LUNT LS130MT/B1200 Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky

Modular 130mm ED Apo telescope for observing & photographing prominences & more at the sun during the day and moon, planets & deep-sky at night

  • Special telescope for observing the Sun
  • For visual Sun observation & photography
  • Bandwidth less than 0.7 Angstrom
  • Modular design
  • Also for Ca-K & White-Light solar observing
  • Also for night sky observing
  • Triplet ED APO refractor FPL-51
  • Small B1200 blocking filter in zenith mirror


Available, delivery time: 1-2 weeks

Product number: 0551601
EAN: 4007922062617
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "LUNT LS130MT/B1200 Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky"
Complete H-alpha Solar Telescope with 130mm aperture and <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth. With Feather-Touch focuser, advanced air-pressure tuning system, and B1200 Blocking Filter.

The LS130MT is a triplet ED apochromatic refractor with modular design!
The telescope can also be used for night sky observations, and with the optional available accessories also for observing the sun in the Ca-K wavelength and in White-Light!

The LS130MT/B1200 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 130mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 910mm focal length. The higher resolution compared to telescopes with smaller aperture allows the observer to dive into the fine details and surface phenomena of our ever-changing Sun. The higher resolution allows higher magnifications, bringing the fine details of the Sun to life in the eyepiece or on the screen.
An internal Etalon filter with the innovative air pressure tuning System Pressure Tuner achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstroms. The tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to adjust to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees an homogeneous image without central obstruction and a permanently protected etalon without wear. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.
Fine adjustment is achieved by a 2" Starlight-Instruments Feather-Touch focuser with 1.5" travel and 10:1 reduction.

Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is good for visual solar observing. Also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small CCD chip. We recommend a LS130MT with B1800 blocking-filter by using cameras with middle or large sized CCD chips, at very large CCD chips the B3400 blocking-filter.
The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25" eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.

Also the LS130MT telescope is upgradeable with the additional available DSII double-stack system (item no. 0551690). The optional DSII system is a internal double stack module with Pressure Tuner, that provides a bandwidth <0.5 Angstrom. More details on the solar surface will become visible by reducing the bandwidth.

Modular design:
The H-Alpha Etalon system can be easily removed from the telescope. The 3-lens ED Apochromat can be used as a normal telescope for observation and imaging of the night sky.
Also available is a Ca-K module (item number 0551697) specially developed for the LS130MT. This also allows to observe the sun in the blue calcium wavelength.
A Herschel-wedge (item number 0558201) can also be used for observing the sun in white light.
This makes the LS130MT a completely universal usable telescope!

  • Triplet ED apochromatic refractor, FPL-51
  • Aperture: 130mm (no central obstruction)
  • Focal length: 910mm
  • Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom
  • Tuning: air-pressure tuning system
  • Blocking-filter: B1200 with 1.25" and T2 connection
  • Focuser: Starlight-Instruments Feather-Touch focuser with 10:1 reduction
  • Two tube rings with carrying handle
  • Dove tail bar with GP level for astronomical Mounts
  • Weight: 12.1kg
  • Length with blocking-filter and dew-shield: 100cm
  • Length without blocking-filter and removed dew-shield: 80cm

  • LS130MT multipurpose telescope
  • Pressure-Tuner system
  • B1200 blocking-filter in star-diagonal
  • 2" Feather-Touch focuser
  • Tube-extension for using without H-alpha Etalon
  • Tube rings with dove tail bar
  • Transport case (92x42x35cm)
  • Instruction manual

Focusing system: 2" Feather-Touch focuser with 10:1 reduction
Material: Aluminium
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Optics without Mount
Optical design: Apochomatic Refractor
Telescope filter type: Solar Filter H-Alpha

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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LUNT LS130MT/DSII doublestack module for LS130MT
​Double-stack module for more contrast and details on the solar surface at LS130MT telescopes.At the LS130MT H-alpha solar telescopes double-stacking is possible with these internal DSII double-stack modules. The DSII modules reduce the bandwidth to <0.5 Angstroms. The DSII modules are designed to show the surface details of the Sun better, the contrast is significantly increased and thus filaments, active regions and other surface details are much more visible.Like the LS130MT telescope, the DSII Double-Stack module is tuned via the innovative Pressure-Tuner system, and the sensitive Etalon is well protected inside the telescope.The LS130MT/DSII module is designed exclusively for use in the LS130MT telescope, it cannot be used at other telescopes.FEATURESBandwidth: <0.5 AngstromTuning: air-pressure tuning system Weight: 2.3kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYDSII module with internal Etalon for LS130MT telescopesPressure Tuner system(LS130MT telescope not included!)

