LUNT LS1.25HW 31.7mm (1.25'') Herschel Wedge

Enjoy excellent resolution of the Solar surface in complete safety with this Lunt Herschel Wedge

  • Solar observation in White-Light for perfectionists
  • For refracting telescopes up to 102mm aperture
  • Shows sunspots and granulation at best contrast
  • In 90° angle housing like a Star Diagonal
  • Necessary ND3.0 filter is already factory installed
  • No escaping stray light due to integrated light trap
  • Absolutely safe, no danger for the eyes


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 0558211
EAN: 4007922035284
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "LUNT LS1.25HW 31.7mm (1.25'') Herschel Wedge"
This Herschel wedge is designed for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. It can be used with refracting telescopes up to 102mm aperture, with 1.25'' focuser. This complete system comes with installed ND3.0 filter.

Herschel Wedges are used to observe the sun in White Light. Around 95% of the Sun's light is suppressed by the wedge's ceramic prism. The remaining sun light is dimmed further by a factory-installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. No stray light can escape from this, therefore it is very safe method of observing our nearest star.

The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This provides better contrast and sharpness of the solar image - with more surface detail visible as a result.  Furthermore, a Herschel wedge is inherently safer than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel wedge can not rip or become punctured like a foil filter can be and it cannot become detached from the telescope objective accidentally.

Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 102mm aperture:
Because the full energy and heat of the sun inside the telescope, we advise solely using refractors for Herschel-wedge use. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflecting telescopes, could suffer from thermal build-up by concentrated solar energy and could be permanently damaged.

Tuning the brightness:

Because the Herschel-wedge produces polarised light, you can use a normal polarising filter at the eyepiece, or camera-adapter. By turning the polarising filter the image brightness can be varied to the user's liking.

This additional Polarising filter is not included. We recommend the BRESSER 1.25'' polarising filter, no: 4946464.

  • For refractor telescopes up to 102mm aperture
  • Connection to telescope: 1.25''
  • Connection to eyepiece: 1.25''
  • 90° housing like star-diagonal
  • Especially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrast
  • Fully closed housing with integrated heat trap
  • No stray light escaping - therefore it is very safe
  • The needed ND3.0 filter is fix installed
  • Herschel-wedge for 1.25'' focuser
  • Integrated ND3.0 filter
  • Transport case
  • Instruction manual

Colour: black
Eyepiece view direction: Inclined view 90°
Material: Aluminium
Telescope filter type: Solar Filter White Light

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



BRESSER Single Polarizing Filter 1.25"
This polarizing filter can be used for example at the Lunt Solar Systems 1.25" White-Light Herschel-wedge (0558211).FEATURESLinear polarizing filterFilter mount with 1.25" filter threadSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x 1.25" polarizing filter

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LUNT LS7-21ZE Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm
Lunt Solar Systems zoom-eyepiece with variable focal length from 7.2mm to 21.5mm, with 1.25 inch (31.7mm) connection.The special of this zoom eyepiece is that the optical layout offers highest quality views of the sun, but also on nightsky objects. LUNT minimized the reflections by using superb multicoatings and with care designed internal baffle system and blackened lens edges. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is not the widest field zoom-eyepiece on the market, LUNT prefered best performance over widest field. The sun and stars are perfect pin point across the entire field of view without any visible distortion. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is almost parfocal, from one end to the other end of the zooming way you need only 0.5mm to refocuse. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece has a very nice height adjustable eyeguard to protect your eye against day light reflections and to help you to find the perfect eye position.Please note that these eyepieces are only accessories for existing solar telescopes or filters when observing the sun. Solar observation alone with these eyepieces without additional solar filters is not possible!FEATURESFocal length: 7.2mm - 21.5mm continuously adjustableBarrel size: 1.25 inch (31,7mm)Diameter: 47mmHeight: 82mmWeight: 170gEye relief: 15mmLenses / Groups: 7 lenses / 4 GroupsField of view: 53° at 7.2mm - 40° at 21.5mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLUNT Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm

LUNT HAT solar hat with neck flap
Keep your head covered and prevent sunburn while observing. UV protectant material with small pocket and clip to prevent being blown off in the wind. Cool ventilated design. Neck flap to keep your neck protected while looking through the eyepiece.SCOPE OF DELIVERYSolar Hat with neck flap

BRESSER Messier AR-90 90/900 Optical Tube assembly
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.Excellent for entering into the hobby of astronomy: 90mm aperture delivers 200 times more light than the naked eye! Observe craters, valleys and rims on the moon from nearly 400,000km away just as you would look out of the window of a spaceship! The MESSIER AR-90 does not only provide highly detailed views of the moon: Gaze at the division of the rings of saturn millions of kilometers away or explore the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, a giant tornado in Jupiter's atmosphere. Watch the seasons on Mars and find the sickle of Venus. The MESSIER AR-90 gives you images that are many times brighter than the instrument Galileo Galilei was using for his famous explorations almost 400 years ago. This telescope is an optical tube without mount and tripod. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 90 mm / focal length: 900 mm / F/10Maximum recommended magnification: 180xTelescope for night and solar observation 6x30 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece Optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25") zenith mirror Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25") 31.7 mm (1.25") diagonal mirror Integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapter 6x30 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)

