languages for days of the week (EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, RU) Supports firmware updates Supports up to 7 additional sensors (not included, see accessories) Mounting options: Can be placed on tabletop with built-in stand or wall-mounted Power supply: Mains plug (included), CR2032 back-up battery (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Base station Power adapter External sensor not included! Instruction manual

€249.00* €549.00* (54.64% saved)
BRESSER Spa and Pool thermometer
Want to cool off in your pool? This wireless and floating pool thermometer from BRESSER will tell you whether the water is at an optimal temperature. Measurements are shown on the built-in LCD display. You can also connect the pool thermometer to your BRESSER weather centre so that you can check the pool temperature from the comfort of your own home. The pool sensor is compatible with the following BRESSER weather stations: 7003200, 7003210, 7003220, 7003230, 7002580, 7002585, WSX1001, 7902535, 7902534, 7002541, WSX3001, 7003500, 9080600, 7002586, 7006300, WSH4102, 7003600, 7003300, 7003510, WSX5003, 7003100, 7002531 FEATURES Floating pool sensor for measuring the water temperature LCD display for displaying the temperature (°C/°F) Wireless frequency: 868 MHz Wireless transmission range of up to 30 m to optional base station 7 available channels Waterproof (IPX7) Powered by 2x AA batteries (not included) DELIVERY CONTENT Pool thermometer Instruction manual


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BRESSER MeteoChamp 7-in-1 HD Wi-Fi Weather Station with Various Display Modes
What is the weather doing? The BRESSER MeteoChamp 7-in-1 HD Wi-Fi Weather Station will show you everything that you need to answer this question. The dynamic 17.8 cm (7-inch) HD TFT colour screen displays the measurements from the two included sensors in a range of different display modes. With a simple button press, you can view the weather data that you need: the home screen with the basic data and a reliable weather forecast, the detailed view with more data including maximum and minimum values and trends, or the overview screen with the temperature and air pressure. And for passionate weather enthusiasts, the Wi-Fi weather station can also display historical data. The data protocol delivers detailed measurements at intervals of 5, 10 or 30 minutes – all of which can be exported via USB for further analysis on your PC. All max/min values for the past day can also be displayed on the Wi-Fi weather station with a simple button press. You can also view a history graph to analyse the recent trends in the weather. Solar weather station with 7-in-1 sensor and thermo-hygro wireless sensor The MeteoChamp Weather Station comes with two feature-packed outdoor sensors: one 7-in-1 sensor and one wireless thermo-hygro sensor.The 7-in-1 wireless sensor reliably measures the outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, UV level and light intensity. And what’s more, this multi-sensor with a large solar panel is powered by solar power. The measuring device needs about 4 hours of direct sunlight (100,000 lux) a day. There isn’t much sun around? Simply insert 3 AA batteries as a back-up during installation and they will take care of the power supply. The thermo-hygro wireless sensor is responsible for indoors. Because the climate there influences our well-being just as much as it does outside. That's why in addition to the built-in hygro-thermo sensor inside the base station this wireless thermo-hygro sensor measures the indoor temperature and humidity in an additional room. This way you can check in a flash whether the air in the bathroom is dry enough or the temperature in the children's room is pleasant - and give mould as well as excessively dry air no chance. Perfectly networked – share measurements from your Wi-Fi weather station In the age of the Internet, we want to be able to access our local weather data remotely and share it with others. The solar weather station comes with a Wi-Fi function that allows you to do just that – on up to 3 weather platforms. The Wi-Fi weather station features native support for the popular weather services ProWeatherLive, Weather Underground and Weathercloud, which can be configured in a few simple steps. If you prefer to use another platform such as the German-language portal AWEKAS, you can also connect your weather station to your desired provider. And if you have a smart home, the Wi-Fi weather station can be connected directly to your smart home system with our partner AWEKAS. For more information, visit the following link: The weather station also has another smart feature to ensure that you have plenty of time to get ready on frosty mornings: an ice/frost alarm. This makes the built-in alarm go off 30 minutes