• Enables setting of a flashing frequency of the projected graduated circuits
  • For improved detection of faint objects
  • Dimensions: 50 x 30 x 20 mm; weight: 50 g
  • Scope of delivery: 1x TELRAD Pulser for illumination unit


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 0620250
EAN: 4007922061047
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Sky Guides by Bresser

The Sky Guide provides comprehensive information on constellations, planetary positions, and astronomical events – perfect for planning your observations and delving deeper into astronomy.
Visit the guide directly here to make the most of your observations!
Product information "EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC "
The Pulser enables the setting of a flashing frequency of the projected graduated circuits. This improves the detection of faint objects, because the overlap with the graduated circuits is removed according to the flashing frequency.


  • TELRAD Pulser for illumination unit
  • Enables setting of a flashing frequency of the projected graduated circuits
  • For improved detection of faint objects


  • 1x TELRAD Pulser for illumination unit
Colour: black
Material: Plastic

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf bresser.de einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC TELRAD Projection Finder Scope with base
The TELRAD viewfinder is a projection finder that can be installed on any telescope and makes it child's play to align the telescope with the starry sky.The TELRAD viewfinder is a practical alternative to classic optical viewfinders and illuminated red dot viewfinders. You can see the complete starry sky without magnification, and not just a small section as with a normal optical viewfinder. Against this background of the starry sky, three red luminous concentric rings are projected, with apparent diameters of 4 degrees, 2° and 0.5° in the sky. Move the telescope so that the object you are looking for is in the inner ring, and the telescope points in the right direction. Because the object you are looking for is inside the ring, it will not be irradiated like a normal illuminated red dot finder.The base of the TELRAD viewfinder is self-adhesive and can be mounted on all telescopic tubes from about 10cm diameter. The length of the base is about 18cm. This base remains on the telescopic tube, the TELRAD viewfinder itself can be removed or attached at any time by means of the attached quick coupling. The TELRAD is powered by two normal AA batteries (not included).There are star atlases, like the "Deep Sky Travel Atlas" from Oculum-Verlag, and planetarium programs for the PC, like the program "Stellarium", where the three rings of the TELRAD are already drawn or can be displayed around the interesting celestial objects. This makes finding these celestial objects a real walk.FEATURESTELRAD projection finderIlluminated rings of 4 degrees, 2° and 0.5° in the skySee the complete starry sky without magnificationEasy installation and useCan be installed on nearly every telescopesBase with quick release coupling included Powered by two AA batteries (not included) Very long battery life because of LED technologySCOPE OF DELIVERYTELRAD viewfinder with projector and battery compartment TELRAD base with quick-release coupling for the viewfinder Adhesive tape for attachment to telescope


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Vixen polar meter QPL Compass for Polar Star Alignment
This accessory includes a compass with a spirit level and a height scale. The compass helps you to quickly locate the polar star when it is hidden behind trees or a mountain. The compass attaches to the accessory shoe on the Polarie Star Tracker or a device with a camera accessory shoe. FEATURES Compass Oil-filled compass Azimuth dimensions: 1° steps Height adjustment: 5° steps (max. +/- 70°) Markings: marked with luminous paint Spirit level: Built-in spirit level DELIVERY CONTENTS QPL compass

BRESSER Optical Snoot
Create light effects for realistic film sets or creative portraits with the Bresser Projection Lens. The Bresser Projection Lens is an optical snoot that allows you to project the light from a flash or LED lamp onto the background of your photos and videos. You have a choice of various colours and shapes. This way, you can make creative photos where the light contributes in a special way to the atmosphere of your shots. This optical snoot is a unique lighting tool that allows you to achieve a range of lighting effects that are not possible with standard light sources and shapers. Thanks to its manual zoom system, you can focus the light beam. Whether you're aiming for a modern, striking light pattern or a subtle texture in the background, the optical snoot with the included gobos gives you what you need. The optical snoot is a must-have tool for every creative photographer and videographer! Combine it with one of the included filters to add colour to your scene or model. The Bresser Projection Lens can be used with continuous light or studio flash, making the projection lens versatile for photos or videos. The spot can be easily attached using the universal Bowens S-bayonet connection. FEATURES Spot attachment module Suitable for photography and videography Connection for Bowens S-bayonet For projection of effects Various aperture masks 5x Colour filter 17x Gobos Maximum light power COB-LED: 300 Watts Maximum operating temperature: 70°C SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x Optical Snoot 1x Gobo Holder 17x Gobos 9x Slider Graphics 5x Colour filter