LUNT Ca-K filter-module for LS130MT
This Ca-K module can be used at the LS130MT/B1200 and LS130MT/B1800 telescopes to observe the Sun also in the Calcium-K line. At the LS130MT/B3400 additionally the conversion kit for the LS130MT is required (item number 0551696).You can use this Ca-K module with your LS130MT telescope to observe and photograph the Sun not only in H-alpha, but also in the blue calcium-K wavelength. Here again completely different phenomena become visible on the Sun than in H-alpha.This Ca-K module was specially designed for the LS130MT H-Alpha telescope. If the H-alpha Etalon unit is removed from the LS130MT, the Ca-K module is simply inserted into the focuser instead of the blocking-filter.The additional conversion kit 0551696 is necessary at the LS130MT/B3400, because at this telescope the blocking filter is fix installed inside the focuser.For human eyes, the calcium-K light is just at the limit of the visible range. Many people have problems with visual observation. However, this does not apply to photography, where the Ca-K module shows everything the Sun has to offer in this wavelength.SCOPE OF DELIVERY2'' Ca-K Module for LS130MT telescopeInstruction manualLS130MT telescope and conversion kit not included! Can only be used together with an LS130MT solar telescope, at LS130MT/B3400 additional conversion kit 0551696 necessary.This Ca-K module is also available for the LS130MT/B3400 as a set together with the required conversion kit (item number 0551695).

LUNT LS2HW 50.8mm (2'') Herschel-wedge
Herschel-wedge / Solar-wedge for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. For refractor-telescopes up to 150mm aperture, and with 2'' focuser. Complete system with installed ND3.0 filter.Herschel-Wedges will be used to observe the sun in White-Light. Around 95 % of the sun light will be suppressed by the Herschel Wedge. The remaining sun light will be dimmed by a fix installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel-wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. There is no stray light escaping, therefore it is very safe.The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is, that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This will provide a better contrast and sharpness of the solar image.Furthermore, there is more safety at a Herschel-wedge than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel-wedge can not rip or become holes like a foil. And also it can not drop down from the telescope objective accidentally.Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 150mm aperture:Because the full energy and heat of the sun will be inside the telescope, we advise to use only refractors with a Herschel-wedge. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflector telescopes, become very hot by the concentrated solar energy and could be damaged.Tuning the brightness:Because the Herschel-wedge produce polarized light, you can use a normal polarizing filter at the eyepiece or camera-adapter. By turning the polarizing filter the brightness will be reduced.Polarizing filter not included. We recommend the BRESSER 2'' polarizing filter 4946465.FEATURESFor refractor-telescopes up to 150mm apertureConnection to telescope: 2''Connection to eyepiece: 2''90° housing like star-diagonalEspecially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrastFully closed housing with integrated heat trapNo stray light escaping - therefore it is very safeThe needed ND3.0 filter is fix installedSCOPE OF DELIVERYHerschel-wedge for 2'' focuserIntegrated ND3.0 filterHardcaseInstruction manual

