With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.
Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:
The Sky Guide provides comprehensive information on constellations, planetary positions, and astronomical events – perfect for planning your observations and delving deeper into astronomy.
Visit the guide directly here to make the most of your observations!
Product information "Vixen DX adapter plate"
The Vixen DX adapter plate is equipped with a Vixen standard dovetail bar on the underside, allowing it to be attached to all mounts with the Vixen standard connection. This enables you to attachtwo telescopes or additional guide scope rings.
Can be used with SX, SXD, GP2 and GPD2
With M6 and M8 drill holes for use on third-party mounts
Function: Mounting multiple tubes or precise adjustment of guide mounts in X and Y direction
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The best way to get started with long-exposure astrophotography is to mount a 35-mm camera with a normal or telephoto lens. Vixen camera mounts are perfect for this. To attach a camera to your telescope, you will need a 72576 accessory plate or 73548 pipe clamp. With X-Y positioning (+/- 10°):
Precise, controlled adjustment of guide scopes, camera housings or spotting scopes
For mounting on camera mounts or tripodsAdjustment range: +/- 10° in both directionsConnection: 1/4" photo threadWeight: 340 gPACKAGE CONTENTS85 deluxe tangential adjuster
This practical accessory was designed for attaching guide scopes. It enables precise adjustments of the guide scope by +/- 6.5 degrees horizontally and vertically.
This protects the guide scope, as it does not need to be clamped in place as with guide scope rings.
The Guide Mount XY should be used in combination with a suitable mounting solution, such as the X002263 Accessory plate DX or X000266 Dovetail mounting block.
Stable telescope attachment for up to 5 kg
Easy to adjust via knurled screws
Protects the optics better than guide scope rings
Connections for M6x2 (35 mm clearance) and M8x2 (35 mm clearance)
Adjustment range of +/- 6.5 degrees
Weight: 750 g
XY guide scope adjuster
2x M8x12 mm screws
2x M8x20 mm screws
2x M6x20 mm screws
Hex key 5 mm, 6 mm
Dovetail adapter base for SXP2, AXJ and AXD mounts.Enables attachment of Vixen standard dovetail bars to the mount.Also suitable for Guide Mount XYFEATURESFor SXP2, AXJ and AXD mountsFor Vixen standard dovetail bars Weight: 220 gDELIVERY CONTENTDovetail adapter baseFixing and locking screwMounting screwsMounting tool
Vixen has developed a new generation of SX mounts for demanding observers and astrophotographers. The SXD2WL mount is simply operated via a Wifi module with a smartphone or tablet.
By controlling the mount with your smartphone using the free STAR BOOK Wireless app, you can easily use sky navigation functions such as automatic GoTo panning of celestial objects via your smartphone or tablet.
By eliminating the power consumption of the conventional LCD (STAR BOOK TEN), the power consumption on the mount is reduced by up to 20%, thus enabling longer astronomical observation and astrophotography. When the desired celestial object is selected from a list, it is automatically panned into the telescope's field of view and tracking begins. An existing STAR BOOK TEN controller can also be used on this mount without any problems.
Equipped with the same precision stepper motors as the top model, the AXD mount, the SXD2WL brings a new standard of performance and precision to the Vixen mount family. With a photographic load capacity of 15 kg, the axis cross of the mount weighs just 9.2 kg making it ideal for mobile observations. In addition, the motors mounted in the lower part of the mount also serve as a counterweight, so the mount requires fewer weights for balancing. The SXD2 mount in detail Precision stepper motors and micro-step motion control system At the heart of the SXD2 are the precision stepper motors, which offer better performance and response than previous models. The micro-step motion control system offers powerful and yet very smooth drive characteristics, which are given both in fine movements and in fast pans.
Built-in bearings
The bearings of the RA and DEC axes and the worm shafts have been significantly improved to reduce the load on the motors. As a result, the motors move much more smoothly than in previous models. High-precision worm gears
High-precision processing technologies eliminate worm gear errors. The edges of the two worms and worm wheels are particularly smooth, enabling very precise tracking.
Declination axis as counterweight
The solid motor units are installed in the lower part of the declination axis so that the center of gravity of the SXD2 is below the intersection point of the RA and DEC axes. This means you need fewer additional counterweights. Latitude setting
The latitude is adjustable between 0 and 70 degrees (divided into 3 zones and adjustable +/- 15 degrees per zone, for high, medium and low latitudes); latitude scale in 2-degree increments; fine adjustment with a tangent screw head, approx. 0.8 degrees per turn. Built-in PFL-II polar finder with illumination The built-in 5x20mm polar finder with 10° field of view has a 3-star alignment system.
