Vixen Flattener HD Kit für FL55SS Telescopes

The Image Plane/Flattener HD Kit ensures optimal imaging quality to the edge of the image when doing astrophotography with the FL55SS and a full-frame DSLR camera

  • Field flattener lens for the FL55S fluorite refractor
  • Turns the FL55SS into a premium astrograph
  • Suitable for cameras with full-frame sensor
  • 44 mm illumination for full-frame DSLR cameras
  • Cutting-edge AS coating for high light transmission
  • Accessories: 66 mm extension tube
  • Weight: 196 g


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X000155
EAN: 4955295372522
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "Vixen Flattener HD Kit für FL55SS Telescopes"
Converts the FL55SS into a high-performance astrograph The kit consists of a high-performance flattener lens, a reducer and the EX TUBE 66 connection ring, which was developed for the FL55SS Fluorite Apochromatic Refractor and improves photographic performance by dramatically flattening the surface.

Ultra-sharp image over the entire field of view of the DSLR full-frame sensor
The Flattener HD for the FL55SS reduces the change in the focal length of the FL55SS to a minimum and improves the evenness of the surface for prime-focus photography. The 44 mm image circle covers the entire field of view of a full-frame DSLR camera. When used in combination with the HD5.5 Reducer, the focal length is reduced by 0.79x (from f5.5 to f4.3) and the image circle retains a diameter of 44 mm, which significantly improves the sharpness across the entire field of view of DSLR cameras with a full-frame sensor.

96% light volume to the edge of the field of view
The Flattener HD was specially developed for the FL55SS refractor to reduce loss of light to a minimum across the entire 44 mm image circle of full-frame DSLR cameras.

Exceptionally high contrast
The same anti-reflective AS coatings used on our high-end VSD 100 f/3.8 astrograph are used to provide an outstanding light transmission of 99.9% per lens surface. Thanks to the matte black surface of the Reducer HD kit, loss of light, ghosting and scattered light and largely prevented.


  • Ultra-sharp image over the entire field of view
  • Designed for full-frame cameras
  • Illuminates 44 mm image circle
  • Cutting-edge AS coating


  • Flattener HD kit for FL55SS
  • 66 mm extension tube
  • Dust caps
Colour: black
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



Vixen 60DA Focal adaptor for Canon EOS Cameras
Vixen 60DX Focal adaptor for Canon EOS Cameras This Vixen 60DX is a photographic adaptor for Canon EOS cameras, for use with telescopes with a 60 mm focuser drawtube connection thread. A redesign by Vixen uses new tougher materials for a more solid connection and also offers an accurate, well-machined camera rotator ring, in order to help frame your images perfectly. Camera-Adaptor for Canon EOS with 60mm Focuser connection thread Large inner diameter for full-format cameras, helping to minimise vignetting 6 locking 60° spaced bolts to hold the camera’s rotation in position Dimensions: 81mm x 30 mm / weight: 190g The option of using 6 long or 6 short fixing screws for the rotator The Vixen 60DA Focal adaptor connects your Canon EOS DSLR Camera to a telescope with an appropriate 60 mm Focuser Drawtube Thread. Thanks to the use of new materials and an improved design Vixen was able to considerably uprate both precision and durability, when compared to conventional rotational camera adaptors. Two sets of rotational locking bolts (Long and Short) are supplied. The longer ones are knurled and easy to turn by hand. The shorter options help to prevent marring of the camera casing, when using certain designs of camera and are also much less easy to turn by hand, increasing security if you need the camera locked in a particular rotational position for longer periods. The large inner dimension of this adaptor prevents vignetting at the edges of the image when using full frame DSLR cameras. Canon EOS-Bayonet fastener made of hardwearing brass, for years of hassle-free use. Increased material quality over conventional adapters provides more stability in use. 6 fixing bolts hold the camera in rotational position for increased sturdiness (standard rotators often only use 4, or less). FEATURES Screw tips with Delrin-tips prevent tilting of the camera and subsequent image distortion. Large inner diameter prevents vignetting. Inner blackening suppresses scattered light. Compatible with 60 mm accessories, when the camera adaptor is taken off. Two rotational bolt sets (Long and Short) are supplied. SCOPE OF DELIVERY 60DA Focal adaptor 6 long and 6 short fixing screws

