LUNT LS60MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose ED Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky

Modular 60/70mm ED Apo telescope for observing & photographing prominences & more at the sun during the day and moon, planets & deep-sky at night

  • Special telescope for observing the Sun
  • Also for night sky observing, modular design
  • For visual observation & photography
  • 2-lens ED refractor FPL-51, 70/60mm aperture
  • Bandwidth less than 0.7 Angstrom
  • Large B1200 blocking filter in zenith mirror
  • Solid Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction
  • Also for Ca-K & White-Light solar observing
  • Absolutely safe, no danger to the eyes


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 0551275
EAN: 4007922069630
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

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Product information "LUNT LS60MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose ED Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky"
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. Excellent image quality due to 2-lens ED optics with 70mm aperture for night sky observation, and 60mm usable aperture for H-alpha solar observation.

With innovative air pressure tuning system, high-quality 2 inch (50.8mm) Rack&Pinion (R&P) focuser, and B1200 blocking filter.

Solar observing in H-alpha:
The LS60MT/B1200 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 60mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 420mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.
Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction.
Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is very good for visual solar observing, and also for solar imaging.
The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.

Observing the starry night sky:
The H-alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. The 2-lens ED refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 70mm aperture and 420mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The ED Doublet lens will offer an excellent image. It can be used with a standard 2 inch zenith mirror at the R&P focuser.
With an additional Amici prism, the telescope can of course also be used during the day for nature and landscape observations.
This makes the LS60MT, with its small dimensions and low weight, also an ideal travel telescope for all applications!

More applications:
With additionally available accessories the LS60MT offers even more possibilities!
- Double-Stack
The LS60MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack filters LS50FHa or LS60FHa (part numbers 0550200 and 0550250). These filters will be simply screwed on the front of the LS60MT, no additional adapters are necessary. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.
- Solar observing in White-Light
If the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.
- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelength
Certainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS60MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.

This makes the LS60MT a completely universal usable telescope!

  • 2-lens ED refractor, FPL-51
  • Aperture: 70mm
  • Usable aperture in H-alpha: 60mm (no central obstruction)
  • Focal length: 420mm
  • Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom
  • Tuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner
  • Blocking filter: B1200 with 1.25 inch and T2 connection
  • Focuser: Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction
  • Tube-ring with 1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)
  • Weight with H-alpha unit: 3.8kg
  • Weight without H-alpha unit: 2.6kg
  • Length with H-alpha unit and blocking filter: 40cm
  • Length without H-alpha unit: 31cm

  • LS60MT Multipurpose Telescope
  • Pressure-Tuner
  • B1200 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing
  • 2 inch Rack&Pinion focuser
  • Tube ring with 1/4-20 connection for mounting on photo-tripods
  • Transport case (53x33x17cm)
  • Instruction manual
Colour: black
Focusing system: 2" Rack-and-Pinion Focuser with 10:1 reduction
Material: Aluminium, Metal
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Optics without Mount
Optical design: Apochomatic Refractor
Telescope filter type: Solar Filter H-Alpha

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



LUNT LS100PS Dovetail Bar 100mm (GP level)
This dovetail plate with 100mm length is suitable for Lunt Solar Systems LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa telescopes.The width of the dovetail is conform to the GP-level standard. Therefore it could be used at the BRESSER EXOS 1+2 mounts for example, but also at many other mounts. The telescope connecting screws are 1/4-20 inch size and they do not look out of the rail, which makes this rail a perfect match for many astronomical mounts. The distance between the screws is matched for the Lunt Solar Systems telescopes LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa.FEATURESLength: 100mmWidth: 44mmDistance between screws: 35mmScrews thread: 1/4"-20SCOPE OF DELIVERY1 x 100mm dovetail plate2 x 1/4"-20 screws

