BRESSER Spezial Astro SF 15x70 Binoculars

High quality waterproof and Argon filled binocular suitable for astronomy and landscape observation

  • binoculars for astronomical and landscape observations
  • extremely high light gathering capacity
  • waterproof and ARGON gas filled against fogging
  • magnification: 15x / objective lens diameter: 70mm
  • individual eyepiece focus and foldable rubber eyecups
  • highly corrected eyepieces for crisp images to the edge
  • fully multi coated optics / tripod adapter included
  • ergonomic rubber armouring - ruggedly protected against shocks
  • dimensions: 290x215x85mm / weight: 1900g
  • Scope of delivery: binoculars, neckstrap, tripod adapter, dust covers, case, instruction manual


% €315.00* (5.4% saved)

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 0114115
EAN: 4007922058931
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Sky Guides by Bresser

The Sky Guide provides comprehensive information on constellations, planetary positions, and astronomical events – perfect for planning your observations and delving deeper into astronomy.
Visit the guide directly here to make the most of your observations!
With Bresser recreational optics, you are always perfectly equipped! We bring you closer to the uniqueness of the moment. 

True art of living consists in seeing the wonderful in the everyday. (Pearl S. Buck)

Our wide range includes: binoculars, night vision devices, targeting and precision optics, surveillance cameras, as well as spotting scopes and telescopes. Bresser stands for high quality combined with affordable prices. With our Binocular ABC, Binocular Guide, and an introduction to the history and key features of binoculars, we are happy to assist you before and after your purchase.
Product information "BRESSER Spezial Astro SF 15x70 Binoculars"
SPEZIAL ASTRO SF 15x70 binoculars from BRESSER are ideal for astronomy and landscape observation. 

Thanks to fully multi coated Bak-4 glass material, the extra large objective 70mm lens diameter and highly corrected eyepieces with 5 lenses in 3 groups, these binoculars provide bright, crisp images from edge to edge of their field of view. The high 15x magnification is convenient not only for observing astronomical objects but is also practical for viewing distant terrestrial objects. Due to a very high reduction of stray light, the binoculars deliver the best possible picture and excellent clarity. With the individual eyepiece focus set you can get a sharp image for all astronomical distances, with no "focus creep" to spoil the view . Foldable rubber eyecups give eye glass wearers the possibility of making the best use of these binoculars wide field of view. Large diameter ocular eyepiece lenses provide extremely comfortable viewing, making longer observations possible without eye fatigue.

The binoculars are waterproof and ARGON gas filled to avoid internal fogging. The ergonomic rubber armouring provides a good grip and is also protected against shocks, making them rugged and ideal for transportation. 

With the tripod thread in the lengthened centre axis, the SPEZIAL ASTRO can be mounted onto any photographic tripod. For tripod use the tripod adapter (part No. 4914925) is icluded. The use of a tripod is highly recommended, as hand holding at the high magnification of 15x makes it difficult to obtain a steady image. 

  • binoculars for astronomical and landscape observations 
  • extremely high light gathering capacity  
  • high magnification for for distant objects 
  • fully multi coated optics 
  • waterproof and ARGON gas filled against fogging 
  • magnification: 15x / objective lens diameter: 70mm 
  • individual eyepiece focus and foldable rubber eyecups 
  • highly corrected eyepieces for crisp images from edge to edge 
  • ergonomic rubber armouring - ruggedly protected against shocks 
  • dimensions: 290x215x85mm / weight: 1900g 
  • tripod thread available
  • tripod adapter included

  • binoculars 
  • neckstrap
  • tripod adapter
  • dust covers 
  • case
  • instruction manual
Body armouring: Rubber
Body material: Aluminium
Colour: black
Dust protection caps: Dust protection caps for front lens and eyepiece holder
Eyecups: Rubber eyecups, foldable
Material: Aluminium
Material prisms: BaK-4
Optical design: Porro
Product Family [Binoculars]: Spezial-Astro
Type [Binoculars]: Marine binoculars, Standard Binoculars
Type of coating: Fully multi-coated

