LUNT B1800d2 Blocking-Filter in 2 inch zenith mirror diagonal

For free combination with a Lunt-Solar-Systems H-alpha solar-telescope or -filter

  • Blocking-filter in 90° zenith mirror
  • For combination with H-alpha telescopes or filters
  • For telescopes up to 1620mm focal length and 2 inch focuser
  • Eyepiece side with T2 thread and 1.25 inch eyepiece connection
  • Cannot be used stand-alone, only with H-Alpha systems!


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 0553012
EAN: 4007922035864
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "LUNT B1800d2 Blocking-Filter in 2 inch zenith mirror diagonal"
Blocking-filter in 90° zenith mirror diagonal, for telescopes up to 1620mm focal length, and with 2 inch (50.8mm) focuser. Can only be used together with a LUNT H-alpha filter, or with a LUNT H-alpha telescope!

Lunt Solar Systems offers blocking-filters in different sizes, and alternatively in 90° star-diagonal housings or straight extension tubes. You can choose what blocking-filter you will use at your LUNT H-alpha Etalon system.

The B1800d2 is installed in a 90° star-diagonal housing, for 2 inch (50.8mm) focuser on the telescope side, and with T2 thread and 1.25 inch (31.7mm) eyepiece connection on the eyepiece side. The B1800d2 can be used at LUNT H-alpha systems, if the used telescope has a 2 inch focuser and up to 1620mm focal length.

The blocking-filter can not be used without additional H-alpha filter system from Lunt Solar Systems! Blocking-filters are absolutely required for the safety and performance of H-alpha telescopes for solar observing. Lunt Solar Systems blocking-filters contain a unique filter system. We can only warranty safety or performance, if blocking-filter is paired with a H-alpha filter or H-alpha telescope of Lunt Solar Systems.
At the tab "Accessories" you will find H-Alpha telescopes and filters with which this blocking filter can be combined.

  • Blocking-filter only usable at additional H-alpha filter system
  • Filter diameter: 18mm
  • Usable at telescopes up to 1620mm focal
  • 90° star-diagonal housing
  • 2 inch slide tube for 2 inch focuser
  • Connection for 1.25 inch eyepieces
  • T2 thread for camera connection
  • Blocking-filter B1800d2 in 90° star-diagonal for 2 inch focuser

Colour: white
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



LUNT LS50FHa H-alpha double-stack solar filter
50mm H-alpha double-stack solar filter, for all LS50FHa filter-systems and LS60THa/LS60MT telescopes.This double-stack Etalon is compatible to all Lunt Solar Systems LS50FHa filter-systems and LS60THa / LS60MT telescopes. Adding this additional double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom (dependent upon used telescope). So you will have much more contrast and more details on the sun will be visible.Without blocking filter! Only for use as double-stack filter, or together with a additional available blocking filter. If the filter is used only single stacked together with a optional blocking filter, then the bandwidth is <0.75 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 50 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth double stacked: <0,55 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 73 mmWeight: 0.7 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS50FHa solar filterTransport caseInstruction manual

