BRESSER Pluto 114/500 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter

For your easy start in astronomy the very fast entry-level telescope with lots of accessories is easily transportable and ideal for wide-field observations

  • Complete set of telescope, tripod, mount and comprehensive accessories
  • Easy-to-use reflector telescope for beginners
  • Telescope aperture: 114 mm / focal length: 500 mm
  • Ideal for wide field observations and ''walks'' in the Milky Way
  • Easy to transport
  • Astrophotos with smartphone possible
  • Plenty of accessories to get started immediately
  • With secure aperture solar filter
  • The BRESSER Pluto telescope is the perfect combination of a large Newtonian mirror with a short focal length
  • Divided into optical tube and mount, this telescopes fits also into smaller cars. The ideal traveller's scope with high imaging quality


% €299.00* (33.44% saved)

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 4614500
EAN: 4007922145136
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

... zum BRESSER Teleskop Pluto 114/500 EQ mit Smartphone Kamera Adapter

Von Heiko Körbächer im Januar 2018


Modifizierter Okularauszug mit DSLR


Pluto/s auf T

Das Bresser Pluto/s habe ich vor gut zwei Jahren gekauft, um meinen Kindern Sonne, Mond und Sterne zu zeigen. Ich hatte mich zwar ganz allgemein schon etwas für Astronomie und Raumfahrt interessiert, aber von Teleskopen hatte ich keine Ahnung. Das Bresser Pluto/s als Newtonteleskop habe ich ausgewählt, da „Spiegelteleskop“ sich für mich nach Hubble und damit „wissenschaftlich“ anhörte. Außerdem machte es für den Preis einen stabilen Eindruck und hatte, meiner Meinung nach, eine Ausstattung, mit der man gleich loslegen konnte.

Dinge wie Krater auf dem Mond, Jupitermonde, Venusphasen oder die Saturnringe vor den eigenen Augen zu haben, ist auch für Kinder ein anderes Erlebnis, als sie nur am Bildschirm oder in einer Zeitschrift zu sehen. Und das macht das mitgelieferte Zubehör, wie z.B. mehrere Okulare, schon möglich. Auch die Andromedagalaxie, die visuell oft kaum oder nur verwaschen sichtbar ist, sieht man durch die gute Lichtstärke (f/4,4) des Pluto/s schon als deutlichen Nebel.

Der größte Nachteil bei der Himmelsbeobachtung war - nein nichts am Pluto - sondern das Wetter. Leider hält sich unser mitteleuropäisches Wetter nicht immer an Wochenenden, Ferien oder die spontane Idee von Kindern mal eben im Teleskop den Orionnebel anzuschauen. Daher kam bei mir bald die Idee auf, das was man durch’s Teleskop sehen kann, aufzunehmen, damit man es später wieder anschauen und zeigen kann (z.B. am nächsten Morgen, weil die Kinder ins Bett müßen). Das wäre ja dann auch irgendwie „selbst gemacht“.

Deshalb kaufte ich mir vor ca. einem Jahr zusätzlich eine sogenannte Mond- und Planetenkamera. Über die 1,25“-Steckhülse war die Anpassung an den Okularauszug und die Fokussierung kein Problem. Der Okularauszug hat sogar genügend Backfokus um mit einer Reduzierlinse die Brennweite auf das 0,63-fache zu reduzieren. Dies, hatte ich gelernt, ist hilfreich, um z.B. den Vollmond oder die Sonne ganz auf den kleinen Chip einer Planetenkamera zu bekommen.

Erste Versuche waren, nun ja, ernüchternd. Trotz bester Versuche zu fokussieren, waren meine Aufnahmen flau und verwaschen. Ein Newtonspiegelteleskop soll man, so hatte ich gelesen, von Zeit zu Zeit rejustieren, besonders wenn man etwas rauer damit umgeht und es oft bewegt. Das Pluto ist über Justierschrauben an Haupt- und Fangspiegel voll justierbar, was nicht bei allen Spiegelteleskopen in der gleichen Preisklasse der Fall ist. Mit einem kleinen Justierlaser, den ich mir kaufte und etwas Anleitung aus dem Internet hatte ich das dann auch gut hinbekommen. Die nächste Aufnahmen waren besser und ich hatte jetzt Blut für die Astrofotografie geleckt.

Hier hat es sich als Vorteil erwiesen, daß das Pluto mit parallaktischer Montierung ausgeliefert wird . Die EQ-Sky-Montierung, die mit dem Pluto angeboten wird, ist meiner Meinung nach deutlich stabiler als die EQ-1, die bei anderen Spiegelteleskopen der gleichen Größenklasse mitkommt. Sie hat z.B. in der DEC-Achse ein Schneckenrad mit dem das Teleskop auch um diese Achse um ganze 360° gedreht werden kann. Und auch das Verstellen der Achsen zum genauen Einnorden- wenn man es für Fotografie denn braucht - ist zwar noch nicht optimal, aber doch deutlich besser als bei einer EQ-1. Die Montierung ist mit dem Pluto/s nicht überfordert und hat noch Spielraum für Zubehör.