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

BRESSER Universal Smartphone Adapter
Take photos with your smartphone through your spotting scope, microscope or telescope. It’s a child's play with the BRESSER Universal Smartphone Adapter. Simply attach the adapter to the eyepiece holder of your optical device and then use all together as a telephoto lens for your smartphone camera. Now you can shoot distant objects as if they were up close or take photos through a microscope.FEATURESuniversal adapter to assemble the smartphone to a spotting scope or telescopefor eyepieces up to 68 mm diameterfor smartphones with a width of 50-88mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYSmartphone adapterManual

BRESSER BR-LP15 Cleaning kit - 3 parts
With the 3-piece lens cleaning set you not only clean camera or binocular lenses, but also spectacles glasses and displays and screens of smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. thoroughly and safely. When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. Just blow away fluff with the bellows. FEATURES complete set for safe cleaning of camera lenses bellows for removing coarse dirt particles and fluff without scratching the lens lint-free microfibre cloth approx. 14,5x14,5cm lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x bellows 1x lens cleaning pen 1x microfiber cloth

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Solarix Solar Filter Film A4
​Explore Scientific Solarix Solar Filter Film.Watch Solar Eclipses, Sun Spots, Planet Transits, crossing aircrafts and satellites.Suitable for making your individual solar filter for telescopes, binoculars, photo- and video cameras.New developed solar filter film that has the optical quality of the glass with the advantages of impregnated polymer.Collateral protection by using impregnated polymer and additional filter coated surface.Creates a very natural and yellow solar image.Also qualified for high magnifications.Consistent brightness and even density with any aperture.Ideal for visual observing and photographic use.Light weight and does not require re-balancing tube assembly.Flat surface compared to other thin film filters that have wrinkles and creases.Resistant against any damage.Construction manual included for making your individual solar filter and eclipse glasses.100% safeSpecifications:Material thickness: 0.05mm Optical density:  5Optical transmission: 1/1000 of 1%  (99.999% incoming light blocked)Dimension: A4 - 210 x 297mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYSolar Filter Film, A4 sizeHard carton stencil for cutting out a telescope filter holder and eclipse glassesContruction- and Instruction manual Additional materials which need to be purchased separately:Double sided gluing tape.Universal adhessive glue.Paper scissor.

BRESSER Binocular Tripod Adapter Deluxe, sturdy metal version
Sturdy metal tripod adapter for binoculars up to 3kg net weight. High-quality connecting element between tripod head and binocular bridge with a very stiff design.FEATURESTripod adapter Deluxe made of metalSuitable for almost all binoculars up to 3kg weightConnection element between tripod head and binocular bridgeVery elegant and rigid designTripod connection thread standard 1/4 inch photo threadBinocular connection thread standard 1/4 inch photo threadRubber-coated tripod support for non-slip fitLarge rubber-coated fixing screw for binocular bridgeOverall length: 100mm, weight: 100g, colour: blackSCOPE OF DELIVERYTripod Adapter Deluxe (1pc)

OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.


