BRESSER LER Zoom Eyepiece 8-24mm 1.25''

Achieving the optimum magnification with a twist - a compact solution, especially when travelling and lacking space for bulky equipment.

  • Zoom eyepiece with stepless focal length adjustment 8-24 mm
  • One eyepiece covers a large focal length range
  • Continuous adjustment to the best magnification
  • Quick adjustment of magnification without changing eyepieces
  • Comfortable eye relief of 20 mm (LER = long eye relief)
  • Adjustable rubber eyecup to adjust to ideal distance
  • Also very suitable for people with glasses
  • Made entirely of black anodised aluminium
  • Precise and robust adjustment zoom mechanism
  • All lens surfaces with full multi-coating for a bright and crispy image


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 4920310
EAN: 4007922071145
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Sky Guides by Bresser

The Sky Guide provides comprehensive information on constellations, planetary positions, and astronomical events – perfect for planning your observations and delving deeper into astronomy.
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Product information "BRESSER LER Zoom Eyepiece 8-24mm 1.25''"
One eyepiece for every occasion
The BRESSER zoom eyepiece covers the large focal length range from 8 to 24 mm. These are also the focal lengths most frequently used with most telescopes. Especially for instant observations, where you don't want to pack a whole suitcase full of eyepieces, the zoom eyepiece is a good choice.

Always the ideal magnification on hand
A quick turn and the ideal magnification for you is set. The adjustment is stepless from 8 to 24 mm focal length. This eliminates the need to always change eyepieces.

Comfortable viewing
The BRESSER zoom eyepiece offers a large comfortable eye relief of 20 mm to the eyepiece lens (LER = long eye relief). This means comfortable viewing even during longer observation, an important criterion especially for people with glasses. The rubber eyecup can also be individually adjusted by a twist and turn movement. Apparent field of view is 40 up to 56 degrees which offers a good overview.

Advanced optical design
To achieve the best possible image over the entire focal length range, a sophisticated optical design with 8 lenses in 5 groups is used. The full multi-coating on all lens surfaces also guarantees maximum light transmission. To effectively suppress unwanted reflections, all lenses are carefully blackened at the edges. Thus, the image produced offers the maximum possible contrast and image brightness.

Compact and solid design
The BRESSER zoom eyepiece is made entirely of black anodised aluminium. It has an extremely solid and high-quality material appearance and is long-lived even with extensive use. The precise zoom mechanism can be operated safely through the ribbed metal adjustment ring. A white laser engraving with focal length and pointer arrow indicates the currently set focal length even in low light.

Achievable magnifications with common telescope focal lengths
350 mm: 44 - 15x
400 mm: 50 - 17x
500 mm: 63 - 21x
650 mm: 81 - 27x
750 mm: 94 - 31x
900 mm: 113 - 38x
1000 mm: 125 - 42x

  • Zoom eyepiece with stepless focal length adjustment from 8-24 mm
  • One eyepiece covers a wide focal length range
  • Continuous adjustment to the ideal magnification
  • Quick adjustment of magnification without changing eyepieces
  • Comfortable eye relief of 20 mm (LER = long eye relief)
  • Adjustable rubber eyecup to adjust to the ideal interpupillary distance
  • Also very suitable for people with glasses
  • Compact and solid design
  • Made entirely of black anodised aluminium
  • Very high-quality material appearance
  • Precise and robust zoom adjustment mechanism
  • Ribbed handgrip for zoom adjustment
  • White laser engraving with focal length and pointer arrow
  • Focal length range 8-24 mm freely adjustable
  • Apparent field of view 40 up to 56 degrees
  • Optical design: 8 lenses in 5 groups
  • All lens surfaces with full multi-coating for a bright and crispy image
  • Eyepiece sleeve diameter: 1.25 inches / 31.7 mm
  • Filter thread in sleeve: M28 x 0.6 mm (standard 1.25'' filter thread)
  • Eyepiece weight: 250 g
  • Length of eyepiece: 96.2 mm
  • Diameter: 47 mm
  • Colour: black

