LUNT Adapter-Plate LS50/60FHa to 161 - 180mm Ø


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Product number: 0557415
EAN: 4007922053028
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "LUNT Adapter-Plate LS50/60FHa to 161 - 180mm Ø"
Adapter plate for mounting a LUNT LS50FHa or LS60FHa front-filter at a telescope with 161mm to 180mm front outer diameter.

With this adapter you can mount a LS50FHa or LS60FHa at your existing astronomical telescope with 161mm to 180mm outer diameter, in order to use this telescope for solar observing in H-alpha. The adapter is plugged onto the front of your telescope, and the filter can be screwed onto the adapter.

This article no. 0557415 gives only the price for a complete range of different adapter-plates of 161mm to 180mm diameter. The real adapter-plate will be manufactured exactly for your telescope. Therefore we need the exact outside diameter of your telescope or the dew shield!
When ordering, you will find a field for comments, please note there the appropriate diameter!

Then we will manufacture a adapter-plate for the diameter that you have noted. Manufacturing time will be 2 to 3 weeks.
If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail or telephone.

  • 1x adapter plate manufactured by your specifications
(Filter not included)
Delivery time 2-3 weeks

Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



LUNT LS50FHa/B1800d2 H-alpha solar filter
50mm H-alpha solar filter system with B1800 blocking filter, for front mounting at telescopes with 2" focuser, and up to 1620mm focal length.The LS50FHa H-alpha Etalon filter system with 50mm aperture (no central obstruction) for use on any refractor and many other telescopes. Because the LS50FHa has an estimated bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom it is capable to providing high contrast views of both solar surface and edge detail (prominences).The system includes the B1800 blocking filter, which is usable for telescopes up to 1620mm focal length. Larger blocking filters suitable for longer focal length are also optional available. The blocking filter is installed in a 90° star diagonal for 2" focuser. This diagonal is equipped with a reception for 1.25" eyepieces and a T2 camera connection.Adding an additional available double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 50 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth: <0.75 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 73 mmWeight: 0.7 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadBlocking filter: B1800 in diagonal for 2" focuserMaximum focal length of telescope: 1620 mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS50FHa solar filterB1800 Blocking Filter (for 2" focuser) in star-diagonalTransport caseInstruction manual

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LUNT LS50FHa/B1800d1 H-alpha solar filter
50mm H-alpha solar filter system with B1800 blocking filter, for front mounting at telescopes with 1.25" focuser, and up to 1620mm focal length.The LS50FHa H-alpha Etalon filter system with 50mm aperture (no central obstruction) for use on any refractor and many other telescopes. Because the LS50FHa has an estimated bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom it is capable to providing high contrast views of both solar surface and edge detail (prominences).The system includes the B1800 blocking filter, which is usable for telescopes up to 1620mm focal length. Larger blocking filters suitable for longer focal length are also optional available. The blocking filter is installed in a 90° star diagonal for 1.25" focuser. This diagonal is equipped with a reception for 1.25" eyepieces and a T2 camera connection.Adding an additional available double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 50 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth: <0.75 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 73 mmWeight: 0.7 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadBlocking filter: B1800 in diagonal for 1.25" focuserMaximum focal length of telescope: 1620 mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS50FHa solar filterB1800 Blocking Filter (for 1.25" focuser) in star-diagonalTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS50FHa/B3400 H-alpha solar filter
50mm H-alpha solar filter system with B3400 blocking filter, for front mounting at telescopes with 2" focuser, and up to 3060mm focal length.The LS50FHa H-alpha Etalon filter system with 50mm aperture (no central obstruction) for use on any refractor and many other telescopes. Because the LS50FHa has an estimated bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom it is capable to providing high contrast views of both solar surface and edge detail (prominences).The system includes the B3400 blocking filter, which is usable for telescopes up to 3060mm focal length. The blocking filter is installed in a straight extension tube for 2" focuser. This extension tube is equipped with a reception for 2" eyepieces and a adapter for 1.25" eyepieces.Adding an additional available double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 50 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth: <0.75 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 73 mmWeight: 0.7 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadBlocking filter: B3400 in extension tube for 2" focuserMaximum focal length of telescope: 3060 mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS50FHa solar filterB3400 Blocking Filter (for 2" focuser) in extension tubeTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS60FHa/B1800d2 H-alpha solar filter
60mm H-alpha solar filter system with B1800 blocking filter, for front mounting at telescopes with 2" focuser, and up to 1620mm focal length.The LS60FHa H-alpha Etalon filter system with 60mm aperture (no central obstruction) for use on any refractor and many other telescopes. Because the LS60FHa has an estimated bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom it is capable to providing high contrast views of both solar surface and edge detail (prominences).The system includes the B1800 blocking filter, which is usable for telescopes up to 1620mm focal length. Larger blocking filters suitable for longer focal length are also optional available. The blocking filter is installed in a 90° star diagonal for 2" focuser. This diagonal is equipped with a reception for 1.25" eyepieces and a T2 camera connection.Adding an additional available double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 60 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth: <0.75 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 85 mmWeight: 0.85 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadBlocking filter: B1800 in diagonal for 2" focuserMaximum focal length of telescope: 1620 mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60FHa solar filterB1800 Blocking Filter (for 2" focuser) in star-diagonalTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS60FHa/B1800d1 H-alpha solar filter
60mm H-alpha solar filter system with B1800 blocking filter, for front mounting at telescopes with 1.25" focuser, and up to 1620mm focal length.The LS60FHa H-alpha Etalon filter system with 60mm aperture (no central obstruction) for use on any refractor and many other telescopes. Because the LS60FHa has an estimated bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom it is capable to providing high contrast views of both solar surface and edge detail (prominences).The system includes the B1800 blocking filter, which is usable for telescopes up to 1620mm focal length. Larger blocking filters suitable for longer focal length are also optional available. The blocking filter is installed in a 90° star diagonal for 1.25" focuser. This diagonal is equipped with a reception for 1.25" eyepieces and a T2 camera connection.Adding an additional available double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 60 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth: <0.75 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 85 mmWeight: 0.85 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadBlocking filter: B1800 in diagonal for 1.25" focuserMaximum focal length of telescope: 1620 mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60FHa solar filterB1800 Blocking Filter (for 1.25" focuser) in star-diagonalTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS60FHa/B3400 H-alpha solar filter
60mm H-alpha solar filter system with B3400 blocking filter, for front mounting at telescopes with 2" focuser, and up to 3060mm focal length.The LS60FHa H-alpha Etalon filter system with 60mm aperture (no central obstruction) for use on any refractor and many other telescopes. Because the LS60FHa has an estimated bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom it is capable to providing high contrast views of both solar surface and edge detail (prominences).The system includes the B3400 blocking filter, which is usable for telescopes up to 3060mm focal length. The blocking filter is installed in a straight extension tube for 2" focuser. This extension tube is equipped with a reception for 2" eyepieces and a adapter for 1.25" eyepieces.Adding an additional available double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 60 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth: <0.75 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 85 mmWeight: 0.85 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadBlocking filter: B3400 in extension tube for 2" focuserMaximum focal length of telescope: 3060 mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60FHa solar filterB3400 Blocking Filter (for 2" focuser) in extension tubeTransport caseInstruction manual