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BRESSER Thermo-Hygro Sensor
Living room, bedroom and children's room, kitchen and of course the bathroom - all benefit from a regular room climate check to ensure optimal comfort. So, enhance your weather station with this BRESSER Thermo-Hygro Sensor, allowing you to monitor conditions at an additional location. The sensor sends data over a significant distance of up to 80 meters, instantly displaying it on your base station's screen. Wondering if it's really that warm? The sensor includes an LCD display for immediate, on-site verification of current readings. This feature also enables this temperature and humidity meter to function as a standalone thermo-hygrometer. Compatible with these BRESSER weather stations: 7000023, 7007201, 7004200, 9604200, 7007511, 9600028, 7000012CM3000, 7000012GYE000, 7000013, 9070600, 7000028, 7007402, 9070700, 9604210, 7004210, 7006500, 9604100, 9070300, 9070110, 7007520, 9070710, 7000030, 7007610, 7000002, 7000004, 7000020QT5000, 7000020CM3000, 7000020GYE000, 7001800QT5000, 7001800CM3000, 7001800GYE000, 7007550CM3000, 7007600QT5000, 7000022CM3000, 7007500, 7007501, 9080600, 8020210GYE000, 8020210CM3000, 7004330, 7004340, 7006310, 7000020QT5000, 7000020CM3000, 7000020GYE000, 7004220, 7000027, 7000029, 7000060, 7004350, 7004360, 7004370, 7004380, 7006510, 7007350, 7007620, 7000012CM3000, 7000012GYE000 FEATURES Measures temperature and humidity Easy-to-read LCD display Functions as an independent solution, or as a replacement or supplementary sensor for select BRESSER weather stations Maximum range of up to 80 meters IP Protection Class: IP44 Dimensions: 71 x 65 x 23 mm / weight: 44 g Powered by 2x 1.5V AAA batteries (not included) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Thermo-Hygro Sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER T2 Ring Nikon
Connect your BRESSER Microscope or Telescope with a Nikon SLR camera and take images or videos of your observed object!The BRESSER T-Mount is the connecting piece between the camera adapter and SLR camera. To find out what T2-ring you need, look into the instruction manual of your camera.FEATURESConnecting piece between the camera adapter and Nikon SLR cameraHigh-quality and precise workmanship made of metalA corresponding camera adapter is neededSCOPE OF DELIVERYT2 Ring Nikon

BRESSER TR-672AN Traveler Tripod with 3-Way Head
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BRESSER MeteoTemp Baro HZ Colour Weather Station
The BRESSER MeteoTemp Baro HZ Colour Weather Station gives you a comprehensive overview of the local weather conditions and your indoor climate. In addition to measuring the temperature and humidity, it also features a built-in barometer and weather forecast function, as well as other practical functions such as automatic time adjustment and an alarm clock. Weather forecast function with air pressure indicator Not sure whether to pack an umbrella? The weather station comes with a weather forecast function, which displays the weather forecast using a series of symbols. You can also view the recent air pressure readings from the built-in barometer to give you a better idea of the latest trends in the weather. Precise temperature and humidity measurements Thermometer and hygrometer in one device: the wireless sensor has a range of up to 80 metres and takes precise measurements of the outdoor temperature and humidity. It also features a built-in display, which allows you to view the readings directly from your balcony or garden without returning to the base station. Monitor your indoor climate Temperature and humidity are also important indoors – especially in rooms where we spend a lot of time such as living rooms and offices. For this reason, the base station features a built-in thermometer and hygrometer so that you can keep a close eye on the current conditions. It also displays a smiley to indicate how comfortable the room is based on the measured temperature and humidity. Radio-controlled clock, alarm and more The MeteoTemp Baro HZ colour weather station comes with a radio-controlled clock, which adjusts the time automatically when the clocks change to summer or winter time. It also features an alarm with 2 individually configurable alarm times, and displays a range of useful data, including the sunrise and sunset times and the current moon phase and tide. Monitor the local weather conditions, indoor climate and more with the BRESSER MeteoTemp Baro HZ Colour Weather Station. BASE STATION FEATURES Weather station with integrated thermometer and hygrometer Measures the indoor temperature and humidity Displays the outdoor temperature and humidity Measures the air pressure and displays recent readings Weather forecast with symbols Indoor comfort indicator Large colour display Automatically sets the time via DCF radio signal Date and day of the week (choose from seven languages) 2 alarm times and snooze function Moon phase, sunrise and sunset, tide Backlight Supports up to 2 additional thermo-hygro sensors (not included) Power supply: Mains adapter (included), 3x AAA backup batteries (not included) EXTERNAL SENSOR FEATURES Wireless thermo-hygro sensor Measures the temperature and humidity Built-in display for viewing measurements Range: up to 80 metres Battery operated: 2x AAA batteries (not included) Can be placed on a table or wall-mounted SCOPE OF DELIVERY1x Base station with mains adapter 1x Wireless thermometer/hygrometer sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Adapter 2" on T2
Enables you to connect a camera to telescopes that accept 2" barrel eyepieces. You will need a T2-ring for your special camera type also. The very special feature of this adaptor is the very short mechanical design (2.0mm) which enables the camera use also on telescopes with a short focal range. This adapter is also prepared to use with 2" filters.   