€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

Vixen Wide Photo Adapter 60DX for Nikon
The Wide Photo Adapter 60DX connects your Nikon DSLR camera to your telescope via a 60 mm thread. Thanks to the use of new materials and an improved design, Vixen was able to significantly improve the precision and load capacity compared with conventional adapters. The adapter's large interior diameter prevents shadows at the edges of the image when using a full-frame DSLR camera.FEATURESIncreased material strength for additional stability6 screws hold the camera in position (compared with 4 on most conventional adapters)Screw tips with Delrin inserts prevents the camera from tilting and minimizes distortion.Large interior diameter prevents shadowingBlack interior prevents scattered lightCompatible with 60 mm accessories when the camera adapter is removed2 screw sets (L and S) prevent scratches on the camera housing2 screw sets for adjusting the rotation resistanceDELIVERY CONTENTVixen Wide Photo Adapter 60DX for Nikon cameras2 screw sets (L and S)

Vixen universal T2 focal adapter, 60 mm
​This Vixen focal adapter connects your DSLR or other camera to your telescope with a 60 mm thread.The large interior diameter of the adapter prevents vignetting at the edges of full-frame camera sensors.The focal adapter can be rotated so that the image field can be perfectly framed.This rotational adjustment is facilitated via 3 locking screws, ensuring a firm lock.Note: Vixen T2 ring is also required for your brand of camera.In this case, the inner ring of the T2 adapter is removed and clamped in place with three small grub screws.PROPERTIESConnects your DSLR camera to your telescopePrevents shadowingDimensions: 72 mm x 20 mmWeight: 55 gWHAT'S INCLUDEDFocal adapter universal 60 mmAssembly tool

Vixen T2 ring for Nikon
T2 rings are used as a connecting piece between the camera adapter and the camera. Please note that each camera type requires a different T-ring.FEATUREST2 adapter ring for Nikon camerasAdapts the camera to telescopes and microscopesWeight: 22 gPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen T2 ring for Nikon

Vixen T-ring for Canon EOS
T-rings are used as a connecting piece between the camera adapter and the camera. Please note that each camera type requires a different T-ring.FEATURESVixen T-ring for Canon EOS camerasConnects a camera adapter to the cameraFor microscopes, telescopes and T2 lensesWeight: 52 gPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen T-ring for Canon EOS

Vixen T-Ring for Sony E Cameras
This T2 ring allows you to use your Sony camera on a telescope or microscope with a T2 thread.Depending on the mode, you may require an additional camera adapter.FEATUREST-2 ring for connecting an SLR cameraDesigned for Sony EWeight: 113 gDELIVERY CONTENTT-2 Ring Sony E

Vixen T-Ring - Sony (Konica-Minolta-Sony Alpha)
Connects a Four Thirds camera to your telescope or microscope.A camera adapter is required for this purposeWeight: 58 gDELIVERY CONTENTVixen T-ring - Four Thirds

Vixen Micro 4/3 T-ring
T-rings are used as a connecting piece between the camera adapter and the camera. Please note that each camera type requires a different T-ring.FEATURESMicro 4/3 T-ringFor telescopes and microscopesWeight: 110 gPACKAGE CONTENTSMicro 4/3 T-ring

Vixen Fluorit refractor FL55ss
High-performance, top-of-the-range fluorite apochromat for mobile astrophotography and observers. Thanks to its small size and lightweight design, this high-quality fluorite refractor is ideal for excursions and air travel. It displays razor sharp and bright stars across the entire field of view of the full-frame image sensor (95% illumination with 44 mm image circle). The FL55SSS turns into a fast F/4.3 astrograph with the optional flattener and focal reducer. It allows you to use extremely short exposure times and a provides a large field of view for large nebulae or comets.Note: To achieve the optimum image quality of the FL55ss, we strongly recommend the purchase of this reducer and flattener set.Despite the small aperture, the FL55SS features a high-resolution HR eyepiece that produces stunningly clear images of the moon and the bright planets. When used for astrophotography, it delivers razor-sharp images of stars that are guaranteed to impress. FEATURES Objective lenses: 55 mm fluorite Focal length: 300 mm F5.5 Resolution and limiting magnitude: 2.11, 10.5 Light-gathering power: 62x Dimensions and weight: 80 x 282 mm; 1.5 kg Adapter and connections: 31.7 mm receptacle, 60 mm thread WHAT’S INCLUDED 55 mm optical tube with fluorite APO Dovetail adapter Extension Tube 60 mmDew cap Dust covers

