BRESSER Universal Power Supply 230/6V, 2.0A Europlug

Power Supply 230/6V, 2.0A

  • Power Supply for telescopes
  • Input: 100-240 V ~ 60/50Hz
  • Output: 6 Volt DC 2000 mA
  • DC cable length: 180 cm
  • Fits BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller (part.No.4851400+4951600)
  • Fits BRESSER Photo mount (part.No.4964111+4964110)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 4930020
EAN: 4007922063997
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Sky Guides by Bresser

The Sky Guide provides comprehensive information on constellations, planetary positions, and astronomical events – perfect for planning your observations and delving deeper into astronomy.
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Product information "BRESSER Universal Power Supply 230/6V, 2.0A Europlug"
Versatile wall adapter for many telescopes and accessories with 6V power supply. Suitable for BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS-1 (part.No.4951600) and BRESSER Photo mount (part.No.4964111+4964110) , etc.

  • Input: 100-240 V ~ 60/50Hz
  • Output: 6 Volt DC 2000 mA
  • DC cable length: 180 cm
  • Fits BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller (part.No.4951400+4951600)
  • Fits BRESSER Photo mount (part.No.4964111+4964110)

  • BRESSER Universal Power Supply
Colour: black/white
Material: Plastic

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS1 + MON1
This BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS1 + MON1 lets you control your Messier telescope. Including controller. Automatic tracking for a more comfortable observation of the night sky.SCOPE OF DELIVERYdrive motor for EXOS-1 and MON-1 mountshand control with 1 cablebattery box with connection cablegear with couplinggear for motor axisAllen screw for motor fasteningscrewdriver

BRESSER Photo Mount w/o tripod
Do you already own a photo camera and would like to create impressive pictures of the night sky with the help of the long exposure or even make time-lapse pictures with little effort ? The BRESSER photo mount is the ideal base. Not only for beginners in astrophotography, this mount is particularly well suited, but also the experts swear by a compact and easy-to-use mount to automatically compensate for the natural rotation of the earth. The built-in tracking motor rotates the saddle-mounted camera precisely against the earth's rotation and thus the stars remain punctiform even with long exposures. If you already own a sturdy photo tripod with a video tilt head you can use the photo mount's head directly with the 1/4 inch & 3/8 inch photo thread holes. The pole height (latitude) is then adjusted by the video tilt head. The photo-mount with tripod and polar wedge are also available as a bundle - Product No.: 4964110Which cameras are basically suitable for use with the BRESSER photo mount ? All cameras with ¼ inch (6.3mm) tripod connection thread and bulb length" B "for long exposure are suitable. The BRESSER photo mount is designed for a camera with lens of max. 2.5 kg total weight to carry and track. Large aperture, wide-angle lenses are ideal for the beginning, because the requirements for tracking accuracy accumulate with increasing focal length and exposure time. Thus, a shot with wide-angle lens can be exposed for up to several minutes and the stars remain punctiform without problems. For example, with a 200mm telephoto lens the polar alignment of the photo mount must be exactly right. But thanks to the optical pole finder, this is done quickly.  After setting up the light and compact photo mount, simply set the approximate latitude (pole height) to the scale and aim Polaris through the illuminated pole finder scope. Then mount the camera with the photo lens using the quick-release plate on the supplied ball head. With the ball head, the camera can be aligned and determined at any time on any section of the sky. As soon as the tracking motor is switched on, long-time exposure can be started immediately. This does not even take 5 minutes ...  The tracking is carried out by a precise stepper motor, which can also be moved via the hand box with 2- or 32-fold speed in forward and reverse. Thus, the sky section can be adjusted even more precisely. Low power consumption allows up to 50 hours of operation with just one battery charge.  FEATURESEquatorial Photo-MountAutomatic siderial tracking against the Earth rotation Handbox to control the tracking motors (2x/32x)Suitable for northern and southern henisphereOptical pole finder scope with illumination unit includedBallhead with quick release saddle plate and 1/4" Photo thread for Kamera mountingPhoto-Mount with 3/8" threaded bolt for ballhead mountingPhoto-Mount with 1/4" und 3/8" inner threads for tripod mountingHigh precision stepper motor with helical gear for accurate tracking Large screws and handles for easy usage at night  Battery operation or stabilized power adapter (optional acc.) Battery life: up to 50 hoursPower connector at handbox: 6 volts DC jack 5.5/2.5mm (positive pole at center pin)Weight Photo-Mont with ballhead: 1.4 kg Load capacity of Photo-Mount: up to 2.5 kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYFoto-Mount headTracking motor with HandboxBallhead with quick release saddle plate Pole finder scope with illumination unitBattery compartment 6 volts with case (no D-batteries included)Manual   

