Product information "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7x50 Porro Binoculars"
These elegant Porro-prism binoculars have excellent optical characteristics. The fully coated optics guarantee a decisively higher light transmission through the glass, thus increasing color fidelity and contrast. Diopter compensation is standard with these models. This makes these binoculars suitable for beginner birders or nature observers. Even on windy days, due to the 7x magnification, a stable image is provided. The 50 mm objective lenses gather enough brightness for observation even in twilight conditions. A carrying pouch and neck strap are included. For longer observations, a tripod-adapter thread is integrated.
Porro binoculars with a large objective lens diameter
Ideal for observations even in low light conditions
Suitable for spectacle wearers thanks to diopter compensation and foldable eyecups
Can be connected to a tripod for longer observations
carrying pouch
neck strap
lens caps
lens cloth
7) Footnote:
with zoom function based on the lowest magnification level
Body armouring:
Body material:
Colour of coating:
Dust protection caps:
for objective and eyepiece, individually removable
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte …
… richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel.
… nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird.
… liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen.
… betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio.
… verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage.
… zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets.
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Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das:
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With the 3-piece lens cleaning set you not only clean camera or binocular lenses, but also spectacles glasses and displays and screens of smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. thoroughly and safely.
When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass.
With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. Just blow away fluff with the bellows.
complete set for safe cleaning of camera lenses
bellows for removing coarse dirt particles and fluff without scratching the lens
lint-free microfibre cloth approx. 14,5x14,5cm
lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass
1x bellows
1x lens cleaning pen
1x microfiber cloth
When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the BRESSER BR-LP10 lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side.
lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass
brush to remove dust on one sidepolishing pad on the other side
1x lens cleaning pencil
Set off on your personal journey to the stars with the BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ lens telescope. The complete astronomy set already includes everything you need to start observing the sky: the astronomical lens telescope with 70 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length, the azimuthal mount, the tripod and a wide range of accessories for fascinating discoveries. At the same time, it is very easy to operate - ideal to amaze even children with a view of the night sky.
Simply a stargazing classic - the telescope
With this lens telescope - a so-called Fraunhofer achromatic refractor - even total astro-beginners and children can easily explore the secrets of our night sky. Because this classic design impresses with its special user-friendliness and easy handling. To ensure that you enjoy good imaging properties when looking at the Moon, Sun, planets and star clusters, the entry-level telescope has been equipped with modern, precisely coated optics. The 70 mm aperture collects a total of 100 times more light than the human eye. And it is also convincing compared to a comparable 60 mm telescope: the light gathering capacity is 36 % higher and the resolving power is also better. Thus, with the 70 mm lens telescope, significantly more details are visible at the same magnification, e.g. on Saturn's rings or the two main cloud bands of Jupiter.
But how big do the celestial objects appear then? The resolution of the 70 mm lens lets you enjoy really sharp images at magnifications up to about 140x. For comparison: with a 60 mm aperture, this is only possible up to 120x. Technically, of course, the starter telescope can do even more - theoretically up to 675x with the included accessories. However, with increasing magnification, the image can slowly become more and more blurred. And how big you can really see the planets, star clusters and co. depends not only on the telescope. Another important factor: the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions).
A sharp image with good contrast - this is what the starter telescope achieves with its large focal ratio of about 1 to 12.9 (F/12.9), which is calculated from the ratio of the 70 mm aperture to the 900 mm focal length. And you will see: Due to the long focal length, especially the Sun, Moon, planets, open star clusters and globular clusters become absolute eye-catchers.
Solid base for your stargazing hours - mount and tripod
Found the ideal location for your nocturnal explorations? Then attach the telescope tube to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. And this azimuthal mount is particularly compelling due to one quality: operation is really child's play. Simply swing the telescope by hand to the left or right, up or down, as with a common photo tripod. This way you can quickly move your gaze from one celestial highlight to the next. And where are the accessories? Simply place them on the storage plate between the tripod legs. This way, eyepieces, solar filter and co. stay always within reach.
All the trimmings - the accessories
The beginner’s telescope comes with everything you need for a quick start in stargazing. When searching for celestial bodies worth seeing, take your first look through the included LED viewfinder. Because the direction finder helps you to align the telescope precisely and find astronomical objects. It works like this: The LED finder is mounted in parallel on the telescope tube. It projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen that appears to float in front of the sky when you look through it. And that is exactly where the aperture of your telescope points. This way, you can always keep an overview of the night sky - before focusing your attention on the details through the magnification of the telescope.
And you decide how high this magnification is by choosing the eyepiece. You will be amazed: the two eyepieces included in the set (4 mm, 20 mm) allow you to admire completely different images of the same object. If you one day want a change of perspective, you can expand your astronomy set with a large selection of eyepieces. For this purpose, the socket diameter is 1.25 inches (31.7 mm), which corresponds to an international, manufacturer-independent standard.
You like what you see, but would love more detail? Then simply insert the 3x Barlow lens between the telescope and the eyepiece. And you have tripled the magnification of the eyepiece!