  • Zoom eyepiece
  • Dust caps
Colour: black
Eyecups: TwistUp eyecups
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 1 Moon & Planets from 50mm (2'')
Filter Set 1 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 50mm (2'') Aperture Set 1 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Yellow No.8 - 0310268 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Blue No.80A - 0310264 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" Filter Grey ND0.9 - 0310245 The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope 4"(10.2cm) and larger. The ND96 filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 2 Moon & Planets from 100mm (4")
Filter Set 2 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 100mm (4") Aperture Set 2 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Green No.56 - 0310262 The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow No.12 - 0310267 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Blue No.80A - 0310264 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter protection-case

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 3 Moon & Planets from 150mm (6")
Filter Set 3 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 150mm (6") Aperture Set 3 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Blue No.82A - 0310265 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Violet No.47 - 0310272 The purple filter is perfect for watching Venus. Seeing through it, the dark clouds of the Venus atmosphere become even better visible. He also clears up the structures of the rings around Saturn. Using big openings and having a clear sight this filter is also good for watching Merkur. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Red No.23A - 0310271 The blue/blue green light is totally blocked. The contrast between the card and the lighter zones will enormously increase. This is truly helpful when you watch Jupiter or Saturn. Or for mars, watching the poles. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow-Green No.11 - 0310269 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 4 Moon & Planets from 200mm (8")
Filter Set 4 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 200mm (8'') Aperture Set 4 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Green No.56 - 0310262 The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Dark Blue No.38A - 0310263 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Works well starting with a 10'' aperture. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Light Yellow No.8 - 0310268 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8'' and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case oxygen. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the two emmission lines of the oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the veil nebula NGC 6992 is almost not visible with a 200mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of so called emmission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emmission lines of the oxygen passes the filterSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x 1,25" O-III nebula filter

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours, their emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen at 486nm and 656nm, plus oxygen at 496nm and 501nm. The Explore Scientific UHC nebula filter blocks all other colours (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emission line of the hydrogen and oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburban skies for example the Owl-nebula M97, the Veil-nebula NGC6992 or even the bright Dumbell-nebula M27 are not clearly visible. By using this filter you can see the nebulae and their structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of emission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emission lines of hydrogen and oxygen passes the filterWHAT'S INCLUDED1x 1.25" UHC nebula filter

Besides air turbulence, the brightening of the night sky is the biggest obstacle to observing faint objects beyond the solar system. Street lamps and other artificial lighting mean that the sky in human settlements is no longer really black. This affects the contrast and thus the perception of deep-sky objects. Depending on the type of celestial object, however, part of disturbing artificial light can be filtered out, making it easier to observe fainter targets.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CITY LIGHT SUPRESSION - or CLS - filter uses the fact that the artificial lighting is not evenly distributed over the entire spectrum. These colours - in the case of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CLS nebula filter, above all the typical colours of mercury and high-pressure lamps, used in street lighting - are suppressed, but the emissions of deep-sky objects are allowed through. With a slightly brightened sky, some relatively bright deep-sky objects are practically invisible with a telescope, for example the large galaxy M101. Using this filter makes observation much easier. A must have for any visual amateur astronomer.  The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CLS can also be used as a useful photographic filter - helping to improve the quality of your telescopic deep sky photos.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters are delivered with an individual test report - so you can be sure of receiving high-quality filters.SPECIFICATIONS:eliminates disturbing light - e.g. from street lightingenables observation of faint deep sky objectsWHAT'S INCLUDED:1x CLS filter

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" H-Beta Nebula Filter
One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects bejond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The Explore Scientific H-beta filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen. The Explore Scientific H-beta nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emmission line of the hydrogen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the horsehead nebula is almost not visible with a 300mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

BRESSER Amici Prism 90° 31.7mm/1.25"
An amici prism allows for a comfortable 90° viewing position and creates an erect image without left-right reversal. This makes it especially suitable for nature observations but it can also be very helpful with astronomical observations. Particularly beginners may find it easier to orientate in the sky when they compare the view through the telescope with what they can see with their naked eyes.With this  amici prism an astronomical telescope can be used as a powerful spotting scope.Suitable for refractor telescopes as well as Maksutov-Cassegrain style telescopes with 1,25" visual back.FEATUREScomfortable eye relief for refractor telescopes90°- viewing position and image without left-right reversalastronomical telescope turns to a powerful spotting scope1,25" visual backfully multicoated prismSCOPE OF DELIVERYAmici Prism 90° 31.7mm/1.25"

