BRESSER Y-18B Profi Photo Shooting Table with Clip Arms 110x200cm

110x200 cm photo shooting table for product photography

  • Ideal for free form selections of your product shots
  • flexible tabletop
  • matte and reflecting side
  • Working height: ca. 75 cm, carrying capacity: 25 kg
  • Scope of delivery: frame, tabletop, clamps, arms, bag

Currently not available

Product number: F001129
EAN: 4007922024370
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861
Product information "BRESSER Y-18B Profi Photo Shooting Table with Clip Arms 110x200cm"
Multifunctional and professional shooting table for product photography. This shooting table can really handle all situations that occur in the studio. The frame has a load capacity of 75 kg. The components and connecting elements are made of strong aluminum. With the two wheels on the rear legs it can be moved easily. All sorts of tools an lamps can be fixed to the frame so that the subject can be illuminated excellently. Together with the shooting table comes a thick and stable table top made of plexiglass with a shiny and a matte side. This table top has a maximum load capacity of 25 kg. The 110 x 200 cm table top is fixed to the table using brackets. The aluminum frame can be set up easily. The working height is 75 cm, the depth of the table is 80 cm.

In case you want to take pictures of articles heavier than 25 kg the plexiglass table top can be replaced easily by a glass table top or wooden table top . These table tops are not included but available at a DIY superstore. The dimensions therefore are:

Wood: 750 x 1150 x 15 mm 
Glass: 750 x 1150 x 10 mm

Tip: Ideal for web shops which want to photograph their products professionally!

  • table frame with high load capacity: 75 kg (load capacity of the included table top: 25 kg)
  • smooth transition between the background and underground
  • ideal for keying-out product images
  • flexible tabletop
  • matt and shiny table top 
  • working height: 75 cm
  • Frame
  • milk-white plexiglas table top
  • 6 studio clamps 
  • 2 wheels
  • 2 clip arms of 100 cm
  • 1 clip arm of 50 cm
  • 1 bag
Colour: white
Field of application [Photography]: Product Photography
Material: Aluminium, Plexiglas (acrylic glass)

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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BRESSER BR-PVC-2 Background Sheet for Shooting Tables Set of 5pcs 100x200cm
A set consisting of five 100 x 200 cm PVC backgrounds for shooting tables in different colours. With a stanley knife you can easily cut out the desired format. To attach the background sheets at the shooting table we recommend to order some background clamps.These background sheets are ideal for online shops, which want to make professional pictures of their products!FEATURESbackgrounds for shooting tablesflexible and robust PVC sheetswipeable5 different colours (white, black, green, grey, coral)SCOPE OF DELIVERY5x PVC sheets
