BRESSER JUNIOR Biolux CA 40x-1024x Microscope incl. Smartphone Holder

Extensive microscope set in robust metal housing with comprehensive accessories package

  • Microscope for beginners and advanced users
  • Magnification: 40x-1024x
  • Incident and transmitted illumination
  • Lot of accessories
  • Included: Microscope, hard case, accessories
  • Incl. Smartphone Holder
  • With experiment kit for breeding brine shrimp (Artemia)


Available, delivery time: 2-5 days

Product number: 8855002
EAN: 4007922201627
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861


Lukas and Tom

Lukas wants to know everything in great detail. He is particularly interested in scientific discoveries. Together with his ant Tom, he explores the microcosm.

Dive into the world of Microbiology


Luna loves the night sky. Whenever the weather allows, she sets up her telescope and looks for planets, star clusters, galaxies, and much more. Her name means “Moon” in English.

Reach for the Stars


Outdoor / Adventure
Flora loves to explore nature. Her constant companion is her binoculars, through which she can carefully observe everything that moves in the forest and meadows.

Embark on an Adventure

Product information "BRESSER JUNIOR Biolux CA 40x-1024x Microscope incl. Smartphone Holder"
BRESSER JUNIOR - discover the world through play! More than just a classical microscope. This BRESSER microscope set is robust and versatile. Don't give children a simple toy as a present that soon will lie in a corner. With this microscope set with its extensive range of accessories which allows for an immediate entry into the world of the microcosm, children get so much more than just a simple toy. Promote scientific thinking and stimulate the thirst of knowledge of children. With this microscope children can explore themselves the world of the microcosm and what things are made up of.

Make pictures through the microscope with your own smartphone
With the included smartphone adapter this is going to be child's play! Attach your smarphone onto the littele suction cups of the adapter and place the camera lens in front of the eyepiece. Making pictures of Damit fotografieren Sie kinderleicht das Objekt unter Ihrem Mikroskop.

  • solid metal housing
  • very versatile thanks to combinated incident and transmitted light
  • incident light for observation of non-transparent objects
  • transmitted light for observation of transparent objects
  • universal bracket enables taking pictures with your own smartphone
  • battery power supply and transport case make it very mobile
  • includes experiment kit for breeding brine shrimp (Artemia)
  • extensive range of accessories for a quick start
  • Microscope
  • transport case
  • smartphone adapter
  • 2 eyepieces (WF10x, WF16x)
  • 3 obective lenses (4x, 10x, 40x)
  • Barlow lens
  • 5 blank slides
  • 5 cover plates
  • Pipette
  • Mountant
  • Microtome
  • Experiment kit (magnifier box, brine shrimp eggs, yeast)
  • Salt
  • 3x AA batteries
  • Manual
Age recommendation from: 8
Body material: Metal/plastic
Colour: silver
Focus Group [Microscopes]: Beginners
Material: Metal, Plastic
Object stage features: 2 fixing brackets, cross-table preparation
Optical design: Biological
Product series: Biolux
Typ [Batteries]: AA
View: Monocular
XY cross stage: optional, available as accessory


