Vixen HF2 Fork Mount

Vixen HF2 azimuthal fork mount for stable mounting of large binoculars with 13 kg load capacity

  • Fork mount for mounting large binoculars
  • The angle of the fork can be adjusted
  • Quick and easy azimuthal alignment
  • Suitable for APP-TL 130 and SXG HAL 130 stands
  • Weight: 3.4 kg


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Product number: X000162
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Product information "Vixen HF2 Fork Mount"
The HF2 mount is an azimuthal fork mount for mounting large binoculars. It also requires the X000161 mounting plate for attachment of different binocular types. Not required with the BT126S-A.

  • Can be used with: SXG-HAL130, SXG-AL130, APP-TL130
  • Bearing capacity: 13 kg
  • Weight: 3.4 kg

  • HF2 fork mount
  • Mounting tool
Colour: white
Material: Aluminium
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Azimutal

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



Vixen Mounting Plate for large Binoculars in the HF2 Fork Mount
This plate is designed for large binoculars with 1/4’’ photo thread screws. It is inserted into the HF2 fork mount. The maximum width of the binoculars must be 251mm in order for them to be mounted. FEATURES Mounting plate for large binoculars and BT series Weight: 1 kg WHAT’S INCLUDED Mounting plate for large binoculars 1/4’’ photo thread screw

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Vixen SXG-HAL130 Aluminum Tripod for GP, SX & AP Mounts
High-quality, stable aluminium tripod for a variety of mounts with 45 mm connections. The aluminium profile ensures firm positioning with a minimum amount of vibration. Suitable for GP2, GPD2, AP, SX, SXP, SXP2 and AXJ mounts or similar with 45 mm connections. FEATURES Robust aluminium tripod without mount Suitable for: GP-, SX- & AP mounts Height-adjustable: 81 - 130 cm Weight: 5.5 kg WHAT’S INCLUDED Aluminium tripod Adjustment pins for GP2, GPD2, AP and SX mounts

Vixen APP-TL130 Tripod for AP, GPD & SX Mounts
The APP-TL130 tripod is a lightweight, portable tripod for all standard Vixen mounts with a 45 mm support. Compatible tripods include the Vixen HF2, SX, AP and AXJ mounts. The tripod is adjustable in 3 sections and can be retracted to a very small size. Weighing just 3 kg, it is ideal for astronomy trips. FEATURES Leg section: 3x extendable Maximum extended height: 1296 mm Minimum retracted height: 598.4 mm Material: Aluminium Weight: 3.0 kg Maximum height: 1159 mm (height above the ground) Minimum height: 526 mm (height above the ground) WHAT’S INCLUDED Aluminium tripod Adjustment pins for GP2, GPD2, AP and SX mounts

Vixen BT-81S-A Astronomy Binoculars
Take a look through the new Vixen BT-81S-A binoculars. You will be impressed when you use them to observe gas nebula, star clusters or comets. The magnesium fluoride coating reduces chromatic aberration and the large aperture of 81 mm ensures a razor-sharp, contrast-rich image. The BT-81S-A binocular telescope set weighs 4.1 kg, is portable and also exceptionally suited for nature observations. FEATURES Objective lenses: 81 mm 2-lens achromat, multi-coated Focal length: 480 mm (f5.9) Resolution and limiting magnitude: 1.43 arc seconds; 11.3 Light-gathering power: 134x Dimensions and weight: 480 x 190 x 155 mm; 4.1 kg Adapter and connections: 31.7 mm sockets WHAT’S INCLUDED Binoculars 80 mm Carry handle Viewfinder Dew caps

Vixen rigid Accessory Tray for HAL130 and Porta II Tripods
The Vixen rigid Accessory Tray for HAL130 and Porta II Tripods offers practical storage space for eyepieces and various accessories.It also improves the overall stability of the tripod.The tray can be used on the HAL130 and SXG HAL 130 for GP and SX, as well as on the Porta II tripod.PROPERTIESFor eyepieces and various accessoriesIncreases the stability of the tripodsCan be used on HAL130, SXG HAL 130 and Porta tripodsWHAT'S INCLUDEDTray for tripodsScrew set 


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Vixen Mounting Plate for large Binoculars in the HF2 Fork Mount
This plate is designed for large binoculars with 1/4’’ photo thread screws. It is inserted into the HF2 fork mount. The maximum width of the binoculars must be 251mm in order for them to be mounted. FEATURES Mounting plate for large binoculars and BT series Weight: 1 kg WHAT’S INCLUDED Mounting plate for large binoculars 1/4’’ photo thread screw