Ein Nachführmotor für die RA-Achse ist relativ einfach an die Montierung anzubringen und erleichtert nicht nur das visuelle Beobachten, sowie Mond-, Sonnen- und Planetenaufnahmen, sondern macht meiner Erfahrung nach auch erste Aufnahmen von nicht zu dunklen Deep-Sky-Objekten möglich, wenn man die Belichtungszeit der Einzelaufnahmen in Grenzen halten kann (z.B. Orionnebel, Kugelsternhaufen). Die hohe Lichtstärke des Pluto ist hier wieder von Vorteil. Man muß sich aber bewusst sein, daß der Nachführmotor und die Montierung nicht mit Astrofotografie im Sinn gemacht wurden.

Um fotografisch die Grenzen noch etwas zu erweitern, habe ich das Stativ auf eine Art T aus Baulatten mit höhenverstellbaren Möbelfüßen gesetzt. Damit steht das Stativ schön stabil und kann einfach nivelliert werden. Die Plastikzahnstange des Okularauszuges des Pluto hat sich leider schnell abgenutzt, so daß ich die Idee hatte Innen- und Außenteil des Okularauszugs zu kürzen und wieder ineinander zu verkleben. Dies dient jetzt als Aufnahme für eine 1,25“-Steckhülse mit T2-Anschluß. Daran kann jedwedes T2-Zubehör angeschlossen werden, darunter z.B. ein nichtdrehender T2-Helikalauszug mit dem z.B. Astrokameras mit T2-Gewinde sehr gut fokussiert werden können.

Nach der Modifizierung des OAZ bin ich beim Nachmessen der Fokuslage darauf gekommen, daß der Backfokus groß genug sein müsste, um mit einem kurzbauenden T2-Adapter und dem T2-Helikalauszug auch eine DSLR anzuschließen. Dies ist natürlich meilenweit von der ursprünglich vorgesehenen Anwendung des Pluto/s entfernt, aber nur Versuch macht kluch. Und da die Verwendung eines Komakorrektors für den größeren Sensor einer DSLR nicht in Frage kam, habe ich wenigsten den Spiegel des Pluto auf F/6,25 mit einer einfachen schwarzen Pappscheibe abgeblendet um die Koma in den Ecken etwas in Schach zu halten - auf Kosten einer längeren Belichtungszeit. Um längere Deep-Sky-Bilder zu machen, habe ich die EQ-Sky auf Erholung geschickt und das Pluto/s auf einer EQ-5 mit Leitrohr befestigt. Mit der Standard-Prismenschiene des Pluto war auch das kein Problem.

Getestet habe ich am Orionnebel M42/M43 , an den Plejaden und an der Gegend um Alnitak mit dem Pferdekopfnebel mit Einzelaufnahmen bis zu 90sec und Gesamtbelichtungszeiten von jeweils über einer Stunde. Die DSLR war eine unmodifizierte Canon 1300D. Die Ergebnisse haben mich wieder angenehm überrascht, obwohl ich von „meinem“ Pluto/s schon einiges gewohnt war. Ja, in den Ecken sieht man noch Restkoma und wenn man genau hinschaut, sieht man, daß die DSLR leicht verkippt war – da hätte ich wohl sorgfältiger sein sollen. Aber mit einer leichten Beschneidung des Bildausschnitts und einer Verkleinerung der Auflösung sind Bilder entstanden, die ich so nicht von einem „visuellen Einsteigerkugelspiegel“ erwartet hätte.


Als ich das Bresser Pluto/s gekauft habe, hatte ich nicht erwartet, daß das Teleskop mich soweit bringen und begleiten würde – erst recht nicht bis zur Deep-Sky-Fotografie mit einer DSLR. Das Pluto eignet sich gut, es etwas „aufzupeppen“. Es ist lichtstark, justierbar und kommt mit einer relativ stabilen Montierung daher. Das kompensiert zu einem großen Teil den etwas unschärferen Kugelspiegel. Bei ausgedehnteren Objekten fällt diese Unschärfe aber kaum auf.

Die volle Leistung des Pluto kommt nicht von selbst. Man muß sich damit auseinandersetzen und es pflegen. Wer sich aber mit dem Pluto beschäftigt und lernen will, für den ist es ein gutes, vielseitiges, ausbaubares Einsteigerteleskop zu einem günstigen Preis. Bei mir wird es einen speziellen Platz als mein erstes richtiges Teleskop haben, welches mich immer wieder mal angenehm überrascht hat.


M45 Pleijaden mit DSLR
Alnitak und Umgebung (mit DSLR)
M13 Herkuleshaufen (ASI178MC)
Mond mit Reducer (ASI120MC)
Sonne mit Sonnenflecken (ASI120MC)
Orionnebel M42/M43; "Running man" mit DSLR
Jupiter und roter Fleck (ASI120MC)

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Sky Guides von Bresser

Der Sky Guide bietet umfassende Informationen zu Sternbildern, Planetenpositionen und astronomischen Ereignissen – ideal, um Ihre Beobachtungen zu planen und noch tiefer in die Astronomie einzutauchen. 
Besuchen Sie den Guide direkt hier, um das Beste aus Ihren Beobachtungen herauszuholen!
Product information "BRESSER Pluto 114/500 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter"
Who doesn't dream of exploring the vastness of the universe with their own eyes? This complete telescope set comes with everything you need for your journey to open star clusters and distant emission nebulae: an astronomical reflecting telescope with 114 mm aperture and 500 mm focal length, an equatorial mount, a tripod and extensive accessories for astronomical observations. You can immediately start your very own adventure in astronomy, because the system is very easy to handle and transport. Especially wide-field observations in the Milky Way are a joy to watch through the beginner's telescope.