earlier when the outdoor temperature drops below -3 °C. The solar weather station also has an individually configurable weather alarm, which notifies you when the wind speed, rainfall or other readings exceed or drop below your preset limits. Keep track of the weather with the comprehensive measurements and display options on the BRESSER MeteoChamp 7-in-1 HD Wi-Fi Weather Station. BASE STATION FEATURES Large 17.8 cm (7-inch) HD TFT colour display with various display modes Multi-channel overviews for displaying all live data from the wireless sensors Publish your weather data via Wi-Fi on up to 3 weather platforms (ProWeatherLive, Weather Underground, Weathercloud / 1 additional user-defined platform) Displays precise measurement data from the 7-in-1 outdoor sensor (Outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, UV level and light intensity) Displays precise measurement data from the thermo-hygro sensor (temperature and humidity) Measures the indoor temperature and humidity Displays the graphical weather trend (last 24 hours) Weather forecast Beaufort scale display (scale for classifying the wind speed) Air pressure Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index) Maximum/minimum value memory Trend display for all temperature and humidity measurements Historical data log, exportable to USB drive (not included) Individually configurable weather alarm for different measurements Weather data calibration Synchronization with Internet UTC time with time zone selection Displays the time, calendar, day of the week, moon phase, sunrise/moonrise, sunset/moonset times Built-in alarm with ice/frost alarm Choose between dark or light display Adjustable display brightness and contrast, day, auto dim and night modes (on/off time can be set individually) 7 selectable display languages (EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, CZE) Supports OTA firmware updates (Wi-Fi) and USB firmware updates (system) Supports up to 5 additional sensors (not included, see accessories) Mounting options: Can be placed on tabletop with built-in stand or wall-mounted Power supply: Power adapter (included), CR2032 backup battery (not included) Dimensions: 192 x 22 x 140 mm / Weight: 380 g FEATURES OF 7-IN-1 SOLAR-POWERED OUTDOOR SENSOR Measures the temperature and humidity Measures the wind speed, wind direction and rainfall Measures the UV level and light intensity Powered via a large movable solar panel In case of insufficient sunlight operation via 3x AA batteries (not included) Range: Up to 150 m Dimensions: 410 x 170 x 225 mm / Weight: 533 g THERMO-HYGRO SENSOR FEATURES Measures the temperature and humidity Range: up to 150 m Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) Dimensions: 61 x 113 x 39.5 mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x Base station 1x Solar-powered outdoor sensor 1x Wireless thermo-hygro sensor Power adapter Instruction manual

BRESSER 6-day 4CAST PRO SF 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station with Solar-powered Sensor
Stay on top of the weather with the BRESSER 6-day 4CAST PRO SF 7-in-1 Wi-Fi weather Station with a solar-powered sensor! The weather station displays a 6-day weather forecast with maximum/minimum temperature readings, and also tells you the chance of rain. It also features a 10-inch colour display, which ensures that all the weather stats are easy to read. The modern Wi-Fi weather station with a solar-powered sensor obtains the forecast data via the Internet from the ProWeatherLive platform. In addition to the weather forecast, the weather station also displays the local visibility and cloud cover. Eco-friendly weather station with solar-powered sensor, ideal for amateur meteorologists The weather station comes with a solar-powered outdoor sensor, which is powered by solar energy and measures temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level and light intensity. Simply align the large solar panel with the sun according to your location. The measuring device needs about 4 hours of direct sunlight (100,000 lux) a day. There isn’t much sun around? Simply insert 3 AA batteries (not included) as a back-up during installation, and they will take care of the power supply. All the measurements will appear on the screen of the base station, which can be located up to 150 metres away. Wi-Fi weather station with feature-packed base station The base station of the 6-day 4CAST PRO SF weather station features a stylish design and displays the data received from the solar-powered sensor. It also takes its own readings via the built-in thermo/hygro sensor, which measures the ambient indoor temperature, humidity and air pressure. Together with the maximum/minimum memory, this enables you to keep an eye on the indoor climate and effectively prevent mildew and excessively