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC TELRAD Projection Finder Scope with base
The TELRAD viewfinder is a projection finder that can be installed on any telescope and makes it child's play to align the telescope with the starry sky.The TELRAD viewfinder is a practical alternative to classic optical viewfinders and illuminated red dot viewfinders. You can see the complete starry sky without magnification, and not just a small section as with a normal optical viewfinder. Against this background of the starry sky, three red luminous concentric rings are projected, with apparent diameters of 4 degrees, 2° and 0.5° in the sky. Move the telescope so that the object you are looking for is in the inner ring, and the telescope points in the right direction. Because the object you are looking for is inside the ring, it will not be irradiated like a normal illuminated red dot finder.The base of the TELRAD viewfinder is self-adhesive and can be mounted on all telescopic tubes from about 10cm diameter. The length of the base is about 18cm. This base remains on the telescopic tube, the TELRAD viewfinder itself can be removed or attached at any time by means of the attached quick coupling. The TELRAD is powered by two normal AA batteries (not included).There are star atlases, like the "Deep Sky Travel Atlas" from Oculum-Verlag, and planetarium programs for the PC, like the program "Stellarium", where the three rings of the TELRAD are already drawn or can be displayed around the interesting celestial objects. This makes finding these celestial objects a real walk.FEATURESTELRAD projection finderIlluminated rings of 4 degrees, 2° and 0.5° in the skySee the complete starry sky without magnificationEasy installation and useCan be installed on nearly every telescopesBase with quick release coupling included Powered by two AA batteries (not included) Very long battery life because of LED technologySCOPE OF DELIVERYTELRAD viewfinder with projector and battery compartment TELRAD base with quick-release coupling for the viewfinder Adhesive tape for attachment to telescope

Highly corrected 127mm air-spaced triplet apochromat (with three lenses) and carbon fibre tube and a 2.5" high-precision HEXAFOC focuser. NEW: Now with hybrid viewfinder shoe to accept different viewfinder holders.    Apochromats are the ultimate choice in small to medium sized telescopes: the combination of compactness, transportability, very high image contrast and sharpness together with excellent astrophotographic performance cannot be bested. The advances in glass manufacturing during the last few years have made true apochromats available to more astronomy enthusiasts than ever before. The new Explore Scientific FCD-100 CF Hex represents another major improvement in this field - the overall correction (colour and spherical) is setting new standards in this price class. The optical design shows a polystrehl value of 0.97 indicating a level of correction that is absolutely top of the line.This excellent apochromat is a very versatile telescope: its reasonably fast f-ratio makes for short exposure times when imaging deep sky objects, but it is still of a significant focal length, making higher power planetary and lunar observation comfortable without having to use really high magnification eyepieces. The high contrast and sharpness of the image provide breathtaking views of large objects like the North America nebula or the Andromeda galaxy, as well as tack sharp planetary images. The telescope is lightweight and compact - the dew shield slides down the tube to minimize size for transportation. Revolutionary glass and precision manufacturing come together to deliver a telescope that offers observing and imaging at the highest level. The Carbon Fibre construction allows this telescope to be used on lower capacity mounts, increasing convenience and portability. Although there are smaller instruments available, the combination of aperture and optical excellence at such a low weight and compact tube makes this an excellent travel scope. The well-designed 2.5" HEXAFOC focuser with 10:1 reduction is perfect for both visual and astrophotographic use - the large inner diameter of 65mm prevents vignetting by the focuser when the telescope is used for astrophotography with large sensors (full frame and above).We offer the very popular EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Triplet ED APO Refractors in 3 different product lines:Essential Line: HOYA FCD-1 Glass lens, AL-Tube, 2.0" Rack & Pinion Focuser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112084(AL), 0112106(AL), 0112132(AL)), 0112155(CF + 3"FT)). Professional Line: HOYA FCD-100 Glass lens, AL/CF-Tube, 2.5" HEXAFOC Focuser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112086(AL), 0112108(AL), 0112109(CF), 0112134(AL), 0112135(CF))High-End Line: OHARA FPL-53 Glass lens, Carbon(CF) Tube, 3.0" Feather-Touch Focuser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112165(CF))SPECIFICATIONSAperture: 127mmFocal Length: 952mmFocal ratio: f/7.5Design: Apochromat with three lenses, two air spaces and FCD-100 glassWeight: 5.2kg, lightweight due to carbon fibre tubeBackfocus: 150mm above 2" adaptorHybrid viewfinder shoe to accept different viewfinder holdersWHAT'S INCLUDED Optical tube with retractable dew-shield2.5" HEX focuser with 1:10 gear reduction  2" Star Diagonal 99% reflectivityTube rings with dovetail plate and handle Extension tubes for focuser (2pcs)Dust caps for front-lens and focuserHybrid viewfinder shoe 

BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD eyepiece camera
Save pictures and videos from your microscope or telescope directly in Full HD resolution on your PC. The BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD is an eyepiece camera that can be used directly instead of the eyepiece of your telescope or microscope. Adapters for various devices (all common eyepiece dimensions from different manufacturers) and multilingual recording software for Windows are already included in the scope of delivery. With this camera you can document your microscope or telescope observation or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school, study and work. The camera can take pictures of the moon and the bright planets on the telescope. In microscopy, the camera is mainly used for shooting in brightfield and incident light. FEATURESmetal housing, mini USB socketresolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel, Full HDPixel size: 3x3 µm, sensor size: 5.86 x 3.28 mm23,2mm barrel, integrated UV/IR blocking filter30mm; 30,5mm adapter for various microscopes and telescopes included31,7mm (1,25") adapter for telescopes includes with thread for 1,25" filtersmultilingual recording software for Windowsimage format jpg, bmp, tif, pngvideo format avi SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10 or 11Intel i3, i5, i7 or i9 CPU from the 2nd generation orAMD FX or Ryzen CPUinternet connection for software downloadUSB 2.0 SCOPE OF DELIVERYcamera module incl. dust capUSB-cableCamLabLite-Software as a download link, language versions German, English, French, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Indonesian, ChineseUsers Guide included in the software (German, English)Adapters 30mm, 30,5mm, 31,7mm (1,25”)

BRESSER Messier AR-152S/760 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The combination of large aperture and short focal length predestine the BRESSER Messier AR-152S for the observation of large celestial objects. Experience the famous globular cluster M 13 in the constellation Hercules: Thousands of pinpoint stars stand before a black sky like so many diamonds spilled onto black velvet. Equipped with nebular filters you can watch the Gulf of Mexico in the North America Nebula and all the other celestial objects that Charles Messier listed in 1781. The compact size of the Messier AR-152S combines outstanding tranportability, high light gathering power and low weight for a telescope of this aperture. The special four lens construction delivers a better perfomance than a classical two lens achromat of this focal length. This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod.FEATURESOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 152 mm / focal length: 760 mm / F/5Maximum recommended magnification: 254xTelescope for night and solar observationHigh quality BRESSER refractor opticsUniversal telescope for planets, double stars, planetary nebulae and deep-skyExcellent focuser with 2,5" (65 mm) open diameterFour lens construction8x50 straight through viewfinder reticleoptimized finder socket for comfortable useCradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread)Smartphone camera adapter for sky navigation includedUniversal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5)50,8 mm (2") to 31,7 mm (1,25") adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed)Backfocus: 150 mm behind Hexafoc with attached 2" eyepiece adapterCollimatable lens cellSCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical Tubeaperture solar-filter26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25")31,7 mm (1.25") diagonal mirrorintegrated 31.7 mm and T2 adaptertube rings with universal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5)handle with camera holderSmartphone adapter for celestial navigation 8x50 Viewfinderastronomy PC software Stellariumrotatable star map