€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

LUNT Sol Searcher
Sol-Searcher for installing on all solar telescopes of Lunt Solar Systems. The tube rings of the LUNT solar telescopes are prepared for the mounting of this Sol-Searcher."I can't find the Sun!" sounds funny. However, the Sun is tricky to find in a properly filtered telescope, and you don't ever want to chance a direct gaze, let alone a magnified image of it.This Sol-Searcher is the safe and easy way to find the Sun. It is absolutely safe since you don't look through Sol-Searcher, you look at it. The aperture acts as a "pinhole" which projects an image of the Sun on to the 1/4" translucent "screen." This screen can be viewed from either side. Simply move your scope until the Sun's image is centered on the screen and the Sun will be in the eyepiece's field of view.The solar telescopes from Lunt Solar Systems are fitted for installing this Sol-Searcher. Only at the LS130MT and LS152THa telescopes the additionally adapter 0554302 will be needed.SCOPE OF DELIVERYTeleVue Sol-SearcherScrewsHexagon wrench

LUNT LS7-21ZE Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm
Lunt Solar Systems zoom-eyepiece with variable focal length from 7.2mm to 21.5mm, with 1.25 inch (31.7mm) connection.The special of this zoom eyepiece is that the optical layout offers highest quality views of the sun, but also on nightsky objects. LUNT minimized the reflections by using superb multicoatings and with care designed internal baffle system and blackened lens edges. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is not the widest field zoom-eyepiece on the market, LUNT prefered best performance over widest field. The sun and stars are perfect pin point across the entire field of view without any visible distortion. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is almost parfocal, from one end to the other end of the zooming way you need only 0.5mm to refocuse. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece has a very nice height adjustable eyeguard to protect your eye against day light reflections and to help you to find the perfect eye position.Please note that these eyepieces are only accessories for existing solar telescopes or filters when observing the sun. Solar observation alone with these eyepieces without additional solar filters is not possible!FEATURESFocal length: 7.2mm - 21.5mm continuously adjustableBarrel size: 1.25 inch (31,7mm)Diameter: 47mmHeight: 82mmWeight: 170gEye relief: 15mmLenses / Groups: 7 lenses / 4 GroupsField of view: 53° at 7.2mm - 40° at 21.5mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLUNT Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm

LUNT LS60FHa H-alpha double-stack solar filter
60mm H-alpha double-stack solar filter, for all LS60FHa filter-systems and LS60THa/LS60MT telescopes.This double-stack Etalon is compatible to all Lunt Solar Systems LS60FHa filter-systems and LS60THa / LS60MT telescopes. Adding this additional double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom (dependent upon used telescope). So you will have much more contrast and more details on the sun will be visible.Without blocking filter! Only for use as double-stack filter, or together with a additional available blocking filter. If the filter is used only single stacked together with a optional blocking filter, then the bandwidth is <0.75 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 60 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth double stacked: <0,55 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 85 mmWeight: 0.85 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60FHa solar filterTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT LS50FHa H-alpha double-stack solar filter
50mm H-alpha double-stack solar filter, for all LS50FHa filter-systems and LS60THa/LS60MT telescopes.This double-stack Etalon is compatible to all Lunt Solar Systems LS50FHa filter-systems and LS60THa / LS60MT telescopes. Adding this additional double-stack Etalon system will reduce the bandwidth to ~<0.55 Angstrom (dependent upon used telescope). So you will have much more contrast and more details on the sun will be visible.Without blocking filter! Only for use as double-stack filter, or together with a additional available blocking filter. If the filter is used only single stacked together with a optional blocking filter, then the bandwidth is <0.75 Angstrom.FEATURESAperture: 50 mmNo central obstructionBandwidth double stacked: <0,55 AngstromTuning: tiltable EtalonHousing diameter: 95 mmLength: 73 mmWeight: 0.7 kgFront thread: M90x1 female threadRear thread: M90x1 male threadSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS50FHa solar filterTransport caseInstruction manual