Vixen BT-126SS-A Astronomy Binoculars
With a new optical design and extremely high resolution, the Vixen BT126SS binoculars provide a considerably more detailed view for astronomical observations. The BT126SS binoculars are characterized by two 126 mm achromatic object lenses and provide 300% more light than the naked eye. 45° angled eyepiece holders offer comfortable, fatigue-free observation. Each eyepiece holder has capacity for 1.25’’ eyepieces. The exchangeable eyepieces allow you to change magnification quickly for the various objects of observation. FEATURES Objective lenses: 126 mm 2-lens achromat Focal length: 625 mm Resolution and limiting magnitude: 0.93 arc seconds, 12.3 light-gathering power 324x Dimensions and weight: 630 x 360 x 200 mm; 10.5 kg Adapter and connections: 31.7 mm clamp WHAT’S INCLUDED Binoculars Carry handle Viewfinder base

BRESSER Nebula 6 EQ/AZ Wifi-Network Mount
The new BRESSER Nebula 6 EQ/AZ Wifi-Network Mount is a precise and quiet telescope mount – ideal for astrophotography. The controller box offers numerous central connection options for various accessories such as cameras, filter wheels, and motor focusers via USB (2.0/3.0), simplifying the setup of a professional astro-photography machine. BRESSER relies on innovation paired with quality Made in Italy for this top-class product. The long-standing experience of the manufacturer in mount construction guarantees a high-end device with first-class functionality and highest reliability. Additionally, the in-house development team for hardware and software in Italy ensures quick response times in technical support and the adaptation of new device drivers. True to the motto "Professionals at work!" The mount is controlled via pre-installed web app software, accessible via Wifi and an Ethernet cable connection. The philosophy behind the Nebula GoTo system is to provide the user with a control system independent of a normal PC, which can be remotely controlled in all its functions via a smart device such as a mobile phone or tablet. However, this does not exclude the traditional use of computers of all types and brands, which can be connected to the system either wired or wirelessly. The BRESSER Nebula GoTo System Controller is a Raspberry Pi 4 microcomputer, which allows complete control of the setup (mount, camera, etc.) without the need for any other external device. The BRESSER Nebula GoTo system is already equipped with all Linux-based applications necessary for performing all astrophotographic functions.The existing INDI environment allows the control of almost all devices (cameras, filter wheels, rotators, including observatory domes), necessary for conducting local or remote astrophotography sessions. The system also offers high flexibility for users who prefer to use traditional computer client applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium, and other planetarium programs as well as SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools. This complete compatibility is ensured through the adoption of the Alpaca communication protocol, which allows the use of traditional ASCOM platform drivers for native INDI devices. State-of-the-art mount construction The BRESSER Nebula mounts are CNC-manufactured from stainless steel and aluminum. The simple and functional design is thanks to a renowned Italian mount manufacturer, who has designed and now also manufactures these fine BRESSER products 100%. So, look forward to a stable yet easily transportable mount, which despite its light weight of only 16 kg (including tripod) allows a high load capacity of up to 25 kg. Visual Observation For visual observation and direct use, control the mount with the hand control box included in the package. Alternatively, connect the Nebula 6 via WLAN directly to your smartphone or tablet and use the virtual hand control box. Of course, all adjustment parameters can also be adjusted via the web application. The user interface is deliberately simple and clear to ensure intuitive operation. Astrophotography Here, the Nebula mount shows its full strength. Whether mobile or stationary, remote capability is crucial. Connect your laptop or PC either via WLAN or with an Ethernet cable (recommended for faster data transfer) directly to the Raspberry-Pi control unit of the mount. Then use the pre-installed software Kstars/EKOS to control the mount and all external devices such as cameras, motor focus, filter wheel, etc. Alternatively, you can also directly control the unit with your own software. Applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium, and other planetarium programs as well as SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools can be used without any issues. 2-in-1 Mount with EQ and AZ Mode If required, the Nebula can be switched from the equatorial mode to the azimuthal mode. This is particularly advantageous for observing nature or tracking satellites. Thus, the mount can be used for various applications and is not limited to astronomy only. Attachment of up to two optics Would you like to adapt multiple optics? No problem. Simply use the option to replace the counterweight bar with another telescope. Use the second optic simply as a counterweight to the main telescope. Set the Nebula 6 to azimuthal mode, remove the counterweight bar, and screw on an extension adapter with a suitable second telescope clamp directly to the mount. FEATURES Precise and quiet telescope mount – ideal for astrophotography Extensive connection options for various accessories via USB Integrated web app software enables central control of all components Integrated Raspberry Pi with USB-3 ports and Ethernet port Compatible with client applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium Compatible with SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools Virtual hand control box and settings menu for smartphones and tablets PC control – ASCOM and INDI compatible USB ports for cameras, motors, filter wheels etc. Conversion from parallactic to azimuthal mode possible Small hand box for basic functions included High load capacity yet lightweight Mount CNC-manufactured from stainless steel and aluminum Tooth belt drive for precise and quiet tracking Load capacity: 18 kg in EQ mode and 25 kg in AZ mode Dual-prism clamping for the attachment of Vixen GP and Losmandy Weight of the mount: 11 kg Weight of the tripod: 5 kg SCOPE OF DELIVERY Nebula 6 EQ/AZ Mount Field tripod Central control unit with Raspberry Pi Counterweight: 6 kg (1 piece) Basic hand box Connection cables Power supply 230V/12V/3A