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LUNT LS60FHa H-alpha double-stack solar filter
60mm H-alpha double-stack solar filter, for all LS60FHa filter-systems and LS60THa/LS60MT telescopes.This double-stack Etalon is compatible to all Lunt Solar Systems LS60FHa filter-systems and LS60THa / LS60MT telescopes. Adding this additional double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom (dependent upon used telescope). So you will have much more contrast and more details on the sun will be visible.Without blocking filter! Only for use as double-stack filter, or together with a additional available blocking filter. If the filter is used only single stacked together with a optional blocking filter, then the bandwidth is <0.75 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 60 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth double stacked: <0,55 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 85 mmWeight: 0.85 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60FHa solar filterTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS100FHa H-alpha double-stack solar filter
100mm H-alpha double-stack solar filter, for all LS100FHa filter-systems and LS100THa telescopes.This double-stack Etalon is compatible to all Lunt Solar Systems LS100FHa filter-systems.Also the LS100THa H-alpha solar telescopes can be very easily double-stacked by using this 100mm double-stack filter. This combination offers high quality double-stacking to the observer.Adding this additional double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom. So you will have much more contrast and more details on the sun will be visible.Please note: The LS100FHa double-stack filter is only compatible with the old LS100THa H-alpha telescopes, but not with the new LS100MT multipurpose telescopes!Without blocking filter! Only for use as double-stack filter, or together with a additional available blocking filter. If the filter is used only single stacked together with a optional blocking filter, then the bandwidth is <0.7 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 100 mmBandwidth double stacked: <0.55 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 162 mmLength: 101 mmWeight: 2.75 kgFront thread: M120x1.5 female threadRear thread: M120x1.5 male threadSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS100FHa solar filterTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS60MT/R&P Multipurpose Telescope OTA without Blocking Filter
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. Excellent image quality due to 2-lens ED optics with 70mm aperture for night sky observation, and 60mm usable aperture for H-alpha solar observation.With innovative air pressure tuning system and high-quality 2 inch (50.8mm) Rack&Pinion (R&P) focuser. Delivered without blocking filter, use for H-Alpha sun observation only possible with additional blocking filter!This telescope is supplied without blocking filter. We offer a wide range of additionally available blocking filters in different sizes, either mounted in a 90° star-diagonal housing or in a straight extension tube. These are all usable with this telescope.ATTENTION: Without such an additional blocking filter you cannot use this telescope for H-alpha solar observation!Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS60MT is a telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 60mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 420mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction.This version of the LS60MT is delivered without blocking filter. Therefore an additional blocking filter is required to use the telescope for solar observation in the H-alpha wavelength. You can choose from the wide range of Lunt Solar Systems blocking filters and decide for example if you want a blocking filter in a 90° star-diagonal housing or one in a straight extension tube.Observing the starry night sky:The H-alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. The 2-lens ED refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 70mm aperture and 420mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The ED Doublet lens will offer an excellent image. It can be used with a standard 2 inch zenith mirror at the R&P focuser.With an additional Amici prism, the telescope can of course also be used during the day for nature and landscape observations.This makes the LS60MT, with its small dimensions and low weight, also an ideal travel telescope for all applications!More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS60MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS60MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack filters LS50FHa or LS60FHa (part numbers 0550200 and 0550250). These filters will be simply screwed on the front of the LS60MT, no additional adapters are necessary. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS60MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS60MT a completely universal usable telescope!FEATURES2-lens ED refractor, FPL-51Aperture: 70mmUsable aperture in H-alpha: 60mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 420mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerSupplied without blocking filter, additionally available blocking filter absolutely necessary!Focuser: Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reductionTube-ring with 1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)Weight with H-alpha unit: 3.8kgWeight without H-alpha unit: 2.6kgLength with H-alpha unit and blocking filter: 40cmLength without H-alpha unit: 31cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-Tuner2 inch Rack&Pinion focuserTube ring with 1/4-20 connection for mounting on photo-tripodsTransport case (53x33x17cm)Instruction manual

LUNT LS80MT/R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope OTA without Blocking Filter
​Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 2-lens ED Apo telescope with FPL-53 glass, 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length - very good image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night.With innovative air pressure tuning system and good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser. Delivered without blocking filter, use for H-Alpha sun observation only possible with additional blocking filter!This telescope is supplied without blocking filter. We offer a wide range of additionally available blocking filters in different sizes, either mounted in a 90° star-diagonal housing or in a straight extension tube. These are all usable with this telescope.ATTENTION: Without such an additional blocking filter you cannot use this telescope for H-alpha solar observation!Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS80MT is a telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 80mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 560mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction.This version of the LS80MT is delivered without blocking filter. Therefore an additional blocking filter is required to use the telescope for solar observation in the H-alpha wavelength. You can choose from the wide range of Lunt Solar Systems blocking filters and decide for example if you want a blocking filter in a 90° star-diagonal housing or one in a straight extension tube.Observing the starry night sky:The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. With the additionally available conversion kit (item number 0551330) the 2-lens ED Apo refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-53 doublet lens offers an low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the high quality R&P focuser of the conversion kit 0551330.Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551330 is absolutely necessary if the telescope should be used at night.More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS80MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS80MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module DSII/SFPT (item number 0551395). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS80MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS80MT a completely universal usable ED Apo telescope of very good quality!FEATURES2-lens ED APO refractor, FPL-53Aperture: 80mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 560mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerSupplied without blocking filter, additionally available blocking filter absolutely necessary!Focuser: R&P with 10:1 reductionTwo tube-ring with handleSol-Searcher installed inside handleDovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mountsWeight: 4.95kgLength with blocking filter and dew-shield: 62cmLength without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 50cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS80MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-Tuner2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reductionTube rings with dovetail bar and sol-searcherTransport case (78x33x23cm)Instruction manualConversion kit for observation of the starry night sky (0551330) not included!