BRESSER Prepared Slides 100 pcs. Box
Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.The prepared slides are marked with english and german descriptions. Includes:Three Types of Bacteria Penicillium,W.M. Aspergillus,W.M. Rhizopus,W.M. Actinomyces,W.M. Chlamydomonas,W.M. Diatoms,W.M. Stellato-Pilosus W.M. Spirogyra,W.M. Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M. Lichenrons Ox, Sec Fern Leaf, Sec Fern Prothallium,W.M. Leaf of Winther Jasmine,C.S. Elodes Stem, C.S. Elodes Leaf,C.S. Pine Leaf, C.S. Pinus Male Strobile,L.S. Pinus Female Strobile L.S. Rubber Tree Leaf,C.S. Corn Root Tip,L.S. Vicia Faba Young Root C.S. Corn Stem, C.S. Corn Stem, L.S. Cucurbita Stem, C.S. Cucurbita Stem, L.S. Helianthus Stem,C.S. Moss Antheridia L.S. Moss Archegonia,L.S. Moss Protonemata W.M. Basswood Stem C.S. Basswood Stem L.S. Pelargonium Stem C.S. Vicia Dicot Leaf W.M. Pollen Germination W.M. Pollen W.M. Tomato Fruit Sec Cymbidium Aerial Root C.S. Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells Corn Seed With Endosperm L.S. Plasmodesma Sec Lily Ovary C.S. Lily Anther C.S. Lily Leaf C.S. Capsella Old Embryo Sec Capsella Young Embryo Sec Allium Scale Epidermis,W.M. Euglena W.M. Paramecium W.M. Hydra W.M. Hydra L.S. Planaria, C.S. Schistosoma Male W.M. Schistosoma Female, W.M. Ascaris Egg W.M. Earthworm W.M. Snake Skin, W.M. Daphnia Sp W.M. Rotifer W.M. Mosquito Female Mouth Parts W.M. Honey Bee Mouth parts, W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. Butterfly Mouth Parts W.M. Musca Mouth Parts, W.M. Grasshopper Mouth Parts W.M. Ant W.M. Fish Scale W.M. Planaria C.S. Trachea Clam Gill C.S. Blood Smear Human Blood Smear Fish Ciliated Epithelium Sec Simple Flat Epthelium W.M. Stratified Flat Epthelium W.M. Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs Small Intestine, C.S. Dense Bone Sec Tendon Dog Sec Loose Connective Tissue, W.M. Skeletal Muscle L.S,C.S. Cardiac Muscle Sec Spinal Cord C.S. Motor Neurous W.M Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation W.M. Lungs Sec Stomach Sec Liver Sec Lymph Node Sec Lung With Blood Vessels Injected Rat Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected Rat Sec Kidney Rat L.S. Testis Sec Ovary Cat Sec Squamous Epithelium Smear DNA RNA Pancreas Gland, Sec Frog Egg Sec Human Chromosome (Male) Human Chromosome (Female)SCOPE OF DELIVERY100x prepared slidesDurable plastic box

Geschenkgutschein über 50€
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

BRESSER Prepared Slides 25 pcs. Box
Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained.All preparations are labelled in German and English language. A list with all preparations is included.This set includes:Penicillium,W.M.Rhizopus Sporongia,W.M.Chlamydomonas,W.M.Pine Leaf,C.S.Leaf of Winter Jasmine,C.S.Corn Root Tip, L.S.Vicia Faba Young Root C.S.Corn Stem C.S.Corn Stem L.S.Cucurbita Stem C.S.Cucurbita Stem L.S.Basswood Stem C.S.Basswood Stem L.S.Pollen W.M.Daphnia Sp W.M.Hydra W.M.Paramecium W.M.Rotifer W.M.Honey Bee Mouth Parts W.M.Cardiac Muscle Sec.Skeletal Muscle L.S,C.S.Dog Small Intestine C.S.Spinal Cord C.S.Motor Neurons Cell W.M.Blood Smear HumanSCOPE OF DELIVERY25x prepared slidesCase with space for 100 slides total

BRESSER Prepared Slides 50 pcs. Box
Prepared slides are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are stained. The prepared slides are marked with english and german descriptions. A printed list of the contents is included. Set includesPenicillum.W.M. Croton stellatopilosus Fern Leaf Sec Pine Leaf C.S. Corn Stem C.S. Corn Stem L.S. Helianthus Stem L.S. Hydrilla Stem L.S. Vicia, dicot Leaf W.M. Pollen W.M. Plasmodesma Sec Leaf of Winter Jasmine C.S. Allium Scale Epidermis W.M. Paramecium W.M. Hydra W.M. Daphnia W.M. Rotifer W.M. Culex, House Mosquito Larva Blood Smear Human Fish Scale W.M. Blood Smear Chicken Skeletal Muscle C.S. Smooth Muscle Teased Prep. Motor Neurous Cell W.M. Stomach Sec Small Intestine Sec Lymph Node C.S. Spinal Cord C.S. Ciliated Epithelium Sec Testis Sec Ant W.M. Butterfly Wing W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg W.M. Butterfly Antennular W.M. Musca Leg W.M. Mosquito Leg W.M. Spirogyra W.M. Spirogyra Conjugation W.M. Euglena W.M. Blood, Fish Smear Lichenrons Ox Sec Potato Sec Basswood Stem C.S. Letter “e Planaria C.S. Skin of Frog W.M. Honey Bee, Mouth Parts W.M. Liver Sec Dense Bone Sec Clam Gill C.S.SCOPE OF DELIVERY50x prepared slides1x plastic box