dry air. Outdoor temperature, precipitation and more – you can also view the maximum/minimum readings for the other measurements made by the solar-powered sensor. Share weather data and use it with your smart home Access the measurements from your solar-powered sensor remotely and share them with others: with a few clicks, you can send your weather station data to the ProWeatherLive platform. If you have a smart home, you can also make use of the German-language portal AWEKAS, which allows you to transfer measurement data from the solar-powered sensor to your smart home system free of charge. Simply follow the link below to set up the weather station for your smart home system: Never lose track of time In addition to its elegant, contemporary design, the 4CAST PRO SF Wi-Fi weather station allows you to keep track of the time, date, day of the week and moon phase via the large display. For people who enjoy watching the sunset or observing the moon, the weather station also displays the sunrise/moonrise and sunset/moonset times.  Solar-powered weather data: Stay informed of the weather with the BRESSER 6-day 4CAST PRO SF 7-in-1 Wi-Fi weather station with a solar-powered sensor! BASE STATION FEATURES 6-day weather forecast (today and 5 following days) Large 10” colour display with stylish design Wi-Fi connection for sharing local weather data on platforms such as ProWeatherLive, AWEKAS, Weather Underground or WeatherCloud Forecast for maximum and minimum temperature and chance of rainfall via the ProWeatherLive server Local visibility and cloud cover via ProWeatherLive server Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity Displays precise measurement data from the 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor (Outdoor temperature and humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, light intensity) Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index) Gusts and average wind speed Beaufort index (scale for measuring wind speed) Sunburn time (in mins) Air pressure Weather data calibration Weather alarm function via ProWeatherLive server Maximum/minimum value memory (daily/total) Backlight with automatic dimming function Displays the time, date, day of the week and moon phase Sun/moonrise, sun/moonset 7 languages for days of the week (EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, RU) Supports firmware updates Supports up to 7 additional sensors (not included, see accessories) Mounting options: Can be placed on tabletop with built-in stand or wall-mounted Power supply: Mains plug (included), CR2032 back-up battery (not included) Dimensions: 219 x 200 x 26 mm FEATURES OF 7-IN-1 OUTDOOR SENSOR Powered via a large movable solar panel In case of insufficient sunlight operation via 3x AA batteries (not included) Measures the temperature and humidity Measures the wind speed, wind direction and rainfall Measures the UV level and light intensity Power supply: solar panel, 3x AA batteries as back up (not included) Range: up to 150 m Dimensions: 390 x 174 x 465 mm DELIVERY CONTENT Base station Solar-powered outdoor sensor Power adapter Instruction manual

BRESSER Professional 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station with Additional Base Station, Light Intensity and UV Measurement Function
Compared with the Professional 6-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station (item no. 7002540000000), the new BRESSER Professional 7-in-1 Wi-Fi Weather Station comes with an additional base station and has a new light intensity measurement function. The 7-in-1 weather station measures a wide range of meteorological data directly in your vicinity, which can be viewed remotely via the internet. If you require additional functions, the weather station can be expanded with a range of optional sensors: EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Soil moisture and soil temperature sensor (item no. SM60020000000) EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Floating pool thermometer (item no. SP60010000000) FEATURES OF BASE STATIONS 2 Base Stations includedWi-Fi connection with internet time synchronization and support for firmware updatesAutomatic or manual time setting Publish your weather data on Wunderground or Weathercloud Indoor temperature (°C/ °F) and humidity (%) Outdoor temperature (°C/ °F) and humidity (%) Light intensity (Klux / Kfc / W/m²) Displays the current UV index, exposure level and recommended protection Displays sunburn time (mins) based on current UV level Wind direction and speed (m/s; km/h; Knoten; mph) Beaufort index (scale for measuring wind speed) Air pressure with 24-hour history (hPa/inHg/mmHg) Rainfall with history (day/week/month) Graphical weather forecast for next 12-24 hours Weather index (‘feels like’ function, dew point, heat index, wind chill factor) Trend