A classic for a start - the telescope 
With the classic reflector telescope, a so-called Newtonian reflector, you’ll achieve a successful start in sky observation. A special feature of this type of telescope is that you don’t look in at the back of the telescope, but at the side in the front. The advantage is the comfortable observation position. So you don't have to bend down when the entry-level telescope is pointed vertically into the sky. In terms of optics, these reflecting telescopes are impressive in that they are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and offer good imaging properties

With its 114 mm aperture, the entry-level telescope already collects a lot of light from celestial objects. In addition, 114 mm aperture and 500 mm focal length result in a very short focal ratio (ratio of the aperture to the focal length) of about 1 to 4.4 (F/4.4). This causes the telescope to be very fast and to deliver an extremely bright image. The fast focal ratio and the short focal length cause the telescope to be a specialist for observing structures in the Milky Way and extended gas nebulae, for example the North America Nebula NGC 7000. This way a ''walk'' through the Milky Way with low magnification is simply a lot of fun. And you can choose the perfect place for it, because the entry-level telescope is very compact and therefore easily transported.

And how closely will you be able to look? The aperture of 114 mm offers a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to about 230x with sharp images. Technically, even higher magnifications are possible - theoretically up to 375x by using the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the sharpness of the image may slowly decrease. Of course, it is not only your telescope that determines how much you can magnify. The air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) is also an important factor.

Note for nature lovers:
If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pluto reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed sideways as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observations during the day. Would you also like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes.

The perfect foundation for your astro-start - mount and tripod
Have you found the ideal location for your celestial observations? Then simply attach the telescope tube to the height-adjustable tripod with equatorial mount. It makes tracking particularly easy, because in contrast to an azimuthal mount, you do not need to move both axes at the same time. So you simply align one axis parallel to the Earth's axis by pointing it approximately at Polaris. This process is called ''alignment''. After that, you track your celestial bodies only on this one axis. Another plus of the mount are the two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. They make adjusting and tracking the beginner's telescope particularly precise and comfortable. Very handy: A storage plate mounted between the tripod legs allows easy access to your accessories.

Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable!

Everything included - the accessories
Unpack, set up and start your journey of discovery across the night sky right away – for this purpose the astronomy set comes with all the necessary accessories. Get the perfect overview with the LED viewfinder. To do this, the viewfinder is simply installed parallel to the actual telescope. Turned on, it projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. Look through it and it appears to hover in front of the night sky in exactly the direction in which you have aligned your entry-level telescope. Thus precise telescope alignment and finding celestial objects becomes child's play when you are using the LED viewfinder.

A larger field of view or more details? With the two eyepieces (4 mm and 20 mm) you can admire the objects in different magnifications. The 3x Barlow lens goes one better: it allows you to triple the magnification of the eyepieces.
But it doesn't have to stop there: If you ever want to expand your astronomy set, you can choose from a variety of additionally available eyepieces. After all, the socket diameter of 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) follows an international and manufacturer-independent standard.

Observe the star of our daytime sky completely safely – to this end a solar filter is included with the entry-level telescope. Take a closer look at the sunspots and marvel at the granulation on our very own star.
CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter!

For quick snapshots of special discoveries, grab the smartphone camera adapter. This way you can delight yourself and your friends again and again with fascinating astrophotos, for example of the Moon or the Sun.

  • Reflector telescope for beginners with 114 mm aperture and 500 mm focal length
  • Reflector type Newton
  • Ideal for observing the Milky Way and extended gas nebulae at low magnifications
  • Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount
  • Easy to use, very good for beginners
  • Focal ratio F/4.4, therefore very fast and bright image
  • Very compact, easy to transport
  • 31.7 mm eyepiece extension (1.25 inch)
  • Two eyepieces and one Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) focusers for different magnifications
  • Safe solar observation with the included solar filter
  • Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter

  • Telescope
  • Aluminium tripod
  • Equatorial EQ3 mount
  • Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25-inch socket)
  • Barlow lens 3x (1.25-inch socket)
  • LED illuminated dot finder
  • Solar filter
  • Smartphone camera adapter
  • Accessory tray
  • Astronomy software download
  • Instruction manual

Colour: Carbon Fiber
Dust protection caps: Dust protection caps for open aperture and eyepiece holder
Finderscope: LED-Red Dot Finder
Fine movements: Manual (RA and DEC)
Focus Group [Telescopes]: Beginners
Material: Aluminium
Material tripod 3): Aluminium
Mount Type [Telescopes]: German/Equatorial Mount
Optical design: Newtonian Reflector
Product Family [Telescopes]: Reflector telescope

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.