BRESSER Prepared Slides: Animals
30 prepared slides based on the theme "Animals".CONTENTParamecium W.M. Paramecium Conjugation, W.M. Paramecium in Fission, W.M. Euglena W.M. Hydra C.S. Hydra, Spermary, C.S. Hydra L.S.Hydra With Bud, W.M. Schistosoma Male, W.M. Schistosoma Female, W.M. Ascaris Egg, C.S. Schistosoma Miracidia, W.M. Schistosoma Ceraroae, W.M. Schistosoma Adults in Copula, W.M. Bladder Worm, W.M. Tapeworm, Mature Proglottid, W.M. Ascaris Female and Male, C.S. Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs, Sec. Earthworm C.S. Honey Bee Mouth Parts, W.M. Mosquite Mouth Parts, W.M. Culex Common House Mosquito, Larva, W.M. House Fly Mouth Parts, W.M. Butterfly Mouth Parts, W.M. Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. Ant W.M. Clam Gill, C.S. Frog Egg, C.S. Frog Liver, Sec. Blood, Pigeon, smearSCOPE OF DELIVERY30 prepared slidesplastic case

BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD eyepiece camera
Save pictures and videos from your microscope or telescope directly in Full HD resolution on your PC. The BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD is an eyepiece camera that can be used directly instead of the eyepiece of your telescope or microscope. Adapters for various devices (all common eyepiece dimensions from different manufacturers) and multilingual recording software for Windows are already included in the scope of delivery. With this camera you can document your microscope or telescope observation or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school, study and work. The camera can take pictures of the moon and the bright planets on the telescope. In microscopy, the camera is mainly used for shooting in brightfield and incident light. FEATURESmetal housing, mini USB socketresolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel, Full HDPixel size: 3x3 µm, sensor size: 5.86 x 3.28 mm23,2mm barrel, integrated UV/IR blocking filter30mm; 30,5mm adapter for various microscopes and telescopes included31,7mm (1,25") adapter for telescopes includes with thread for 1,25" filtersmultilingual recording software for Windowsimage format jpg, bmp, tif, pngvideo format avi SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10 or 11Intel i3, i5, i7 or i9 CPU from the 2nd generation orAMD FX or Ryzen CPUinternet connection for software downloadUSB 2.0 SCOPE OF DELIVERYcamera module incl. dust capUSB-cableCamLabLite-Software as a download link, language versions German, English, French, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Indonesian, ChineseUsers Guide included in the software (German, English)Adapters 30mm, 30,5mm, 31,7mm (1,25”)

BRESSER BR-LP15 Cleaning kit - 3 parts
With the 3-piece lens cleaning set you not only clean camera or binocular lenses, but also spectacles glasses and displays and screens of smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. thoroughly and safely. When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. Just blow away fluff with the bellows. FEATURES complete set for safe cleaning of camera lenses bellows for removing coarse dirt particles and fluff without scratching the lens lint-free microfibre cloth approx. 14,5x14,5cm lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x bellows 1x lens cleaning pen 1x microfiber cloth

BRESSER BR-LP10 Lens Cleaning Pencil
When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the BRESSER BR-LP10 lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. FEATURES lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass brush to remove dust on one sidepolishing pad on the other side SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x lens cleaning pencil


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OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.

ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed 60/700 AZ Refracting Telescope
From the moon to Mars and beyond – NASA is reaching ever farther into space with its missions and space telescopes. Perhaps you’re interested in looking beyond our terrestrial horizons too? If so, you can take your first steps in the footsteps of famous astronauts and space explorers with this ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed 60/700 AZ Refracting Telescope. The complete astro kit comes with everything you need for your very own exploration of the night sky – a refracting telescope, an altazimuth mount, a height-adjustable tripod and plenty of astronomy accessories. The perfect way to get started: this astronomical telescope is extremely easy to use. Just open up the case, set your telescope up and start observing the stars! Explore the moon, planets and space yourself Start your journey to the stars in our own solar system. Our very own natural satellite – the moon – is always worth exploring through the 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length. The large aperture ratio of approx. 1 to 11.7 (F/11.7) guarantees high-contrast images. The two main bands of cloud of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn will also be clearly visible through the state-of-the-art, carefully coated lens, which has outstanding imaging properties. If you’re eager to explore even deeper into the unknown, your refractor telescope will give you a glimpse of globular clusters and open star clusters, such as the famous Pleiades. An entry-level telescope to help you get started If you’re keen to start your discovery, you have no time to lose! With this refracting telescope, you’ll be up and running in no time at all, even if you’re just a beginner. The user-friendly altazimuth mount on the stable tripod allows you to move quickly from one celestial object to the next with your telescope. As with a standard camera tripod, you simply pivot the telescope up and down, left and right with your hand. Use the 5x24 finder scope, mounted parallel to the tube, to quickly align the lens and seek out astronomical highlights for your observations. With low 5x magnification and integrated crosshairs, you can ensure that you have a clear picture of the night sky before focusing in on the detail with your telescope. Telescope with plenty of accessories – everything you need for stargazing With the right equipment by your side, your astro hobby can be even more fun. That’s why the sturdy hard case comes packed with plenty of useful accessories for safe transport. With three eyepieces, you can vary the magnification to give you a different perspective on our universe over and over again, while the 90 degree zenith mirror ensures a comfortable observation position at all times. Even if the lens is pointing vertically upwards, you can still observe comfortably from the side. Never lost in space – with the compass and star chart, you’ll always know exactly where to look. Plus, as our own planet has plenty to admire too, you can use your telescope with the reverse lens to observe animals and the nature around you during the day. Follow your role models at NASA and start your very own astro adventure with the ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed 60/700 AZ Refracting Telescope. FEATURES Refracting telescope for beginners Fraunhofer achromatic refractor Aperture: 60 mm Focal length: 700 mm Aperture ratio f/11.7 for sharp images and high contrast Ideal for observing the moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with altazimuth mount Easy to use, also very suitable for children Three eyepieces with 31.7 mm (1.25”) push-in sleeves for different magnifications Magnification with included accessories: 35x, 56x, 175x Reverse lens for wildlife and landscape observations during the day With hard shell case for storage and transport PACKAGE CONTENTS Refracting telescope Aluminium tripod Altazimuth mount Eyepieces: 4 mm; 12,5 mm; 20 mm (1.25” sleeves) Star diagonal 1.5x reverse lens 5x24 finder scope Accessory tray Hard shell case Compass Star chart Instruction manual