BRESSER Diagonal Mirror 2" with 93% reflection
A very good diagonal mirror for telescopes with 2" focuser and for the BRESSER Messier telescopes with a 2.5"- HEX focuser. Enables the use of eyepieces and accessories with 2" barrel, so that a wider field of view can be reached. A larger light beam and a comfortable observation position is achieved by this 2 inch zenith mirror. Especially for use with refractors and for zenith observations a useful accessory.  The clamping ring is made of brass, so there will be no scratch marks on your high-quality eyepiece. The precise clamping is another advantage. The BRESSER 2" Diagonal Mirror is completely made of metal and has a very accurate flat mirror. The dielectrical coating delivers a 93% reflectance and is very durable against enviromental influences. FEATURES Star diagonal mirror for focuser with 2" barrel High quailty flat mirror Dielectrical mirror coating delivers a 93% reflectance Very durable against enviromental influencesEyepiece adapter 1.25/2.0 inch includedBrass eyepiece clamping ring Housing completely made of metal Dust caps included SCOPE OF DELIVERY diagonal mirroreyepice adapter 1.25/2.0 inch dust caps

LUNT LS12CaKMDd2 Ca-K filter in 90° star diagonal
Calcium-K module in star diagonal, for using normal astronomical telescopes up to 100mm aperture and up to 1080mm focal length as Ca-K solar telescopes.This Calcium-K module transforms your normal astronomical refractor telescope into a Ca-K solar telescope. It will be very easy: Put the Ca-K module into the 2" focuser of your telescope, and you are ready for solar observing in the light of the Calcium-K wavelength.Internal narrowband filters allow for a <2.4 Angstrom bandwidth. For refractor telescopes up to 100mm aperture and up to 1080mm focal length. For imaging it will be better to use a bigger Ca-K module.The Ca-K module is in a 90° star diagonal, for 2" focuser on the telescope side, and with T2 thread and 1.25" eyepiece connection on the eyepiece side.All needed filter parts are integrated inside the compact module. There are no additional filters needed.The Ca-K wavelength is at the edge of the visible light spectrum for human eyes, so for many people visual observing is difficult. However, all details could be captured photographically. Therefore the Ca-K Module is optimized primarily for imaging.FEATURESBandwidth <2.4 AngstromUsable at telescopes up to 100mm aperture and 1080mm focal90° star-diagonal housing2" slide tube for 2" focuserConnection for 1.25" eyepiecesT2 thread for camera connectionSCOPE OF DELIVERYCa-K module in 90° star diagonal for 2" focuserIntegrated blocking filter B1200 for telescopes up to 1080mm focal lengthInstruction manual

LUNT LS12CaKMDs2 Ca-K filter in extension tube
Calcium-K module in straight extension tube, for using normal astronomical telescopes up to 100mm aperture and up to 1080mm focal length as Ca-K solar telescopes.This Calcium-K module transforms your normal astronomical refractor telescope into a Ca-K solar telescope. It will be very easy: Put the Ca-K module into the 2" focuser of your telescope, and you are ready for solar observing in the light of the Calcium-K wavelength.Internal narrowband filters allow for a <2.4 Angstrom bandwidth. For refractor telescopes up to 100mm aperture and up to 1080mm focal length. For imaging it will be better to use a bigger Ca-K module.The Ca-K module is in a straight extension tube, for 2" focuser on the telescope side, and with T2 thread and 1.25" eyepiece connection on the eyepiece side.All needed filter parts are integrated inside the compact module. There are no additional filters needed.The Ca-K wavelength is at the edge of the visible light spectrum for human eyes, so for many people visual observing is difficult. However, all details could be captured photographically. Therefore the Ca-K Module is optimized primarily for imaging.FEATURESBandwidth <2.4 AngstromUsable at telescopes up to 100mm aperture and 1080mm focalStraight extension tube housing2" slide tube for 2" focuserConnection for 1.25" eyepiecesT2 thread for camera connectionSCOPE OF DELIVERYCa-K module in straight extension tube for 2" focuserIntegrated blocking filter B1200 for telescopes up to 1080mm focal lengthInstruction manual