This eliminates the inconvenience of setting the date and original time.
The illuminated reticle with variable brightness and automatic switch-off is adjustable in 8 levels and illuminated in red. The adjustment accuracy is 3 arc minutes. The wireless module in detail The Vixen Wifi adapter for EQ mounts allows you to control your Vixen mount via a smartphone or tablet.
With the smartphone app STAR BOOK Wireless (free of charge) you can navigate the sky without any cables.
The app turns your smartphone or tablet into a control unit for the equatorial mount in no time at all.
The response delay of the mount, which is considered the biggest disadvantage of wireless connections, has been reduced to a level comparable to wired connections. Reduced power consumption compared to conventional controllers with LCD monitor The power consumption of the mount is reduced by up to 20%, allowing longer observations than with conventional
wired controllers such as the STAR BOOK TEN. Operation similar to the STAR BOOK TEN controller. The STAR BOOK Wireless app has a similar structure to the STAR BOOK TEN controller.
Depending on the star map setting, it contains up to 259,000 celestial objects.
Tap on a celestial object in the object list and start the GoTo.
The mount will now automatically move to this target and bring it into the telescope's field of view.
All the popular features of the STAR BOOK TEN are retained Convenient operation When looking through the telescope operate the mount by swiping on the app's star chart. As there are no buttons, simply slide your finger over the star chart to operate the mount conveniently. Extensive astronomical data included In addition to data on easily observable celestial bodies such as Messier objects, NGC objects and IC objects, this also includes the sun, moon, planets, comets and dwarf planets. High-precision alignment By aligning the mount to one or two stars, you can already achieve fairly precise positioning.
By aligning the mount to three or more stars, you can achieve high-precision alignment of the mount for high magnifications.
The objects are then approached precisely and centrally in your telescope's field of view.
The alignment information is saved and can be retained even when the device is switched off.
By leaving the telescope in its current state after completing an observation without moving it, you can start the automatic installation with the same settings for the next observation. Individual setting options As with the STAR BOOK TEN control unit, the app offers various individual settings, such as gear backlash compensation, night mode in red,
autoguider and variable GoTo speed and LED brightness.
You can also set the timing of the reversal of the objective tube (meridian flip) as desired.
Even if the object moves to the south during tracking, you can prevent the telescope tube from reversing. Important note: Cannot be used on old SX mounts with the old blue Star Book! Technical information about the Wifi module: CPU with 32-bit CISC processor 120 MHz
The unit is connected to the mount via a D-SUB 9PIN connector as with the STAR BOOK TEN.
It has a 6-pin 6-wire modular plug for external autoguider operation.
Supported operating systems are Android 6 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher, WLAN standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n. FEATURESRA sprocket: 180 teeth DEC sprocket: 180 teeth Shaft material and diameter: Carbon steel / Decl. 35 mm, RA 40 mm thickness Polar finder scope: 6x20 mm, PFL-II polar finder Fine height adjustment: 0° to 70°, (fine adjustment +/- 15°, height) Backsight rod: 20 mm diameter Azimuth adjustment: worm fine adjustment Power supply: DC12 V; 0.4~1.7 A Maximum load: 15 kg, photographic, without counterweight Counterweight: 1x 1.9 kg and 1x 3.7 kg Tripod connection: 45 mm spigot Dimensions: 36 cm (H) x 12 cm (W) x 36 cm (L)
Weight: 8.8 kg (19.4 lb), without counterweight 32-bit CISC processor 120 MHz Operating system: Android 6 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher Connection: D-SUB 9PIN connector Autoguider input ST4 Power consumption SXD2WL+Wireless unit: DC12V / 0.3-2.0 A (load 10 kg), 0.4-2.2 A (load 15 kg) SCOPE OF DELIVERYSXD2WL EQ mount Wireless unit 2 counterweights: 1.9 kg and 3.7 kg Mounting tools Pole finder PFL-II Cigarette lighter cable
The Vixen SX dovetail adapter is used to attach a telescope to a mount. Tube clamps are also required for this and are connected to the dovetail adapter. Suitable for use on GP and SX mounts, as well as various other mounts with a Vixen standard dovetail mount.FEATURESFor attaching telescopes to mounts with Vixen connectionSuitable for all SX, Porta and GP mountsWeight: 160 gPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen SX dovetail adapterScrew setAllen key
NASA is constantly working to travel deeper into space and reveal the exciting secrets of our universe. With the ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed 76/350 telescope, you can go on your own journey of discovery through the night sky. The complete astronomy kit comes with everything you need for stargazing – a reflector telescope, an altazimuth mount, a tripod and an extensive range of practical astronomy accessories. Simply point at the night sky and start exploring – the entry-level telescope with NASA theme comes fully preassembled and is very easy to use. It also includes a sun filter for safe solar observations.