BRESSER JUNIOR Refractor Telescope 70/900 EL
Observing the stars like a professional - very easy with the BRESSER JUNIOR refractor telescope 70/700 EL. It is a complete system for the exploration of the wonders of the universe, consisting of telescope, mount, tripod and all accessories needed. With an aperture of 70 mm it reveils already many details of celestial objects. The mount can not only swing the telescope left / right and up / down, it can also be used in a so-called equatorial mode, as scientists do in their observatories (see further under Special features). An additional finder scope mounted on the telescope is useful for locating celestial objects. With the erecting lens many exciting things in the environment can also be seen during daytime. With the height-adjustable tripod, the telescope can each be brought to an optimal height for large or small observers. The supplied diagonal mirror ensures a comfortable viewing. At night the moon and planets may like Saturn and Jupiter can be explored. But thanks to the 70 mm wide aperture of the telescope also many celestial objects outside our solar system are within the reach of this telescope. Star clusters many light years away and nebula impress young and old stargazers. SPECIAL FEATURESMounting with wedge: At first glance, the NG mount of the refractor telescope 90/700 NG is a very ordinary azimuth mount: an axis for left / right and one for up / down, as we know it from normal camera tripods. This mode makes sense especially with observations during the day. With the built-in wedge it can be tilted, so the whole mount can be converted to an equatorial mount for astronomy with a single operation. For use of the equatorial mount an axis is aligned with the North Star. When tracking a celestial object only a single axis needs to be moved, which clearly is a relief compared to tracking an object on the night sky with mounts that only have left / right and up / down axis. FEATURESideal beginner's setsuitable for lunar, planetary and nature observationsmount can be used in two ways: alt-azimuth and equatorialSCOPE OF DELIVERYrefractor telescope 70/900three eyepieces: 4 mm (225x), 12 mm (75x) and 20 mm (45x)heigth-adjustable aluminium tripod with accessory tray1.5x errecting lens for a laterally correct and upright imageNG mountfinderscope 6 x 25astronomy software for PC90° diagonal mirror

OLIVIA VERLAG - Julius forscht im Weltall (GERMAN)
Please note: This book is written in German language


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BRESSER JUNIOR Biolux SEL Student Microscope with hard shell case
The BRESSER JUNIOR Student Microscope with its extensive range of accessories offers an optimal start to Microscopy. Unique to these models is the Barlow-Zoom-System in the eyepiece socket: By means of a pull-out additional lens, the magnification can be infinitely adjusted up to 2 times during visual observation, so that magnifications of 40x to 1600x can be achieved together with 3 objectives and 2 interchangeable wide-field eyepieces. The BRESSER JUNIOR Student Microscope has an adjustable LED for transmitted light and incident light incl. filter disc with colour filters and apertures. Thus the illumination can always be optimally adjusted. The additional incident light illumination can be used to microscope objects that are not transparent, such as leaves, small insects and much more. Esspecially this makes it easy to get started with microscopy! The practical hard-shell case allows you to transport the microscope and helps to store all these accessories. The power supply is provided by batteries (three times type AA), so that microscopic work can also be carried out in the vicinity without a socket. The accessories already include permanent specimens and 5 empty slides and cover glasses for making your own specimens. The set also includes a preparation set consisting of a MicroCut, a knife, tweezers, a rod and a tube. The Smartphone adapter makes it possible to save the recordings on your smartphone or share them with friends and family! There is so much exiting to discover in the microcosm, start now with your BRESSER Student Microscope ! FEATURES Biological microscope Barlow Zoom System LED lighting with transmitted and reflected light Battery-operated lighting (3x AA batteries) Extensive range of accessories to get started immediately Max. Object height with incident light: approx. 4 mm (without slides) Includes experiment kit for breeding brine shrimp (Artemia) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Microscope Hard-shell cases 2 wide field eyepieces: 10x and 20x 3 lenses: 4x, 10x and 40x Barlow lens with up to 2x magnification Microscope utensils Experiment kit (magnifier box, brine shrimp eggs, yeast) Sea salt Inclusion media (Gum Media) Microcut microtoma Empty slides and cover glasses Long-term preparations Smartphone adapter Cover hood

BRESSER JUNIOR Microscope with Magnification 40x-2000x
The BRESSER JUNIOR Microscope has up to 2000x magnification and a new innovative Smartphone Mount that allows you to take photos through the microscope.To ensure you're fully equipped, the accessories included provide the perfect introductory equipment. This includes, among other things, two wide-field eyepieces, a colour filter disk, many slides and storage containers. With its elegant Bresser design, the microscope has many useful features .The adjustable LED illumination can be used as an incident light for viewing opaque objects and as transmitted light for viewing transparent objects.FEATURESIntroductory microscopeMagnification: 40x-2000xLenses: 4x/10x/40xOculars: WF25x/ WF10xComprehensive accessoriesIncludes experiment kit for breeding brine shrimp (Artemia)Battery powered: 3x AA batteries (not included)SCOPE OF DELIVERYMicroscopeSmartphone mountWide field eyepieces: WF25x/ WF10x2x Barlow lensColour filter diskBox with slides, storage caseExperiment kit (magnifier box, brine shrimp eggs, yeast) Sea salt Preparation setInstruction manual