Vixen Reducer HD Kit for FL55SS Telescopes
Convert your FL55SS fluorite refractor into a high-performance astrograph The kit includes a high-performance reducer, flattener and the ''EX TUBE 66'' extension tube, which was developed for the FL55SS Fluorite Apo Refractor and improves the photographic performance by flattening the image right up to the edges. Ultra-sharp image over the entire field of view of the DSLR full-frame sensor Designed for prime-focus photography with the FL55SS, the Flattener HD flattens the entire field of view of full-frame DSLR cameras. The 44 mm image circle covers the entire field of view of a full-frame DSLR camera. When used in combination with the HD5.5 Reducer, the focal length is reduced by 0.79x (from f5.5 to f4.3) and the illuminated area retains a diameter of 44 mm, which significantly improves the sharpness across the entire field of view of the DSLR camera. 96% illumination to the edges of the field of view The Flattener HD was specially developed for the FL55SS refractor in order to reduce light loss to a minimum. The field of view is fully illuminated up to the edges. Exceptionally high contrast The same anti-reflective AS coatings used on our high-end VSD 100 f/3.8 astrograph are also used here to provide an outstanding light transmission of 99.9% per lens surface. In addition, the matte black surface of the Reducer HD kit eliminates loss of light, ghosting and scattered light. FEATURES Ultra-sharp image over the entire field of view Reduces the focal length and flattens the image Very high light transmission (approx. 96%) AS coatings with 99.9% light transmission per lens surface Also suitable for full-frame DSLR cameras Includes 66 mm extension Reduces the aperture ratio to f4.3 Distance to chip: 63.5 mm Dimensions: 58mm x 30mm / 68mm x 45.3mm Weight: 107g / 237g DELIVERY CONTENT Reducer HD Flattener HD Extension tube Dust caps


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Vixen SD Flattener HD Kit
​High quality SD field flattener HD kit for the Vixen ED and SD refractor telescopesWith this image field plane you get razor-sharp star images up to the edge of the field of view.The flattener illuminates a 44 mm image circle and is therefore also suitable for full format cameras.The same anti-reflection AS coating that is also used for Vixen's high-end astrograph VSD 100 f / 3.8 enables a high light transmission of 99.9 percent per lens surface. Loss of light, ghosting and stray light images are almost completely eliminated by the completely matt interior coating.Can be used on the SD81S, SD103S and SD 115S, as well as the predecessor ED seriesAlso requires the Wide Photo Adapter and a T2 ringWeight 218 g

Vixen Fluorit refractor FL55ss
High-performance, top-of-the-range fluorite apochromat for mobile astrophotography and observers. Thanks to its small size and lightweight design, this high-quality fluorite refractor is ideal for excursions and air travel. It displays razor sharp and bright stars across the entire field of view of the full-frame image sensor (95% illumination with 44 mm image circle). The FL55SSS turns into a fast F/4.3 astrograph with the optional flattener and focal reducer. It allows you to use extremely short exposure times and a provides a large field of view for large nebulae or comets.Note: To achieve the optimum image quality of the FL55ss, we strongly recommend the purchase of this reducer and flattener set.Despite the small aperture, the FL55SS features a high-resolution HR eyepiece that produces stunningly clear images of the moon and the bright planets. When used for astrophotography, it delivers razor-sharp images of stars that are guaranteed to impress. FEATURES Objective lenses: 55 mm fluorite Focal length: 300 mm F5.5 Resolution and limiting magnitude: 2.11, 10.5 Light-gathering power: 62x Dimensions and weight: 80 x 282 mm; 1.5 kg Adapter and connections: 31.7 mm receptacle, 60 mm thread WHAT’S INCLUDED 55 mm optical tube with fluorite APO Dovetail adapter Extension Tube 60 mmDew cap Dust covers