Entry-level telescope for exploring the night sky
Featuring a 76 mm aperture, a 350 mm focal length and an aperture ratio of approximately f/4.6, the powerful reflector telescope is particularly well-suited to wide-field observations, and produces stunning images of star clusters such as the famous Pleiades and the giant Orion’s nebula. In addition, the astronomical telescope is also great for exploring our own solar system: go an exciting journey across the surface of the moon, take a peek at the gas giant Jupiter with its moons, or marvel at the rings of Saturn. And if you want to view things from a different perspective, you can quickly change the magnification thanks to the two included eyepieces and 2x Barlow lens.
“Newton” type reflecting telescopes are ideal for astronomical observations, but are not suitable for observing wildlife and landscapes. For terrestrial observations, we recommend refracting telescopes.
Intuitive entry-level telescope for beginner astronomers
Less time setting up means more time to look at the stars: this beginner’s telescope comes fully preassembled so that you can get started straight away with your night sky observations. What’s more, the altazimuth mount, which is attached to the telescope via a sturdy tripod, is also very easy for beginners to use. As with a standard camera tripod, you simply pivot the telescope up and down or left and right with your hand – perfect for roaming between different night sky objects. And thanks to its compact and portable design, the telescope is also ideal for taking on holiday.
Fully equipped starter set for solar and night sky observations
The Parker Solar Probe was NASA’s first successful attempt to “touch” the sun. Although you can’t get quite as close with the ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed telescope, you can attach the included sun filter to safely observe sun spots, planetary transits and solar eclipses.
WARNING: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter!
In addition, whether you’re observing the sun, moon, planets or stars, you can use the included smartphone camera adapter to attach your smartphone camera to the eyepiece and turn your telescope into a lens for capturing images of your exciting astronomical discoveries. The set also comes with astronomy software and a lunar map to help you find objects of interest.
Follow in the footsteps of NASA: Explore fascinating night sky objects with the ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed 76/350 telescope!
Reflector telescope for beginners
Construction: Newton reflector
Aperture: 76 mm
Focal length: 350 mm
Aperture ratio: f/4.6
Easy-to-use, perfect for beginners
Designed for solar and night sky observations
With altazimuth mount
Magnification with included accessories: 18x, 35x, 88x, 175x
Extensive range of accessories for easy setup
Includes smartphone holder for photography
Fully preassembled and ready for immediate use
PACKAGE CONTENTSOptical lens barrel
Altazimuth mount
Aluminium tripod with tripod spreader and eyepiece holders
2 eyepieces (31.7 mm / 1.25"): SR-4 mm, H-20 mm
2x Barlow lens
Smartphone holder
Sun filter
Astronomy software (online download) and lunar map
Instruction manual
Can mount a guiding scope, camera, and a ball head for cameras. Can be attached on the upper part of a optical tube ring.
• Size: 191×48 mm
• Weight : 0.276 kg
Vixen’s latest design of polar finder, allows a simple, hassle-free method of polar alignment. The Vixen Polarscope PF-L II for AP & SX mounts has a reticule showing the Pole star (Polaris) and two other stars (Delta UMi and 51 Cep) in their precise positions. By turning the Polarscope you can easily match the reticle with the asterism of these stars in the sky and mechanically adjust your mount’s azimuth and altitude axes to align to the true North Pole. You can then adjust the Polar star to a more precise alignment using the reticule’s year marking (which runs from 2015 to 2040, but in practise can be used much longer after this) .
Using this alignment process, with visual reference to the actual stars in the sky, a complicated alignment, using date and time to calculate Polaris offset from the pole is unnecessary. For alignment in the Southern Hemisphere you simply use the Trapezium asterism (Sigma, Chi, Tau and Upsilon Octantis) of the constellation Octans and position the reticule with the trapezium stars aligned to their marked positions.