LUNT LS2HW 50.8mm (2'') Herschel-wedge
Herschel-wedge / Solar-wedge for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. For refractor-telescopes up to 150mm aperture, and with 2'' focuser. Complete system with installed ND3.0 filter.Herschel-Wedges will be used to observe the sun in White-Light. Around 95 % of the sun light will be suppressed by the Herschel Wedge. The remaining sun light will be dimmed by a fix installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel-wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. There is no stray light escaping, therefore it is very safe.The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is, that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This will provide a better contrast and sharpness of the solar image.Furthermore, there is more safety at a Herschel-wedge than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel-wedge can not rip or become holes like a foil. And also it can not drop down from the telescope objective accidentally.Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 150mm aperture:Because the full energy and heat of the sun will be inside the telescope, we advise to use only refractors with a Herschel-wedge. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflector telescopes, become very hot by the concentrated solar energy and could be damaged.Tuning the brightness:Because the Herschel-wedge produce polarized light, you can use a normal polarizing filter at the eyepiece or camera-adapter. By turning the polarizing filter the brightness will be reduced.Polarizing filter not included. We recommend the BRESSER 2'' polarizing filter 4946465.FEATURESFor refractor-telescopes up to 150mm apertureConnection to telescope: 2''Connection to eyepiece: 2''90° housing like star-diagonalEspecially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrastFully closed housing with integrated heat trapNo stray light escaping - therefore it is very safeThe needed ND3.0 filter is fix installedSCOPE OF DELIVERYHerschel-wedge for 2'' focuserIntegrated ND3.0 filterHardcaseInstruction manual

LUNT LS1.25HW 31.7mm (1.25'') Herschel Wedge
This Herschel wedge is designed for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. It can be used with refracting telescopes up to 102mm aperture, with 1.25'' focuser. This complete system comes with installed ND3.0 filter.Herschel Wedges are used to observe the sun in White Light. Around 95% of the Sun's light is suppressed by the wedge's ceramic prism. The remaining sun light is dimmed further by a factory-installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. No stray light can escape from this, therefore it is very safe method of observing our nearest star.The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This provides better contrast and sharpness of the solar image - with more surface detail visible as a result.  Furthermore, a Herschel wedge is inherently safer than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel wedge can not rip or become punctured like a foil filter can be and it cannot become detached from the telescope objective accidentally.Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 102mm aperture:Because the full energy and heat of the sun inside the telescope, we advise solely using refractors for Herschel-wedge use. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflecting telescopes, could suffer from thermal build-up by concentrated solar energy and could be permanently damaged.Tuning the brightness:Because the Herschel-wedge produces polarised light, you can use a normal polarising filter at the eyepiece, or camera-adapter. By turning the polarising filter the image brightness can be varied to the user's liking.This additional Polarising filter is not included. We recommend the BRESSER 1.25'' polarising filter, no: 4946464.FEATURESFor refractor telescopes up to 102mm apertureConnection to telescope: 1.25''Connection to eyepiece: 1.25''90° housing like star-diagonalEspecially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrastFully closed housing with integrated heat trapNo stray light escaping - therefore it is very safeThe needed ND3.0 filter is fix installedWHAT'S INCLUDEDHerschel-wedge for 1.25'' focuserIntegrated ND3.0 filterTransport caseInstruction manual

LUNT HAT solar hat with neck flap
Keep your head covered and prevent sunburn while observing. UV protectant material with small pocket and clip to prevent being blown off in the wind. Cool ventilated design. Neck flap to keep your neck protected while looking through the eyepiece.SCOPE OF DELIVERYSolar Hat with neck flap

BRESSER Extension tube 2"/35mm
Extension tube with 2" plug diameter and an extension factor of 35mm. A ring clamp ensures an optimal attachement of 2" accessories. The blackened and ridged inside effectively prevents reflections. Also a 2" filter thread is inside.