BRESSER JUNIOR 40x-1024x Microscope Set with Case
More than a classic microscope. It has a robust finish, a case for easy transportation, is versatile and can be connected to your PC. FEATURES AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSolid metal housingStandard Eyepiece(s): 2 Widefield eyepieces ( WF-10x und WF-16x)Standard Objectives: 4x, 10x, 40xMagnification: 40x-1024xIllumination: bright LED-light für transmitted light microscopyAccessories: Lot of extras for an immidiate start in the microscopyIncludes experiment kit for breeding brine shrimp (Artemia)Software incl.: yes SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10 or 11Intel i3, i5, i7 or i9 CPU from the 2nd generation orAMD FX or Ryzen CPUOptical Disk Drive or internet connection for software downloadUSB 2.0

BRESSER JUNIOR 40x-1024x Microscope with HD Eyepiece Camera
Ready for some thrilling discoveries? Experience the microscopic world in grand detail with the BRESSER JUNIOR 40x-1,024x Microscope with HD Eyepiece Camera. How much detail? That’s up to you! Equipped with 2 eyepieces, 3 objectives, and a 1.6x Barlow lens, this microscope allows you to see your samples magnified between 40 and 1,024 times! Start at the lowest level and enjoy the transformation of the image as you increase the magnification. The pull-out Barlow lens gives you the ability to zoom continuously. What will you explore first? To get you started right away, the microscope set includes some fascinating prepared slides. Just place them on the stage and let the bright LED reveal wonders previously hidden from sight. Exploring small wonders of nature through the microscope Once you’re familiar with your kids’ microscope, embark on a quest for your next project! Whether it’s feathers, hair, or muddy water from a watering can, you can examine anything transparent or very thin with the transmission microscope. You can also take a closer look at the internal structures of opaque objects, like plants, after preparing them with the microtome included in your microscope set.Impressed by what you see? Turn it into your own permanent slide! Slides, cover glasses, and mounting medium – all the essentials are included. Animal enthusiasts will delight in a special experiment included in the microscope set: a kit for breeding your own brine shrimp (Artemia). Once the creatures have hatched, use your kids’ microscope to watch them grow and evolve. Observing comfortably via screen using the HD eyepiece camera Modern science requires advanced technology. That’s why you can connect your microscope to your PC via a USB port. Simply install the provided Windows software (compatible with Win 10/11) and point the high-quality HD eyepiece camera at your specimen. Now you can conduct your examinations comfortably on your computer screen. Capture unique moments of discovery in striking photos, or shoot a video if the scene under the lens is dynamic. Perfect for documenting the growth of your brine shrimp (Artemia)! Sharing your discoveries is easy with these recordings, bringing your friends and family into your world of miniature marvels. Embark on your captivating journey through the microcosm with the BRESSER JUNIOR 40x-1,024x Microscope with HD Eyepiece Camera! FEATURES Kids’ microscope with durable metal body and extensive accessories USB HD eyepiece for PC connection Magnification: 40x–1,024x 2 Wide field eyepieces (10x and 16x) 3 Objectives (4x, 10x, 40x) Pull-out Barlow lens (1.6x) for seamless zooming Ready-to-use permanent specimens for an immediate start in microscopy Experiment kit for cultivating brine shrimp (Artemia) Software for image editing (compatible with Win 10/11) Bright LED illumination Suitable for children aged 8 and older SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Windows 10, or 11 Intel i3, i5, i7, or i9 processor from the 2nd generation onwards or AMD FX or Ryzen processor An optical drive or Internet connection for software download USB 2.0 SCOPE OF DELIVERY Kids’ microscope USB HD eyepiece Barlow lens (pre-installed in the eyepiece draw) 2x Wide field eyepieces 3x Objectives 5x Slides 10x Cover glasses 5x Prepared slides Pipette Tweezers Experiment kit (magnifier box, brine shrimp eggs, yeast) Sea salt Mounting medium Software Instruction manual