BRESSER Messier AR-152L/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.For the ambitious planetary observer the BRESSER Messier AR-152L is a dream machine. View tiny dots and structures in the cloud bands of Jupiter, small rims and craters on the surface of the moon and details on Mars, including the ice-covered polar regions of our neighbouring planet. Watch Jupiter's moons dance around the planet and detect the greenish glow of Uranus far beyond Saturns orbit. The combination of large aperture and long focal length provides tack-sharp high-contrast pictures that will impress you every time anew. This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 152 mm / focal length: 1200 mm / F/7.9Maximum recommended magnification: 254xTelescope for night and solar observation High-quality and light gathering achromatic objective lens Modern multi-coating of the lenses for a bright and high-contrast image Robust aluminium tube construction Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 8x50 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece Optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25") zenith mirror Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44 mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 50.8 to 31.7mm adapter with integrated T2 adapter (optional T2 ring required) SCOPE OF DELIEVRY Optical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece 31,7 mm(1.25'') 31,7 mm (1.25") Zenith mirror, Integrated 31,7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces 8x50 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)


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BRESSER Single Polarizing Filter 1.25"
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BRESSER Eyepiece Adapter 1.25''/2''
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BRESSER Universal Smartphone Adapter Deluxe
Take pictures with your smartphone through the telescope or microskope? With the Smartphone camera adapter this is now child's play! Simply screw the adapter to the eyepiece and use your smartphone as a camera with a super-telephoto / super-macrophoto lens. It lets you take pictures of distant objects or very small objects as if you were very close.The Deluxe version offers an even more comfortable and secure attachment to the eyepiece. By a rotary movement of the clamping ring 3 clamping jaws are evenly applied to the eyepiece housing and the Smartphone adapter sits firmly and centrically on the eyepiece. The fine adjustment of the height of the smartphone support allows a quick and precise adjustment of the viewing height of the smartphone camera above the eyepiece lens. Good image results are thus guaranteed.  FEATURES Take photos through the telescope Smartphone camera with super telephoto lens Fine Height adjustment of phone support Wide adjustment range for eyepiece housing diameter Fits 31.7mm (1.25") eyepieces For eyepiece housing diameters from 22-38mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Smartphone holder deluxeLocking ring for the smartphone


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BRESSER Single Polarizing Filter 1.25"
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LUNT Mini SUNoculars blue
​Small 6x30 binoculars for solar observing in White-Light.This truly pocket sized binoculars with 6x magnification are only for solar observing. You can view and safely study large Sun-spots, transits and solar eclipses. The Sun's image shows in a pleasing  orange colour, rather in a harsh blue-white, as it does in some other white light filters.Lunt Mini SUNoculars have White-Light filter film installed inside the binoculars. This makes solar observation 100% safe. The light of the sun is reduced to a comfortable 0.00001% transmission and all ultra-violet and infrared components are completely and safely blocked.Lunt SUNoculars are manufactured to the same standards of safety typical to the entire family of Lunt Solar products - the premier manufacturer of Solar telescopes and filters.FEATURESMagnification: 6xObjective lens diameter: 30mmEye relief: 9mmTransmission: 0.00001% (OD5)Filter type: Solar film, CE certifiedLength: 105mmWidth: 110mmWeight: 160gSCOPE OF DELIVERYMini SUNoculars in blister packStrap

LUNT LS2HW 50.8mm (2'') Herschel-wedge
Herschel-wedge / Solar-wedge for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. For refractor-telescopes up to 150mm aperture, and with 2'' focuser. Complete system with installed ND3.0 filter.Herschel-Wedges will be used to observe the sun in White-Light. Around 95 % of the sun light will be suppressed by the Herschel Wedge. The remaining sun light will be dimmed by a fix installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel-wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. There is no stray light escaping, therefore it is very safe.The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is, that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This will provide a better contrast and sharpness of the solar image.Furthermore, there is more safety at a Herschel-wedge than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel-wedge can not rip or become holes like a foil. And also it can not drop down from the telescope objective accidentally.Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 150mm aperture:Because the full energy and heat of the sun will be inside the telescope, we advise to use only refractors with a Herschel-wedge. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflector telescopes, become very hot by the concentrated solar energy and could be damaged.Tuning the brightness:Because the Herschel-wedge produce polarized light, you can use a normal polarizing filter at the eyepiece or camera-adapter. By turning the polarizing filter the brightness will be reduced.Polarizing filter not included. We recommend the BRESSER 2'' polarizing filter 4946465.FEATURESFor refractor-telescopes up to 150mm apertureConnection to telescope: 2''Connection to eyepiece: 2''90° housing like star-diagonalEspecially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrastFully closed housing with integrated heat trapNo stray light escaping - therefore it is very safeThe needed ND3.0 filter is fix installedSCOPE OF DELIVERYHerschel-wedge for 2'' focuserIntegrated ND3.0 filterHardcaseInstruction manual