LUNT LS1.25HW 31.7mm (1.25'') Herschel Wedge
This Herschel wedge is designed for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. It can be used with refracting telescopes up to 102mm aperture, with 1.25'' focuser. This complete system comes with installed ND3.0 filter.Herschel Wedges are used to observe the sun in White Light. Around 95% of the Sun's light is suppressed by the wedge's ceramic prism. The remaining sun light is dimmed further by a factory-installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. No stray light can escape from this, therefore it is very safe method of observing our nearest star.The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This provides better contrast and sharpness of the solar image - with more surface detail visible as a result.  Furthermore, a Herschel wedge is inherently safer than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel wedge can not rip or become punctured like a foil filter can be and it cannot become detached from the telescope objective accidentally.Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 102mm aperture:Because the full energy and heat of the sun inside the telescope, we advise solely using refractors for Herschel-wedge use. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflecting telescopes, could suffer from thermal build-up by concentrated solar energy and could be permanently damaged.Tuning the brightness:Because the Herschel-wedge produces polarised light, you can use a normal polarising filter at the eyepiece, or camera-adapter. By turning the polarising filter the image brightness can be varied to the user's liking.This additional Polarising filter is not included. We recommend the BRESSER 1.25'' polarising filter, no: 4946464.FEATURESFor refractor telescopes up to 102mm apertureConnection to telescope: 1.25''Connection to eyepiece: 1.25''90° housing like star-diagonalEspecially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrastFully closed housing with integrated heat trapNo stray light escaping - therefore it is very safeThe needed ND3.0 filter is fix installedWHAT'S INCLUDEDHerschel-wedge for 1.25'' focuserIntegrated ND3.0 filterTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS7-21ZE Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm
Lunt Solar Systems zoom-eyepiece with variable focal length from 7.2mm to 21.5mm, with 1.25 inch (31.7mm) connection.The special of this zoom eyepiece is that the optical layout offers highest quality views of the sun, but also on nightsky objects. LUNT minimized the reflections by using superb multicoatings and with care designed internal baffle system and blackened lens edges. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is not the widest field zoom-eyepiece on the market, LUNT prefered best performance over widest field. The sun and stars are perfect pin point across the entire field of view without any visible distortion. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is almost parfocal, from one end to the other end of the zooming way you need only 0.5mm to refocuse. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece has a very nice height adjustable eyeguard to protect your eye against day light reflections and to help you to find the perfect eye position.Please note that these eyepieces are only accessories for existing solar telescopes or filters when observing the sun. Solar observation alone with these eyepieces without additional solar filters is not possible!FEATURESFocal length: 7.2mm - 21.5mm continuously adjustableBarrel size: 1.25 inch (31,7mm)Diameter: 47mmHeight: 82mmWeight: 170gEye relief: 15mmLenses / Groups: 7 lenses / 4 GroupsField of view: 53° at 7.2mm - 40° at 21.5mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLUNT Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm

LUNT Sol Searcher
Sol-Searcher for installing on all solar telescopes of Lunt Solar Systems. The tube rings of the LUNT solar telescopes are prepared for the mounting of this Sol-Searcher."I can't find the Sun!" sounds funny. However, the Sun is tricky to find in a properly filtered telescope, and you don't ever want to chance a direct gaze, let alone a magnified image of it.This Sol-Searcher is the safe and easy way to find the Sun. It is absolutely safe since you don't look through Sol-Searcher, you look at it. The aperture acts as a "pinhole" which projects an image of the Sun on to the 1/4" translucent "screen." This screen can be viewed from either side. Simply move your scope until the Sun's image is centered on the screen and the Sun will be in the eyepiece's field of view.The solar telescopes from Lunt Solar Systems are fitted for installing this Sol-Searcher. Only at the LS130MT and LS152THa telescopes the additionally adapter 0554302 will be needed.SCOPE OF DELIVERYTeleVue Sol-SearcherScrewsHexagon wrench

LUNT Adapter for Sol Searcher at LS130MT + LS152THa
This adapter is needed to use the Sol-Searcher #0554301 at the LUNT telescopes of the LS130MT and LS152THa series.This adapter is only needed for installing a LUNT/TeleVue Sol-Searcher at a LS130MT and LS152THa. At all other Lunt Solar Systems telescopes the Sol-Searcher can be used without adapter.SCOPE OF DELIVERYAdapter for installing a Sol-Searcher at a LS130MT or LS152THa telescopeScrew(Sol Searcher not included!)

BRESSER Diagonal Mirror 2" with 93% reflection
A very good diagonal mirror for telescopes with 2" focuser and for the BRESSER Messier telescopes with a 2.5"- HEX focuser. Enables the use of eyepieces and accessories with 2" barrel, so that a wider field of view can be reached. A larger light beam and a comfortable observation position is achieved by this 2 inch zenith mirror. Especially for use with refractors and for zenith observations a useful accessory.  The clamping ring is made of brass, so there will be no scratch marks on your high-quality eyepiece. The precise clamping is another advantage. The BRESSER 2" Diagonal Mirror is completely made of metal and has a very accurate flat mirror. The dielectrical coating delivers a 93% reflectance and is very durable against enviromental influences. FEATURES Star diagonal mirror for focuser with 2" barrel High quailty flat mirror Dielectrical mirror coating delivers a 93% reflectance Very durable against enviromental influencesEyepiece adapter 1.25/2.0 inch includedBrass eyepiece clamping ring Housing completely made of metal Dust caps included SCOPE OF DELIVERY diagonal mirroreyepice adapter 1.25/2.0 inch dust caps

LUNT HAT solar hat with neck flap
Keep your head covered and prevent sunburn while observing. UV protectant material with small pocket and clip to prevent being blown off in the wind. Cool ventilated design. Neck flap to keep your neck protected while looking through the eyepiece.SCOPE OF DELIVERYSolar Hat with neck flap