indicator shows the weather trends for the next few minutes Visual comfort level indicator for room temperature and humidity Phases of the moon Sunrise and sunset times Alarm with snooze function (5 minutes) Weekday alarm Min/max memory (up to 24 hours) Ice/frost warning LED backlight, amber-coloured Wall bracket and table stand Supports a 7-in-1 sensor and up to 7 indoor sensors (includes 1x 7-in-1 sensor and 1x indoor sensor) Dimensions: 215 x 172 x 29 mm and weight: 639 g Power supply: Power adapter and 6x AAA batteries as backup batteries (batteries are not included) Security type: supports WPA3 encryption as of firmware 1.09 FEATURES OF 7-IN-1 OUTDOOR SENSOR Measurement of temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation quantity, UV level and light intensity Powered via a large movable solar panel In case of insufficient sunlight operation via 3x AA batteries (not included) Range: up to 150 m Dimensions: 390 x 174 x 465 mm FEATURES OF INDOOR SENSOR Measures the indoor temperature and humidity Transmission range: up to 150 m RF frequency: 868 MHz Transmission interval: 60 seconds Wall bracket and table stand Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) Dimensions: 60 x 113 x 39.5 mm and weight: 144 g SCOPE OF DELIVERY 2x base stations with stand 7-in-1 multi-sensor with mounting materials Thermometer/hygrometer Power adapter Instruction manual

BRESSER 9-in-1 MeteoChamp HD WiFi Weather Station
Perfect for passionate weather enthusiasts: The BRESSER 9-in-1 MeteoChamp HD WiFi Weather Station offers everything a hobby meteorologist's heart desires with various display modes, a sophisticated multi-sensor with 9 different sensors, and comprehensive data storage with export options. Additionally, the extensive weather forecast, the heat stress index, and the air quality data make it easy to plan your outdoor activities while keeping health in mind. And thanks to the Wi-Fi connection, you always have your own measurements on the go on your mobile device. Weather station perfectly presenting extensive measurement data How strong will the wind blow in my face shortly? With the wireless weather station, you can answer this and other meteorological questions in no time. The partially solar-powered multi-sensor measures all relevant weather parameters from temperature to air pressure with precision. Trend graphs, data log, channel overview or max/min value display – enjoy numerous possibilities to evaluate the data at a glance on the screen. A CSV export to your PC can also be done in no time. Detailed weather forecast for long-term planning Do you want to know if your weekend trip will be ruined by rain? With the MeteoChamp, you will have a comprehensive weather forecast on your screen in no time. Find out what to expect hourly for the next 24 hours or daily for the next 14 days in terms of climate. The temperature and precipitation probability forecast helps you with your planning. Carefree summer fun – with the heat stress index When the weather is nice, many head outdoors. But when the sun is too strong, we need to take care of our health during strenuous activities. This is where the heat stress index comes into play, calculated by the weather station. It is based on the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature, which considers the key heat factors in the environment. The four warning levels help you stay safe and healthy on hot days. Breathe easy – with the air quality display How clean is the air you breathe? The local AQI (Air Quality Index) shows you directly whether the air in your surroundings is clean. Also, current data on pollutant exposure from PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, O3, and CO from the internet are available at the press of a button. For data measured directly on-site, you can expand your weather station with optional air quality sensors (not included), in addition to optional thermo-hygro sensors (not included) or water detectors (not included). Keep an eye on the climate with the help of a versatile weather expert: the BRESSER 9-in-1 MeteoChamp HD WiFi Weather Station. FEATURES BASE STATION Weather station with HD display for various display modes Display of the exact measurement data from the 9-in-1 outdoor sensor (outdoor temperature, outdoor humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation amount, UV level, light intensity, WBGT, air pressure) Heat stress index based on WBGT Weather forecast (14 days / 24 hours) including temperature and precipitation probability WiFi connection for sharing and retrieving local data on platforms like ProWeatherLive (3 years membership included), WeatherUnderground, and Weathercloud Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity Display of internet data on local AQI value (Air Quality Index) and the 6 