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Sun Catcher Solar Filter for 60-80mm Telescopes
Explore Scientific's Sun Catcher Variable Large Aperture Solar Filters are available in many sizes to work on most telescopes from 60mm up to 10-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain and of course all Bresser and Explore Scientific Telescopes. The Solar Filter material being used is the new advanced 'Solarlite' Film manufactured by world famous Thousand Oaks Optical through years of research and development. 'Solarlite' a new solar film that has the optical quality of glass with the advantages of impregnated polymer. Perfect also for the solar astrophotographer.NOTE: All Explore Scientific Solar Equipment is rated ISO12312-2 supplied by Thousand Oaks Optical and approved for direct observation of the Sun. These solar filters are available in different sizes, the picture above shows three different sizes as an example. This is the solar filter with 60mm filter diameter.SPECIFICATIONSSpecial objective filter for safe solar observationsISO12312-2 ratedField-stop diameter 60mmFits to outer telescope tube diameter from 60 to 160mmQuick individual match with your telescope diameterFast Setup - Easy UseSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x Sun Catcher solar filter

BRESSER WiFi Eyepice Camera with Display
Whether you’re exploring the night sky, the microscopic world, or wildlife, the BRESSER WiFi Eyepiece Camera with Display lets you capture every highlight with impressive photos and videos. Thanks to its adjustable clamp, it quickly attaches to any eyepiece with a diameter of 30 to 65 mm. Once mounted, you can view your adventures in real time on the integrated 1.47-inch (3.7 cm) screen. From there, just switch to your mobile device for seamless control via the intuitive app. Capture every detail with the eyepiece camera With 2K video quality and pin-sharp photos, capture whatever crosses your path. Save your media in the standard formats MP4 and JPG on a MicroSD card (not included). You can also download your images and videos to the app’s album for easy access anytime. Advanced features for perfect shots The BRESSER WiFi Eyepiece Camera offers various options to suit different viewing scenarios. Choose between videos with or without sound to match your subject. The loop recording feature automatically captures clips in 1, 3, or 5-minute intervals, giving you plenty of time to record and review. To share your discoveries with family and friends, simply use the app to share your photos and videos. Look forward to capturing detailed shots through telescopes, spotting scopes, binoculars, microscopes, and more – all with the BRESSER WiFi Eyepiece Camera with Display! FEATURES Universal WiFi eyepiece camera for telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, spotting scopes, and more Integrated 1.47-inch (3.7 cm) display Video resolution: 2K (30 fps) Photo resolution: 1,920 x 1,080 px CMOS sensor resolution: 4 MP File formats: MP4 (video), JPG (photo) Videos with or without sound Loop recording option: 1 / 3 / 5 min App (Android / iOS) with user-friendly video and photo editing functions Maximum recording time with WiFi: 130 minutes Compatible with eyepiece diameters from 30 – 65 mm Storage medium: MicroSD card up to 128 GB (not included) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Eyepiece camera USB-C cable User manual

BRESSER Messier AR-90s/500 Optical Tube assembly
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.Excellent for entering into the hobby of astronomy: 90 mm aperture delivers 200 times more light than the naked eye! Observe craters, valleys and rims on the moon from nearly 400,000 km away just as you would look out of the window of a spaceship! The BRESSER MESSIER AR-90s does not only provide highly detailed views of the moon: Gaze at the division of the rings of Saturn millions of kilometers away or explore the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, a giant tornado in Jupiter's atmosphere. Watch the seasons on Mars and find the sickle of Venus.Richfield telescope with a short focal length of 500 mm. Suitable for traveling and to observe large open star clusters and the Milky Way. The MESSIER AR-90s gives you images that are many times brighter than the instrument Galileo Galilei was using for his famous explorations almost 400 years ago. This telescope is an optical tube without mount and tripod. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 90 mm / focal length: 500 mm / F/5.5Maximum recommended magnification: 180xTelescope for night and solar observation 6x30 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece Optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25'') zenith mirror Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube 26mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25") 31.7 mm (1.25") zenith mirror 6x30 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)

BRESSER Messier AR-102xs/460 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation. Ambitious beginners and advanced observers alike will see the brightest objects outside our solar system with the MESSIER AR-102xs. Watch details in the Great Orion Nebula from the astonishing distance of 1500 lightyears ( km)! Scanning the lunar terminator is simply a pleasure. Scanning the Milky Way in Saggitarius shows a multitude of deep-sky objects. Richfield telescope with ED glass lens and a short focal length of 460mm. Suitable for traveling and to observe large open star clusterns and the milky way This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. FEATURESOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 102 mm / focal length: 460 mm / F/4.5Maximum recommended magnification: 204x Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 6x30 straight through viewfinder;optimized finder bracket for comfortable use 31.7mm (1.25") diagonal mirror Universal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5) 50,8 mm (2'') to 31,7mm (1,25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (optional T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) telescope for night and solar observation SCOPE OF DELIVERY optical tube Eyepiece: 26 mm Super Ploessl 31.7mm (1.25") 31,7 mm (1,25") diagonal mirror integrated 31,7mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44mm universal dovetrail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 6x30 viewfinder rotable star chart Objective Solar- filter Software Stellarium ( via Download)