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" Variable Polarizing Filter
Universally usable variable polarizing filter with a  1.25" filter thread.This variable polarizing filter allows for a continuous adjustment of the image brightness. This is very helpful to level strong differences in contrast of different observation objects individually. Particularly for lunar and planetary observations but also for solar observations this filter prevents an outshining of details.Solar observations ONLY together with an adequate solar filter !!! Particularly when a Herschel wedge is used and with large objective lens apertures the use of the variable polarizing filter can reduce the brightness of the observation object to a confortable level. The large adjustment range of 40% to 1% light transmission and the neutral grey filter effect create a comfortable and unadulterated image.The handling is very simple. The desired filtering level is set by turning the two sides of the housing against each other.A 1.25" filter thread on both sides (female/male) allow for the simultaneous use of additional colour filters.FEATURESvariable polarizing filterindividually adjustable image brightnessmade from high-quality optical glassblack anodized aluminium housing1.25" filter thread on both sidesSCOPE OF DELIVERYpolarizing filterprotective box

BRESSER BR-LP15 Cleaning kit - 3 parts
With the 3-piece lens cleaning set you not only clean camera or binocular lenses, but also spectacles glasses and displays and screens of smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. thoroughly and safely. When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. Just blow away fluff with the bellows. FEATURES complete set for safe cleaning of camera lenses bellows for removing coarse dirt particles and fluff without scratching the lens lint-free microfibre cloth approx. 14,5x14,5cm lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x bellows 1x lens cleaning pen 1x microfiber cloth

BRESSER BR-LP10 Lens Cleaning Pencil
When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the BRESSER BR-LP10 lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. FEATURES lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass brush to remove dust on one sidepolishing pad on the other side SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x lens cleaning pencil


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EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 3 Moon & Planets from 150mm (6")
Filter Set 3 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 150mm (6") Aperture Set 3 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Blue No.82A - 0310265 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Violet No.47 - 0310272 The purple filter is perfect for watching Venus. Seeing through it, the dark clouds of the Venus atmosphere become even better visible. He also clears up the structures of the rings around Saturn. Using big openings and having a clear sight this filter is also good for watching Merkur. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Red No.23A - 0310271 The blue/blue green light is totally blocked. The contrast between the card and the lighter zones will enormously increase. This is truly helpful when you watch Jupiter or Saturn. Or for mars, watching the poles. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow-Green No.11 - 0310269 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