BT-ED70S-A Binocular Telescope
Large binoculars with 70 mm ED glass objective lensesObserve the beauty of the starry sky at night and distant objects in nature during the day. By customer request, we have succeeded in producing a new edition of these legendary binoculars. The ED glass lenses guarantee enormously high sharpness, contrast and colour purity even during the day. Globular clusters, luminous gas nebulae, the moon with its craters and even planets can be observed wonderfully on a clear night. But also all other distant things in nature and landscape, even ships, aircrafts and animals can be seen in detail at long distances. With the binoculars of the Vixen BT series, you can bring everything up close. The large, fast ED lenses in combination with the ultra modern magnesium fluorite coatings on all lens surfaces enable maximum light transmission. Thus, these binoculars produce bright, sharp and high-contrast images even at night and dusk, allowing for a particularly aesthetic viewing pleasure.Comfortable travel binoculars can also be used with photo tripodsThe comfortable 45-degree viewer enables comfortable viewing even when the binoculars are tilted towards the zenith. The BT-ED70S-A large binoculars are 4 kg light and particularly portable. An attached metal carrying handle ensures easy transport and a secure grip during tripod mounting. The binoculars have a standard Vixen dovetail rail as well as a standard 1/4 and 3/8 inch photo tripod thread. They can therefore be used on almost all common photo tripods and telescope mounts.The ideal binocular mountHowever, we recommend the Vixen HF2 fork mount for mounting. Thanks to its sophisticated design and precision mechanics, it offers perfect viewing comfort and practically zero vibrations. Especially for astronomical observations, a solid mount with tripod is one of the most important accessories. This guarantees observation without shaking and allows you to see even the finest details.Interchangeable 1.25-inch eyepiecesStay flexible and use your favourite eyepieces and ideal magnification. The BT-ED70S-A has standardised 1.25-inch eyepiece holders, allowing you to change eyepieces at any time.Which eyepieces can be used?All eyepieces with a 1.25'' barrel. Eyepieces with focal lengths of 8 to 26 mm are particularly recommended. The magnification can thus be varied from approx. 15x to 50x (focal length of binoculars : focal length of eyepiece = magnification). The eyepieces are held in the binoculars by a precise brass ring clamp and guarantee a tilt-free position. Depending on the interpupillary distance, the outer diameter of the eyepiece housing should not exceed a value of approx. 50 mm. Of course, two identical eyepieces of the same series should always be used.Use of colour and nebula filters for astronomical observationsIncrease the contrast and visibility of objects and details by screwing the appropriate filters directly into the thread of the eyepiece sleeves. Of course, colour and nebula filters must always be used in pairs. All EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC screw-in filters with 1.25''/31.7 mm diameter are suitable (see Art. No. 03102xx).Comfortable 45-degree viewer and single focusingThe 45-degree viewer enables a relaxed observation position even when the binoculars are heavily tilted. The individual interpupillary distance can also be adjusted within a range of 58 to 102 mm. The fine helical focusing system makes precise focusing simple and effortless.Retractable dewcapsThe integrated dew caps can be pulled out in high humidity and cold conditions. This prevents fogging of the outer objective lenses and effectively shields from additional stray light coming in from the side.FEATURESObjective lenses: 70 mm / ED apochromaticFull multi-coating on all lens surfacesFocal length 400 mm (F = 5.7)Resolving power: 1.66 arcsecondsLimiting magnitude: Mag 11.0Dimensions: 400 × 190 × 155 mmWeight: 4 kgAdjustable interpupillary distance: 58-102 mmIntegrated and retractable dew capsViewfinder shoe: Vixen StandardEyepiece mount: 1.25 inch / 31.7 mm barrel diameterSingle eyepiece focusingTripod mount: GP dovetail rail, 1/4 and 3/8 inch photo tripod threads.SCOPE OF DELIVERYBT-ED70S-A Large Binoculars (without eyepieces)Vixen finder shoeIntegrated dew capsDust coverCarrying handle