Adapter T2 to 2", for 2" eyepieces to blocking filter
Adapter T2 to 2", takes for example 2" eyepieces to Lunt Solar Systems blocking-filters.This adapter offers a T2 female thread at the telescope-side, and a 2" connection at the eyepiece-side.For example you want to use your 2" eyepieces at Lunt Solar Systems telescopes or filters? All you need is this adapter. Simply remove the 1.25" eyepiece tube from your blocking-filter, and thread on this 2" adapter. It takes T2 threading to a 2" eyepiece tube.You can use 2" eyepieces with this adapter at:• LUNT H-alpha telescopes (not at LS35THa!)• the blocking-filters of LUNT H-alpha filter systems• LUNT Ca-K modules• all telescopes/adapter with T2 male threadTechnical data:• Thread at telescope-side: T2 female thread• Eyepiece connection: 2"Delivered by order:• Adapter T2 to 2"(Blocking Filter not included)

LUNT CAA-RF 0.8x reducer/field-flattener for nighttime photography with LS80MT, LS100MT & LS130MT telescopes
​Field-flattener and focal length reducer for deep-sky astrophotography. Designed for the multipurpose APO telescopes of the Lunt-Solar-Systems LS80MT, LS100MT and LS130MT series.At the telescopes of the MT series from Lunt Solar Systems, the H-Alpha filter unit for solar observation can be removed, then these telescopes can be used as high quality ED APO's for observing and photographing the night sky.This accessory for the LS80MT, LS100MT and LS130MT telescopes shortens the focal length by a factor of 0.8x, providing a larger field of view for deep-sky astrophotography. This also allows shorter exposure times. At the same time, the field of view is flattened for photography.On the camera side, the reducer/field-flattener has a T2 male thread (M42x0.75). DSLR cameras can be connected here directly with a normal T2 ring.For other cameras, an M48x0.75 male thread is available in addition to the T2 male thread. The distance between reducer/field-flattener and camera sensor should be around 50 to 55mm.An M64x1 thread is provided on the telescope side. This allows to connect the reducer/field flattener to the focusers of the conversion kits for the LS80MT, LS100MT and LS130MT telescopes. Please note that for using the reducer/field flattener at the LS80MT, LS100MT or LS130MT telescopes, the corresponding conversion kit for night-time use of the telescope is absolutely necessary..FEATURESShortens focal length of F/7 ED telescopes by a factor of 0.8xFlattened field of view for photographyT2 thread and M48x0.75 thread for camera connectionWorking distance 50 to 55mmSCOPE OF DELIVERY0.8x reducer/field-flattenerAdapter to T2 thread (M42x0.75) and to M48x0.75


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LUNT LS130MT/B1800R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 3-lens apochromatic telescope with FPL-51 glass, 130mm aperture and 910mm focal length - excellent image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night. With innovative air pressure tuning system, good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser, and B1800 blocking filter. Solar observing in H-alpha: The LS130MT/B1800 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 130mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 910mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance. Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction. Blocking-filter is the B1800. The B1800 is good for visual solar observing and also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small to large sensor chips. We recommend a LS130MT with B3400 blocking-filter by using cameras with very large sized sensor chips. The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection. Observing the starry night sky: The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. Then the 3-lens apochromatic refractor can be used as a normal telescope with 130mm aperture and 910mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-51 triplet lens offers an outstandingly low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the R&P focuser of the telescope. Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551696 is only absolutely necessary for the LS130MT version with B3400 blocking filter if the telescope is also to be used at night. The conversion kit is not required for the versions with B1200 and B1800. More applications: With additionally available accessories the LS130MT offers even more possibilities! - Double-Stack The LS130MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module LS130MT/DSII (item number 0551690). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module with Pressure-Tuner. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible. - Solar observing in White-Light If the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter can be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light. - Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthThe additionally available "LUNT Ca-K Filter Module for LS130MT" (item number 0551697) can be used on the LS130MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible at this wavelength on the sun. This makes the LS130MT a completely universal usable apochromatic telescope of highest quality! FEATURES 3-lens APO refractor, FPL-51 Aperture: 130mm (no central obstruction) Focal length: 910mm Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom Tuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner Blocking filter: B1800 with 1.25" and T2 connection Focuser: R&P with 10:1 reduction Two tube-ring with handle Sol-Searcher installed inside handle Dovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mounts Weight: 12.1kg Length with blocking filter and dew-shield: 100cm Length without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 80cm SCOPE OF DELIVERY LS130MT Multipurpose Telescope Pressure-TunerB1800 blocking filter in star-diagonal housingTube extension for using without H-alpha Etalon 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction Tube rings with dovetail bar Transport case (92 x 42 x 35 cm) Instruction manual