BRESSER Messier NT203/1000 EXOS-2 PMC-Eight Goto Telescope Set
With the set of the BRESSER Messier NT-203/1000 Telescope and the EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GoTo mount, you are perfectly equipped for impressive planetary and deep-sky observations or photography. The optics, with a parabolic primary mirror, large aperture, and long 1,000-mm focal length, reveal fine details on planets and fascinating structures in distant galaxies. Additionally, you can admire the surface of our own star during the day with the secure solar filter. The powerful GoTo mount and app ensure precise tracking during your observations and astrophotography sessions, as well as easy orientation and navigation in the sky. The Telescope The BRESSER Messier NT-203 Telescope is equipped with a parabolic primary mirror, allowing observations that were unattainable in this price range just a few years ago. Modern manufacturing technology enables you to track the shadow of Jupiter's moons on the planet itself; the range of structures and details on Jupiter's surface is breathtaking. The BRESSER Messier NT-203 not only excels at planetary observation: Discover structures in distant galaxies and be fascinated by the filaments of emission nebulae in the vastness of the Milky Way. With the BRESSER Messier NT-203 Telescope, you can observe the remnants of exploded giant stars and the birthplaces of new stars. During the day, you can safely observe sunspots, eclipses, and planetary transits with the secure solar filter. (Warning: Never point the telescope at the sun without a solar filter!) Let yourself be surprised by the wonders of the universe with this exceptionally large device! The Mount The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GoTo Mount is equipped with a modern and highly precise GoTo control system. It consists of a robust Wi-Fi controller unit that provides all necessary interfaces. The NEMA-11 stepper motors are directly connected to this unit via cable, and an ST-4 compatible autoguider port is also included. The control system supports micro-stepping for precise tracking. Intuitive operation via app and graphical star map The ExploreStars app, developed specifically for the PMC-Eight system, impresses with a very well-designed, intuitive graphical interface. The current alignment stars for initializing the control and all sky objects in the database are displayed as a star map with additional text information. All of these objects can be conveniently viewed and selected. Powerful controller unit with Open GoTo for customization The heart of the controller unit is a completely autonomous 2-channel multi-processor with 8 CPUs and a Wi-Fi Ethernet 10/100 adapter with IP functionality. This allows remote control via browser, ASCOM, app, or serial connection. The Open GoTo system also enables custom firmware to be written and uploaded to the controller unit, allowing individual customization of the device's functions and the creation of your own object lists, etc. Polar scope included The pre-assembled polar finder scope included in the set enables a quick and precise polar alignment, allowing long exposure times without unwanted star trails. The integrated LED illumination unit further enhances the comfort of using the polar finder. FEATURES TELESCOPE Type: Reflector telescope Mirror diameter: 203 mm / Focal length: 1,000 mm / F/5 Maximum useful magnification: 406x Telescope for night and solar observation High-quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter Diffraction-limited optics with parabolic primary mirror 8x50 finder with crosshair eyepiece Optimized finder bracket for comfortable viewing Handle for easy transport with integrated camera holder (tripod thread screw) Smartphone adapter for sky navigation included Prism rail with stainless steel clamp surface (44-mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) T2 adapter for SLR cameras (optional T2 ring required) 50.8 to 31.7 mm adapter with integrated T2 adapter (optional T2 ring required); with brass compression ring FEATURES MOUNT Powerful PMC-8 Open GoTo system User-friendly and visually appealing ExploreStars OpenGoto app Wi-Fi control via tablet, notebook, or desktop PC with at least a 7" display and Wi-Fi functionality (not included) Compatible operating systems: WIN8.1, WIN10/11, iOS, or Android 4.4 and higher Classic control via direction keys or joystick for guiding, centering, correcting, and moving via touchscreen Intuitive 2-star and 3-star alignment for initializing GoTo control Multi-processor microcontroller with 8 CPUs (processor cores) Micro-stepper motors NEMA-11 Highly precise and quiet belt drive ST-4 compatible autoguider port ASCOM drivers available, also supports pulse guiding Possibility to create your own firmware and object lists and load them into the PMC-8 GPS compatible / settings depend on the computer or tablet used Powered by 12-volt DC, with a maximum current draw of 1.6 amps under full load SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube with Hexafoc focuser Solar filter 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25") Integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamp surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces Rotating star map Solar filter Tube rings with carrying handle and camera holder 8x50 finderscope Smartphone adapter for navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download) EXOS2-GT mount with Open GoTo PMC-8 Stainless steel tripod with built-in bubble level Counterweight 2 x 4.5 kg Polar finder with illumination unit Power supply 12 volts / 2 amps ExploreStars app via software download Instruction manual

€1,238.00* €1,448.00* (14.5% saved)
BRESSER T2 ring Canon EOS
T-Mounts are the connecting piece between the camera adapter and the SLR camera. Please read the instruction manual of your camera to find out which T-Mount you need, look into the instruction manual of your camera. Connect your BRESSER Microscope or Telescope with a Canon EOS SLR camera and take images or videos of your observed object!FEATURESConnecting piece between the camera adapter and Canon EOS SLR cameraHigh-quality and precise workmanship made of metalA corresponding camera adapter is neededSCOPE OF DELIVERYT2 Ring Canon EOS

