NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 300x-1200x Microscope

complete beginner's set for microscopy

  • Microscope kit with all necessary accessories for a quick start into microscopy
  • Transmission light
  • Battery-powered illumination, magnification: 300x - 1200x
  • Microscope dimensions: 130 x 95 x 245 mm, weight: 380 g
  • Scope of delivery: microscope, objektives for: 300x, 600x, 1200x, microscopy utensils, slides, specimen vials, preparations, battery, manual
  • Rotating turret
  • Stage with clamps to fix the preparations
  • Lots of accessories for a quick start


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 9118002
EAN: 4007922003733
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861


Lukas and Tom

Lukas wants to know everything in great detail. He is particularly interested in scientific discoveries. Together with his ant Tom, he explores the microcosm.

Dive into the world of Microbiology


Luna loves the night sky. Whenever the weather allows, she sets up her telescope and looks for planets, star clusters, galaxies, and much more. Her name means “Moon” in English.

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Outdoor / Adventure
Flora loves to explore nature. Her constant companion is her binoculars, through which she can carefully observe everything that moves in the forest and meadows.

Embark on an Adventure

Product information "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 300x-1200x Microscope"
There is so much to discover - just take a closer look through the microscope! The scope of delivery includes everything you need for microscopic viewing, which means fast results are guaranteed. The microscope offers battery-powered lighting and 1200X magnification. 

  • transmission light
  • magnification from 300x up to 1200x
  • with illumination
  • broad range of accessories so you can start immediately
  • microscope
  • objectives for: 300x, 600x, 1200x
  • microscope utensils (spatula, preparation stick,tweezers, pipette)
  • 8 slides anc cover glasses
  • 5 specimen vials (3 types)
  • 3 preparations
  • Battery (1x CR2032)
  • Spare lamp
  • Instruction manual
Age recommendation from: 6
Body material: Aluminium/plastic
Colour: black
Focus Group [Microscopes]: Beginners
Material: Aluminium, Plastic
Product Family [Microscopes]: Transmitted light microscope
Typ [Batteries]: CR2032
View: Monocular

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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BRESSER BR-LP15 Cleaning kit - 3 parts
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When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the BRESSER BR-LP10 lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. FEATURES lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass brush to remove dust on one sidepolishing pad on the other side SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x lens cleaning pencil


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