BRESSER Photo mount with field tripod and wedge
Do you already own a photo camera and would like to create impressive pictures of the night sky with the help of the long exposure or even make time-lapse pictures with little effort ? The BRESSER photo mount is the ideal base. Not only for beginners in astrophotography, this mount is particularly well suited, but also the experts swear by a compact and easy-to-use mount to automatically compensate for the natural rotation of the earth. The built-in tracking motor rotates the saddle-mounted camera precisely against the earth's rotation and thus the stars remain punctiform even with long exposures. Which cameras are basically suitable for use with the BRESSER photo mount ? All cameras with ¼ inch (6.3mm) tripod connection thread and bulb length" B "for long exposure are suitable. The BRESSER photo mount is designed for a camera with lens of max. 2.5 kg total weight to carry and track. Large aperture, wide-angle lenses are ideal for the beginning, because the requirements for tracking accuracy accumulate with increasing focal length and exposure time. Thus, a shot with wide-angle lens can be exposed for up to several minutes and the stars remain punctiform without problems. For example, with a 200mm telephoto lens the polar alignment of the photo mount must be exactly right. But thanks to the optical pole finder, this is done quickly.  After setting up the light and compact photo mount, simply set the approximate latitude (pole height) to the scale and aim Polaris through the illuminated pole finder scope. Then mount the camera with the photo lens using the quick-release plate on the supplied ball head. With the ball head, the camera can be aligned and determined at any time on any section of the sky. As soon as the tracking motor is switched on, long-time exposure can be started immediately. This does not even take 5 minutes ...  The tracking is carried out by a precise stepper motor, which can also be moved via the hand box with 2- or 32-fold speed in forward and reverse. Thus, the sky section can be adjusted even more precisely. Low power consumption allows up to 50 hours of operation with just one battery charge.  The height-adjustable stainless steel tripod with polar wedge is an extremely stable base for the BRESSER photo mount. Thanks to the integrated circular level in the tripod head even the leveling of the photo mount is child's play. If you already own a sturdy photo tripod with a video tilt head you can use the photo mount's head directly with the 1/4 inch & 3/8 inch photo thread holes. The pole height (latitude) is then adjusted by the video tilt head. The photo-mount and the tripod with polar wedge are also available separately - Product No.: 4964111 and 4964112   FEATURESEquatorial Photo-MountAdjustable stainless steel field tripod with polar wedge and bubble levelAutomatic siderial tracking against the Earth rotation Handbox to control the tracking motors (2x/32x)Suitable for northern and southern henisphereOptical pole finder scope with illumination unit includedBallhead with quick release saddle plate and 1/4" Photo thread for Kamera mountingPhoto-Mount with 3/8" threaded bolt for ballhead mountingPhoto-Mount with 1/4" und 3/8" inner threads for tripod mountingHigh precision stepper motor with helical gear for accurate tracking Large screws and handles for easy usage at night  Battery operation or stabilized power adapter (optional acc.) Battery life: up to 50 hoursPower connector at handbox: 6 volts DC jack 5.5/2.5mm (positive pole at center pin)Weight Photo-Mont with ballhead: 1.4 kg Weight tripod with polar wedge: 3.5 kgLoad capacity of Photo-Mount: up to 2.5 kg Height of camera sattle plate max. 140 cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYFoto-Mount headTracking motor with HandboxUltra-stable stainless steel field tripod with bubble levelBallhead with quick release saddle plate Pole finder scope with illumination unitBattery compartment 6 volts with case (no D-batteries included)Manual   


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BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS1 + MON1
This BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS1 + MON1 lets you control your Messier telescope. Including controller. Automatic tracking for a more comfortable observation of the night sky.SCOPE OF DELIVERYdrive motor for EXOS-1 and MON-1 mountshand control with 1 cablebattery box with connection cablegear with couplinggear for motor axisAllen screw for motor fasteningscrewdriver

BRESSER Thermo-Hygro Sensor
Living room, bedroom and children's room, kitchen and of course the bathroom - all benefit from a regular room climate check to ensure optimal comfort. So, enhance your weather station with this BRESSER Thermo-Hygro Sensor, allowing you to monitor conditions at an additional location. The sensor sends data over a significant distance of up to 80 meters, instantly displaying it on your base station's screen. Wondering if it's really that warm? The sensor includes an LCD display for immediate, on-site verification of current readings. This feature also enables this temperature and humidity meter to function as a standalone thermo-hygrometer. Compatible with these BRESSER weather stations: 7000023, 7007201, 7004200, 9604200, 7007511, 9600028, 7000012CM3000, 7000012GYE000, 7000013, 9070600, 7000028, 7007402, 9070700, 9604210, 7004210, 7006500, 9604100, 9070300, 9070110, 7007520, 9070710, 7000030, 7007610, 7000002, 7000004, 7000020QT5000, 7000020CM3000, 7000020GYE000, 7001800QT5000, 7001800CM3000, 7001800GYE000, 7007550CM3000, 7007600QT5000, 7000022CM3000, 7007500, 7007501, 9080600, 8020210GYE000, 8020210CM3000, 7004330, 7004340, 7006310, 7000020QT5000, 7000020CM3000, 7000020GYE000, 7004220, 7000027, 7000029, 7000060, 7004350, 7004360, 7004370, 7004380, 7006510, 7007350, 7007620, 7000012CM3000, 7000012GYE000 FEATURES Measures temperature and humidity Easy-to-read LCD display Functions as an independent solution, or as a replacement or supplementary sensor for select BRESSER weather stations Maximum range of up to 80 meters IP Protection Class: IP44 Dimensions: 71 x 65 x 23 mm / weight: 44 g Powered by 2x 1.5V AAA batteries (not included) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Thermo-Hygro Sensor Instruction manual