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BRESSER NightExplorer 15x70 Astronomy Binoculars
Whether you want to explore the night sky or make terrestrial observations during the day, the BRESSER NightExplorer 15x70 astronomy binoculars will ensure that you are perfectly equipped for all your outdoor adventures. The extra large lens diameter of 70 mm lets a large amount of light into the binoculars, while the 15x magnification ensures that you obtain highly detailed images of your observed targets. Fully multicoated optics ensure scattered light is kept to a minimum, so that you can enjoy a perfect view with the best possible optical performance. At a distance of 1000 metres, the field of view is 77 metres wide. The highly corrected eyepieces with 5 lenses in 3 groups produce vivid images with sharp edges. Coating The premium BaK-4 optics (barium crown glass) features a full multi-coating to increase light transmission and reduce reflections. Focusing Thanks to the individual eyepiece adjustment, you only need to focus the binoculars once. You can then enjoy a sharp image at infinity for the night sky. The binoculars also have a close focus, which you can set from a distance of 10 metres or more for close-up observations of your immediate surroundings. Also suitable for glasses wearers Thanks to the foldable eyecups, you can set the optimal distance between your eyes and the ocular lenses. If you wear glasses, this allows you to see the entire field of view of the Porro-prism binoculars. There is also a dioptre compensation of +/-8, which you can use to compensate for small differences in vision between your eyes. Weatherproof and robust Thanks to their waterproof design, the binoculars can be used in wet or foggy weather conditions, as water and moisture cannot enter the housing. The binoculars are filled with argon to stop the optics from fogging up. In addition, the ergonomic armouring provides a secure grip and protects the binoculars against impacts and knocks, making them ideal to travel with. Portable design The 15x70 Porro-prism binoculars come with an excellent lightweight aluminium tripod, with study ballhead mounting, to ensure wobble-free astronomical or terrestrial observations. Both the binoculars and the tripod can be stored in the sturdy padded backpack, which is also included in the set. This ensures that you can easily transport your gear to your desired vantage point, even if you have to go a long way to get there. Discover the night sky and the wonders of nature with the powerful BRESSER NightExplorer 15x70 astronomy binoculars! FEATURES Astronomy binoculars for astronomical and terrestrial observations High magnification and light-gathering power Magnification: 15x Lens diameter: 70 mm Optical design: Porro Full multi-layer coating BaK-4 glass material Rubber eyecups for spectacle wearers Individual eyepiece adjustment Highly corrected eyepieces for sharp-edged images Field of view: 77 m (at a distance of 1000 m) Close focus: from 10 m Dioptre adjustment: +/- 8 Tripod connection thread Includes Aluminium tripod Includes Backpack WHAT'S INCLUDED Astronomy binoculars Tripod Backpack Instructions with warranty information