LUNT LS130MT/B3400R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 3-lens apochromatic telescope with FPL-51 glass, 130mm aperture and 910mm focal length - excellent image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night. With innovative air pressure tuning system, good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser, and B3400 blocking filter. Solar observing in H-alpha: The LS130MT/B3400 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 130mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 910mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance. Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction. Blocking-filter is the B3400. The B3400 is good for solar imaging by cameras with very large sensor chips, and can also be used for visual observing. The B3400 blocking-filter is fix installed inside the 2 inch R&P focuser. Observing the starry night sky: The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. Then the 3-lens apochromatic refractor can be used as a normal telescope with 130mm aperture and 910mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-51 triplet lens offers an outstandingly low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the R&P focuser of the telescope. Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551696 is absolutely necessary for the LS130MT version with B3400 blocking filter if the telescope is also to be used at night. The conversion kit is not required for the versions with B1200 and B1800. More applications: With additionally available accessories the LS130MT offers even more possibilities! - Double-Stack The LS130MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module LS130MT/DSII (item number 0551690). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module with Pressure-Tuner. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible. - Solar observing in White-Light If the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter can be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light. - Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthThe additionally available "LUNT Ca-K Filter Module for LS130MT" (item number 0551697) can be used on the LS130MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible at this wavelength on the sun. This makes the LS130MT a completely universal usable apochromatic telescope of highest quality! FEATURES 3-lens APO refractor, FPL-51 Aperture: 130mm (no central obstruction) Focal length: 910mm Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom Tuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner Blocking filter: B3400 with 2 inch connection Focuser: R&P with 10:1 reduction Two tube-ring with handle Sol-Searcher installed inside handle Dovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mounts Weight: 12.1kg Length with dew-shield: 95cm Length removed dew-shield: 80cm SCOPE OF DELIVERY LS130MT Multipurpose Telescope Pressure-TunerB3400 blocking filter installed inside focuserTube extension for using without H-alpha Etalon 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction Tube rings with dovetail bar Transport case (92 x 42 x 35 cm) Instruction manual

LUNT LS130MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 3-lens apochromatic telescope with FPL-51 glass, 130mm aperture and 910mm focal length - excellent image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night. With innovative air pressure tuning system, good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser, and B1200 blocking filter. Solar observing in H-alpha: The LS130MT/B1200 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 130mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 910mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance. Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction. Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is good for visual solar observing. Also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small sensor chip. We recommend a LS130MT with B1800 blocking-filter by using cameras with middle or large sized sensor chips, at very large sensor chips the B3400 blocking-filter. The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection. Observing the starry night sky: The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. Then the 3-lens apochromatic refractor can be used as a normal telescope with 130mm aperture and 910mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-51 triplet lens offers an outstandingly low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the R&P focuser of the telescope. Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551696 is only absolutely necessary for the LS130MT version with B3400 blocking filter if the telescope is also to be used at night. The conversion kit is not required for the versions with B1200 and B1800. More applications: With additionally available accessories the LS130MT offers even more possibilities! - Double-Stack The LS130MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module LS130MT/DSII (item number 0551690). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module with Pressure-Tuner. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible. - Solar observing in White-Light If the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter can be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light. - Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthThe additionally available "LUNT Ca-K Filter Module for LS130MT" (item number 0551697) can be used on the LS130MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible at this wavelength on the sun. This makes the LS130MT a completely universal usable apochromatic telescope of highest quality! FEATURES 3-lens APO refractor, FPL-51 Aperture: 130mm (no central obstruction) Focal length: 910mm Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom Tuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner Blocking filter: B1200 with 1.25" and T2 connection Focuser: R&P with 10:1 reduction Two tube-ring with handle Sol-Searcher installed inside handle Dovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mounts Weight: 12.1kg Length with blocking filter and dew-shield: 100cm Length without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 80cm SCOPE OF DELIVERY LS130MT Multipurpose Telescope Pressure-TunerB1200 blocking filter in star-diagonal housingTube extension for using without H-alpha Etalon 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction Tube rings with dovetail bar Transport case (92 x 42 x 35 cm) Instruction manual