BRESSER Twilight I telescope mount with tripod
The Twilight I is a light-to-medium-duty alt-azimuth mount with tripod designed to quickly and easily accept small to medium sized refractors, such as the AR102 + AR127s or ED102mm + ED127, and of course, the ED80mm. Lightweight, fast Newtonians will also match up nicely with the BRESSER Twilight I mount. As long as your telescope does not exceed 18 pounds and has a Vixen-Style Universal Dovetail bar for mounting the telescope to the mount head, you are good to go. The Twilight I alt-azimuth mount head is made of powder-coated aluminum and there are worm gears on both axes. The adjustable angle head can be tilted forward or back at a 45° angle to allow more clearance for your telescope so you can point it straight up for viewing at the zenith. The Allen hex wrench for doing the mount head adjustment can be safely stored at the integrated magnetic holder.  Slow-motion control cables are attached on the vertical and horizontal axes, and are easy to turn during the night, even with gloves on, due to the over-sized knurled knobs that are attached to the end of each cable. They can be attached to either side of each axis to accommodate right or left-handed users, or different types of telescopes (e.g. refractors vs. Newtonian reflectors) for ease of adjustment. The stainless steel tripod that comes standard with the Twilight I mount has adjustable legs and a wide foot print of 42 inches, which makes the tripod more stable. A spreader bar locks against the inside of the legs to secure the tripod even further, and keep vibrations to a minimum. SCOPE OF DELIVERYTwilight I Telescope MountStainless Steel Field tripod

BRESSER Messier EXOS 1/EQ-4 Mount
Mount and Tripod. The BRESSER Messier beginners series of telescopes. Within this series you find smaller optics mounted stable on the new BRESSER EXOS 1 mount. This combination means more value for money and puts an end to flimsy beginners scopes which discourage most of the beginners due to small, under engineered mounts. The EXOS 1 with a robust stainless steel tripod bears optical tubes weighing up to 7kg stable for visual observation. The optional motor drive for the RA axis makes usage even more comfortable, so there is no need of manual tracking and the object is kept steadily in the field of view.FEATURES Stable parallactic mount with fine drive in both axes Circular bubble level for easy horizontal alignment Stable height-adjustable stainless steel tripod Retrofittable with a tracking motor for the right ascension axis Pole height scale for setting the latitude Scaled graduated circular rings for easier finding of objects by means of star atlas or planetarium software Tripod weight: 4.7 kg Mount weight: 4 kg (without counterweight) Total weight incl. counterweight: 13.2 kg SCOPE OF DELIVERYEXOS 1 German equatorial mountstainless steel tube field tripod1 x 4.5 kg counterweight

Adapter T2 to 2", for 2" eyepieces to blocking filter
Adapter T2 to 2", takes for example 2" eyepieces to Lunt Solar Systems blocking-filters.This adapter offers a T2 female thread at the telescope-side, and a 2" connection at the eyepiece-side.For example you want to use your 2" eyepieces at Lunt Solar Systems telescopes or filters? All you need is this adapter. Simply remove the 1.25" eyepiece tube from your blocking-filter, and thread on this 2" adapter. It takes T2 threading to a 2" eyepiece tube.You can use 2" eyepieces with this adapter at:• LUNT H-alpha telescopes (not at LS35THa!)• the blocking-filters of LUNT H-alpha filter systems• LUNT Ca-K modules• all telescopes/adapter with T2 male threadTechnical data:• Thread at telescope-side: T2 female thread• Eyepiece connection: 2"Delivered by order:• Adapter T2 to 2"(Blocking Filter not included)