BRESSER Messier AR-102/1000 EXOS-2/EQ5 Telescope
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation. Ambitious beginners and advanced observers alike will see the brightest objects outside our solar system with the BRESSER MESSIER AR-102. Watch details in the Great Orion Nebula from the astonishing distance of 1500 lightyears ( km)! The rock-solid mount provides relaxed views even at high magnifications; rigidity and usability are setting new standards in this price range. Due to the sophisticated mount you can even start taking pictures of the moon with this telescope; scanning the lunar terminator is simply a pleasure. You will never give the BRESSER MESSIER AR-102 away voluntarily.  CHARACTERISTICS OPTICOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 102mm / focal length: 1000mm / F/9,8Maximum recommended magnification: 204xHigh-quality and light gathering achromatic objective lens Modern multi-coating of the lenses for a bright and high-contrast image Robust aluminium tube construction Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 6x30 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece; optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7mm (1.25") zenith mirror Hand grip for comfortable transport with integrated camera holder (photo thread screw) Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 50.8 to 31.7mm adapter with integrated T2 adapter (optional T2 ring required) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Telescope for night and solar observing CHARACTERISTICS MOUNT Stable parallactic mount with fine drive in both axes Ball bearings in both axes for more precise movements Stable height adjustable stainless steel tripod ( Min. 69cm / Max. 109,5cm ) Load capacity up to 13 kg payload Retrofittable with the Bresser Star Tracker Goto Kit ( item no. 4951750 ) Circular bubble for easy horizontal alignment Pole height scale for setting the latitude Scaled graduated circular rings to facilitate finding objects using a star atlas or planetarium software Pole finder scope with optional illumination ( item no. 4964212 ) Tripod weight: 4.7 kg Mount weight: 5.6 kg (without counterweight) Total weight incl. counterweight: 14.8 kg Batteries: not included Scope of delivery optical tube 26mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7mm / 1.25") 31.7mm (1.25") zenith mirror integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 6x30 viewfinder Rotatable star chart Lens solar filter Tube clamps with carrying handle and camera mount Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download) Bresser EXOS-2 mount 1 x 4.5 kg counterweight Stainless steel tube field tripod with accessory tray

Vixen VSD90ss Astrograph
Fast 90 mm high-performance astrograph for demanding astrophotographers and observers with 5 lens elements in 5 groups. Due to the complex optical structure with five lens groups and five elements (quintuplet), including two SD (Super ED) lenses and an ED lens (Extra-low Dispersion) , a virtually aberration-free optical system was created. This revolutionary astrograph is compatible with a full-frame digital DSLR or an even larger 44x33 mm camera. The 90 mm astrograph with fast aperture ratio delivers exceptionally sharp, high-contrast and small point stars from the centre to the corners of the field of view. In addition, it is also ideal for visual observation with a very large field of view but also for planetary observation with high magnification. The VSD90ss is designed so that there is a "long peak range" in the adjustment accuracy of the sharpness, so that photographers can always achieve satisfactory results in astrophotography. Even if the focus is not quite precise, round and sharp stars are still shown throughout the entire image field. Illumination without vignetting In most cases, an astrograph also produces optical vignetting (a gradual decrease in light rays towards the edge of the image) This is mainly caused by rear lenses being shaded by the front lenses. Because of this darkening, it is relatively normal for the photographer to have to further edit the image after taking the picture and also have to do some additional so-called flats before taking the picture. To solve this problem, the VSD90ss uses wide aperture lenses in the rear elements, securing over 90 % of the light volume at the edge of the 60 mm image circle. Since the light intensity is uniform throughout the entire image field of the VSD90ss, there is no need for complex technology to prevent edge darkening. The VSD90ss is coated with the most modern coatings of extremely high reflectivity. These coatings have been specifically developed to optimize the properties of each individual lens element without degrading contrast and light intensity across multiple lenses. Numerous gradations of light bring beautiful point-like stars into the image field The low optical vignetting ensures sufficient illumination and thus eliminates the asymmetric flare caused by bright, diffraction-limited stars. It prevents stars at the edge of the 60 mm image circle from exhibiting deformations such as comets, astigmatism or coma. Since the illumination of the image field is relatively similar from the center to the edge of the image, you can expect excellent star imaging. Please note: *Depending on the recording system used, mechanical vignetting can still occur due to the camera body or incorrect adapters. 96.7% Strehl for impressive visual observations The VSD90ss offers a flattened large field of view with a low magnification wide angle eyepiece. Even with a high-quality wide-field eyepiece with a large field of view, you can get sharp images of stars in the entire field of view when visually observing! In the centre of the field of view, a Strehl intensity of an impressive 96.7% is achieved at visible wavelengths. This Strehl ratio exceeds that of the SD81SII apochromat at 95.7%, which is known for its excellent optical properties, and this also works excellently when observing the moon and planets at high magnification. The versatile large and stable focuser The VSD90ss has a large focuser with a diameter of 87.5 mm to make optimal use of the large illumination field of 60 mm. With the large extension that is compatible with many accessories, it is perfect for astrophotography up to large format or 35 mm full frame DSLR cameras. Thanks to its precise manufacturing, it is also suitable for very heavy cameras without tipping. The precision locking lever of the eyepiece extension The focuser's extension tube has a locking lever that holds the extension tube firmly in position even when using heavy cameras such as large format cameras or CCD cameras with a large sensor. The locking lever clamps the rack gear to the extension barrel so that the viewing angle or focus on your camera does not shift. Compatible with motor driven focusers An optional two-speed motor focuser (not included) is available for the VSD90ss to provide sensitive focusing. An EAF (Electronic Automatic Focuser) from ZWO or equivalent can also be retrofitted. Optional VSD Reducer for even faster results The tried and tested optional VSD reducer, which was also used on the predecessor, the VSD 100, is also compatible with the VSD90ss. The photographer gets even faster results in astrophotography with an aperture ratio of 1:3.9. CHARACTERISTICS 90 mm aperture, 495 mm focal length (F5.5) Needle-fine stars up to the image field edge in 44x33 mm format 5 lens elements in 5 groups Image illumination up to 60 mm Resolution power: 1.29 Limit size: 11.5 Light gathering capacity: 165x Illumination: 60 mm Dimensions: 115 mm diameter x 600 mm length (476 mm length for storage) Weight: 4.3 kg Connections/Thread: Size thread/84 mm (pitch 1 mm), 60 mm (pitch 1.0 mm), 42 mm for T-ring push fit / 60.2 mm, 50.8 mm and 31.7 mm Solar observation: separately available solar projection approach B Optional VSD100 reducer compatible (opening ratio F: 3.9) SCOPE OF DELIVERY VSD90ss high performance astrograph