LUNT LS300THaDS/B3400 H-alpha solar telescope
Please note: This telescope is made to customer specifications. Therefore special conditions apply for this telescope and online ordering is not possible. Please contact our customer service if you would like to order this telescope.Complete H-alpha solar telescope with 300mm aperture and a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstroms. With Feather-Touch focuser, innovative air pressure tuning system and B3400 blocking filter.A extremely large telescope for observing the Sun in H-alpha wavelength, a precisely adjusted refractor with a free aperture of 300mm without central obstruction and 2128mm focal length. The telescope is equipped as standard with a double-stack system, two internal Etalon filters with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner achieve a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstroms. The Pressure-Tuner system ensures a homogeneous H-alpha image and optimal performance. The Etalons are safely installed inside the telescope. The air pressure tuning system is precisely controlled by an electronic pressure tuner controller.Blocking Filter is the B3400. The B3400 is well suited for imaging the Sun. For visual observation we recommend an additional zenith mirror. The straight extension tube, in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard with a 2" eyepiece holder and also with an adapter for 1.25". Focusing is done by the legendary Feather-Touch focuser from Starlight-Intruments with 10:1 reduction.FEATURESAperture: 300mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 2128mmBandwidth: 2 internal Etalons with <0.5 AngstromsTuning: Air-pressure tuning systemElectronic pressure tuner controllerBlocking filter: B3400 with 2" and 1.25" connectionFocuser: Feather-Touch focuser from Starlight-Instruments with 10:1 reductionDovetail bar with Losmandy level for astronomical mountsWeight: ?kgLength: ?cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS300THa Double-Stack H-alpha solar telescope2x Pressure-TunerElectronic pressure tuner controllerB3400 blocking filter in straight extension tubeFeather-Touch focuserDovetail bar (Losmandy level)Manual

LUNT LS130MT/DSII doublestack module for LS130MT
​Double-stack module for more contrast and details on the solar surface at LS130MT telescopes.At the LS130MT H-alpha solar telescopes double-stacking is possible with these internal DSII double-stack modules. The DSII modules reduce the bandwidth to <0.5 Angstroms. The DSII modules are designed to show the surface details of the Sun better, the contrast is significantly increased and thus filaments, active regions and other surface details are much more visible.Like the LS130MT telescope, the DSII Double-Stack module is tuned via the innovative Pressure-Tuner system, and the sensitive Etalon is well protected inside the telescope.The LS130MT/DSII module is designed exclusively for use in the LS130MT telescope, it cannot be used at other telescopes.FEATURESBandwidth: <0.5 AngstromTuning: air-pressure tuning system Weight: 2.3kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYDSII module with internal Etalon for LS130MT telescopesPressure Tuner system(LS130MT telescope not included!)

Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set
Complete Telescope Set SXD2WL AX103S with Wifi-GoTo Mount, Tripod, and Eyepieces This high-quality apochromatic refractor telescope set impresses with its intricate 103mm Triplet ED lens construction. The telescope is made in Japan and stands out for its excellent workmanship, sharpness, and contrast performance. The advantage of this APO refractor lies in its short build length and the completely corrected, edge-sharp optics. The AX103S is a top-class ED apochromat in the refractor range. It offers a Triplet ED lens and, in the rear area, a field flattener lens. The f8.0 refractor is equipped with a central ED lens in the objective and reduces chromatic aberration to an absolute minimum. An optional focal reducer can decrease the aperture ratio to 1:5.6 to achieve quicker results in astrophotography. The Vixen telescope belongs to the new Generation II with improved temperature-resistant lens cell. The integrated field flattener lens ensures a sharp image right to the edge of the field of view, which is very important in astrophotography. The AX103S is specifically developed for photographic purposes, but also visually a real highlight, especially for observing the moon and planets. You will be thrilled when you observe the moon's surface with its craters or Saturn with its ring system. On Jupiter, on a good night, the two bright cloud bands and many smaller details will be visible, as well as the great red spot on the planet. On moonless nights, you can observe the Andromeda Nebula, Orion Nebula, Eagle Nebula, Lagoon Nebula, and many other interesting objects. But even weaker celestial objects become visible with this large aperture under a good sky. This telescope set “Made in Japan” simply leaves no wishes unfulfilled. The AX103S is corrected up to full-frame photography and delivers razor-sharp images right into the corners of the image field. The large 60mm eyepiece drawtube also allows for attaching heavy cameras without tilting. Furthermore, the supplied flip mirror enables comfortable observing even in challenging viewing situations and additionally offers a T2 thread for connecting a DSLR camera. Thus, you can observe in straight view or at a 90° angle. The carrying handle attached to the tube clamps ensures a safe transport of the telescope. The dew cap can be retracted for transport or storage. The sturdy metal tripod allows for vibration-free mounting of the telescope and mount even in windy weather. The SXD2WL mount is simply operated via a Wifi module with a smartphone or tablet. For user-friendly control of the mount, the free STAR BOOK Wireless app is available. This allows you to use practical features of celestial navigation such as automatic GoTo slewing to specific celestial objects very easily via your smartphone or tablet. As the power consumption of the conventional LCD screen (STAR BOOK TEN) is eliminated, the power consumption of the mount is reduced by up to 20%. Thus, astronomical observations and astrophotography are possible over longer periods. By tapping the desired celestial object from a list, it is automatically slewed into the telescope's field of view and tracking begins. An existing STAR BOOK TEN control can also be used on this mount without any problems. Equipped with the same precision stepper motors as the flagship model, the AXD mount, the SXD2WL brings a new standard of performance and precision into the Vixen mount family. The axis cross of the mount has a photographic carrying capacity of 15 kg for only 9.2 kg and is thus excellently suited for mobile observations. In addition, the motors located in the lower part of the mount also serve as a counterweight. This means the mount needs fewer weights for balancing. The SXD2 Mount in Detail Precision stepper motors and Micro-Step Motion Control System The heart of the SXD2 are the precision stepper motors, which offer better performance and response than previous models. The Micro-Step Motion Control System is characterised by powerful yet very quiet drive properties, both in fine movements and in fast slews. Built-in bearings The bearings of the RA and DEC axes and the worm shafts have been significantly improved to reduce the load on the motors. This allows the motors to move much more quietly than in previous models. High-precision worm gears High-precision manufacturing technologies eliminate errors in the worm gears. The edges of both worms and worm gears are particularly smooth, allowing for very precise tracking. Declination axis as counterweight The massive motor units are built into the lower part of the declination axis, so that the centre of gravity of the SXD2 is below the intersection point of the RA and DEC axes. This means you need fewer additional counterweights. Latitude adjustment The latitude is adjustable between 0 and 70 degrees (divided into 3 zones and adjustable +/- 15 degrees per zone, for high, medium, and low latitudes); latitude scale in 2-degree steps; fine adjustment with a tangent screw head, approx. 0.8 degrees per rotation. Built-in PFL-II polar finder with illumination The built-in 5x20mm polar finder with 10° field of view features a 3-star alignment system. This eliminates the need to set date and time. The illuminated reticle with variable brightness and automatic shutdown is adjustable in 8 stages and illuminated in red. The adjustment accuracy is 3 arc minutes. The Wireless Module in Detail The Vixen Wifi adapter for EQ mounts allows you to control your Vixen mount via a smartphone or tablet. With the smartphone app STAR BOOK Wireless (free), you can perform celestial navigation without any wiring. Thus, the app instantly transforms your mobile device into a control for the equatorial mount. The response delay of the mount, considered the biggest disadvantage of wireless connections, has been reduced to a level comparable to wired solutions. Reduced power consumption compared to conventional controls with LCD monitor The power consumption of the mount is reduced by up to 20% and thus allows longer observations than with conventional wired controls like the STAR BOOK TEN. Operation similar to STAR BOOK TEN control The STAR BOOK Wireless app is designed similarly to what you already know from the STAR BOOK TEN control. It contains up to 259,000 celestial objects depending on the star chart settings. Tap a celestial object in the object list and start the GoTo. The mount now automatically moves to this target and brings it into the field of view of the telescope. All popular features of the STAR BOOK TEN remain available. Convenient operation While looking through the telescope, you control the mount by swiping on the star chart of the app. Since there are no buttons, you simply slide your finger over the star chart, allowing you to conveniently operate the mount. Extensive astronomical data included This includes data on easily observable celestial bodies such as Messier objects, NGC objects, IC objects, as well as the sun, moon, planets, comets, and dwarf planets. High-precision alignment Alignment on one or two stars already gives you quite an accurate positioning of the mount. By aligning with three or more stars, a very precise alignment of the mount for high magnifications can be carried out. The objects are then positioned exactly and centrally in the field of view of your telescope. The alignment information is saved and can also be retained when the device is turned off. By leaving the telescope in its current state after an observation, without moving it, you can start the automatic installation with the same settings during the next observation. Individual Adjustment Options The app offers various individual settings such as gear backlash compensation, red night mode, autoguider, variable GoTo speed, and LED brightness, just like the STAR BOOK TEN control. You can also set the timing of the objective tube reversal (Meridian Flip) according to your wishes. Even if the object moves south during tracking, you can prevent the telescope tube from reversing. Important Information Not usable on old SX mounts with the old blue Star Book Technical Information on the Wifi Module CPU with 32-bit CISC processor 120 MHz The unit is connected to the mount with a D-SUB 9PIN connector as with the STAR BOOK TEN. It has a 6-pin 6-wire modular connector for external autoguider operation. Supported operating systems are Android 6 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher, WLAN standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n FEATURES AX102S Apochromatic Refractor Optimised for full-frame photography 103 mm aperture, 825 mm focal length, f8.0 Resolving power: 1.13 Visual limiting magnitude: 11.8 Fully coated Triplet ED lens with flattener Very high sharpness and contrast Optional reducer available Backfocus without reducer: 150.0 mm Backfocus with reducer: 63.5 mm SXD2WL Mount RA gear ring: 180 teeth DEC gear ring: 180 teeth Axis material and diameter: Carbon steel / Dec. 35 mm, RA 40 mm Polar finder telescope: 6x20 mm, PFL-II polar finder Height fine adjustment: 0° to 70°, (fine adjustment +/- 15°, height) Counterweight bar: 20 mm diameter Azimuth adjustment: Worm gear fine adjustment Power supply: DC12 V; 0.4~1.7 A Maximum payload: 15 kg, photographic, without counterweight Counterweights: 1x 1.9 kg and 1x 3.7 kg Tripod connection: 45 mm pin Dimensions: 36 cm (H) x 12 cm (W) x 36 cm (L) Weight: 8.8 kg (19.4 lb), without counterweight 32-bit CISC processor 120 MHz Operating system: Android 6 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher Connection: D-SUB 9PIN connector Autoguider input ST4 Power consumption SXD2WL+Wireless unit: DC12V / 0.3–2.0 A (load 10 kg), 0.4–2.2 A (load 15 kg)SCOPE OF DELIVERY SXD2WL Mount Wireless Unit Counterweight: 1.9 kg and 3.7 kg Illuminated polar finder telescope Mounting tools Car lighter cable AX103S Apochromatic Refractor Flip mirror 2 eyepieces (SLV 20, SLV 5) Tube clamps Dovetail plate 7x50 finder, illuminated SXG Aluminium tripod