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LUNT LS60MT/B600R&P Multipurpose ED Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. Excellent image quality due to 2-lens ED optics with 70mm aperture for night sky observation, and 60mm usable aperture for H-alpha solar observation.With innovative air pressure tuning system, high-quality 2 inch (50.8mm) Rack&Pinion (R&P) focuser, and B600 blocking filter.Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS60MT/B600 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 60mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 420mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction.Blocking-filter is the B600. The B600 is good for visual solar observing. Also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small CCD chip. We recommend a LS60MT with B1200 blocking-filter by using cameras with middle or large sized CCD chips.The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.Observing the starry night sky:The H-alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. The 2-lens ED refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 70mm aperture and 420mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The ED Doublet lens will offer an excellent image. It can be used with a standard 2 inch zenith mirror at the R&P focuser.With an additional Amici prism, the telescope can of course also be used during the day for nature and landscape observations.This makes the LS60MT, with its small dimensions and low weight, also an ideal travel telescope for all applications!More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS60MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS60MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack filters LS50FHa or LS60FHa (part numbers 0550200 and 0550250). These filters will be simply screwed on the front of the LS60MT, no additional adapters are necessary. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS60MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS60MT a completely universal usable telescope!FEATURES2-lens ED refractor, FPL-51Aperture: 70mmUsable aperture in H-alpha: 60mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 420mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerBlocking filter: B600 with 1.25 inch and T2 connectionFocuser: Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reductionTube-ring with 1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)Weight with H-alpha unit: 3.8kgWeight without H-alpha unit: 2.6kgLength with H-alpha unit and blocking filter: 40cmLength without H-alpha unit: 31cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-TunerB600 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing2 inch Rack&Pinion focuserTube ring with 1/4-20 connection for mounting on photo-tripodsTransport case (53x33x17cm)Instruction manual

LUNT LS80MT/B1200R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
​Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 2-lens ED Apo telescope with FPL-53 glass, 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length - very good image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night.With innovative air pressure tuning system, good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser, and B1200 blocking filter.Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS80MT/B1200 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 80mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 560mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction.Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is good for visual solar observing. Also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small sensor chip. We recommend a LS80MT with B1800 blocking-filter by using cameras with large sized sensor chips.The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.Observing the starry night sky:The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. With the additionally available conversion kit (item number 0551330) the 2-lens ED Apo refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-53 doublet lens offers an low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the high quality R&P focuser of the conversion kit 0551330.Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551330 is absolutely necessary if the telescope should be used at night.More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS80MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS80MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module DSII/SFPT (item number 0551395). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS80MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS80MT a completely universal usable ED Apo telescope of very good quality!FEATURES2-lens ED APO refractor, FPL-53Aperture: 80mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 560mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerBlocking filter: B1200 with 1.25" and T2 connectionFocuser: R&P with 10:1 reductionTwo tube-ring with handleSol-Searcher installed inside handleDovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mountsWeight: 4.95kgLength with blocking filter and dew-shield: 62cmLength without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 50cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS80MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-TunerB1200 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reductionTube rings with dovetail bar and sol-searcherTransport case (78x33x23cm)Instruction manualConversion kit for observation of the starry night sky (0551330) not included!

LUNT LS80MT/R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope OTA without Blocking Filter
​Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 2-lens ED Apo telescope with FPL-53 glass, 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length - very good image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night.With innovative air pressure tuning system and good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser. Delivered without blocking filter, use for H-Alpha sun observation only possible with additional blocking filter!This telescope is supplied without blocking filter. We offer a wide range of additionally available blocking filters in different sizes, either mounted in a 90° star-diagonal housing or in a straight extension tube. These are all usable with this telescope.ATTENTION: Without such an additional blocking filter you cannot use this telescope for H-alpha solar observation!Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS80MT is a telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 80mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 560mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction.This version of the LS80MT is delivered without blocking filter. Therefore an additional blocking filter is required to use the telescope for solar observation in the H-alpha wavelength. You can choose from the wide range of Lunt Solar Systems blocking filters and decide for example if you want a blocking filter in a 90° star-diagonal housing or one in a straight extension tube.Observing the starry night sky:The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. With the additionally available conversion kit (item number 0551330) the 2-lens ED Apo refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-53 doublet lens offers an low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the high quality R&P focuser of the conversion kit 0551330.Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551330 is absolutely necessary if the telescope should be used at night.More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS80MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS80MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module DSII/SFPT (item number 0551395). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS80MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS80MT a completely universal usable ED Apo telescope of very good quality!FEATURES2-lens ED APO refractor, FPL-53Aperture: 80mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 560mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerSupplied without blocking filter, additionally available blocking filter absolutely necessary!Focuser: R&P with 10:1 reductionTwo tube-ring with handleSol-Searcher installed inside handleDovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mountsWeight: 4.95kgLength with blocking filter and dew-shield: 62cmLength without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 50cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS80MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-Tuner2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reductionTube rings with dovetail bar and sol-searcherTransport case (78x33x23cm)Instruction manualConversion kit for observation of the starry night sky (0551330) not included!

