Vixen Dovetail adapter base

For mounting Vixen standard dovetail rails to the mount

  • Dovetail adapter base for mounts
  • For SXP2, AXJ and AXD mounts
  • Also suitable for Guide Mount XY
  • For Vixen standard dovetail bars
  • Weight: 220 g


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X000266
EAN: 4955295381005
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

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Product information "Vixen Dovetail adapter base"
Dovetail adapter base for SXP2, AXJ and AXD mounts.
Enables attachment of Vixen standard dovetail bars to the mount.
Also suitable for Guide Mount XY


  • For SXP2, AXJ and AXD mounts
  • For Vixen standard dovetail bars
  • Weight: 220 g


  • Dovetail adapter base
  • Fixing and locking screw
  • Mounting screws
  • Mounting tool
Colour: white
Material: Aluminium, Plastic

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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Vixen XY Guide Scope Mount
This practical accessory was designed for attaching guide scopes. It enables precise adjustments of the guide scope by +/- 6.5 degrees horizontally and vertically. This protects the guide scope, as it does not need to be clamped in place as with guide scope rings. The Guide Mount XY should be used in combination with a suitable mounting solution, such as the X002263 Accessory plate DX or X000266 Dovetail mounting block. FEATURES Stable telescope attachment for up to 5 kg Easy to adjust via knurled screws Protects the optics better than guide scope rings Connections for M6x2 (35 mm clearance) and M8x2 (35 mm clearance) Adjustment range of +/- 6.5 degrees Weight: 750 g DELIVERY CONTENT XY guide scope adjuster 2x M8x12 mm screws 2x M8x20 mm screws 2x M6x20 mm screws Hex key 5 mm, 6 mm

Vixen AXJ GoTo Mount with Star Book Ten Controller
Designed as a complement to the AXD2 equatorial mount, the AXJ mount offers outstanding durability and precision. The AXJ mount can also be used on AXD-TR102 tripods with an adapter. Periodic errors on mounts are usually measured and corrected by the user. Unlike the old StarBook controller, the STAR BOOK TEN controller saves these errors permanently. The periodic error of the mount is measured in the factory (total of 12 points per 30 degrees worm gear) and corrected before delivery. This is known as V-PEC and functions automatically as soon as you use the mount. It delivers an accuracy of +/- 4.0 arc seconds. You can increase the tracking accuracy further by saving your own recorded periodic errors. Vixen uses a new Belt-drive system in the AXJ mount. The gear drive was replaced with a toothed belt drive. This gives the mount a quicker reaction time and lower backlash. It also helps to minimize noise. The 6x20 polar finder scope is pre-installed. This allows the user to configure the polar alignment (for both the northern and southern hemispheres). The polar finder scope has a variable illuminated reticle with an automatic power-off function. The brightness can be adjusted in 8 levels so that the user can configure the desired brightness. SETTING ACCURACY OF LESS THAN 3 ARC MINUTES The dark field illumination (red LED) turns on when the push button is pressed. The reticle also lights up in red so that the observer can recognize and align stars in the background of the reticle. The light turns off automatically after a few minutes to save battery power. 2 bearing sets (4 pieces) are used for the shaft of the RA axis. Thanks to the newly developed EQ design, the ZXJ mount has a higher load capacity of 22 kg. As the motors, worm shaft and worm gear are located in the lower part of the mount, fewer counterweights are required than with conventional mounts. The STAR BOOK TEN controller is a modern control system with a high-resolution colour monitor. The STAR BOOK TEN system contains more than 272,000 celestial objects, including 260,000 stars from the SAO catalogue, 109 Messier objects, 7840 NGC objects and 5380 IC objects, as well the soon, moon and planets. Objects can be accessed by name, and information such as images and data can be defined separately. FEATURES +/-4.0 arc seconds with V-PEC V-PEC (Vixen-Permanent Periodic Error Correction) Belt drive system (prevents backlash and minimizes noise) 14 ball bearings Polar alignment (variable fork fix type) Polar finder with reference star alignment STAR BOOK TEN controller with autoguider input Retractable counterweight bar WHAT’S INCLUDED AXJ mount Starbook Ten controller 2 counterweights (3.7 kg and 1.5 kg) GoTo mount with Star Book Ten controller 22 kg load (photographic)

Vixen DX adapter plate
The Vixen DX adapter plate is equipped with a Vixen standard dovetail bar on the underside, allowing it to be attached to all mounts with the Vixen standard connection. This enables you to attach two telescopes or additional guide scope rings.FEATURES Can be used with SX, SXD, GP2 and GPD2 With M6 and M8 drill holes for use on third-party mountsFunction: Mounting multiple tubes or precise adjustment of guide mounts in X and Y direction Dimensions: 330 x 120 x 12 mm Weight: 1,275 gPACKAGE CONTENTSDX adapter plateScrew setMounting tool


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Vixen SG-L02 Headlamp red-light white-light
The perfect LED head torch for nighttime observations! Adjusting your eyes to the dark surroundings is very important when making astronomical observations. In dark areas, it is very difficult to use astronomical equipment without a suitable light. With normal lights, however, the light intensity is more important than protecting your eyes against bright light. Using these lights at night makes your pupils contract, which can make it difficult for your eyes to readjust to the darkness. The SG-L01, our first astronomy LED lamp, featured a built-in red LED that provided a solution to this problem. However, the red light did not offer optimal visibility. On our new astronomy LED light, the SG-L02, the LED lights produce warm light to improve visibility. They also ensure that your eyes stay adapted to the dark. The LEDs do not emit light in the sensitive range of 555 nm. The brightness of the white light can be adjusted between 3 and 42 lumen, while the red light can be adjusted between 0.28 and 7.62 lumen. FEATURES Dimmable red light ensures that your eyes stay adapted to the dark Built-in rechargeable battery, charges via USB Waterproof design LED colour can be switched from red to white 0.28 to 7.62 lumen for red light 3 to 42 lumen for white light Dimensions: 41 mm x 33 mm x 30 mm Weight: 29 g DELIVERY CONTENT SG-L02 head torch Strap (size S) Strap (size L) Pocket clip Cable for charging the battery (USB-A plug to USB Micro-B plug)