most important pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, O3, CO) Multi-channel overviews of live data from all wireless sensors Felt outdoor temperature and dew point Max/min value memory with timestamp Trend graphs over 72 hours for all sensors Data storage with export function High/low value alarm for various measurements Weather data calibration Alarm clock with frost warning Time and date (internet time synchronisation) Moon phase, sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset Expandable with the following optional sensors: Up to 7x thermo-hygro, ground, and/or pool sensors (not included) Up to 7x water detectors (not included) 1x PM2.5/10 sensor (not included) 1x CO2 sensor (not included) 1x CO sensor (not included) 1x HCHO and VOC sensor (not included) 1x lightning sensor (not included) Various backgrounds adjustable Power supply: Power plug (included), CR2032 back-up battery (not included) FEATURES MULTISENSOR Measures temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation amount, UV level, light intensity, air pressure, WBGT Operates via a large movable solar panel If there is insufficient sunlight, operates on 3x AA batteries (not included) Waterproof housing High range up to 150 m SCOPE OF DELIVERY Base station including power plug 9-in-1 outdoor sensor Manual

BRESSER 11-Day 4Cast CV Wi-Fi Weather Station 7-in-1
With the BRESSER 11-Day 4Cast CV WiFi Weather Station 7-in-1 you’ll never find yourself left out in the cold by the weather again. The weather station, with 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor, supplements the on-site data with plenty of practical information from the ProWeatherLive platform. A special highlight: the extensive weather forecast, with the outlook for the next 11 days and a detailed overview of the next 24 hours. Information on local visibility and cloud cover also helps passionate amateur meteorologists to keep a close eye on the weather. You’ll always be up to date, whenever and wherever you are – choose to view your data, incl. max./min. values, conveniently on the clear display of the weather station, in the ProWeatherLive app or in a web browser. Environmentally-friendly and user-friendly – weather station with solar sensor Quick to install and connect to the base station, the 7-in-1 wireless sensor reliably supplies data measured directly on site, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation amount, UV level and light intensity. Meanwhile, the power of the sun ensures smooth operation via the large solar panel. The measuring device needs about 4 hours of direct sunlight (100,000 lux) a day. There isn’t much sun around? Simply insert 3 AA batteries as a back-up during installation and they will take care of the power supply. A comfortable indoor climate with the WiFi weather station Outdoors, the weather station puts in a great performance with anemometer and rain gauge as well as thermometer and hygrometer, UV and light sensors. What about the climate indoors? A thermo-hygro sensor has been integrated into the base station so that you can always keep an eye on the indoor temperature and humidity. The trend display, which can be called up directly on the display, is perfect for preventing excessively dry air or mould. Trends you will be able to see include development of the room climate, so that you can respond by introducing fresh air or by humidifying if you need to. In addition, with ProWeatherLife, you can receive notifications when the indoor temperature and humidity change, as well as important weather parameters. Optional extensions for your WiFi weather station Want to adapt your weather station to your needs? No problem! It comes with a range of optional extensions through the following additional sensors (not included): Optional thermo-hygro sensors for indoor climate Optional soil and pool sensors for the garden Optional water detector and lightning sensors Optional PM2.5/10, CO2 and HCHO+VOC sensors for air quality For the perfect extensions, browse our BRESSER accessories to see which additional sensors are compatible (not included). Stay up to date on your local weather and indoor climate easily, whenever and wherever, with the BRESSER 11-Day 4Cast CV WiFi Weather Station 7-in-1. BASE STATION FEATURES Graphic weather forecast for the next 11 days (today and next 10 days)/for 24 hours (now and next 23 hours) from the ProWeatherLife server 11-day forecast for maximum and minimum temperature, as well as average temperature and chance of precipitation from the ProWeatherLife server Local visibility and cloud cover via the ProWeatherLive server WiFi connection for publishing local weather data on ProWeatherLive and up to 2 other weather platforms (e.g. AWEKAS) Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity with trend Displays