LUNT LS60MT/R&P Multipurpose Telescope OTA without Blocking Filter
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. Excellent image quality due to 2-lens ED optics with 70mm aperture for night sky observation, and 60mm usable aperture for H-alpha solar observation.With innovative air pressure tuning system and high-quality 2 inch (50.8mm) Rack&Pinion (R&P) focuser. Delivered without blocking filter, use for H-Alpha sun observation only possible with additional blocking filter!This telescope is supplied without blocking filter. We offer a wide range of additionally available blocking filters in different sizes, either mounted in a 90° star-diagonal housing or in a straight extension tube. These are all usable with this telescope.ATTENTION: Without such an additional blocking filter you cannot use this telescope for H-alpha solar observation!Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS60MT is a telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 60mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 420mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reduction.This version of the LS60MT is delivered without blocking filter. Therefore an additional blocking filter is required to use the telescope for solar observation in the H-alpha wavelength. You can choose from the wide range of Lunt Solar Systems blocking filters and decide for example if you want a blocking filter in a 90° star-diagonal housing or one in a straight extension tube.Observing the starry night sky:The H-alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. The 2-lens ED refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 70mm aperture and 420mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The ED Doublet lens will offer an excellent image. It can be used with a standard 2 inch zenith mirror at the R&P focuser.With an additional Amici prism, the telescope can of course also be used during the day for nature and landscape observations.This makes the LS60MT, with its small dimensions and low weight, also an ideal travel telescope for all applications!More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS60MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS60MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack filters LS50FHa or LS60FHa (part numbers 0550200 and 0550250). These filters will be simply screwed on the front of the LS60MT, no additional adapters are necessary. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS60MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS60MT a completely universal usable telescope!FEATURES2-lens ED refractor, FPL-51Aperture: 70mmUsable aperture in H-alpha: 60mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 420mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerSupplied without blocking filter, additionally available blocking filter absolutely necessary!Focuser: Rack&Pinion focuser with 10:1 reductionTube-ring with 1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)Weight with H-alpha unit: 3.8kgWeight without H-alpha unit: 2.6kgLength with H-alpha unit and blocking filter: 40cmLength without H-alpha unit: 31cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS60MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-Tuner2 inch Rack&Pinion focuserTube ring with 1/4-20 connection for mounting on photo-tripodsTransport case (53x33x17cm)Instruction manual