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Vixen SD115SII Telescope OTA
The Vixen SD115IIS is a new 115 mm apochromatic refractor with high-performance Super-ED glass (= SD). The advantage of this SD refractor is its short length and low weight. The FPL53 glass reproduces an extremely clear and sharp image by an exceptionally high degree of elimination of residual chromatic aberrations. The SD glass is designed to bring all beams of violet, red, blue, yellow and green very precisely together on the same plane. The special lens material, reduces chromatic aberration across all colours.The new Vixen SD115SII no longer uses spacer plates, which leads to a significantly better image quality, especially with bright stars. In photographic images, no spikes can be seen on the stars, which were otherwise produced by the spacer plates. In addition, you will be thrilled when you look at the moon or the brighter planets and observe the moon craters pin sharp as well as with extremely high contrast. Also look at the ring planet Saturn or the cloud bands on Jupiter. But of course, brighter deep sky objects such as the Orion Nebula or the Andromeda Galaxy can also be observed in impressive detail.In combination with the new optional SD Reducer HD Kit or SD Flattener HD, this refractor allows illumination with a 44 mm image circle for full format SLR cameras. The older ED81SII, ED103S, ED115S refractors were originally developed for visual observers and photographers using APS-C cameras. However, the new SD series is also optimised for use with full-frame cameras through the use of new inner baffle rings. The large 60 mm eyepiece extension also allows heavy cameras to be attached without tilting. Furthermore, the included folding mirror allows comfortable observation even in unfavourable observation situations and additionally offers a T2 thread for connecting a DSLR camera. This allows you to observe in straight line or at a 90° angle. The carrying handle attached to the tube clamps ensures a secure grip when transporting the telescope. FEATURESObjective lens: D=115 mm, multi-coated 2-lens SD apochromat without spacer plates No more spikes on the stars Focal length: 890 mm (f7.7) Resolution and limiting magnitude: 1.01 arcseconds; 12.5 Light gathering power: approx. 270x more than the human eye Dimensions and weight: 125 mm dia x 920 mm; 6.3 kg Viewfinder telescope: 7x50 illuminated Adapters and connections: 60 mm thread, 50.8 mm and 31.7 mm socket, thread for T-ring Connection: 50.8 mm and 31.7 mm socket with flip mirror / folding mirror Photography: primary focus and eyepiece projection SCOPE OF DELIVERY Refractor SD115SII Telescope (OTA) Tube clamp with dovetail Dew cap Flip-Mirror / folding mirror Carrying handle Dovetail rail 7x50 viewfinder

LUNT LS100THa/DSII doublestack module for LS100THa (Refurbished)
NOTE: This item is a used or returned product. This means: The item may show slight signs of use; some accessories may be missing; the packaging may differ from the original packaging. Please note that refurbished items generally come with a 12-month warranty.

€1,485.00* €2,965.00* (49.92% saved)
LUNT LS60MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose ED Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. Excellent image quality due to 2-lens ED optics with 70mm aperture for night sky observation, and 60mm usable aperture for H-alpha solar observation.With innovative air pressure tuning system, high-quality 2 inch (50.8mm) Rack&Pinion (R&P) focuser, and B1200 blocking filter.Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS60MT/B1200 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 60mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 420mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction.Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is very good for visual solar observing, and also for solar imaging.The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.Observing the starry night sky:The H-alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. The 2-lens ED refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 70mm aperture and 420mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The ED Doublet lens will offer an excellent image. It can be used with a standard 2 inch zenith mirror at the R&P focuser.With an additional Amici prism, the telescope can of course also be used during the day for nature and landscape observations.This makes the LS60MT, with its small dimensions and low weight, also an ideal travel telescope for all applications!More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS60MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS60MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack filters LS50FHa or LS60FHa (part numbers 0550200 and 0550250). These filters will be simply screwed on the front of the LS60MT, no additional adapters are necessary. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS60MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS60MT a completely universal usable telescope!FEATURES2-lens ED refractor, FPL-51Aperture: 70mmUsable aperture in H-alpha: 60mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 420mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerBlocking filter: B1200 with 1.25 inch and T2 connectionFocuser: Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reductionTube-ring with 1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)Weight with H-alpha unit: 3.8kgWeight without H-alpha unit: 2.6kgLength with H-alpha unit and blocking filter: 40cmLength without H-alpha unit: 31cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-TunerB1200 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing2 inch Rack&Pinion focuserTube ring with 1/4-20 connection for mounting on photo-tripodsTransport case (53x33x17cm)Instruction manual