Vixen AP-ED80Sf-SM
AP-series telescope set with 80 mm refractor and high-performance SD glass for the lens. The set comes with an exclusive travel bag for transporting and storing the optical lens barrel. STYLISH DESIGNThe AP mount features an ultra-smooth finish without any projecting parts.Simply place your telescope on the mount and move it to the desired celestial object without having to loosen any clamps!QUICK POLAR ALIGNMENTThe slip clutches allow you to adjust the telescope to your target object easily - no more searching for adjustment clamps in the dark! An optional polar meter is available, which enables you to locate the celestial pole when it is hidden by trees or buildings.OPTIONAL POLAR FINDER SCOPEThe innovative polar finder scope provides a new way to polar align your telescope. Simply align the stars in the crosshair reticle with the same stars in the night sky. Polar alignment is achieved using 3 reference stars. The polar finder is illuminated to facilitate orientation and switches off automatically after 3 minutes to save battery power.STAR BOOK ONE CONTROLLERThe STAR BOOK ONE is a multifunctional and intuitive controller that tracks in the RA and DC axis with a range of different speeds. The tracking options are designed for time lapse cameras at a wide range of speeds, including sidereal, lunar and solar rates. The controller also offers many useful functions such as backlash compensation, autoguider port, PEC and a built-in red LED light. The STAR BOOK ONE controller is designed for the AP-SM mount and is an integral part of the RA motor module.APP-TL130 tripod The compact APP-TL130 tripod is adjustable between 60 cm and 130 cm and combines the portability of a camera tripod with the strength of an astronomical telescope tripod. The tripod can be switched between rubber and metal spikes to prevent floor damage in indoor spaces.FEATURESIdeal for air travelCollapsible travel mount with RA motor and controlLightweight and portableUpgradable DC motorHigh-quality ED refractor with 80 mm lenses and 600 mm apertureResolution: 1.43Limiting magnitude: 11.3Light-gathering power: 134xVery high sharpness and contrastTotal weight: 14.6 kgDELIVERY CONTENTED80Sf ED refractor telescopeAP-SM mount with control/RA motorAPP TL 130 tripodFolding mirror9x50 mm finder scopeTube clampsDovetail adapter2 eyepieces: NPL20, NPL6Aluminium case