Vixen counterweight 2.8 kg
2.8-kg counterweight for mount counterweight barsUse counterweights to balance your mount. Multiple counterweights may be required depending on the telescope.FEATURESSuitable for SX, SXD, GP2 and GPD2 mountsWeight: 2,800 gPACKAGE CONTENTS2.8-kg counterweight

Vixen ASG-CB90 Carbon Tripod
Despite being developed for heavy mounts, the Vixen ASG CB90 carbon tripod is one of the lightest tripods on the market. The ASG CB90 tripod was originally designed for the new AXJ mount. However, it is also ideally suited to the tried-and-tested SX, HF2, AP, GPD2 and GP2 mounts. The hand nuts can be loosened to extend the tripod by one section. The legs of the ASG CB90 tripod can be secured by a reliable screw cap and are equipped with a 2.5 cm interval scale marking. FEATURES 2-section carbon tripodLightweight and portable Stable design with minimal vibrationsDimensions: 545 mm to 900 mm length Connections: 45 mm pin hole Weight: 3.4 kg WHAT’S INCLUDED Carbon tripod


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BRESSER Dovetail clamp Messier/ES/GP/Vixen
Universal dovetail clamp suitable for all optical tubes which are equipped with a standard 44mm dovetail rail (Messier/ES/GP/Vixen).  Also a screw kit is included for mounting the dovetail clamp direct on the top of the handle of all BRESSER Messier und EXPLORE-SCIENTIFIC telescopes. Thus a parallel mounted guiding telescope can be set up very easy and enables long exposure astrophotagraphy with autoguiding.  The prism clamp has 2 x 6mm countersunk holes (35mm hole spacing) and 3 additional 1/4" photo tapped holes at 120 degrees angular distance on a pitch circle diameter of 55 mm to allow a versatile adaptation to a variety of other telescopes and adapter plates.FEATURESUniversal dovetail clamp  Suitable for 44mm dovetail rail of Messier/ES/GP/Vixen  Screw set for Messier/ES handle included For piggy-back mounting of a guiding telescope Enables astrophotography with autoguiding CNC machined Aluminum Additional 1/4" photo thread holes available SCOPE OF DELIVERY Dovetail clamp Screw set (2pcs M6x25mm)

BRESSER Clamping Screws Viewfinder Shoe (1 pc.) Metal
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Vixen Porta II azimuthal mount
The Vixen Porta II is a high-quality azimuthal mount from the award-winning manufacturer Vixen. Featuring an intuitive, versatile and reliable design, the Porta II was specially developed to enable quick and precise telescopic observations along the vertical and horizontal axes without the need for a complex setup. It comes with fine adjustment wheels for fine tuning the position of the telescope to track astronomical objects. It also has a highly portable design thanks to the detachable mount head, which can be quickly detached from the tripod via an M10 screw. In addition, the dovetail mounting system (Vixen standard) ensures maximum compatibility with a wide range of telescopes. The Vixen Porta II mount in detail Easy to use The Porta II does not require a clamp, as it sports a slip clutch that allows you to adjust the mount to your desired object. It also holds its position automatically, making it very easy to use. Highly portable design The mount is easy to transport thanks to the Porta II mount head, which can be detached by removing a single screw. Easy to operateThe Porta II adjustment system allows you to track objects and make fine adjustments using the supplied shafts, which can be repositioned as necessary for optimal viewing comfort.Practical accessory storage The accessory holder features slots for your eyepieces. It can also be used to store smaller photography accessories. The holder is easy to mount via a centrally positioned screw. Built-in tool The mount comes with a tool for adjusting the friction of the slip clutch. The tool is located underneath the rubber cover for easy access. FEATURES 360° fine adjustment with worm gears2x sprockets with 120 teeth eachNo axle clamp requiredSlip clutch friction systemDovetail system (compatible with the GP and Sphinx mount) Adjusts by up to 45° Mounts tubes with an aperture of up to 155 mmPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen Porta II mountAluminium tripod2 fine adjustment wheelsMounting toolStorage shelf for accessories

Vixen polar meter QPL Compass for Polar Star Alignment
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Vixen AP Conterweight Bar
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BRESSER RA Tracking Motor + Controller
This BRESSER RA-Motor for a more comfortable tracking of your telescope. Including controller. Suitable for BRESSER Pluto, Galaxia, Quasar and Skylux telescopes, and all BRESSER carbon look telescopes with EQ-Sky and EQ3 mount.Important note: Not suitable for BRESSER Space Explorer and Firstlight telescopes. FEATURES motor for the BRESSER telescopes: Pluto, Galaxia, Quasar, Skylux, and all BRESSER carbon look telescopes with EQ-Sky and EQ3 mountthanks to the automatic tracking the observed object always remains in the eyepieceSCOPE OF DELIVERYmotorhandheld controllerbattery compartment bag with lanyardmanual

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