LUNT LS6CaKMDs2 Ca-K filter in extension tube

Transforms normal refractor telescopes up to 540mm focal length into Ca-K solar telescopes. No further accessories required.

  • Solar observation in Ca-K wavelength
  • For refractors up to 100mm aperture & up to 540mm focal length
  • Bandwidth <2.4 Angstrom
  • Shows super granulation, flares & much more
  • Calcium-K filter module in straight extension tube
  • For use at 2 inch focusers
  • No additional accessories required
  • Absolutely safe, no danger to the eyes


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 0553502
EAN: 4007922035215
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "LUNT LS6CaKMDs2 Ca-K filter in extension tube"
Calcium-K module in straight extension tube, for using normal astronomical telescopes up to 100mm aperture and up to 540mm focal length as Ca-K solar telescopes.

This Calcium-K module transforms your normal astronomical refractor telescope into a Ca-K solar telescope. It will be very easy: Put the Ca-K module into the 2" focuser of your telescope, and you are ready for solar observing in the light of the Calcium-K wavelength.

Internal narrowband filters allow for a <2.4 Angstrom bandwidth. For refractor telescopes up to 100mm aperture and up to 540mm focal length. For imaging it will be better to use a bigger Ca-K module.
The Ca-K module is in a straight extension tube, for 2" focuser on the telescope side, and with T2 thread and 1.25" eyepiece connection on the eyepiece side.

All needed filter parts are integrated inside the compact module. There are no additional filters needed.

The Ca-K wavelength is at the edge of the visible light spectrum for human eyes, so for many people visual observing is difficult. However, all details could be captured photographically. Therefore the Ca-K Module is optimized primarily for imaging.

  • Bandwidth <2.4 Angstrom
  • Usable at telescopes up to 100mm aperture and 540mm focal
  • Straight extension tube housing
  • 2" slide tube for 2" focuser
  • Connection for 1.25" eyepieces
  • T2 thread for camera connection
  • Ca-K module in straight extension tube for 2" focuser
  • Integrated blocking filter B600 for telescopes up to 540mm focal length
  • Instruction manual

Colour: black
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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LUNT LS7-21ZE Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm
Lunt Solar Systems zoom-eyepiece with variable focal length from 7.2mm to 21.5mm, with 1.25 inch (31.7mm) connection.The special of this zoom eyepiece is that the optical layout offers highest quality views of the sun, but also on nightsky objects. LUNT minimized the reflections by using superb multicoatings and with care designed internal baffle system and blackened lens edges. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is not the widest field zoom-eyepiece on the market, LUNT prefered best performance over widest field. The sun and stars are perfect pin point across the entire field of view without any visible distortion. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece is almost parfocal, from one end to the other end of the zooming way you need only 0.5mm to refocuse. The LUNT zoom-eyepiece has a very nice height adjustable eyeguard to protect your eye against day light reflections and to help you to find the perfect eye position.Please note that these eyepieces are only accessories for existing solar telescopes or filters when observing the sun. Solar observation alone with these eyepieces without additional solar filters is not possible!FEATURESFocal length: 7.2mm - 21.5mm continuously adjustableBarrel size: 1.25 inch (31,7mm)Diameter: 47mmHeight: 82mmWeight: 170gEye relief: 15mmLenses / Groups: 7 lenses / 4 GroupsField of view: 53° at 7.2mm - 40° at 21.5mmSCOPE OF DELIVERYLUNT Zoom Eyepiece 7.2mm - 21.5mm

LUNT HAT solar hat with neck flap
Keep your head covered and prevent sunburn while observing. UV protectant material with small pocket and clip to prevent being blown off in the wind. Cool ventilated design. Neck flap to keep your neck protected while looking through the eyepiece.SCOPE OF DELIVERYSolar Hat with neck flap

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC ED APO 80mm f/6 FCD-1 Alu 2" R&P Focuser
The three-lens design of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC ED-Apochromats provides everything an amateur astronomer desires - at a reasonable price. The construction with Hoya FCD-1 ED glass has two air spaces and provides a level of correction so superior to the two-lens constructions, that are common in this price class, that you will see the difference immediately. This excellent optical performance teams up with a high precision mechanics - the result is a telescope on a level that is setting a new standard in it´s price class. Astrophotographers will love this telescope - a optional field flattner is available and makes the telescope perfect even for cameras with a large chip format.These very popular EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Triplet ED APO Refractors we do offer in 3 different product lines:Essential Line: HOYA FCD-1 Glass lens, AL-Tube, 2.0" Rack&Pinion Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112084(AL), 0112106(AL), 0112132(AL)), 0112155(CF + 3"FT)) Professional Line: HOYA FCD-100 Glas lens, AL/CF-Tube, 2.5" HEXAFOC Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112086(AL), 0112108(AL), 0112109(CF), 0112134(AL), 0112135(CF))High-End Line: OHARA FPL-53 Glass lens, Carbon(CF) Tube, 3.0" Feather-Touch Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112165(CF))FEATURESthree lens air-spaced ED-apochromatHoya FCD01-ED glasspolystrehl of above 0.9weight: 2,6kgbackfocus: 165mm above 2" adaptorSCOPE OF DELIVERYOptics with dovetail plate and finder slot 2" Star Diagonal 99% reflectivityDust caps for front-lens and focuser

Adapter T2 to 2", for 2" eyepieces to blocking filter
Adapter T2 to 2", takes for example 2" eyepieces to Lunt Solar Systems blocking-filters.This adapter offers a T2 female thread at the telescope-side, and a 2" connection at the eyepiece-side.For example you want to use your 2" eyepieces at Lunt Solar Systems telescopes or filters? All you need is this adapter. Simply remove the 1.25" eyepiece tube from your blocking-filter, and thread on this 2" adapter. It takes T2 threading to a 2" eyepiece tube.You can use 2" eyepieces with this adapter at:• LUNT H-alpha telescopes (not at LS35THa!)• the blocking-filters of LUNT H-alpha filter systems• LUNT Ca-K modules• all telescopes/adapter with T2 male threadTechnical data:• Thread at telescope-side: T2 female thread• Eyepiece connection: 2"Delivered by order:• Adapter T2 to 2"(Blocking Filter not included)