€299.00* €499.00* (40.08% saved)
BRESSER Spezial Astro SF 20x80 ED Binoculars
SPEZIAL ASTRO binoculars from BRESSER are ideal for astronomy and landscape observation. This is a professional large binocular with ED glass objective lenses for the very highest demands on color fidelity and brilliance. With the best viewing characteristics, a robust marine version and a sturdy tripod adapter. Thanks to fully multi coated Bak-4 glass material, the extra large objective lens diameter and highly corrected eyepieces with 5 lenses in 3 groups these binoculars provide bright, crisp images from edge to edge. The high 20x magnification it is convenient not only for observing astronomical objects but is also practical for viewing distant terrestrial objects. Due to a very high reduction of stray light, the binoculars deliver the best possible picture and a perfect sight. With the individual eyepiece focus once set you can get a sharp image for all astronomical distances. Foldable rubber eyecups give eye glass wearers the possibility of making the best use of these optics’ field of view. The binoculars are waterproof and ARGON gas filled to avoid internal fogging. The ergonomic rubber armouring provides a good grip and is also protected against shocks. With the included heavy duty foto tripod adapter the SPEZIAL ASTRO ED can be mounted onto any foto tripod which offers a standard 1/4inch or 3/8inch thread. The use of a tripod is also highly recommended at a high magnification of 20x to obtain a steady image. FEATURES Binoculars for astronomical and landscape observations Extremly high light gathering capacity  High magnification for for distant objects Fully multi coated optics Waterproof and ARGON gas filled against fogging Magnification: 15x / objective lens diameter: 70mm Individual eyepiece focus and foldable rubber eyecups Highly corrected eyepieces for crisp images from edge to edge Ergonomic rubber armouring - protected against shocks Dimensions: 310x250x100mm / weight: 2700g Heavy duty foto tripod adapter included SCOPE OF DELIVERY Binocular Photo tripod adapter Neckstrap Dust covers CaseInstruction manual

€879.00* €939.00* (6.39% saved)
BRESSER Special-Astro 15x70 Porro binoculars
See the night sky through the bright BRESSER Special-Astro 15x70 Porro binoculars. The very large 70 mm lenses allow ample light into the optics. The outstanding BaK-4 glass material and the full multi-layered coating increase light transmission further still, allowing for breath-taking, sharp and brilliant images of distant galaxies, familiar constellations and more. In addition, the high-quality Astro binoculars are fitted with a highly precise centre drive for super-fast focus on your favourite celestial objects. For a shake-free image, simply attach a tripod (not included) to the practical tripod connection thread on the BRESSER Astro binoculars.  Special Astro binoculars - strong performance, even when wearing glasses Glasses wearers can also enjoy the best possible view when exploring the wonders of the universe with the Porro Astronomy binoculars - simply fold down the rubber eyecups for the perfect distance between the eyes and the eyepiece lenses when observing the sky. The difference in the visual acuity of the eyes can also be compensated with dioptre compensation.  See the night sky with the 15x70 Astro binoculars On crystal-clear nights, do you find that your eyes are automatically drawn upwards towards the sky? Would you like to take a closer look? These Astro binoculars are the ideal entry-level binoculars for an exciting introduction to astronomy. With a field of view of 77 m at 1000 m, you can better orientate yourself in the night sky when observing than with a telescope. Flat nebulae, galaxies and constellations appear in your field of vision complete and fascinating thanks to 15x magnification. Even experienced astronomers love to grab their binoculars - and with the 15x70 Astro binoculars, they can enjoy brilliant views of large-scale objects such as the Orion Nebula M42 or the Milky Way and its clusters of stars. Terrestrial nature up close with the Astro binoculars Our own planet has plenty to see too, so why not take the binoculars along on your long-range observations so that you can get a closer look? Gaze at a rare animal or at a stunning landscape from 1500 m away as if you were just 100 m away. After use, simply replace the dust caps and pop the binoculars in their case! That way, your Astro binoculars will remain well protected until your next adventure. Be amazed by the overwhelming beauty of the night sky and more with the BRESSER Special-Astro 15x70 Porro binoculars. FEATURESLarge binoculars for astronomical and long-distance observations Extremely high light-gathering power Magnification: 15x Lens diameter: 70 mm High-quality BaK-4 optics Full multi-layered coating Tripod connection thread Dioptre compensation Foldable rubber eyecups for observing while wearing glasses DELIVERY CONTENTAstronomy binoculars Bag Dust caps Lens cleaning cloth Instruction manual