Observation comfort and a pleasant view - this is what the 90-degree star diagonal mirror is made for. Even if your starter telescope is pointed vertically into the sky, you don't need to lie down underneath it to see anything. Instead, simply look in comfortably from the side and enjoy the view.
But it's not only at night that we should look skywards. For only during the day you can see a very special star: our Sun. So put the solar filter in front of the lens and safely look at sunspots and granulation on the Sun.
CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter!
Would you like to share your discoveries with friends and family? Then take your first steps in astrophotography right away - and those are done in no time with the smartphone camera adapter for your beginner's telescope. The Moon, Sun, planets, open star clusters and globular clusters always make a good picture.
Discover what our night sky has to offer with the BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ refracting telescope.
Beginner’s telescope for astronomy
70 mm aperture; 900 mm focal length
Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer
Ideal for observing the Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters
Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount
Easy to use, also very suitable for children
Focal ratio F/12.9, therefore very sharp image and high contrast
Two eyepieces and one Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications
Safe solar observation with the included solar filter
Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter
Starter lens telescope
Aluminium tripod
Azimuthal mount
Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch socket)
Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket)
Star diagonal mirror
LED illuminated dot finder
Solar filter
Smartphone camera adapter
Accessory tray
Astronomy software via download
Instruction manual
These Porro-prism binoculars offer an practical zoom function. Thanks to a variable magnification, these binoculars can be utilized for a multitude of applications. The green, fully coated optics guarantee a decisively higher light transmission through the glass, thus increasing color fidelity and contrast. Diopter compensation is standard with this model. A carrying pouch and neck strap are included. For longer observations, a tripod-adapter thread is integrated.FEATURESVersatile zoom binocularsLarge objective lens diameter for high light gathering capacitySuitable for spectacle wearersSCOPE OF DELIVERYbinocularscarrying pouchneck strapmanual
These elegant Porro-prism binoculars have excellent optical characteristics. The green fully coated optics guarantee a decisively higher light transmission through the glass, thus increasing color fidelity and contrast. Diopter compensation is standard with these models. This makes these binoculars suitable for beginner birders or nature observers. Even on windy days, due to the 10-fold magnification, a stable image is provided. The 50 mm objective lenses gather enough brightness for observation even in twilight conditions. A carrying pouch and neck strap are included. For longer observations, a tripod-adapter thread is integrated.
FEATURESbinoculars for nature observationshigh light gathering capacity for bright images in the twilightSCOPE OF DELIVERYbinocularslens clothcarrying strapcase
Featuring a wide range of accessories and an intuitive design, the BRESSER Biolux DLX microscope is ideal for beginners who are new to the world of microscopy. It comes with three objectives (4x, 10x, 40x) and two eyepieces (5x, 16x) for achieving different magnification levels. You’ll also find a Barlow zoom system, which can be used to gradually adjust the magnification over a total range of 20x to 1280x. In addition, the optical device comes with a sensitive focusing mechanism for bringing your object into focus, even at higher magnifications.
The Biolux DLX microscope also comes with an adjustable LED for transmitted light microscopy. Power is supplied by three batteries (AA, not included) so that you can use the microscope if you don’t have access to a power socket. Alternatively, you can also use equivalent rechargeable batteries. The condenser is equipped with an adjustable iris diaphragm to ensure that the microscope produces crystal-clear images in all scenarios.
The microscope comes with five pre-prepared specimens so that you can get started immediately after unboxing. Slides and cover slips for preparing your own specimens are also included, while the built-in slide clamps ensure that your specimens are held securely in place during your observation sessions. The set also includes a pair of tweezers, a pipette, a spatula and a small Petri dish, as well as a cleaning cloth for keeping everything clean.
If you want to document your observations, the microscope is compatible with our MikrOkular Full HD (item no. 5913650).
Barlow zoom system
LED light
Iris diaphragm
Battery operated: 3x AA (not included)
Includes wide range of accessories for quick setup
3 objectives (4x, 10x, 40x)
2 eyepieces (5x, 16x)
2x Barlow zoom system
5 pre-prepared specimens
5 empty slides with cover slips
Petri dish
Cleaning cloth
Instruction manual
*Partly pre-assembled
The BRESSER Nautic 7x50 has a water resistant and robust rubber armour as well as a gas purged optical tubes. They therefore are the ideal binocular for maritime use on board. The gas purged filling of the Nautic binoculars prevents water and moisture from entering the binocular by creating an interior pressure capsule. The fully coated optics allow a bright and sharp image to be replicated even when the weather conditions have turned bad.
FEATURESWaterproof and fog-proof housing with nitrogen gas fillingRobust, rubber armoured binocular bodyIlluminated compass and ReticleIndividual eyepiece focussingSCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsNeckstrapPouchLens cloth
See the world as clearly as the waters around the namesake, picturesque place in Canada through the BRESSER Binoculars 8x42 Tobermory! Whether on a park walk or bird watching in the wild – with the 8x magnification and the generous field of view of 105 m at 1,000 m, you always keep an eye on all exciting details. The combination of 42 mm objective diameter and high-quality broadband coating on the optical glass ensures a pleasantly bright and clear image.