BRESSER Messier AR127s/635 EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GoTo Telescope Set
A compelling combination: Enjoy spectacular sky observations with the BRESSER Messier AR-127S/635 tube and the EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GoTo mount, both day and night. Thanks to its compact design, the telescope is perfect for wide-field observations, such as breathtaking views of the Andromeda Galaxy or large gas nebulae. The four-lens achromat with its large 127 mm aperture provides high contrast and minimal color aberration. The high-quality solar filter also allows safe observations of our home star. This modern mount provides precise tracking and intuitive sky navigation via the app for all your astrophotography and exploration needs. The Telescope As a quality telescope for night and solar observations, the BRESSER Messier AR-127S/635 tube with its compact design offers particularly large and bright fields of view. Be sure to use it to observe the Andromeda Galaxy! The light from this object, visible over 2 million light-years away, is as spectacular through this telescope as observing large gas nebulae. Thanks to the large aperture, the Messier AR-127S/635 can use nebula filters that enhance gas nebulae with remarkable contrast. The special construction as a four-lens achromat achieves minimal color error and better photographic correction than comparable two-lens devices, even with a very fast focal ratio of f/5 for a refractor. With the high-quality solar filter, you can safely observe sunspots, eclipses, and planetary transits. (Warning: Never point the telescope at the sun without a solar filter.) The Mount The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GoTo mount is equipped with a modern, highly accurate GoTo control system. It consists of a robust Wi-Fi controller unit providing all necessary interfaces. The NEMA-11 stepper motors are connected directly to this unit by cable, and an ST-4 compatible autoguider interface is also available. Additionally, the control supports micro-step mode for precise tracking. Intuitive operation via app and graphic star map The ExploreStars app, developed specifically for the PMC-Eight system, offers an intuitive, visually pleasing user interface. The app displays available alignment stars for system initialization and all celestial objects in the database as a star map with additional text information. All objects can be easily viewed and selected. Powerful controller unit with Open GoTo for customization The heart of the controller unit is a fully autonomous, 2-channel multi-processor with 8 CPUs and a Wi-Fi Ethernet 10/100 adapter with IP functionality. This setup enables remote operation via browser, ASCOM, app, or serial connection. Open GoTo allows custom firmware to be written and loaded onto the controller, enabling individual customization of device functions and the creation of custom object lists. Polar finder included The included pre-mounted polar finder scope enables quick and precise alignment and long exposure times without unwanted star trails. The integrated LED lighting unit further enhances the usability of the polar finder. TELESCOPE FEATURES Type: Refractor telescope Lens diameter: 127 mm / Focal length: 635 mm / F/5 Maximum useful magnification: 254x Telescope for night and solar observations High-quality BRESSER refractor optics Four-lens design for enhanced imaging performance Ideal universal telescope for planets, double stars, planetary nebulae, and deep-sky Very high-quality Hexafoc focuser with a 2.5" internal diameter 6x30 finder with crosshair eyepiece; optimized holder for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25") star diagonal mirror Handle for easy transport with integrated camera holder (photo thread) Smartphone camera adapter for sky navigation included Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44-mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 50.8 to 31.7 mm adapter with integrated T2 thread (optional T2 ring required) MOUNT FEATURES Powerful PMC-8 Open GoTo system User-friendly and visually appealing ExploreStars OpenGoto app Wi-Fi control via tablet, notebook, or desktop PC with a minimum 7" display and Wi-Fi function (not included) Compatible operating systems: WIN8.1, WIN10/11, iOS, or Android 4.4 and higher Classic control via directional buttons or joystick for guiding, centering, correcting, and moving via touchscreen Intuitive 2-star and 3-star alignment for GoTo initialization Multiprocessor microcontroller with 8 CPUs (cores) Micro-stepper motors NEMA-11 Highly precise and quiet toothed belt drive ST-4 compatible autoguider interface ASCOM driver available, also supports pulse guiding Ability to create and load custom firmware and object lists into the PMC-8 GPS compatible / settings depend on the computer or tablet used Powered by 12V DC; max current draw at full load: 1.6 amps SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube with Hexafoc focuser Solar filter Eyepieces: 26 mm Super Plössl, 31.7 mm (1.25") 2" eyepiece adapter 8x50 finder scope Star diagonal mirror Tube rings with carrying handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for navigation Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44 mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) Astronomy PC software Stellarium (downloadable) Rotatable star map EXOS2-GT mount with Open GoTo PMC-8 Stainless steel tripod with built-in bubble level Counterweight 2 x 4.5 kg Polar finder with illumination unit 12V / 2A power adapter ExploreStars app (downloadable) User manual