€129.00* €139.90* (7.79% saved)
BRESSER Spezial-Astro 20x80 Porro Binoculars
Thanks to fully multi coated Bak-4 glass material and the extra large objective lens diameter the BRESSER Spezial-Astro 20x80 Porro Binoculars provide bright, crisp images from edge to edge. Their high 20x magnification makes these excellent binoculars convenient not only for observing astronomical objects, but are also practical for viewing distant terrestrial targets and nature study. Their optical design and coatings minimise stray light and ghosting (even near brighter objects like the Moon), which would otherwise disrupt and detract from observing enjoyment.Diopter compensation and foldable rubber eyecups give wearers of glasses the possibility of making the best use of these binocular's wide field of view. With the tripod thread integrated in the strong central support column, which is adjustable along the centre axis bar, the BRESSER Spezial-Astro 20x80 Porro Binoculars can directly be mounted onto any suitable camera-style tripod and balanced front to back, once in place.FEATURESBinoculars for astronomical and long distance observationsExtremely high light gathering capacityCan directly be mounted onto tripods with standard 1/4" attachmentsWHAT'S INCLUDEDBinocularsCarry case

BRESSER Spezial Astro 25x70 Binoculars
SPEZIAL ASTRO binoculars from BRESSER are ideal for astronomy and landscape observation. Thanks to fully multi coated Bak-4 glass material and the extra large objective lens diameter, these binoculars provide bright and high resolution images.The high 25x magnification it is convenient not only for observing astronomical objects, but is also practical for viewing distant terrestrial objects too. Due to a very high reduction of stray light, by multi coating all air to glass surfaces, the binoculars deliver the best possible performance and excellent contrast.Diopter compensation and foldable rubber eyecups give eye glass wearers the possibility of making the best use of these optics’ field of view. With the tripod thread in the lengthened centre axis, the SPEZIAL ASTRO can be mounted onto any photographic tripod. For tripod use you need the optional available tripod adapter (part No. 4914925). The use of a tripod is highly recommended with these binoculars, as at the high magnification of 25x it's difficult to maintain a steady image by hand holding (though this is possible for short periods).FEATURESBinoculars for astronomical and long distance observationsExtremely high light gathering capacity High magnification for distant objectsMagnification: 25x / objective lens diameter: 70mmFully multi coated / tripod thread availableDimensions: 275x205x82mm / weight: 1300gTripod thread availableWHAT'S INCLUDEDBinocularNeckstrapDust coversCaseInstruction manual

BRESSER NightExplorer 7x50 Astronomy-Binoculars
The BRESSER NightExplorer 7x50 astronomy binoculars are ideal for terrestrial observations in poor light conditions and discovering the night sky. They feature a 50-millimetre objective that lets in plenty of light. Thanks to the 7x magnification, objects that are 700 metres away appear to be just 100 metres in front of you. Compared with binoculars with a higher magnification, these binoculars allow you to see much more. At a distance of 1000 metres, the field of view is 126 metres wide. On clear nights, you can view large objects such as the Milky Way. During the day, you can explore fascinating landscapes until twilight. Coating In order to further increase the light transmission and counteract reflections, the premium BaK-4 optics (barium crown glass) have a full multi-layer coating. Focusing The 7x50 Porro binoculars also feature an individual eyepiece focus to ensure that you obtain a sharp image. This is set at a large depth of field. You only need to adjust the focus if the next object is far away from the previous one. To view objects in the immediate vicinity, you can adjust the close focus from 8 metres. Crystal-clear image, even when wearing glasses The binoculars are also suitable for people with visual impairments: the rubber eyecups can be folded over so that you can look through the eyepieces while wearing glasses and see the entire field of view. The dioptre adjustment of +/- 6 allows you to compensate for small differences in vision between each eye. Weatherproof and robust The Porro binoculars also produce an excellent image in poor weather conditions such as fog and rain. It features a waterproof design to ensure that no liquid gets inside the housing. The binoculars are also filled with nitrogen to prevent the lenses from fogging up. In addition, they have an ergonomic rubber armouring that provides a comfortable and secure grip and protects the sensitive optics against impacts/ Portable design The binoculars come with a lightweight aluminium tripod so that you can make observations from a fixed location. If you need to travel a little further, both the tripod and the binoculars can be transported in a practical backpack, which is also included with the set. Observe in poor light conditions and discover the night sky with the BRESSER NightExplorer 7x50 astronomy binoculars! FEATURES Powerful binoculars Suitable for use at twilight and for terrestrial observations Also suitable for observing large celestial objects such as open and globular clusters Magnification: 7x Lens diameter: 50 mm Optical design: Porro Full multi-layer coating BaK-4 glass material Eyepieces with rubber eyecups Individual eyepiece adjustment Large field of view: 126 m (at a distance of 1000 m) Close focus: from 8 m Dioptre adjustment: +/- 6 Tripod connection thread Includes Aluminium tripod Includes Backpack DELIVERY CONTENT Astronomy binoculars Tripod with quick release plate Backpack Instructions with warranty information

