BRESSER BR-TR1 5in1 Collapsible Reflector round 107cm

round diffuser with 4 interchangeable reflection foils

  • 5-in-1 round collabsible reflector
  • Diffuser, black, white, gold, silver
  • Folds to 1/3 Size for Storage
  • Diameter opened: ca. 107 cm, Weight: 720 g
  • Scope of delivery: collapsible reflector, 4 foils


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More is already on the way. Expected delivery 6 Feb 2025.

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Bresser Photo Studio Equipment

With Bresser's photo studio equipment, you can create your own studio and bring your creative ideas to life. The range offers everything you need for a professional studio setup: a selection of backgrounds for various uses, studio flashes and continuous lights for optimal lighting, as well as tripods and versatile camera accessories. Whether you're planning product photos, portraits, or artistic shots, the combination of well-thought-out accessories and light control gives you flexibility and control over your image composition – ideal for both beginners and professionals alike.

Product information "BRESSER BR-TR1 5in1 Collapsible Reflector round 107cm "
The TR-1 5 in 1 collapsible reflector consists of a flexible frame covered with a white diffuse cloth. The diffuser can be transformed into a versatile reflector by means of a removable and reversible slipcover with different reflective foils (black, gold, silver and white) on its four sides. It will allow you to create beautiful and creative effects on your pictures.

The collapsible reflector can be folded to compact dimensions, so you can easily take it with you. 

  • collapsible reflector
  • diffuser and 4 reflective foils (black, gold, silver and white)
  • versatile
  • also ideal for on location
  • collapsible reflector/diffuser
  • reversible zippered slipcover with 4 reflective foils
  • transport cover
Colour: black
Field of application [Photography]: Portraiture, Product Photography
Form: round
Material: Reflective film

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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BRESSER JM-65 Reflector Holder 80-180cm
The extensible reflector holder can hold collapsible reflectors with a diameter/ length from 80 cm up to 180 cm. Due to the 1/4" spigot adapter at the top it is specially versatile and the holder can also be used for studio flashes as well as LED or halogen lamps. On the lower end there is a handle for a comfortable and safe grip. FEATURESversatile reflector holdersuitable for reflectors of 80-180 cm1/4" spigot adapterpadded hand gripSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x reflector holder

€24.37* €49.95* (51.21% saved)

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