Capture all details quickly and effortlessly with the roof prism binoculars
The quick focusing via the center drive makes the all-round binoculars particularly user-friendly – ideal for rapid scene changes at sports events or observing nimble animals. And with the integrated tripod connection thread, you can easily fix the binoculars – a real advantage for long-term use such as nature observation or concerts.
Perfect view even with glasses: the 8x42 Tobermory binoculars
Of course, the roof prism binoculars can also score in terms of observation comfort for eyeglass wearers. With the twist-up eyecups and precise diopter adjustment, the visual experience can be optimally adjusted to the individual needs of each observer. Enjoy unrestricted and comfortable vision across the entire field of view – no matter where your discovery journey takes you.
Ready for any outdoor adventure with the robust 8x42 binoculars
The ergonomic design of the Tobermory ensures that the binoculars sit securely and comfortably in your hand. The rubber-armored housing reliably protects the sensitive optics and provides the necessary grip – after all, things can get rough in nature. To have the binoculars quickly at hand for any surprising sight, it is best to wear them around your neck with the practical carrying strap. And in the sturdy bag, the optical device is well protected until its next use.
Sharpen your view of the beauty of nature and more – with the BRESSER Binoculars 8x42 Tobermory!
Handy all-round binoculars
Magnification: 8x
Objective diameter: 42 mm
With high-quality broadband coating
Field of view: 105 m at 1,000 m distance
Near focus from 4 m
Easy focusing via center drive
Tripod connection thread
Diopter adjustment
With twist-up eyecups for eyeglass wearers
Including bag and carrying strap
Roof prism binoculars 8x42
Dust caps
Carrying strap
These premium allround binoculars of the BRESSER Pirsch series are suitable for many activities, whether on vacation, travelling or hiking amongst others.The binoculars come with with the newest phase coating and let the picture shine more clear in contrast and high-definition, reinforced by fully-multicoated lenses. The BaK-4 glass material gives a bright and clear picture. TwistUp eyecups allow spectacle wearers to also enjoy the full field of view. They are adjustable in 2 steps and also support the view without glasses. The BRESSER Pirsch Binoculars have a rubber armored body for solid grip. All Pirsch models are supplied with a broad and very comfortable neckstrap. To make the package complete these binoculars are waterproof and nitrogen purged to prevent them against fogging.
FEATURESCompact and versatile binoculars
High quality phase coating for bright and more high-contrast images
Waterproof and nitrogen purged to prevent fogging
Rubberized housing
Ideal also for spectacle wearers +/- 4 diopter
Nylon case with shoulder strap and belt loop
Broad, padded carrying strap
Protective objective lens caps
Protective eyepiece capsLens clothManual
A powerful all-rounder, the BRESSER Pirsch 10x50 binoculars are your reliable companion for bird watching, hunting, sports and travelling. The 50 mm lens diameter allows so much light into the device that you can see well into the twilight. With twist-up eyecups, glasses wearers can also enjoy optimum viewing comfort. A quick motion is all it takes, and the binoculars can be used comfortably, with or without glasses. It’s easy to compensate for the difference in eyesight between the two eyes with the dioptre compensation of +/- 4. While you’re moving from one object to the next, the padded carrying strap helps to ensure comfortable transport. Then, when there’s something interesting to view, the rubber sleeve keeps the binoculars firmly in grip.
Phase coating on the prisms
State-of-the-art phase coating is one of the features that makes the Pirsch 10x50 binoculars such a high-quality device. The coating gives you both high-contrast and high-resolution images for your enjoyment.
UR coating on the prisms
The 10x50 binoculars, as with every other model in the Pirsch series, also come with a special UR coating. This helps more light to reach the eyes.
High quality BaK-4 glass material
To help you see with even greater brightness and clarity, only prisms and lenses made of outstanding BaK-4 glass have been built into these binoculars. The full multi-coating on the lenses also ensures even greater light transmission.
You’ll no doubt want to be able to continue your observations in poor weather, which is why these roof-prism binoculars are waterproof. This helps to ensure that liquid cannot penetrate into the housing, even in heavy rain or an accidental dip in a river! Strong temperature fluctuations have no effect either thanks to the nitrogen filling, which prevents the lenses from misting up on the inside.
Grab the high-quality, all-round BRESSER Pirsch 10x50 Binoculars for a glimpse into the twilight.FEATURESCompact, versatile binoculars
Can be used into twilight thanks to the 50 mm lens diameter
High-quality phase coating for high-contrast images
UR coating for even brighter images
Full multi-layered coating on the lenses
Prism and lens system made from premium BaK-4 glass material
Filled with nitrogen to prevent the insides of the lenses from fogging up
Rubber sleeve for perfect grip
Twist-up eyecups for glasses wearers
Dioptre adjustment: +/- 4
Tripod connecting thread
Nylon bag with shoulder strap and belt loop
Wide, padded shoulder strap
Protective lens cap
Protective eyepiece cap
Lens cleaning cloth
Instruction manual
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