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC BT-82 SF Giant Binoculars with 62° LER Eyepieces 20mm
Giant binoculars for observing the starry sky, nature and landscape. Observe the beauty of the starry sky at night and distant objects in nature during the day. Globular star clusters, glowing gas nebulae, the moon with its craters and even planets can be observed wonderfully on a clear night. But also all other distant things in nature and landscape, even ships and airplanes can be seen in detail. With the all-round binoculars of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC BT series, you can get up very close. Thanks to the large, light-gathering lenses and the professional coatings on all lens surfaces, these binoculars produce bright and brilliant images even at night and at twilight, providing a special viewing pleasure. The comfortable 45 degree viewing angle allows fatigue-free use even when the binoculars are tilted strongly.  Large binoculars can also be called a double refractor telescope One complete lens telescope with the full light gathering power is available per eye. Experience a whole new dimension of observing. Objects are reproduced almost vividly in these binoculars and observing with both eyes is basically very relaxed. Last but not least, this comfortable way of observation increases the recognition of the finest details and effectively prevents rapid eye fatigue. Extremely robust binoculars with magnesium housing, sealed and filled with nitrogen  The BT series binoculars are designed for tough outdoor use. The IPX6 sealed and nitrogen-filled design effectively prevents fogging of the internal optics even under difficult weather conditions. The very light magnesium housing saves weight and makes it easy to handle. Two EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 20mm eyepieces of the 62 degree LER series already included. EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC is an established manufacturer of extremely high-quality eyepieces in the astronomy scene. An optical system is only as good as its weakest component. Therefore we have decided to deliver these giant binoculars with a pair of quality eyepieces of the 62 degree LER series. With an apparent field of view of 62 degrees and a focal length of 20mm, the BT-82 binoculars produce a 24x magnification. Thus these wide angle eyepieces offer a very good overview (field of view 2,6 degree) at moderate magnification. The large interpupillary distance of these LER (long eye relief) eyepieces of 15mm and soft silicone eyecups, which can be turned inside out, also guarantee a comfortable and relaxed view. For astronomy, a flat and sharp image field is advantageous and offers a particularly impressive viewing experience even during the day. Due to the waterproof design and the argon filling, these eyepieces are absolutely durable and easy to clean. Interchangeable eyepieces with 1.25 inch / 31.7mm plug-in diameter Adjust the magnification and field of view to your individual needs and choose from a wide range of available eyepieces. All eyepiece types with a plug-in diameter of 1.25 inch / 31.7mm can be used with the binoculars of the BT series. Especially recommended are EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC eyepieces of the 62 and 82 degree series with focal lengths from 8 to 26mm (see item No. 02188xx and 02196xx). The magnification can be varied from 18x to 60x (focal length binoculars : focal length eyepiece = magnification). The eyepieces are held in the binoculars by a precise brass compression ring clamp and guarantee a tilt free position.  