precise measurement data from the 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor (Outdoor temperature and humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, light intensity) Trend graph for air pressure, precipitation, temperature (indoor/outdoor) or humidity (indoor/outdoor) on the display Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index) Wind gusts and average wind speed, Beaufort scale (wind speed scale) Sunburn time display Air pressure Set weather notifications via the ProWeatherLive server Maximum/minimum value memory Displays the time, date, day of the week and moon phase Sun/moonrise, sun/moonset Alarm clock with frost alarm WSLink app for easy connection to WiFi and weather platform, weather data calibration and for firmware updates 7 languages for day of the week (EN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, RU) Supports additional optional sensors Power supply: Mains plug (included), CR2032 back-up battery (not included) FEATURES OF 7-IN-1 OUTDOOR SENSOR Measurement of temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation quantity, UV level and light intensity Powered via a large movable solar panel In case of insufficient sunlight operation via 3x AA batteries (not included)Range: 150 mSize: 390 x 174 x 465 mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Base station Solar-powered outdoor sensor Power adapter Instruction manual

BRESSER Wi-Fi HD TFT Professional Weather Station with 7-in-1 Sensor
Stay on top of the weather! The BRESSER Wi-Fi HD TFT 7-in-1 Professional Weather Station displays the temperature, humidity, wind speed and more. The HD TFT screen shows the comprehensive data from the 7-in-1 external sensor and up to 7 additional sensors (not included) in a wide variety of display modes. Easily switch between the start screen, detailed display, data log and more at the touch of a button! Thanks to the intuitive step-by-step interface, you can choose which measurements you want to view and how long you need them, either in a light or dark display design. Wi-Fi weather station: no more getting caught in the rain! No one likes to arrive at an important meeting soaking wet or get sunburned while working in the garden. With this weather station, you can do a quick weather check before leaving the house. The start screen shows you all up-to-date weather data, including a reliable graphic weather trend forecast, the UV level and the light intensity. It also displays the 'Feels-like' temperature, which is particularly practical for people who are sensitive to the weather. This function shows you how warm or cold it feels outside, based on your local measured values for wind, temperature and humidity. Other standard weather readings such as precipitation amount and rate, air pressure, wind speed and wind direction can also be found on the intuitive display. The Wi-Fi weather station for more than just the here and now The weather station shows a wide range of readings, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, UV level and light intensity. But what about weather trends? After all, you can only decide whether the garden hose needs to be rolled out again if you know the amount of rain that has fallen in the past few hours. The detailed display adds a wealth of measurements to the start screen, such as the amount of rain during the last hour, 24 hours and the last month.However, when it comes to your local weather history, the weather station can do much more: You can also check the daily max. and min. values on the display, either in a table or a graph. If this isn't detailed enough, you can use the data log function, which records measurements at intervals of 5, 10 or 30 minutes. Perfect for hobby meteorologists who want to immerse themselves in data on the display or on their own computer! View your weather data in more rooms with additional sensors The weather station comes with a 7-in-1 sensor and a thermo/hygro outdoor sensor. However, sometimes two wireless sensors are just not enough. Do you ever struggle with mildew in your kitchen or bathroom? Have you ever turned up the heating in winter, only to discover that the air literally dries out? Regardless of the answer, it's always worth keeping an eye on the indoor climate in different rooms. If you have an outdoor pool, you can use a pool thermometer (not included) to check that the water is at an optimal temperature. For all this and more, you can connect up to 6 optional additional sensors to the base station of the Wi-Fi weather station. Just look in the Accessories tab to view a list of compatible devices. Once you've connected all the wireless sensors, the measurements are shown side by side on an intuitive start screen, which allows you to read and compare the temperature and humidity readings and trends for your