€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

OCULUM VERLAG - Hobby-Astronom in 4 Schritten (German edition)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German language.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Sun Catcher Solar Filter for 110-130mm Telescopes
Explore Scientific's Sun Catcher Variable Large Aperture Solar Filters are available in many sizes to work on most telescopes from 60mm up to 10-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain and of course all Bresser and Explore Scientific Telescopes. The Solar Filter material being used is the new advanced 'Solarlite' Film manufactured by world famous Thousand Oaks Optical through years of research and development. 'Solarlite' is a new solar film that has the optical quality of glass with the advantages of impregnated polymer. Perfect also for the solar astrophotographer.NOTE: All Explore Scientific Solar Equipment is rated ISO12312-2 supplied by Thousand Oaks Optical and approved for direct observation of the Sun.These solar filters are available in different sizes, the picture above shows three different sizes as an example. This is the solar filter with 114mm filter diameter.SPEZIFICATIONSSpecial objective filter for safe solar observationsISO12312-2 ratedField-stop diameter 114mmFits to outer telescope tube diameter from 110 to 160mmQuick individual match with your telescope diameterFast Setup - Easy UseSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x Sun Catcher solar filter

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 15mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 11 mm Weight: 100 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 15 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 25mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The NPL20, NPL25, NPL30 and NPL40 eyepieces employ twist-up eye-guards for viewing comfort. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 19.5 mm Weight: 130 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 25 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 10mm (1.25")
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 6.5 mm Weight: 80 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 10 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 8mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 4.5 mm Weight: 79 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 8 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 30mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The NPL20, NPL25, NPL30 and NPL40 eyepieces employ twist-up eye-guards for viewing comfort. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 24 mm Weight: 120 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 30 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 6mm (1.25'')
High-quality eyepiece for beginners who want high-quality results at an affordable price. The 2-group, 4-element Plossl lens design of the NPL eyepieces ensures clear and sharp images with good colour correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission, the eyepieces also offer a comfortable eye distance. In contrast to predecessor models, the chromatic aberration has been further reduced and you will be impressed by the sharpness of the edges. FEATURES Plug-in diameter: 31.7 mm Apparent field of vision: 50° Eyepoint distance: 3.0 mm Weight: 70 g WHAT’S INCLUDED 1x eyepiece 6 mm (1.25”) and protective caps

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" Filter Grey ND0.9
The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope 4"(10.2cm) and larger. The ND96 filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. Very flat design, with only 5.0mm light path. FEATURESreduces brightness for a higher contrastideal for observing the mooncan be combined with other colour filtersvery flat design, with only 5.0mm light path SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x Color Filter #ND96 Moon Filter (0.9 density; 13% transmission)

Vixen 2x Barlow Lens with T2 Thread
This Barlow lens doubles the focal length of your telescope. It allows you to make astronomical observations with a higher magnification than a conventional eyepiece. Thanks to the Barlow lens between the eyepiece, you can obtain a greater magnification whilst maintaining a comfortable interpupillary distance.This Vixen 2x Barlow lens is ideal for observing and photographing lunar landscapes and details on the brighter planets. The Barlow lens also features a T2 connection for photography with DSLR cameras. With T2 extension tubes, it can also be used as a camera projection adapter.With a deflecting prism, the Barlow lens enables you to obtain a magnification factor of 3.3x.FEATURES2x Barlow lenses with T2 thread2-lens optical systemDoubles the magnification factorAlso suitable as a camera adapter31.7 mm sleeveWeight: 80 gDELIVERY CONTENT 2x Barlow lenses Dust caps

BRESSER 30mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 30mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 30 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER 25mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 25mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 25 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER 20mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 20mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 20 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER 15mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 15mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 15 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER 10mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 10mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 10 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER 6.5mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 6.5mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 6.5 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

BRESSER RA Tracking Motor + Controller
This BRESSER RA-Motor for a more comfortable tracking of your telescope. Including controller. Suitable for BRESSER Pluto, Galaxia, Quasar and Skylux telescopes, and all BRESSER carbon look telescopes with EQ-Sky and EQ3 mount.Important note: Not suitable for BRESSER Space Explorer and Firstlight telescopes. FEATURES motor for the BRESSER telescopes: Pluto, Galaxia, Quasar, Skylux, and all BRESSER carbon look telescopes with EQ-Sky and EQ3 mountthanks to the automatic tracking the observed object always remains in the eyepieceSCOPE OF DELIVERYmotorhandheld controllerbattery compartment bag with lanyardmanual