BRESSER Weather Station Translucidus NV
Literal full transparency in weather and indoor climate – that's what the modernly designed BRESSER Weather Station Translucidus NV with outdoor sensor provides you with. The chic, transparent display shows you various meteorological information such as temperature, humidity, and more. The versatile measuring device presents itself as anything but timeless through the DCF radio clock and the date indication. Weather foresight with style – the graphical weather forecast Light T-shirt or thick knit sweater – the reliable weather forecast quickly tells you which garment to choose through one of the total 5 understandable symbols. Additionally, thanks to the integrated barometer, you always keep an eye on the current air pressure. Measure temperature and humidity easily yourself Precise measurements with a high range: Thus, the outdoor sensor sends its data for temperature and humidity from up to 80 m away to the display of the weather station. Convenient: With the own screen on the radio measuring device, you can also read the current values directly at the sensor location if needed. Keep an eye on frost and co. with the outdoor temperature alarm functions Frosty days present us with special challenges – so that you can prepare, a snowflake blinks on the weather station when the ice warning is activated, as soon as the temperature falls to -1 to 3 °C. Of course, you can also set your very own limit values with the outdoor temperature alarm, about whose exceeding and falling below you will then be informed by an acoustic signal. Comfortable indoor climate thanks to the weather station Naturally, we also need the right climatic conditions indoors to feel completely good. To always have them in view, the Weather Station Translucidus NV presents you with the room temperature and humidity, including the trend, as well as a smiley as a comfort indicator. Simply look at the facial expression and you immediately know whether everything is ok in the room in terms of climate. Weather station with contemporary additional features Everything automatic: Thanks to the integrated radio clock, time, date, and weekday appear on the screen just a few minutes after startup. Moreover, the weather station is perfectly suitable as an awakener: For this purpose, it has been equipped with an integrated alarm clock including a snooze button. Bring your meteorological eye-catcher home with the BRESSER Weather Station Translucidus NV! FEATURES BASE STATION Weather station with integrated DCF radio clock Indoor temperature (°C/°F) Outdoor temperature (°C/°F) Indoor/outdoor humidity (%) Weather forecast Air pressure High/low value alarm for outdoor temperature Indoor climate comfort indicator Ice warning For up to 3 thermo-hygro sensors (1x included) Time, date, weekday Alarm clock with snooze button (Snooze) Battery operated: 2x 1.5-V batteries AAA (not included) FEATURES RADIO SENSOR Measurement of temperature and humidity Clear LCD display Range: up to 80 m Dimensions: 71 x 65 x 23 mm; Weight: 44 g Battery operated: 2x 1.5-V batteries AAA (not included) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Weather station Outdoor sensor Operating instructions


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BRESSER Universal Power Supply 230/12V, 2.0A
​Versatile wall adapter for many telescopes with 12V. Suitable for EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC iEXOS-100 PMC-Eight Wifi Goto Mount,  EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC EXOS II PMC-Eight Goto Mount, etc. FEATURESInput: 100-240 V ~ 60/50HzOutput: 12 V DC 2000 mASCOPE OF DELIVERYBRESSER Universal Power Supply

BRESSER Universal power supply 230/ 5V, 1.0 A EU/UK/US
Universal power supply for Bresser microscopes with 5V connection. Various adapters are included for the EU (Euro plug), Great Britain, USA, Canada, Central America, Japan and China. Suitable for the following microscopes/microscope series, among others:- Junior MikroSet* Serie- Biolux* Serie- LCD-Mikroskop (5201000)- Biolux Touch (5201020)- Science TFM-201 und TFM-301 (5750800 und 5750900)- Science Infinity (5760700)- Researcher ICD LED (5803100)- Science ETD-201 (5806200) If you are not sure whether your microscope is suitable please contact us. *not suitable for devices with battery operation CHARACTERISTICS:Input: 100-240 V - 50/60 HzOutput: 5V / 1000 mAPlug: 5.5 mm outer, 2.1 mm innerPolarity: + in the center, - outside SCOPE OF DELIVERY:Power Supply unit Adapter for EU (Euro plug) Adapter for UK Adapter for USA, Canada, Central America, China and Japan