kitchen, bedroom, or other rooms. You can also check the soil moisture and temperature with an optional soil sensor (not included). In addition, you can give each sensor a name to ensure that you keep track of the different locations. Smart technology In today's world, everything is networked. The weather station also has a number of connectivity functions to allow you to stay on top of the weather. You can register your new weather station with our partner, the German weather platform AWEKAS, free of charge. The weather station also supports the popular international platforms ProWeatherLive, Weather Underground and Weathercloud. You can also connect your weather station to your other favourite sites. This allows you to access the local measurement data from your Wi-Fi weather station from anywhere in the world. If you worry about your garden when you go on holiday, you can go online to check the weather conditions back home, and then ask your neighbours or friends to water the plants. If you have a smart home, you can also water your plants automatically. Simply use AWEKAS to transfer your measurement data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and amount of precipitation directly to your smart home control unit. For example, you can set up your lawn sprinkler to be activated automatically when the lawn is dry, or configure your house to maintain an optimal indoor climate. Simply go to the following link and connect your weather station to AWEKAS: Built-in clock and alarm In addition to the local weather, the HD TFT display also shows you the time, day of the week, date and moon phase. Too early, or time to get up? Just take a look at the bottom of the screen! The weather station also helps you to decide what to wear for the day ahead: wake up to the built-in alarm and use the weather trend forecast to choose the right outfit. There is also a special feature for icy weather: if you activate the frost alarm, the alarm clock will ring 30 minutes earlier on icy days. In addition, the Wi-Fi weather station calculates and displays the local times for sunrise and sunset, as well as for moonrise and moonset. Keep on top of the weather with the Wi-Fi HD TFT 7-in-1 professional weather station! BASE STATION FEATURES 7-inch HD TFT display with various display modes Multi-channel overviews for displaying all live data from the wireless sensors Transmits data to the German weather platform AWEKAS via Wi-Fi Publish weather data via Wi-Fi on up to 3 weather platforms (ProWeatherLive, Weather Underground, Weathercloud and 1 additional user-defined platform) Displays the weather trend as a graphic (24 hours / 30 days) Historical data log, exportable to USB drive (not included) Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity with trend Displays the outdoor temperature (°C/ °F) and humidity with trend Displays the amount of precipitation (current, last hour, last 24 hours, last month) Gusts and average wind speed Colour indicator for the wind speed level Displays the Beaufort scale (scale for classifying the wind speed) Displays the wind direction (current and predominant, 16 directions) Displays UV level Displays light intensity Weather forecast Air pressure Weather index (perceived outdoor temperature, dewpoint, windchill factor and heat index) Maximum/minimum value memory (daily/total) Weather data calibration High/low alarm function Individual naming of the additional sensors Synchronization with Internet UTC time with time zone selection Alarm clock with volume control and ice/frost warning Time, calendar, day of the week and moon phase display Sun-/moonrise, sun-/moonset Choose between dark or light display Display brightness and contrast can be customized, day and night mode 6 selectable display languages (EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, NL) Supports OTA firmware updates (Wi-Fi) and USB firmware updates (system) Supports up to 7 additional sensors (not included, see accessories) Mounting options: Can be placed on tabletop with built-in stand or wall-mounted Power supply: power adapter, 1x CR2032 back-up battery (included) Dimensions: 190 x 140 x 19.5 mm / Weight: 325 g FEATURES OF 7-IN-1 OUTDOOR SENSOR Measures the outdoor temperature and outdoor humidity Measures the wind speed, wind direction and rainfall Measures the UV level and light intensity Transmission range of up to 150 metres Place in an unobstructed location in order to obtain accurate sunlight and rain data Can be mounted on a wall or post with the supplied adapter Power supply: 3x AA batteries (not included), additional solar panel to extend the battery life Dimensions: 225 x 170 x 410 mm / Weight: 533 g THERMO-HYGRO SENSOR FEATURES Measures the temperature and humidity Transmission range of up to 150 metres Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) Dimensions: 60 x 113 x 39.5 mm / Weight: 126 g DELIVERY CONTENT Base station with power adapter 1x wireless 7-in-1 professional weather sensor 1x Thermo/hygro sensor 1x CR2032 back-up battery Manual