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BRESSER Spica-I 130/650 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Set off in search of your own fascinating discoveries at the night sky. This starter set comes with everything you need for your first astronomical observations: reflector telescope with 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length, equatorial mount, tripod and comprehensive astronomical accessories. The system is very easy to use and extremely versatile. It is suitable for observing the Moon, the Sun and the planets as well as star clusters and gas nebulae. Ideal for your easy start in sky observation! Astro all-rounder for beginners - the telescope The astronomical telescope is a classic reflector telescope, a so-called Newtonian reflector. One characteristic of this particular type: They are designed to look in at the front and from the side instead of the rear. Thus, the observation position always remains comfortable, even when the tube is pointed vertically into the sky. Once familiar with it, the telescope is also very easy to use. These reflector telescopes also have one important advantage regarding their optics: they are free of chromatic aberrations and thus offer good imaging properties. With its 130 mm aperture, this entry-level telescope already collects a lot of light from celestial objects. In addition, 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length result in a short focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 5 (F/5). This allows you to marvel at a bright image through this fast telescope. It also allows for high magnifications, making the beginner's telescope a flexible all-rounder for sky observing. Enjoy the full range of astronomical highlights: At low to medium magnification, take in open and globular clusters such as M13 in the constellation Hercules. Or you can admire gas nebulae such as the famous Orion Nebula M42. At high magnifications, on the other hand, observing the planets or details on the Moon becomes an absolute pleasure. The 130 mm aperture offers a resolution which allows you to admire your favourite celestial objects in sharp images at magnifications of up to about 260x. Technically, even more is possible - theoretically up to 487.5x with the included accessories. However, the image sharpness can then slowly decrease with increasing magnification. Nevertheless, how much you can really magnify, depends not only on your telescope. The air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) is also always an important factor in your astronomical observations. Please note that reflecting telescopes of the "Newton" type always produce images both laterally reversed and upside down. This does not matter for astronomical observations, which is why these telescopes are very well suited for these purposes. For nature and landscape observations during the day, however, this characteristic is disruptive. Therefore, we recommend the BRESSER refracting telescopes for this application. User-friendly and stable - mount and tripod Have you found the perfect place for your observations? Then just attach the telescope to the equatorial mount and the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. The advantage of this type of mount: unlike azimuthal models, the movement of the celestial bodies has to be counterbalanced on just one axis. For this purpose, one axis is aligned parallel to the Earth's axis by pointing it approximately at the polar star. Adjustment and tracking of the telescope is particularly precise and comfortable via the two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. And your accessories stay always within reach on the storage plate attached to the tripod.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Complete astronomy starter package - the accessories Unpack and get started straight away - the beginner's telescope comes with lots of accessories. The LED viewfinder enables you to navigate the night sky with ease. This direction finder is installed on the telescope and projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. When you look through it, the red dot appears to be floating at the exact location in the sky to which the telescope is pointed. Thus, the LED viewfinder allows you to easily find celestial objects and accurately align the telescope. Different perspectives of the night sky: With the two eyepieces included, you are able to view astronomical objects at different magnifications. With the standard 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) diameter sockets, they are simply inserted into the telescope's focuser. Do you want an even more detailed image? Then the 3x barlow lens can triple the magnification. However, during the day taking a look at the sky is also worthwhile: with the solar filter you can safely observe sunspots and granulation on our very own star. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Whether Sun, Moon, planets or deep sky objects - with the smartphone adapter you can capture your most fascinating moments on intriguing snapshots. Simply slip it over the eyepiece and take your first steps in astrophotography! FEATURES Reflector telescope with 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length Reflector type Newton Well suited for observing Sun, Moon and planets as well as star clusters and gas nebulae Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise adjustment through flexible shafts with fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very good for beginners Focal ratio F/5, thus well suited for many celestial objects 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25-inch socket) Barlow lens 3x (1.25-inch socket) LED illuminated dot viewfinder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

€259.00* €329.00* (21.28% saved)
BRESSER Galaxia 114/900 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Fascinating Jupiter, breathtaking Ring Nebula and glowing Pleiades – there are infinite beauties to admire in outer space. With this complete telescope set for beginners, you can explore them with your own eyes, and do so immediately. Everything is included for a quick and easy start in sky observation: the astronomical reflector telescope with 114 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and a wide range of astronomical accessories. In addition, the telescope can be operated very easily, even by beginners. The Galaxia is particularly suitable for observing the Moon and planets as well as star clusters and bright gas nebulae. Getting started easily with a true astro-classic – the telescope This set enables you to make your first astronomical discoveries through a classic reflector telescope, a so-called Newtonian reflector. For many beginners, the view through telescopes of this type is rather unusual: you don't look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. This way you can always enjoy your observations in a comfortable physical position. Even if the telescope is pointed vertically upwards into the sky, you don’t have to bend down. Another important advantage of these reflecting telescopes: the optics are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and thus score points with their good imaging properties. Due to its aperture of 114 mm, the entry-level telescope already collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 114 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length result in a large focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 7.9 (F/7.9). As a result, you’ll enjoy a sharp image with good contrast. The combination of large aperture and long focal length makes especially Moon, Sun and planets look very impressive through this telescope. But you can also use it to observe many deep sky objects. Look forward, for example, to your first impressions of sparkling open star clusters and globular clusters. But also bright gas nebulae such as the Orion Nebula M42 or the Dumbbell Nebula M27 can already be seen with this telescope. However, how close do the celestial bodies appear through the astronomical telescope? The resolving power of the 114 mm aperture allows for magnifications of up to 230x with sharp images. Technically even more would be possible, theoretically up to 675x using the included accessories. But as the magnification increases, the image sharpness can then slowly decrease. And another factor always determines the answer to the question of possible magnification: the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Galaxia reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Perfect foundation for stargazing newbies – mount and tripod You found the ideal place for your start in astronomy? Then go ahead and mount the beginner's telescope on the equatorial mount and the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. This type of mount has a special advantage over azimuthal models: the movement of the celestial bodies is tracked on just one axis instead of two. To do this, you align one axis parallel to the Earth's axis beforehand. This so-called "alignment" is easily done: you simply point the axis approximately to Polaris. Another advantage of this particular mount is that you move the axes via two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. Perfect for comfortable and sensitive adjustment and tracking of your telescope. Always at hand: The extensive accessories can be stored on the shelf between the tripod legs. Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Everything you need for your new hobby – the accessories Since the telescope kit comes with an extensive range of accessories, you are perfectly equipped for your first steps in the fascinating world of astronomy. Simply install the LED viewfinder parallel to the tube, adjust it and look through. As you do so, you will see a red dot projected onto a small ground-glass screen inside the viewfinder. It appears to hover in front of the sky at the exact spot where the telescope is pointed. This helps you to find celestial objects and the exact telescope alignment more easily. Simply change your perspective – with the two eyepieces you can marvel at your favourite astronomical objects in different magnifications. They are easily inserted into the telescope's focuser using the sockets, which have the standard diameter of 1.25 inch (31.7 mm). Do you want an even more detailed view? Then simply triple the magnification of the eyepieces using the 3x barlow lens. Astronomical observations are well worthwhile even during the day: enjoy a safe view of sunspots and granulation on our own star with the solar filter. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter! Take your first photos of the Moon or the Sun, and do it easily: the smartphone adapter enables you to attach your smartphone camera to the telescope and soon enjoy your very own astronomical snapshots. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 114 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length Reflector type Newton Well suited for observing Sun, Moon and planets, also star clusters and gas nebulae are visible Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Sensitive adjustment through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very suitable for beginners Focal ratio F/7.9, thus sharp image and good contrast 1,25 inch (31,7 mm) eyepiece focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) extension tubes for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Easy first steps into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