BRESSER Messier MCX-127 GoTo Telescope EQ/AZ
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The MESSIER MCX-127 telescope is your own small observatory with GoTo computer control. Easy to operate, easy to transport and universally use.  Observe moon, planets, galaxies and nebulae through the proven BRESSER Maksutov-Cassegrain optics. The main features of this optics are a sharp and high-contrast image, as well as the very compact and sealed tube design. An all-round telescope for all fast spotting lovers ! Goto systems play an important role in the world of amateur astronomy as they ensure that users spend less time searching for celestrial objects and more time observing and photographing. The BRESSER Messier GoTo control, allows you to operate your telescope with the included computer handbox. After entering the basic data such as date, time and location, at least 1 known reference star is approached and confirmed. Afterwards, you can choose your favourite objects from the integrated database and let the MCX telescope move to and track them automatically. It couldn't be simpler! One of the outstanding features of the MCX telescopes is the very solid fork mount made of die-cast aluminium and the universal field tripod made of stainless steel. Both guarantee a safe stand and as little unwanted vibrations as possible during observation. In addition, the drives in both axes are equipped with precision ball bearings and precision worm gears made of steel and brass. This ensures smooth and quiet star tracking. Adapt your smartphone camera directly behind the SPL26mm eyepiece using the included smartphone holder or mount your camera on the M35 threaded connector and take astro photos of the moon and planets. The 90° flip mirror at the back of the telescope allows a quick and comfortable change between using an eyepiece or a camera.  You'll be amazed at what this MCX telescope can do with little effort.When it comes to tracking the stars with a telescope or camera, there is nothing comparable to the precision of a German equatorial or parallactic mount. It is important to follow the objects as precise as possible when they rise in the east and sink in the west. For observers it is very easy to keep their celestial object in the middle of the eyepiece for a longer time with a German equatorial/parallactic mount. This possibility of setup  (EQ mode) is already included in your new MCX telescope. The so-called polar wedge on the tripod head can be tilted accordingly and adjusted to the latitude of your location. You can therefore quickly switch between these two types of installation (AZ/EQ) - without having to buy extra accessories! Also a fast use of the MCX telescope without tripod only as a table device is possible !  This telescope combines so many good characteristics that the purchase is really worthwhile. You will be inspired! FEATURES Universal and compact entry-level telescope with GoTo function Easy operation and transport High-resolution and proven BRESSER Maksutov-Cassegrain optics Aperture diameter: 127mm , focal length 1900mm FMC fully coated optics for a brighter image Solid die-cast aluminium fork mounting with drive motors in both axes Proven Goto control for navigation in the starry sky Computer hand box with very large and illuminated display Multilingual menu navigation in DE, GB, FR, ES, IT Sturdy stainless steel tripod with polar wedge (AZ+EQ mode possible) Can also be used without a tripod as a table-top unit Flip mirror 90° - quick change between eyepiece and camera possible Battery compartment integrated in the base for 8 x AA batteries (Batt. not included) Integrated circular bubble for easy leveling Enlarged primary mirror (138mm) for a brighter image Precise worm gears made of steel/brass in both axes Manual gear clamps in both axes Smartphone holder included for photography through the telescope LED red dot finder with CR-2032 battery included BRESSER Super Plössl eyepiece 26mm (1.25") included (73x) Eyepiece shaft diameter: 31.7mm (1.25") Camera connection thread: M35 x 1 mm External connection for 12 Volt power supply: Yes Adjustable working height on tripod: 110 - 160cm Recommended magnifications: 36x - 204x Telescope for night and solar observationSCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical MCX Tube in Fork Mount GoTo Computer Handbox with Hand Strap Field tripod with polar wedge AZ/EQ Smartphone holder for photography through the telescope BRESSER Super Plössl eyepiece 26mm (1.25") LED red dot finderAperture solar-filterObjective dust capInstruction manual 