Use of color and nebula filters for astronomical observations Increase the contrast and visibility of objects and details by screwing the corresponding filters directly into the thread of the eyepiece sleeves. The use of color and nebula filters must of course always be done in pairs. Suitable are all EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC screw filters with 1.25inch / 31.7mm diameter (see item No. 03102xx)  Comfortable 45 degree view and helical single focus The 45-degree viewing angle allows a relaxed observation position even when the binoculars are tilted strongly. Also the individual interpupillary distance can be adjusted in a range from 54 to 76mm. With the fine helical individual focusing, precise focusing is achieved effortlessly. Extendable dew caps The integrated dew caps can be removed in high humidity and cold conditions. This avoids fogging of the outer objective lenses and effectively shields additional control light coming in from the side. Integrated carrying handle A metal carrying handle located at the center of gravity facilitates transport and ensures a secure hold during tripod assembly. Suitable tripods and tripod connectionWhen using these large binoculars, a sturdy photo tripod with an appropriate load capacity is highly recommended. The connection is made via two 1/4 inch or one 3/8 inch threaded holes (standard photo tripod thread) in the tripod adapter of the binoculars. The ideal solution is to use the optional availlable EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC U-Mount with field tripod (item No. 0114300). This is specially designed for the large binoculars of the BT series and carries these devices absolutely safely. The excellent mechanism with adjustable friction in both axes allows easy moving and tracking. The binocular position is kept stable depending on the adjusted friction intensity. Vibrations are reduced to a minimum by the massive construction of the U-Mount and the large stainless steel tripod. Even at high magnification there are no vibrations and the finest details can be observed.FEATURES Large binoculars for observing the starry sky, nature and landscape Observe globular star clusters, glowing gas nebulae, the moon with its craters and even planets Also wild animals, ships and airplanes can be seen in detail Highly light gathering lenses produce a bright and high-contrast image All-round binoculars, but especially suitable in twilight and at night The comfortable 45 degree viewing angle allows fatigue-free use One complete lens telescope with the full light gathering power is available per eye Extremely robust binoculars with magnesium housing, sealed and filled with nitrogen Two EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 20mm eyepieces of the 62 degree LER series already included 24x magnification and an apparent field of view of 62 degrees, true visible field of 2,6 degreesLarge interpupillary distance of 15mm to the eyepiece lens for comfortable viewing Eyepieces interchangeable and with standardized plug-in diameter of 1.25 inch / 31.7mm The magnification can be adjusted with optional eyepieces from 25x to 75x Precise brass eyepiece compression ring clamps for tilt-free fitColor and nebula filters can be used for astronomical observations Extendable dew caps prevent fogging of the outer objective lenses and stray light Integrated carrying handle facilitates transport and mounting on the tripod Tripod connection via two 1/4 inch or one 3/8 inch threaded holes (standard photo tripod thread) Tripod recommendation: EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC U-mount with field tripod (Art.No. 0114300) Objective type: Air spaced achromatic lens (2 elements/ 1 group) Coating: full multilayer coating on all optical surfaces Aperture, focal length and aperture ratio: 82mm / 470mm / F=5.7 Sealed to IPX6 standard and nitrogen filled: yes / yes Close focus distance: 35 meters Eyepiece mount diameter: 1.25'' / 31.7mm Adjustable interpupillary distance: 54 to 76 mm Helical single focus: yesBAK-4 prism system for a bright and high-contrast imageDimensions and weight of binoculars: 445 x 226 x 122mm, 4.3kg Housing color of binoculars:  white SCOPE OF DELIVERY Giant binoculars with carrying handle (without tripod)Eyepieces ES 20mm 62 degrees LER Series (2pcs)Precisely fitting foam insert for transport Dust covers for objectives and eyepiece sockets Instruction manual