€229.00* €339.00* (32.45% saved)
BRESSER Solarix Telescope 114/500 with Solar Filter
Get fascinated by the unique experience of observing the sun but also the wonderful starry night ! We are proud to present the BRESSER Solarix 114/500 - the first all in one Newtonian telescope package that enables you to observe the sun. With a certified quality at a sensational price point. The telescope arrives completely assembled - observation can start immediately. It was never easier for the public to observe the night sky and the sun so easily, cheap and - last but not least - safe. The solar filter that was especially designed for this telescope makes it possible. It contains a special foil that protects the eye against all kinds of solar radiation during observations: infrared, ultraviolet and visible light is dampened to a safe level. Only a safe amount of the visible spectrum can pass the filter and creates a wonderful solar image in the eyepiece. The safety feature of this filter was checked by an independent quality assurance company. Do you want to capture what you see? With the included smartphone holder bracket, you can use your smartphone to easily take colour pictures of celestial objects - like through a telephoto lens! But the BRESSER Solarix 114/500 is of course also ready to be used for observing astronomical objects in the night sky. The featured accessories are everything you need for an immediate start. The newtonian reflector is equipped with a extensive manual and set up in almost no time. The telescope arrives completely assembled - observation can start immediately. Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. FEATURES 20x to 111x Magnification Ready for solar and celestial observing Complete accessories for immediate observations Smartphone Holder Bracked for cellphone photography Easy to use azimutal mount with tripod The telescope arrives completely assembled - observation can start immediately SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical Tube Assembly Azimutal Mount Aluminium Tripod with Spreader Bar and eyepiece holders Aperture Solar-filter2 Eyepieces (31.7 mm / 1.25''): K-9 mm, K-25 mm2x Barlow LensSmartphone holder bracketAstronomical Software and downloadable moon chartUser Manual*Colour appearance through the optics dependent on the observed object and exposure time