LUNT LS100MT/R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope OTA without Blocking Filter
​​Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 3-lens apochromatic telescope with FPL-53 glass, 100mm aperture and 714mm focal length - excellent image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night.With innovative air pressure tuning system and good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser. Delivered without blocking filter, use for H-Alpha sun observation only possible with additional blocking filter!This telescope is supplied without blocking filter. We offer a wide range of additionally available blocking filters in different sizes, either mounted in a 90° star-diagonal housing or in a straight extension tube. These are all usable with this telescope.ATTENTION: Without such an additional blocking filter you cannot use this telescope for H-alpha solar observation!Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS100MT is a telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 100mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 714mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction.This version of the LS100MT is delivered without blocking filter. Therefore an additional blocking filter is required to use the telescope for solar observation in the H-alpha wavelength. You can choose from the wide range of Lunt Solar Systems blocking filters and decide for example if you want a blocking filter in a 90° star-diagonal housing or one in a straight extension tube.Observing the starry night sky:The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. With the additionally available conversion kit (item number 0551430) the 3-lens apochromatic refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 100mm aperture and 714mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-53 triplet lens offers an outstandingly low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the high quality R&P focuser of the conversion kit 0551430.Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551430 is absolutely necessary if the telescope should be used at night.More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS100MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS100MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module DSII/SFPT (item number 0551395). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS100MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS100MT a completely universal usable apochromatic telescope of highest quality!FEATURES3-lens APO refractor, FPL-53Aperture: 100mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 714mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerSupplied without blocking filter, additionally available blocking filter absolutely necessary!Focuser: R&P with 10:1 reductionTwo tube-ring with handleSol-Searcher installed inside handleDovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mountsWeight: 6.8kgLength with dew-shield: 78cmLength with removed dew-shield: 65cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS100MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-Tuner2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reductionTube rings with dovetail barTransport case (78x33x23cm)Instruction manualConversion kit for observation of the starry night sky (0551430) not included!

LUNT B1800s Blocking-Filter in extension tube
Blocking-filter in straight extension tube, for telescopes up to 1620mm focal length. Can only be used together with a LUNT H-alpha filter, or with a LUNT H-alpha telescope!Lunt Solar Systems offers blocking-filters in different sizes, and alternatively in 90° star-diagonal housings or straight extension tubes. You can choose what blocking-filter you will use at your LUNT H-alpha Etalon system.The B1800s is installed in a straight extension tube, for 1.25 inch (31.7mm) and 2 inch (50.8mm) focuser on the telescope side, and with T2 thread and 1.25 inch eyepiece connection on the eyepiece side. The B1800s can be used at LUNT H-alpha systems, if the used telescope has up to 1620mm focal length.The blocking-filter can not be used without additional H-alpha filter system from Lunt Solar Systems! Blocking-filters are absolutely required for the safety and performance of H-alpha telescopes for solar observing. Lunt Solar Systems blocking-filters contain a unique filter system. We can only warranty safety or performance, if blocking-filter is paired with a H-alpha filter or H-alpha telescope of Lunt Solar Systems.At the tab ''Accessories'' you will find H-Alpha telescopes and filters with which this blocking filter can be combined.FEATURESBlocking-filter only usable at additional H-alpha filter systemFilter diameter: 18mmUsable at telescopes up to 1620mm focalIn straight extension tubeFor 1.25 inch and 2 inch focuserConnection for 1.25 inch eyepiecesT2 thread for camera connectionSCOPE OF DELIVERYBlocking-filter B1800s in straight extension tube

LUNT LS40THa/B500 H-alpha solar telescope
Solar observation in H-Alpha: prominences, filaments, flares ... the most spectacular way to see the Sun - easy and affordable with the LS40THa.Complete H-alpha solar telescope with 40mm aperture, <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth, B500 blocking-filter, and Helical focuser.The LS40THa/B500 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha, with 40mm aperture (no central obstruction) and 400mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An Etalon with mechanical tilt-tuning provides <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth.Fine adjustment is achieved with a 1.25 inch Helical focuser. Blocking-filter is the B500, this is good for visual observation of the sun. The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepiece connection.The easy handling makes this telescope ideal for starting H-Alpha solar observation. Due to its compact dimensions it is also a good travel telescope for the experienced solar observers.The LS40THa telescopes are available with choice of B500, B600 or B1200 blocking filters. The larger blocking filters provide less edge obstruction and a larger field of view for visual observation and photography. Please note that these telescopes have only a very small back focus and therefore photography is difficult. We recommend special astro cameras for photography, which have a very short distance to the sensor, such as the BRESSER Full HD camera item number 4959050.FEATURESAperture: 40mm (no central obstruction, 2-lens refractor)Focal length: 400mmBandwidth: <0.7 AngstromTuning: mechanical tilt-tuningBlocking filter: B500 with 1.25 inch connectionFocuser: Helical focuserDovetail bar at standard GP-level1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)Sol-Searcher includedWeight: 1.2kgLength: 41cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS40THa Solar TelescopeB500 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing1.25 inch Helical focuserDovetail bar (GP level)Sol-SearcherInstruction manual

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 2 Moon & Planets from 100mm (4")
Filter Set 2 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 100mm (4") Aperture Set 2 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Green No.56 - 0310262 The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow No.12 - 0310267 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Blue No.80A - 0310264 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter protection-case
