LUNT PCUSB Pressure-Tuner Controller with USB


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Product number: 0554612
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Product information "LUNT PCUSB Pressure-Tuner Controller with USB"
Electronic Control unit with USB connection for one LUNT Pressure-Tuner system.

The PC-USB is a microprocessor controlled pressure control system that can be retrofitted to any LUNT instrument (except LS50THa) with Pressure-Tuner (PT), without return to the Lunt facility. A simple air-pipe connects the PC-USB to the Pressure-Tuner. All existing PT systems (except LS50THa) can be retrofitted via an included adapter to the pressure tuner knob. The PC-USB can be used at any altitude.

The PC-USB controller can be manually operated directly by the control panel at the housing, or via a computer by USB connection (Windows 7 or higher needed). A USB cable with USB-B plug is necessary for operating by a computer, this USB cable is not included. You will find the software for download on this webpage above at the tab "Manuals".

Upon power up the PC-USB will go thru a systems vent and ambient pressure set mode. This will take around 60 seconds. The PC-USB is a simple 2 button system. One button for increasing and one button for decreasing the PT pressure. Digital feedback and indicator lights are provided. The PC-USB is accurate to 0.027 Bar (0.4 PSI), providing very precise control of the pressure setpoint. The PC-USB will auto-compensate for fluctuations in internal pressure changes due to significant changes in temperature. The PC-USB can be user programmed to center wavelength set point. Due to the sealed nature of the system, the center wavelength set point will remain constant at any altitude at a given set pressure point. Because the PC-USB can provide closed-loop feedback of internal etalon pressure users can correlate change in pressure to doppler shifted events.

Normally the telescope shakes while you are tuning mechanically. Especially if you use high magnification, for example for observing the Doppler effect at a filament. With the PC-USB system there will be absolutely no shaking of the telescope while tuning at all magnifications, so observing Doppler shifted events will become more comfortable.

The PC-USB can run continuously on internal battery power for more than 8 hours. It has external power input (15V DC) that can power the unit and charge the internal batteries simultaneously.

  • LUNT PC-USB Control System
  • Adapter for PT knob
  • 3m air-pipe
  • AC-adapter (with Euro-plug)
Please note that this controller is not compatible with LS50THa series telescopes!
Colour: white
Material: Plastic

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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