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BRESSER LER Zoom Eyepiece Deluxe 8-24mm 1.25''
One eyepiece for every occasion, with very good field correction and large field of view.The BRESSER Zoom Eyepiece Deluxe covers the large focal length range from 8 to 24 mm. These are also the focal lengths most frequently used with most telescopes. Especially for instant observations, where you don't want to pack a whole suitcase full of eyepieces, the zoom eyepiece is a good choice. The Deluxe version offers with its particularly advanced optical design with 9 elements in 6 groups an even better field correction and sharpness, combined with a large apparent field of view of 40 up to 62 degrees.Always the ideal magnification on handA quick turn and the ideal magnification for you is set. The adjustment is stepless from 8 to 24 mm focal length. This eliminates the need to always change eyepieces.Comfortable viewingThe BRESSER Zoom Eyepiece Deluxe offers a large comfortable eye relief (LER) of 20 mm to the eyepiece lens. This means a comfortable view even during longer observation, an important criterion especially for people wearing glasses. The rubber eyecup can also be individually adjusted by a twisting movement.Advanced optical designTo achieve the best possible image over the entire focal length range, a particularly advanced optical design with 9 lenses in 6 groups is used. The full multi-coating on all lens surfaces also guarantees maximum light transmission. To effectively suppress unwanted reflections, all lenses are carefully blackened at the edges. Thus, the image produced offers the maximum possible contrast and image brightness.Compact and solid designThe BRESSER Zoom Eyepiece Deluxe is made entirely of black anodised aluminium. It has an extremely solid and high-quality material appearance and is long-lived, even with extensive use. The precise zoom mechanism can be adjusted safely through the rubberised adjustment ring. A white laser engraving with focal length and pointer arrow shows the current focal length setting even in low light.Achievable magnifications with common telescope focal lengths350mm: 44 - 15x400mm: 50 - 17x500mm: 63 - 21x650mm: 81 - 27x750mm: 94 - 31x900mm: 113 - 38x1000mm: 125 - 42xFEATURESDeluxe version with even better field correction and sharpnessLarge apparent field of view 40 up to 62 degreesZoom eyepiece with stepless focal length adjustment from 8-24 mmOne eyepiece covers a wide focal length rangeStepless adjustment to ideal magnificationQuick adjustment of magnification without changing eyepiecesComfortable eye relief of 20 mm (LER = long eye relief)Adjustable rubber eyecup to adjust to ideal interpupillary distanceAlso very suitable for eyeglass wearersCompact and solid designMade entirely of black anodised aluminiumAluminium dust cap with threadVery high-quality material appearancePrecise and robust zoom adjustment mechanismRubberised grip surface for zoom adjustmentWhite laser engraving with focal length and pointer arrowFocal length range 8-24 mm freely adjustableOptical design: 9 lenses in 6 groupsAll lens surfaces have full multi-coatingEyepiece sleeve diameter: 1.25 inches / 31.7mmFilter thread in sleeve: M28 x 0.6 mm (standard 1.25'' filter thread)Eyepiece weight: 315 gLength of eyepiece: 102 mmDiameter: 52 mmColour: blackSCOPE OF DELIVERYDeluxe zoom eyepieceMetal dust cap for eyepiece lensPlastic dust cap for eyepiece sleeve

BRESSER Super Ploessl Eyepiece (1.25") 26mm
The new BRESSER Super Plössl Eyepiece in a 4 lens design provides good edge definition in a great field of view and a convenient eye relief. The high-grade coating prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with rubber eyecups.FEATURESPremium grade optical glassIndividually tuned, multi-layered coatings for maxim Lens edges and all internal metal surfaces are blackened to maximize image -contrast um light transmissionParfocal - little or no refocusing required when switching eyepiecesLong eye reliefAdjustable rubber eyeguards

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 1 Moon & Planets from 50mm (2'')
Filter Set 1 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 50mm (2'') Aperture Set 1 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Yellow No.8 - 0310268 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Blue No.80A - 0310264 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" Filter Grey ND0.9 - 0310245 The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope 4"(10.2cm) and larger. The ND96 filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