The Polarscope has built-in LED illumination, which is dimmable in many stages, and ensures an automatic shut-off after 2 minutes, saving your battery life.
The PFL-II also has an improved edge sharpness, when compared with its predecessor.
Lighting: LED illumination, with automatic shut-off
Power supply: 3v button cell
Accuracy: ≤ 3 arc minutes
Dimensions: 47 x 55 x 127 mm
Weight: 155g
Compatibility: Vixen AP, SX, AXJ, AXD Mounts
Allen key
Battery CR2032 3v
Bring the spirit of NASA missions into your home with the ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed Dobsonian Telescope 150/1200. Enjoy detailed views of planets, the Moon, double stars, and planetary nebulae. The high-quality Newtonian optics provide clear and colour-true images of these celestial wonders. Plus, with the easy-to-assemble, user-friendly Dobsonian mount, you always have a stable base for your stargazing adventures.
See every detail day and night – through this beginner's telescope
Experience the craters and ridges of the moon, the reddish glow of Mars, or the breathtaking rings of Saturn up close – this reflecting telescope, with its very long 1,200 mm focal length, makes high magnification for exciting detailed observations particularly easy. The included eyepieces let you admire not only planets but also deep-sky objects like the Orion Nebula at 240x or 48x magnification. A great bonus: with the solar filter, you can safely observe sunspots.WARNING: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter! User-friendly mount for precise observations
The Dobsonian mount of the ISA Space Exploration Telescope is perfect for an easy start. The sturdy base scores with simple handling and enables even beginners to make precise and stable observations. Due to the mount’s smooth movements, you can effortlessly track celestial objects and enjoy a steady image, even at high magnifications. Additionally, the rocker box is quickly and easily set up and taken down – ideal for transport. The handy accessory tray keeps everything important always within reach.
Comprehensive telescope accessories for versatile use
Unpack and start right away: the Dobsonian telescope comes with a wide range of accessories. The optical finder with 6x magnification helps you keep track of the night sky and quickly find your desired objects. With the eyepiece adapter from 31.7 to 50.8 mm, you can expand your observation options and use optional 2-inch eyepieces (not included). Want to take your own snapshots of the Moon, Sun, and more? The smartphone camera holder is perfect for your first steps in astrophotography, allowing you to easily photograph through the eyepiece with your phone. Explore space like NASA and discover the highlights of the universe – with the ISA Space Exploration NASA-themed Dobsonian Telescope 150/1200!
High-quality reflecting telescope for beginners
Mirror diameter: 150 mm / Focal length: 1,200 mm / F/8
Maximum recommended magnification: 300x
Telescope for night and solar observation
High-quality Newtonian optics
Ideal telescope for planets, Moon, double stars, and planetary nebulae
Solar observation possible with the included solar filter
Stable and smooth 2-inch (50.8 mm) rack-and-pinion focuser
Main mirror made of special low-expansion glass
Easily adjustable metal tube for balancing
Detachable rocker box with accessory tray
Optics can also be used on other mounts
Various adjustment and locking screws on the mirror cell
Viewing height at zenith: approx. 115 cm (suitable for children and teenagers)
Tube with Newtonian optics
Dobsonian telescope mount (disassembled for self-assembly)
Objective solar filter
Optical 6x30 finder
2 eyepieces: 25 mm Super Plössl, 5 mm Plössl (Ø 31.7 mm / 1.25 inch)
1 extension tube, 25 mm for 2-inch focuser
1 eyepiece adapter, diameter 31.7 to 50.8 mm
2 tube rings
2 altitude wheels
Smartphone camera holder
Instruction manual
This adapter set was exclusively designed for the Vixen AXJ mount.It allows you to use a heavy AXD-TR102 tripod, which was originally intended for the heavy AXD2 mount.Simply replace the thread on the AXJ mount with the larger thread and attach your AXJ to a stationary P85DX observatory column or the TR102 tripod.FEATURESAdapts the AXJ mount for AXD tripodsAXJ M12 screw setDELIVERY CONTENTM12 screw set5 mm hex key
The new BRESSER Nebula 6 EQ/AZ Wifi-Network Mount is a precise and quiet telescope mount – ideal for astrophotography. The controller box offers numerous central connection options for various accessories such as cameras, filter wheels, and motor focusers via USB (2.0/3.0), simplifying the setup of a professional astro-photography machine.