€129.00* €168.00* (23.21% saved)
BRESSER Pegasus 130/650 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Accessories
Who doesn't dream of exploring the beauties of the universe with their own eyes? This complete telescope set allows you to make your first celestial observations immediately and very easily. It contains everything you need for your new hobby: a reflector telescope with 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length, an equatorial mount, a tripod and extensive accessories for astronomical observations. The system is easy to operate and very flexible. You can look forward to fascinating views of the Moon and planets. Star clusters and gas nebulae also look impressive through the user-friendly entry-level telescope. Easy start with the astronomy all-rounder – the telescope The set includes a true classic among the reflector telescopes, a so-called Newtonian reflector. With this type of telescope, you look in at the front of the tube instead of at the back. The advantage: the observing position always remains comfortable, even when the telescope is pointed vertically upwards. In addition to observing comfort, reflectors also impress with their optical performance. After all, they are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and thus offer good imaging properties. Due to its 130 mm aperture, the entry-level telescope already collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, there is the short focal ratio (ratio of the aperture to the focal length) of 1 to 5 (F/5), which derives from the 130 mm aperture and the 650 mm focal length. As a result, the fast beginner's telescope shows a bright image and enables high magnifications. You also benefit from the flexibility of this astronomical telescope: Admire the fascinating view of open and globular clusters such as M13 in the constellation Hercules at low to medium magnification. Or marvel at gas nebulae such as the famous Orion Nebula M42. At high magnifications, on the other hand, the entry-level telescope brings you closer to the impressive planets and exciting details on our Moon. How big do the astronomical eye-catchers appear? Due to the resolving power achieved with the aperture of 130 mm, the telescope shows you sharp images at magnifications up to about 260x. With the included accessories, you can already reach 195x. The technology allows even more, but the image sharpness can decrease at even higher magnifications. However, it is not only the telescope that determines how much you can magnify. It also depends on the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pegasus reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. User-friendly base – mount and tripod Found the perfect place for your celestial observations? Then you can start installing your astronomical telescope on the height-adjustable stainless steel tripod with equatorial mount. The advantage over azimuthal mounts: you only have to move along one axis instead of two. The reason is that you align the other one parallel to the earth's axis beforehand. This so-called "alignment" is very easy: you simply point the axis approximately at Polaris. In addition, the mount comes equipped with two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. Perfect for aligning and tracking the telescope particularly precisely and comfortably. Everything always within reach: on the practical storage plate, your accessories are quickly at hand if needed.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Complete astro package to start stargazing immediately – the accessories The comprehensive astronomy accessories make it easier for you to get started and enable you to see your favourite celestial bodies from completely different perspectives. To align the telescope and find your way around the night sky you can mount the LED finder parallel to the telescope. The method is simple: a red dot is projected onto a small ground-glass screen inside the viewfinder. When you look through the dot appears to hover in front of the sky – exactly at the point where the entry-level telescope is pointed. This way, you can easily find astronomical objects through the illuminated dot finder and then marvel at them in detail using the high magnification of your telescope. Vary your view of the stars: with the two eyepieces (10 mm and 25 mm), you can admire your nocturnal observation objects in two different magnifications. They are simply inserted into the eyepiece focuser of the telescope via their 1.25-inch-sockets, which is a standard diameter. You want to look even closer? Then the included 3x barlow lens can triple the magnification of the eyepieces. Explore the night sky on your own through the versatile BRESSER Pegasus 130/650 EQ3 reflector telescope. FEATURES Reflector telescope for beginners with 130 mm aperture and 650 mm focal length Reflector type: Newton Good for observing Moon, planets as well as star clusters and gas nebulae Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise positioning due to flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very well suited for beginners Focal ratio F/5, thus well suited for many celestial objects 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) focuser Two eyepieces and a barlow lens with 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) sockets for different magnifications SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Stainless steel tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 10 mm and 25 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

€259.00* €315.00* (17.78% saved)
BRESSER Pollux-II 150/1400 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Explore the beauties of the night sky with this complete telescope set. Everything is included so that you can get started immediately with the fascinating hobby of astronomy: the astronomical reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and extensive accessories for exciting observations. Especially important for beginners: the system is very easy to use. Particularly the Moon, the planets and the Sun appear impressive through the Pollux-II. Powerful performance for your first celestial observations – the telescope Take your first steps in astronomy with this classic reflector telescope of the "Newton" type. Because it is equipped with an additional lens inside the focuser, it belongs to the group of the so-called "catadioptric" optics. One advantage of this combination of lens and mirror: despite the large focal length, the telescope tube is relatively short and therefore easily transportable. In addition, you can look forward to a comfortable observation position at all times. This is because with telescopes of this design you do not look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. So you don't have to bend down, even if the reflector telescope is pointed vertically upwards at the sky. The large aperture of 150 mm collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length result in a focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 9.3 (F/9.3). This allows you to enjoy viewing your favourite objects at high magnifications with good contrast. Admire especially the planets or details on the Moon through the entry-level telescope. But also some deep sky objects are very nice to observe: open star clusters, globular clusters and bright planetary nebulae such as the Ring Nebula M57 in the constellation Lyra can be seen beautifully through this astronomical telescope. But how close can you get to the celestial eye-catchers? The 150 mm aperture achieves a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to 300x with sharp images. The technical possibilities go far beyond this – theoretically up to 1,050x using the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the sharpness of the image can slowly decrease. In addition, high magnification also requires the right environmental conditions. For no matter through which telescope you look, the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) always influences your observation and magnification possibilities. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pollux-II reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Solid base for gazing skywards – mount and tripod Have you found the perfect location for your journey of discovery into the night sky? Then simply mount your astronomical telescope with the equatorial mount on the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. The special feature of this type of mount: after the so-called "alignment", the positioning of an axis parallel to the Earth's axis, the movement of the celestial bodies only has to be compensated for on this one axis. To do this, you simply point the axis approximately at Polaris. This is a huge advantage over the azimuthal mount, where both axes are moved simultaneously. In addition, the two flexible shafts with fine adjustment make adjusting and tracking the telescope very precise and comfortable. And to ensure that accessories are always at hand, they can be stored on the handy shelf between the tripod legs.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Everything you need, night and day – the accessories The astronomical telescope comes with a wide range of equipment so that you can start admiring the Moon, planets or the Sun straight away. At night, the LED viewfinder helps you keep an overview of the sky. Once installed parallel on the tube and correctly aligned, the small red dot shows you where the telescope is pointing when you look through it. This way, you can align the optics precisely and find celestial bodies more quickly before you then take a closer look with the high magnification. Varying views of the universe: the two eyepieces allow you to marvel at your observation objects in different magnifications. They are simply inserted into the telescope's focuser using their sockets with a standardised 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) diameter. You want to see even more details? Then go for the 3x barlow lens, which triples the magnification of the eyepieces. If you would like to make astronomical discoveries even during the day, use the solar filter to observe the star of our own solar system. It allows you to easily and safely observe sunspots and granulation on the sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter! Capture special highlights easily – with the smartphone adapter, you use your smartphone as a camera for your telescope. This way you can quickly take your first photos of the Moon or the Sun, for example, and get started in astrophotography. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length Reflector type catadioptric Well suited for observing the Sun, Moon and planets Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise adjustment through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very suitable for beginners Focal ratio F/9.3, therefore good for observing the planets and details on the moon 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) eyepiece focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) extension tubes for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