BRESSER 40mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 40mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 40 mm Field of view: 46° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER Full HD Deep-Sky Camera & Guider 1.25"
BRESSER Full HD Deep Sky Camera with autoguider: a great camera for different types of astrophotography and for autoguiding. Not only suitable for planets, but also for deep-sky objects such as galaxies, nebulae and star clusters. Dedicated ToupSky Astro Imaging software supports video preview, video recording, video processing, image capture and processing, dark field correction and raw data output. Easy to use, but with professional results. One of the main features of the new backlit SONY IMX290 CMOS sensor is its high light sensitivity, which makes it possible to detect deep-sky objects without active cooling. SONY has increased the quantum efficiency at 533 nm wavelength up to 77%, which is much better than other CMOS sensors have been able to achieve in the past. Connect this camera to a guidescope and attach the camera's built-in ST-4 port, directly to your telescope's equatorial mount guide port and autoguide - using many popular audioguiding programs (PHD, Guidedog and more). Autoguiding enables you to take accurate pictures with long exposure times of several minutes. Thanks to the extra light-sensitive camera, you now always have a suitable guide star to hand, even using short exposure times. An ST-4 protocol connection cable is also included. Simple automatic tracking at its best. You can use this camera with all guiding telescopes, or off-axis guiders that accept a 1.25 " tube, 1.25" filter thread (M28.5x0.6) or C-mount adapter thread (1 "x1 /32"). IMPORTANT NOTES: This is not a stand-alone guider camera. You always need a Windows 10/11 computer to take pictures and for autoguiding. The autoguider software is not included. You can use PHD2 Guiding, Guidedog, Metaguide, Guidemaster (freeware) or AstroArt, MaxIm DL (paid). DOWNLOAD PHD2-Guiding: DOWNLOAD GuideDog: DOWNLOAD latest camera software and drivers: INDI Driver: SPECIFICATIONS Camera type: BRESSER / Touptek GPCMOS02000KPA color Sensor: SONY IMX290 CMOS color, backlit Image and video size: Full HD 1936 x 1096 pixels (video 15 FPS) Native sensor size in pixels: 1936 x 1096 Exposure times: 66µs to 16min Binning: YES, 2x2 Megapixel: 2.1 MP Sensor size in mm: 5.6 x 3.1 Pixel size: 2.9 µm x 2.9 µm Bit depth: 8/12 switchable ST-4 Compatible Autoguider: YES CNC milled housing made of aluminum Protective strap on the camera housing Camera tube diameter: 1.25 "(31.7 mm) Camera connection thread: C-mount + 1.25 "filter thread Computer interface: USB 2.0 C-mount extension tube with 1.25 inch filter thread included No IR cut filter installed Operating system: WINDOWS 10 + 11 ASCOM driver included Field of view for different focal lengths in mm (given in arc minutes): 400mm - 48.2 'x 27.3' 500 mm - 38.6 'x 21.8' 600 mm - 32.1 'x 18.2' 700 mm - 27.5 'x 15.6' 800 mm - 24.1 'x 13.6' 900 mm - 21.4 'x 12.1' 1000 mm - 19.3 'x 10.9' 1250 mm - 15.4 'x 8.7' 1500 mm - 12.9 'x 7.3' 1750 mm - 11.0 'x 6.2' 2000 mm - 9.6 'x 5.5' SCOPE OF DELIEVERY Full HD camera C-mount adapter USB 2.0 PC connection cable with a length of 200cm Interface cable for ST-4 autoguider port with 150cm length Dust cap for camera tube Software CD

BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe 1.25''
You see better with two eyesThe BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe makes it possible to observe astronomical objects in a relaxed way with both eyes and with considerably more detail than using one eye. The images created of the moon, planets and globular clusters are particularly impressive. But also with deep-sky objects such as the Orion Nebula the detection of details is much easier. At the same time this binoviewer is very easy to handle. Thanks to the newly patented optical system you can get into focus with any telescope. All you need is a pair of identical eyepieces to enjoy this dramatic and immersive viewing experience.How to use the BinoViewer? Since the BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe does not require an additional light path (back focus), it can be used with any telescope - including Newtonians and short focus refracting telescopes, which traditionally suffered when using standard binoviewers. No light path corrector or similar accessory is necessary. If a standard 1.25'' eyepiece can be focused, the binoviewer will also work. The eyepiece focal length and field of view size of the eyepieces used are fully retained. As with binoculars one eyepiece is focused first using the telescope focuser. Then the second eyepiece can be brought into focus using the helical focuser on the binoviewer. The required interpupillary distance is then elegantly adjusted to a range of 58–74mm with the help of a linear sliding mechanism, with graduated marker, to help you find your ideal interocular setting quickly.  Self-centring helical eyepiece grips, rather than side-mounted thumbscrew eyepiece retainers are used, decreasing the chance of offsetting collimation of both eyepiece to each other.  The fact that this design of binoviewer uses a well-engineered linear slide mechanism to adjust interpupillary distance, rather than a cheaper-to-produce traditional hinged design also helps retention of collimation.Which objects can be observed with this accessory?Actually, all objects that were previously observed with the telescope in question, but only monocularly with one eye. Because there is no magnification factor at the binoviewer, even low magnifications can be achieved. This makes not only the moon, planets and globular clusters, but also the brighter deep-sky objects very interesting observation targets. The use of two eyes leads to a more relaxed view than using one eye alone.  Although true depth of field viewing at infinity is a little beyond most telescopes and binoviewers, users will note how the human brain attempts to impose depth of field ("3d-like") effects on stereo views through binoviewers.  The biggest difference that most observers comment upon when comparing views through binoviewers like these, as opposed to single monocular eyepiece views, is the extra detail that can be seen in most observable targets.  Relaxed viewing and extra detail in objects are the two main benefits of binoviewing, which the BRESSER Bino Viewer Deluxe 1.25'' delivers in abundance.Also ideal as an accessory for solar telescopesA very special application is the use of the BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe in combination with all solar telescopes. The spherical shape of the sun with all its surface details is shown very impressively.  The depth of field effects of seeing filaments silhouetted against the solar surface are particularly enjoyable to observe.Important note: Do not use the BRESSER Binoviwer Deluxe without a suitable solar telescope or a safe solar filter in front of the telescopes objective lens . Otherwise, there is an acute risk of going blind.High-quality mechanics and materialsThe entire BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe is made of high-quality materials. Except for the outer plastic covers all components are made of anodised aluminium. Particularly remarkable are the low-backlash sliding mechanism for adjusting the interpupillary distance and the precise rotary clamping of both eyepiece adapters. The wide clamping surface holds the eyepieces in place securely and also centres them automatically on the optical axis. The one-sided dioptric adjustment has a backlash-free helical drive and enables the finest corrections. For safe transport a high-quality hard-shell transport case is included in the scope of delivery.Which eyepieces can be used?All eyepieces with a 1.25'' barrel and a field stop of up to 22mm. Depending on the interpupillary distance the outer diameter of the eyepiece housing should not exceed a value of approximately 50 mm.Filter thread 1.25'' availableNo 2nd filter sets are necessary to operate the BRESSER Binocular Approach Deluxe. The desired colour or nebula filter can be screwed directly into the 1.25'' nosepiece. in this configuration, when changing the eyepieces to affect a change in magnification, no swapping of filters is necessary.  Unique mirror-lens system with Ohara (Japan) lanthanum glass material The BRESSER Binocular Viewer Deluxe is equipped with a unique mirror-lens system. This has the advantage of higher light transmission and less color aberration. The resulting image is simply brighter and sharper. To achieve this the exclusive Ohara (Japan) lanthanum glass material has been used and in addition all optical surfaces are equipped with a full multi-layer broadband coating. Finally the beam-splitting mirror has a 99% dielectric coating and completes the excellent optical design.FEATURESEnables binocular observations with all telescopesRelaxed and comfortable viewingThree-dimensional viewing experienceSuitable for all telescopes with 1.25'' eyepiece connectionNo additional light path requiredNo magnification factor at the binocular attachmentEven low magnifications with large fields of view are achievableFor observing moon, planets and deep sky objectsPrecise and robust mechanicsSliding mechanism to adjust the interpupillary distanceDioptric compensation via fine helical driveWide eyepiece rotation clamp with automatic centeringFilter thread 1.25'' (M28.5 x 0.6mm) availableLens and mirror design made of finest Ohara (Japan) lanthanum glass materialAdvanced broadband multilayer coating on all optical surfaces99 % dielectric-coated beam-splitting mirrorHigh-quality hard-shell carrying case includedWHAT'S INCLUDEDBino Viewer DeluxeDust capsCarrying case 

LUNT HRG/SFPT anti-reflection filter for DSII/SFPT double-stack at LS80MT & LS100MT telescopes
The anti-reflection filter is an accessory for the DSII/SFPT double-stack module for the Lunt Solar Systems LS80MT and LS100MT telescopes. Reflections that may occur there can be effectively reduced with this anti-reflection filter if necessary.At the LS80MT and LS100MT multipurpose telescopes from Lunt Solar Systems, double-stacking is possible in H-alpha mode for solar observation with the internal DSII/SFPT double-stack modules (item number 0551395). The DSII modules reduce the bandwidth to <0.5 Angstroms. The DSII modules are designed to show better the surface details of the Sun, the contrast is significantly increased, and therefore filaments and active areas are better visible.But the DSII modules can also induce reflections, which can show up as a strong brightening around the sun. This so-called ''glow'' is not a problem when observing the solar surface. But it can complicate the observation of prominences, and many observers find it disturbing. The HRG/SFPT anti-reflection filter is designed to solve this problem. The filter effectively reduces the reflections. But please also note that the image will become darker by using this anti-reflective filter.The HRG/SFPT anti-reflection filter is easy to install. It is not necessary to return the telescope to the manufacturer, the filter can be easily installed by the user.This filter cannot be used separately! It can only be used on a Lunt Solar Systems LS80MT or LS100MT telescope together with a DSII/SFPT Double-Stack module.SCOPE OF DELIVERYHRG/SFPT anti-reflection filterInstruction manual
