BRESSER BR-5138 Background Cloth 3x6m RED-BLACK HIGHLIGHT

Black-red patterned cotton background cloth

  • Handpainted background cloth made of cotton
  • Individual pattern and coloring
  • Seam lug for the bar of a background support
  • Dimensions: 3x6 m / Weight: ca. 2-3 kg
  • Scope of delivery: background cloth; bag

Currently not available

Product number: F001822
EAN: 4007922029221
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861
Product information "BRESSER BR-5138 Background Cloth 3x6m RED-BLACK HIGHLIGHT"
background cotton cloth with a size of 3 x 6 m, recommended for the studio and portrait photography. It's suitable for rail systems and background supports. On the one side, there is a seam lug in which the supporting rod of a background support can be pushed. The whole thing can be easily placed behind the object. We also deliver complete background supports.

These cloths are hand-painted, so each sheet is unique. The supplied cloth may therefore differ slightly in color and pattern from the picture on our website. 

With the optionally available BRESSER BR-65 cloth tensioners (manufacturer number F003249) you get the background cloth effortlessly tight and wrinkle-free .

  • cotton background cloth
  • lug for use with background supports
  • hard-wearing
  • non-reflective
  • hand painted

  • Background cloth 
  • Bag
Colour: black
Field of application [Photography]: Portraiture, Product Photography
Material: 100% cotton

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



BRESSER Background Clamp
A handy and universal metal clamp to attach background paper, background cloth or collapsible reflectors to a rod or pipe. With this clamp you can for instance prevent a background roll from unrolling.  NOTE!These clamps are attached to the side of the background roll, the core of the roll and the crossbar of the background system (NOT onto the background roll itself)FEATURESsolid metal background clamplength: ca. 15 cmopening: ca. 5,5 cmweight: 70 gSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x background clamp

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BRESSER MB-1 Backdrop System for 3 backgrounds for wall or ceiling mounting
With the practical BRESSER MB-1 backdrop system for fixed wall or ceiling mounting in a set including bracket and Expan system, paper backdrops and vinyl backdrops can be attached in a space-saving way in the photo or film studio.The chains make it easy to unroll and roll up the backdrops. For heavy backgrounds, we recommend using the optionally available metal chain (F001578). As the system is not self-braking, it is advisable to use clamps for additional fixation.NOTE: The colours of the chains may vary and cannot be influenced when orderingFEATURESEasy rolling and unrolling of photo backgroundsWall and ceiling mounting possibleChain length: approx. 3,30 mSuitable for rolls with an inner diameter of 4.5 cm to 7.5 cmWall hook: W: 5 cm/ H: 33 cm/ D: 20.5 cmSCOPE OF DELIVERY2x Wall brackets3x Pairs of rollholders3x Chains3x Weights8x Screws1x Manual

BRESSER BR-56 Background Clamp Deluxe
A practical, universal plastic clamp with a very strong spring to clamp background paper, background cloth or collapsible reflectors to a bar or a tube. With this clamp you can for instance prevent a background roll from unrolling. The clamps are provided with a movable top. This provides a stable fixation and uniform pressure on the object to be fastened.NOTE!These clamps are attached to the side of the background roll, the core of the roll and the crossbar of the background system (NOT onto the background roll itself)FEATURESplastic background clampmovable toplength: +/- 16.5 cmopening: +/- 6.5 cm weight: 100 gSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x background clamp

BRESSER BR-D36 Backgroundsystem 300 x 300 cm
The BRESSER D-36 background system offers various possibilities of use, whether in the studio or easy and compactly stowed away for use on location.In the twinkling of an eye, the telescopic crossbar can be adjusted from 115 - 300 cm to the corresponding width of the desired background. The sturdy aluminium lamp stands allow use of various photo backgrounds such as background fabric, paper and also vinyl rolls.The BRESSER BR-D 36 background system can be stowed away quickly and space-saving with the transport bag included in the scope of delivery and still impresses with its stable design and easy handling.PROPERTIESVersatile background systemAir-cushioned, powder-coated lamp tripodsTelescopic crossbar with swivel lockVaraible width: 115 - 300 cmTripod height: 110- 300 cm1/4" and 3/8" spigot adapterSCOPE OF DELIVERY2 x Tripod1 x Telescopic crossbar1 x Bag