The BRESSER JUNIOR Student Microscope with its extensive range of accessories offers an optimal introduction to Microscopy. Unique to these models is the Barlow-Zoom-System in the eyepiece socket: By means of a pull-out additional lens, the magnification can be continuously changed up to 2 times during visual observation, so that together with 3 objectives and 2 interchangeable wide-field eyepieces magnifications of 40x to 1600x can be achieved. The BRESSER JUNIOR Student Microscope has an adjustable LED for transmitted light and incident light incl. filter disc with color filters and apertures. Thus the illumination can always be optimally adjusted. The additional incident light illumination can also be used to microscope objects that are not transparent, such as leaves, small insects and much more. This makes it particularly easy to get started in microscopy!The power supply is provided by batteries (three pieces type AA), so that microscopic work can also be carried out in the vicinity without a socket. The accessories already include permanent specimens and 5 empty slides and cover glasses for making your own specimens. The set also includes a preparation set consisting of a MicroCut, a knife, a pair of tweezers, a stick and a tube.The Smartphone adapter makes it possible to save the recordings on your smartphone or share them with friends and family! There is so much exciting to discover in the microcosm, start now with your BRESSER student microscope ! Available in the following colors: Red; Green; Blue; Purple FEATURES Biological microscope Barlow Zoom System LED illumination with transmitted and reflected light Battery powered Extensive range of accessories to get started immediately Max. Object height with incident light: approx. 4 mm (without slides)Includes experiment kit for breeding brine shrimp (Artemia) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Microscope 2 widefield eyepieces: 10x and 20x 3 Lenses: 4x, 10x and 40x Barlow lens with up to 2x magnification Microscopy utensils Experiment kit (magnifier box, brine shrimp eggs, yeast) Microcut microtoma Empty slides and cover glasses Permanent preparations Smartphone adapter

From €99.90*
BRESSER Biolux NV 20x-1280x Microscope with HD USB Camera
The BRESSER Biolux NV comes with a wide range of accessories and is an ideal beginners' microscope. A unique feature of these models, the Barlow zoom system is inside the eyepiece tubes: With the barlow lens the magnification can be  varied by a factor of 2 in visual observation. This feature, together with 3 objectives and 2 interchangeable wide field eyepieces gives a magnification range from 20x to 1280x. With the mechanical desk you can move your sample precisely even when observing at high magnifications. For optimal illumination a variable LED for transmitted and incident light together with a filter wheel gives the ideal light for all samples. Light from above is especially imortant to observe non transparent samples like leaves, small insects and much more. This makes microscopy for beginners very easy! The power is supplied by batteries (3x AA). A dust cover, 5 prepared slides and 5 blank slides and cover slips are included for making your own samples. With the included HD camera you can observe your samples on the computer screen, and capture images and video with the included Windows software. The software is compatible with Windows 10 and 11. With this camera, you can always document your interesting observations and share them with others. FEATURESbiological microscope with HD cameraLED light for transmitted and incident lightbattery-poweredlots of accessoriesincident light for objects not higher than 4mm SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10 or 11Intel i3, i5, i7 or i9 CPU from the 2nd generation orAMD FX or Ryzen CPUOptical Disk Drive or internet connection for software downloadUSB 2.0 SCOPE OF DELIVERYSolid metal Microscopemechanical deskHD camera with metal housing, resolution 1280 x 7202 eyepieces: 5x and 16x3 objectives: 4x, 10x and 40x1 Barlow lens with 2x magnificationMicroscope toolsmechanical cross table5 prepared slides5 blank slidesDust cover and hard case
