BRESSER M-18 Honeycomb Grid for 70 cm Beauty Dish

Honeycomb filter for Super Beauty Dish M-18

  • honeycomb grid for a Beauty Dish like the M-18
  • beam angle: approx. 60°
  • reduces light straying
  • diameter: 70 cm, weight: 800 g
  • scope of delivery: 1x honeycomb grid


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: F000113
EAN: 4007922015958
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

Bresser Photo Studio Equipment

With Bresser's photo studio equipment, you can create your own studio and bring your creative ideas to life. The range offers everything you need for a professional studio setup: a selection of backgrounds for various uses, studio flashes and continuous lights for optimal lighting, as well as tripods and versatile camera accessories. Whether you're planning product photos, portraits, or artistic shots, the combination of well-thought-out accessories and light control gives you flexibility and control over your image composition – ideal for both beginners and professionals alike.

Product information "BRESSER M-18 Honeycomb Grid for 70 cm Beauty Dish"
honeycomb grid creates a straight light passage and thus creates a more direct lighting. It has the same effect as a snoot, but on a larger surface. With a reflector + grid you can illuminate more precisely and controlled. The diameter of the holes determines the beam angle.

  • honeycomb grid for reflectors or beauty dishes with a diameter of 70 cm (e.g. the M-18 beauty dish)
  • reduces light straying
  • precise alignment of the light
  • diameter of the holes: 6 mm
  • 1x honeycomb grid
Colour: black
Field of application [Photography]: Photography
Form: round
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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