BRESSER Wi-Fi 4CAST MD Wireless Weather Station
The BRESSER WLAN 4CAST MD Wireless Weather Station never leaves you out in the rain. To achieve this, the device enhances your locally measured data with the 7-in-1 Solar Outdoor Sensor through practical weather forecasts from the internet: Whether it's the comprehensive 7-day weather forecast or the shorter-term look at the next 24 hours - with the clear diagrams for temperature and precipitation probability, you always know when to take an umbrella or plan a picnic outdoors. And weather enthusiasts who like to take an analytical look back can call up the graphs for development of air pressure, temperature, humidity, and precipitation. Harnessing the power of the sun - the eco-friendly Solar Outdoor Sensor Choose environmental consciousness when it comes to weather: The large, movable solar panel reliably powers the outdoor sensor of the weather station with sufficient sunlight. And when the sun isn't shining? Then 3 AA batteries step in as a backup. With a range of up to 150 meters, the sensor gives you plenty of space to find the perfect spot for it. And the data measured there on outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, and light intensity appear on the base station's screen in no time. App or web browser - always up-to-date with the WLAN weather station Thanks to the WLAN connection, you quickly become part of a global weather community. Through it, you publish your own measurements on platforms like ProWeatherLive, WeatherUnderground, and Weathercloud. Handy: This way, your weather station via app or web browser is always where you are. 2 locations, one glance - dual room climate control Keep an eye on the room climate in 2 rooms at once: Thanks to the integrated sensor in the base and the included Thermo-Hygro wireless sensor, you quickly check the indoor temperature and humidity in different places. And when the smiley-form comfort indicator smiles at you, everything is in the green zone in terms of room climate. Customized weather station with optional sensors Want to fully exploit the potential of the weather station or optimally adapt the measuring device to your needs? Then get the matching additional sensors (not included): Optional Thermo-Hygro sensors for room climate Optional soil and pool sensors for the garden Optional water detectors Optional PM2.5/10, CO2, and HCHO+VOC sensors for air quality Take a look at our BRESSER accessories for an overview of the compatible additional sensors (not included). Discover with the BRESSER WLAN 4CAST MD Wireless Weather Station how exciting the climate right outside your door can be! BASE STATION FEATURES Weather station with 7-in-1 outdoor sensor and 1x Thermo-Hygro wireless sensor 7-day weather forecast with diagrams for temperature (high, low, daily average) and precipitation probability 24-hour weather forecast with diagrams for hourly temperature and precipitation probability WLAN connection for retrieving and sharing local data on ProWeatherLive, WeatherUnderground, Weathercloud, and an additional platform Display of exact measurements from the 7-in-1 outdoor sensor (Outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, light intensity) Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity Air pressure Apparent temperature and dew point Graph for air pressure, temperature, humidity, and precipitation trends Max/Min value memory (max./min.) Time and date (Internet time synchronization) Moon phase, sunrise, and sunset Integrated alarm clock Expandable with the following optional sensors for immediate on-site measurement: Up to 3x Thermo-Hygro, soil, and/or pool sensors (not included) Up to 3x water detectors (not included) 1x PM2.5/10 sensor (not included) 1x CO2 sensor (not included) 1x CO sensor (not included) 1x HCHO and VOC sensor (not included) Weather and air quality warning function (only with corresponding optional sensors) Suitable for tabletop or wall mounting Power supply: Mains adapter (included), CR2032 backup battery (not included) FEATURES OF THE 7-IN-1 OUTDOOR SENSOR Measurement of temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, UV level, and light intensity Powered by a large movable solar panel Operation with 3x AA batteries (not included) in case of insufficient sunlight Range: up to 150 m FEATURES OF THE THERMO-HYGRO SENSORMeasurement of temperature and humidity With display for direct reading of the measurements Range up to 150 m Power supply: 2x AA batteries (not included) SCOPE OF DELIVERYBase station 7-in-1 solar outdoor sensor 1x Thermo-Hygro sensor Power adapter User manual