BRESSER Universal Power Supply 230/12V, 3.0A
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BRESSER Photo mount with field tripod and wedge
Do you already own a photo camera and would like to create impressive pictures of the night sky with the help of the long exposure or even make time-lapse pictures with little effort ? The BRESSER photo mount is the ideal base. Not only for beginners in astrophotography, this mount is particularly well suited, but also the experts swear by a compact and easy-to-use mount to automatically compensate for the natural rotation of the earth. The built-in tracking motor rotates the saddle-mounted camera precisely against the earth's rotation and thus the stars remain punctiform even with long exposures. Which cameras are basically suitable for use with the BRESSER photo mount ? All cameras with ¼ inch (6.3mm) tripod connection thread and bulb length" B "for long exposure are suitable. The BRESSER photo mount is designed for a camera with lens of max. 2.5 kg total weight to carry and track. Large aperture, wide-angle lenses are ideal for the beginning, because the requirements for tracking accuracy accumulate with increasing focal length and exposure time. Thus, a shot with wide-angle lens can be exposed for up to several minutes and the stars remain punctiform without problems. For example, with a 200mm telephoto lens the polar alignment of the photo mount must be exactly right. But thanks to the optical pole finder, this is done quickly.  After setting up the light and compact photo mount, simply set the approximate latitude (pole height) to the scale and aim Polaris through the illuminated pole finder scope. Then mount the camera with the photo lens using the quick-release plate on the supplied ball head. With the ball head, the camera can be aligned and determined at any time on any section of the sky. As soon as the tracking motor is switched on, long-time exposure can be started immediately. This does not even take 5 minutes ...  The tracking is carried out by a precise stepper motor, which can also be moved via the hand box with 2- or 32-fold speed in forward and reverse. Thus, the sky section can be adjusted even more precisely. Low power consumption allows up to 50 hours of operation with just one battery charge.  The height-adjustable stainless steel tripod with polar wedge is an extremely stable base for the BRESSER photo mount. Thanks to the integrated circular level in the tripod head even the leveling of the photo mount is child's play. If you already own a sturdy photo tripod with a video tilt head you can use the photo mount's head directly with the 1/4 inch & 3/8 inch photo thread holes. The pole height (latitude) is then adjusted by the video tilt head. The photo-mount and the tripod with polar wedge are also available separately - Product No.: 4964111 and 4964112   FEATURESEquatorial Photo-MountAdjustable stainless steel field tripod with polar wedge and bubble levelAutomatic siderial tracking against the Earth rotation Handbox to control the tracking motors (2x/32x)Suitable for northern and southern henisphereOptical pole finder scope with illumination unit includedBallhead with quick release saddle plate and 1/4" Photo thread for Kamera mountingPhoto-Mount with 3/8" threaded bolt for ballhead mountingPhoto-Mount with 1/4" und 3/8" inner threads for tripod mountingHigh precision stepper motor with helical gear for accurate tracking Large screws and handles for easy usage at night  Battery operation or stabilized power adapter (optional acc.) Battery life: up to 50 hoursPower connector at handbox: 6 volts DC jack 5.5/2.5mm (positive pole at center pin)Weight Photo-Mont with ballhead: 1.4 kg Weight tripod with polar wedge: 3.5 kgLoad capacity of Photo-Mount: up to 2.5 kg Height of camera sattle plate max. 140 cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYFoto-Mount headTracking motor with HandboxUltra-stable stainless steel field tripod with bubble levelBallhead with quick release saddle plate Pole finder scope with illumination unitBattery compartment 6 volts with case (no D-batteries included)Manual   

BRESSER Wall adapter 12V/ 2A
With this adapter, you can operate your Bresser MCX 102/127 Goto telescope, BRESSER 80/400 Goto or National Geographic 70mm/90mm Goto telescope using a 230V~ wall connector.

BRESSER Car Adapter Cable 12V/7.5m
With the BRESSER car adapter cable 12V (7.5m) telescope mounts such as the LXD-75 or EXOS-2 Goto and many more can be powered by the cigarette lighter of your car.FEATURESCar adapter cable for telescope mounts12VCable length: 7.5 metersPower plug 2,5/5,5mm (inner/outer diameter) SCOPE OF DELIVERYcar adapter cable

BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS1 + MON1
This BRESSER Messier RA-Motor + Controller EXOS1 + MON1 lets you control your Messier telescope. Including controller. Automatic tracking for a more comfortable observation of the night sky.SCOPE OF DELIVERYdrive motor for EXOS-1 and MON-1 mountshand control with 1 cablebattery box with connection cablegear with couplinggear for motor axisAllen screw for motor fasteningscrewdriver