BRESSER relies on innovation paired with quality Made in Italy for this top-class product. The long-standing experience of the manufacturer in mount construction guarantees a high-end device with first-class functionality and highest reliability. Additionally, the in-house development team for hardware and software in Italy ensures quick response times in technical support and the adaptation of new device drivers. True to the motto "Professionals at work!"
The mount is controlled via pre-installed web app software, accessible via Wifi and an Ethernet cable connection. The philosophy behind the Nebula GoTo system is to provide the user with a control system independent of a normal PC, which can be remotely controlled in all its functions via a smart device such as a mobile phone or tablet. However, this does not exclude the traditional use of computers of all types and brands, which can be connected to the system either wired or wirelessly.
The BRESSER Nebula GoTo System Controller is a Raspberry Pi 4 microcomputer, which allows complete control of the setup (mount, camera, etc.) without the need for any other external device. The BRESSER Nebula GoTo system is already equipped with all Linux-based applications necessary for performing all astrophotographic functions.The existing INDI environment allows the control of almost all devices (cameras, filter wheels, rotators, including observatory domes), necessary for conducting local or remote astrophotography sessions.
The system also offers high flexibility for users who prefer to use traditional computer client applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium, and other planetarium programs as well as SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools. This complete compatibility is ensured through the adoption of the Alpaca communication protocol, which allows the use of traditional ASCOM platform drivers for native INDI devices.
State-of-the-art mount construction
The BRESSER Nebula mounts are CNC-manufactured from stainless steel and aluminum. The simple and functional design is thanks to a renowned Italian mount manufacturer, who has designed and now also manufactures these fine BRESSER products 100%. So, look forward to a stable yet easily transportable mount, which despite its light weight of only 16 kg (including tripod) allows a high load capacity of up to 25 kg.
Visual Observation
For visual observation and direct use, control the mount with the hand control box included in the package. Alternatively, connect the Nebula 6 via WLAN directly to your smartphone or tablet and use the virtual hand control box. Of course, all adjustment parameters can also be adjusted via the web application. The user interface is deliberately simple and clear to ensure intuitive operation.
Here, the Nebula mount shows its full strength. Whether mobile or stationary, remote capability is crucial. Connect your laptop or PC either via WLAN or with an Ethernet cable (recommended for faster data transfer) directly to the Raspberry-Pi control unit of the mount. Then use the pre-installed software Kstars/EKOS to control the mount and all external devices such as cameras, motor focus, filter wheel, etc. Alternatively, you can also directly control the unit with your own software. Applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium, and other planetarium programs as well as SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools can be used without any issues.
2-in-1 Mount with EQ and AZ Mode
If required, the Nebula can be switched from the equatorial mode to the azimuthal mode. This is particularly advantageous for observing nature or tracking satellites. Thus, the mount can be used for various applications and is not limited to astronomy only.
Attachment of up to two optics
Would you like to adapt multiple optics? No problem. Simply use the option to replace the counterweight bar with another telescope. Use the second optic simply as a counterweight to the main telescope. Set the Nebula 6 to azimuthal mode, remove the counterweight bar, and screw on an extension adapter with a suitable second telescope clamp directly to the mount.
Precise and quiet telescope mount – ideal for astrophotography
Extensive connection options for various accessories via USB
Integrated web app software enables central control of all components
Integrated Raspberry Pi with USB-3 ports and Ethernet port
Compatible with client applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium
Compatible with SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools
Virtual hand control box and settings menu for smartphones and tablets
PC control – ASCOM and INDI compatible
USB ports for cameras, motors, filter wheels etc.
Conversion from parallactic to azimuthal mode possible
Small hand box for basic functions included
High load capacity yet lightweight
Mount CNC-manufactured from stainless steel and aluminum
Tooth belt drive for precise and quiet tracking
Load capacity: 18 kg in EQ mode and 25 kg in AZ mode
Dual-prism clamping for the attachment of Vixen GP and Losmandy
Weight of the mount: 11 kg
Weight of the tripod: 5 kg
Nebula 6 EQ/AZ Mount
Field tripod
Central control unit with Raspberry Pi
Counterweight: 6 kg (1 piece)
Basic hand box
Connection cables
Power supply 230V/12V/3A
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