LUNT LS80MT/B1800R&P Multipurpose APO Telescope for Sun + Night-Sky
Modular designed multipurpose telescope, both for observing the sun in the H-alpha wavelength, as well as for night sky observations. Easy conversion between the different applications with a few simple steps. 2-lens ED Apo telescope with FPL-53 glass, 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length - very good image quality for H-Alpha solar observation and also for observing the starry sky at night.With innovative air pressure tuning system, good 2 inch (50.8mm) R&P focuser, and B1800 blocking filter.Solar observing in H-alpha:The LS80MT/B1800 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 80mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 560mm focal length. The H-alpha wavelength is the most impressive way to observe the sun, showing protuberances at the sun's edge, filaments and flares on the surface, and much more. An internal Etalon filter achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstrom with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure-Tuner. Tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to tune to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees a homogeneous image, without central obstruction, and a permanently protected Etalon without erosion. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.Fine adjustment is achieved with a solid 2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reduction.Blocking-filter is the B1800. The B1800 is very good for visual solar observing and also for photography.The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25 inch eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.Observing the starry night sky:The H-Alpha Etalon system can be removed from the telescope in a few easy steps thanks to its modular design. With the additionally available conversion kit (item number 0551330) the 2-lens ED Apo refractor can then be used as a normal telescope with 80mm aperture and 560mm focal length for observation and photography of the night sky. The FPL-53 doublet lens offers an low colour aberration image. Common 2 inch star diagonals can be used at the high quality R&P focuser of the conversion kit 0551330.Please note that the optionally available conversion kit 0551330 is absolutely necessary if the telescope should be used at night.More applications:With additionally available accessories the LS80MT offers even more possibilities!- Double-StackThe LS80MT telescope can optionally be upgraded with the additionally available double-stack module DSII/SFPT (item number 0551395). The DSII system is a internal double-stack module. Thereby a bandwidth of <0.5 Angstrom is achieved for H-alpha solar observation. Therefore much more details on the solar surface will become visible.- Solar observing in White-LightIf the H-alpha unit has been removed, of course either a sun filter to be installed in front of the objective, or a Herschel-wedge at the focuser can be used to observe the sunspots in White-Light.- Solar observing in Ca-K wavelengthCertainly, the Ca-K filter modules from Lunt Solar Systems can also be used at the LS80MT to observe and photograph super-granulation and other effects visible in this wavelength on the sun.This makes the LS80MT a completely universal usable ED Apo telescope of very good quality!FEATURES2-lens ED APO refractor, FPL-53Aperture: 80mm (no central obstruction)Focal length: 560mmBandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 AngstromTuning: air pressure tuning system Pressure-TunerBlocking filter: B1800 with 1.25" and T2 connectionFocuser: R&P with 10:1 reductionTwo tube-ring with handleSol-Searcher installed inside handleDovetail bar at GP-level for astronomical mountsWeight: 4.95kgLength with blocking filter and dew-shield: 62cmLength without blocking filter and removed dew-shield: 50cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLS80MT Multipurpose TelescopePressure-TunerB1800 blocking filter in star-diagonal housing2 inch R&P focuser with 10:1 reductionTube rings with dovetail bar and sol-searcherTransport case (78x33x23cm)Instruction manualConversion kit for observation of the starry night sky (0551330) not included!

LUNT Sol Searcher
Sol-Searcher for installing on all solar telescopes of Lunt Solar Systems. The tube rings of the LUNT solar telescopes are prepared for the mounting of this Sol-Searcher."I can't find the Sun!" sounds funny. However, the Sun is tricky to find in a properly filtered telescope, and you don't ever want to chance a direct gaze, let alone a magnified image of it.This Sol-Searcher is the safe and easy way to find the Sun. It is absolutely safe since you don't look through Sol-Searcher, you look at it. The aperture acts as a "pinhole" which projects an image of the Sun on to the 1/4" translucent "screen." This screen can be viewed from either side. Simply move your scope until the Sun's image is centered on the screen and the Sun will be in the eyepiece's field of view.The solar telescopes from Lunt Solar Systems are fitted for installing this Sol-Searcher. Only at the LS130MT and LS152THa telescopes the additionally adapter 0554302 will be needed.SCOPE OF DELIVERYTeleVue Sol-SearcherScrewsHexagon wrench

LUNT LS50C H-alpha double-stack filter for LS50THa
Double-stack filter for LS50THa telescopes.The bandwidth of H-alpha systems can be reduced by so-called "double-stacking". A smaller bandwidth provides much more contrast at the solar surface, thereby many more details will become visible.Double-stacking with a bandwidth of only <0.55 Angstrom is also possible at the LS50THa telescopes. Therefore Lunt Solar Systems has especially designed this LS50C double-stack filter in compact housing. The filter threads directly onto the LS50THa telescopes.FEATURESAperture: 50  mmBandwidth: <0.55 AngstromTuning: mechanical tilt-tuningHousing diameter: 85 mmLength: 70 mmWeight: 0.7 kgFront thread: M80x1 female threadRear thread: M80x1 male threadonly usable together with a LS50THa telescope!SCOPE OF DELIVERYLS50C H-alpha double-stack filterInstruction manual
