Vixen DC 43-36.4 mm Eyepiece Adaptor

  • Adaptiert 43 mm Gewinde auf kleineres 36,4 mm Gewinde
  • Zum Befestigen von 36,4 mm Zubehör für R200SS
  • Abmessung: 8 mm dick (ohne Gewinde)
  • Gewicht: 19 g


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X002304
EAN: 4955295295302
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

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Product information "Vixen DC 43-36.4 mm Eyepiece Adaptor"
- Applicable Eyepiece Diameter: 43 mm screw
• Adapted Eyepiece Diameter: 36.4 mm
• Applicable on DC
• Weight: 0.018 kg
Colour: black
Material: Plastic

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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Vixen reducing sleeve 36.4–31.7 mm
This eyepiece adapter for 36.4-mm to 31.7-mm eyepiece mount is suitable for use with 31.7-mm eyepieces with older Vixen OTAs that are fitted with a 36.4-mm focuser.FEATURESEyepiece adapter 36.4 mm to 31.7 mm Adapts 36.4-mm fittings for mounting 31.7-mm eyepiecesCompatibility: For older Vixen OTAs with 36.4-mm focuser Weight: 29 g PACKAGE CONTENTSVixen reducing sleeve 36.4–31.7 mmDust cap


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Vixen reducing sleeve 36.4–31.7 mm
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BRESSER Variable Adapter
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Vixen Polar fine adjustment unit DX
​For precise polar alignment of the POLARIE U Star Tracker.With this fine adjustment unit DX you can make sensitive movements in all directions in order to achieve an exact polar alignment.There is a quick-release fastener at the head of the fine-adjustment, which is compatible with the Vixen quick-change angle plate, or the Arca Swisssystem. You can attach or remove your Star Tracker quickly. An optional dovetail plate mounting block is available for versatile use.Thanks to the two M8 threaded holes at a distance of 35 mm on the head, the quick release can be exchanged for the separately available dovetail mounting block.This enables the straightforward mounting of telescopes or heavy telephoto lenses, like the Vixen FL55SS telescope.The fine adjustment DX is equipped with a 1/4 "or 3/8" thread and can therefore be used on all common photo tripods.This tripod adapter can be exchanged for a Vixen tripod adapter in order to be able to connect the fine adjustment unit to the heavier duty Vixen telescopic tripods too.The fine adjustment DX enables a large adjustment range from -30 degrees to 90 degrees and 360 degrees in azimuth.The mounted camera can be tilted freely from 0 degrees (horizontal) to 90 degrees (vertical) by loosening the clamping lever. The fine adjustments can be adjusted in a range of +/- 7.5 degrees.PROPERTIES1/4 "or 3/8" thread for photo tripods-30 degrees to 90 degrees and 360 degrees adjustable in azimuthFine adjustments in the range of +/- 7.5 degrees adjustable2 degrees adjustment per turn of the screwArca Swiss System compatibleAdaptable to Vixen telescopic tripodsAssembly of telescopes or heavy telephoto lensesOver 8 kg payload possibleWHAT'S INCLUDEDPole fine adjustment unit DXQuick release clampAngle plate L adapter for Vixen telescopic tripods with 45mm connectionTechnical specifications

BRESSER reduction lens 0.5x fix
The BRESSER 0.5x reducing lens is designed to enlarge the image from a microscope camera. It increases the light intensity and therefore reduces the exposure time. In the case of trinocular microscopes, the adapter usually enables the focus to be matched to the focus of the eyepiece.It is compatible with focusers with a 23.2 mm receptacle. This adapter is specially designed for cameras with sensor sizes of 1/2'' or 1/3''. The connection is made via a 1'' C-mount thread. FEATURES:C-mount threadMicroscope connector: 23.2 mmMagnification factor: 0.5x DELIVERY CONTENT:0.5x reduction lens (fixed)