€1,298.00* €1,518.00* (14.49% saved)
Vixen SD81SII Telescope OTA
A new 81 mm apochromatic refractor with high-performance Super ED glass (= SD). The advantage of these SD refractors is their short length and low weight.The FPL53 glass reproduces an extremely clear and sharp image due to an exceptionally high elimination of residual colour errors. The SD glass is designed to bring all rays of violet, red, blue, yellow and green together very precisely on the same plane. Thus, the special lens material reduces chromatic aberration across all colours.The new Vixen SD81SII no longer uses spacer plates, which leads to significantly better image quality, especially with bright stars. This means that there are no more spikes on the stars in photographic images, which were otherwise produced by the spacer plates. You will be thrilled when you look at the moon or the brighter planets and observe the moon craters pin sharp and with an extremely high contrast. Observe the ring planet Saturn or the cloud bands on Jupiter.But of course, brighter deep sky objects such as the Orion Nebula or the Andromeda Galaxy can also be observed impressively.In combination with the new optional SD Reducer HD Kit or SD Flattener HD, this refractor allows illumination with a 44 mm image circle for full-frame SLR cameras.The older ED81SII, ED103S, ED115S refractors were originally designed for the visual observer or the photographer using APS-C cameras. However, the new SD series has been optimised for use with full-frame cameras by inserting new inner baffle rings.The large 60 mm focuser allows heavy cameras to be attached without tilting. The supplied flip mirror allows comfortable observation, even in unfavourable observation situations, and also offers a T2 thread for connecting a DSLR camera.Thus, observing in degree view or at a 90° angle is possible. The carrying handle attached to the tube clamps ensures a secure hold when transporting the telescope.FEATURESObjective Lens: D=81 mm, multi-coated 2-Lens SD Apochromat without spacer plates No more spikes on the stars Focal Length: 625 mm (f7.7) Resolution and visual limit: 1.43 arcseconds; 11.3 Mag Light gathering capacity: 134x unaided eyesDimensions and weight: 90 mm dia x 585 mm, 3.6 kg Finderscope: XY Red Dot Finder II Adapter and connections: Adapter thread 60 mm and 31.7 mm for T2-ringConnection 50.8 mm and 31.7 mm socket with flip-mirror diagonal mirrorPhotography: primary focus and eyepiece projection SCOPE OF DELIVERY Refractor telescope SD81SII Tube rings Flip mirror system Carrying handle Dovetail rail Red dot viewfinder

Vixen mounting base for finder scope
​Vixen finder shoe for attaching a Vixen-profile finder bracket to your telescope (also works with many other finder brackets).PROPERTIESVixen standard connectionFixing with two screwsWHAT'S INCLUDEDVixen finder shoeFastening screws