BRESSER Pollux-I 150/750 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Explore hidden worlds through your own eyes – with the BRESSER Pollux-I telescope starter set for budding amateur astronomers, you can go on your own journey of discovery in outer space. Everything you need is already included: the astronomical reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and a wide range of accessories for astronomical observations. Perfect for getting started quickly: the system is very easy to use. In addition, the entry-level telescope impresses with its versatility: you can observe the Moon and planets as well as star clusters, gas nebulae and even galaxies through the high-quality optics. Due to the parabolic primary mirror the image delights with impressive sharpness and high contrast. In addition, the 2-inch focuser allows for the use of high-quality eyepieces. Perfect conditions for fascinating sights of the night sky! Time-proven optics for your first astro-steps – the telescope By choosing the Pollux-I, you’ll start your journey to the stars with a classic Newtonian reflector telescope. Beginners are often surprised by the fact that with telescopes of this type you don't look in at the back of the tube, but at the front and laterally. This gives you the advantage of always being able to look into the telescope in a comfortable posture, even when it's pointed vertically upwards at the sky. In addition, these reflector telescopes offer optics that are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and thus provide good imaging properties. The large aperture of 150 mm collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length result in a short focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 5 (F/5). On the one hand, this makes the telescope fast and provide a bright image. On the other hand, high magnifications can be achieved. This combination makes the entry-level telescope so versatile. In addition, the Pollux-I is equipped with a parabolic primary mirror. The remarkable effect of this special mirror shape: you enjoy excellent imaging properties at all magnification levels. So you can look forward to the complete range of celestial highlights. At low to medium magnification, you can admire deep-sky objects such as open star clusters, globular clusters, gas nebulae and even galaxies such as the pair of galaxies M65 and M66 in the constellation Leo. And at high magnifications, observing the planets or details on the Moon is an absolute pleasure. You can get really close to your favourite objects: The aperture of 150 mm achieves a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to about 300x with sharp images. Technically, even higher magnifications are possible, theoretically up to 562.5x using the included accessories. However, with increasing magnification, the sharpness of the image can slowly decrease. In addition, the prevailing conditions always make a difference: How highly you can magnify always depends not only on the power of the telescope but also on the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). The telescope also impresses with its flexibility in terms of eyepiece compatibility: it comes with a 2-inch focuser (focuser extension) and an adapter from 2 inch to 1.25 inch. This enables you to use eyepieces with 1.25-inch sockets (about 31.7 mm) as well as eyepieces with the larger 2-inch sockets (about 50.8 mm) with large fields of view. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pollux-I reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Perfect foundation for fascinating discoveries – mount and tripod Your beginner's telescope is securely held by the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with equatorial mount. The special feature of this mount, also known as a parallactic mount: in contrast to azimuthal models, the movement of the celestial bodies is only compensated for on one axis instead of two. For this purpose, you simply align one axis parallel to the Earth's axis by pointing it approximately at Polaris. For precise and comfortable alignment and tracking of the entry-level telescope, the Pollux-I comes equipped with two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. And to ensure that the interchangeable eyepieces, barlow lens etc. always remain within reach, they can be stored on the tray between the tripod legs.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Well equipped for the ideal start – the accessories Your entry-level telescope comes with a wide range of astronomy accessories so that you can start to be amazed right away. For example, the LED viewfinder helps you align the telescope and find celestial objects. Installed in parallel on the telescope, this direction finder shows you a red dot when you look through it. It appears to hover in front of the sky and thereby shows you where the telescope is pointing. Varying view of the sky: With the two eyepieces with 1.25-inch sockets (31.7 mm), you can admire your astronomical discoveries at different magnifications. The 3x barlow lens already included in the set triples the magnification of the eyepiece you are using. Enjoy safe observations of our Sun with the included solar filter. This way you can easily take a closer look at sunspots and granulation on our own star. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Astrophotography for beginners: with the smartphone adapter, you can use your mobile phone as a camera on the telescope. This way you will quickly impress friends and relatives with your own first snapshots e. g. of the Moon or the Sun. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length Reflector type Newton with parabolic primary mirror Very well suited for observing the Sun, Moon and planets as well as star clusters, gas nebulae and galaxies Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise movement through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very good for beginners Focal ratio F/5, thus very suitable for many celestial objects 2-inch (50.8 mm) focuser with adapter to 1.25-inch (31.7 mm) Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25-inch (31.7 mm) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Adapter from 2 inch to 1.25 inch Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25-inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25-inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software as download Instruction manual