BRESSER Astro & Marine SF 10x50 WP binoculars
The ASTRO & MARINE binoculars from BRESSER are ideal for astronomy and maritime use, e.g. sailing and water sports enthusiasts. Robust and weatherproof per IPX6 levelThanks to their ergonomic rubber armouring, these binoculars fit securely in the hand and are also well protected against shocks and bumps. The binoculars are waterproof and filled with nitrogen. This effectively prevents fogging of the lenses, even in unfavourable weather conditions. Lightweight with tripod connection threadThe robust, yet very light construction is made possible by the most modern magnesium housing construction. Magnesium is around 35% lighter than aluminium. Due to the moderate 10x magnification and the low weight, these 10x50s are also very well suited for hands-free use. Nevertheless, there is a tripod connection thread on the centre axis. This means that the ASTRO & MARINE model can also be mounted securely on a photo tripod using the tripod adapter (Art.4914925) which is included as part of the package. Although this is not absolutely necessary with a magnification of 10x, it is highly recommended, especially for long-time astronomical observations, in order to obtain an absolutely steady image. Eyepieces for comfortable viewingThe precise single eyepiece focusing (SF) makes it possible to focus the binoculars once and then clearly observe all resolvable objects in the night sky, or on the horizon. In addition, this design prevents accidental change of focus. Foldable rubber eyecups and eyepieces with a comfortable eye relief distance (WP) of 20mm also allow those who have to wear glasses to observe, to use the entire field of view. High quality opticsThanks to fully multi-coated Bak4 optics, large 50mm objective lens diameter and the well-corrected eyepieces with 5 lenses in 3 groups, these excellent binoculars produce sharp and brilliant images. The maximum reduction of stray light achieved by internal baffles and housing/edge blackening, results in the best possible optical image and perfect contrast, even in difficult light conditions and especially at night.FEATURESBinoculars for astronomy, landscape observation and water sportsWaterproof per IPX6 level and filled with nitrogen to prevent lens foggingAlso for use in unfavourable weather conditionsExtremely high light gathering optics, making them ideal for night-time observationModerate magnification for a steady image, even when hand-holdingMagnification: 10x / Lens diameter: 50mmSingle eyepiece focus (SF) and foldable rubber eyecups, also suitable for spectacle-wearersWide pupil distance (WP) of 20mm for comfortable viewingWell corrected eyepieces for ultimate image sharpness and pinpoint star imagesModern multi-layer coatings on all lens surfaces for high light transmissionErgonomic rubber armouring - very good grip and protects against shocks and bumpsRobust construction, yet still lightweight due to magnesium housingDimensions: 191 x 202 x 66 mm / Weight: 1165 grams / Colour: blackTripod connection thread 1/4 inch available on the binocular bridgeMetal photo tripod adapter already included in deliveryWHAT'S INCLUDED Binoculars Carrying strap Dust caps Nylon travel bag Photo tripod adapter (Art. 4914925) Instruction manual

BT-ED70S-A Binocular Telescope
Large binoculars with 70 mm ED glass objective lensesObserve the beauty of the starry sky at night and distant objects in nature during the day. By customer request, we have succeeded in producing a new edition of these legendary binoculars. The ED glass lenses guarantee enormously high sharpness, contrast and colour purity even during the day. Globular clusters, luminous gas nebulae, the moon with its craters and even planets can be observed wonderfully on a clear night. But also all other distant things in nature and landscape, even ships, aircrafts and animals can be seen in detail at long distances. With the binoculars of the Vixen BT series, you can bring everything up close. The large, fast ED lenses in combination with the ultra modern magnesium fluorite coatings on all lens surfaces enable maximum light transmission. Thus, these binoculars produce bright, sharp and high-contrast images even at night and dusk, allowing for a particularly aesthetic viewing pleasure.Comfortable travel binoculars can also be used with photo tripodsThe comfortable 45-degree viewer enables comfortable viewing even when the binoculars are tilted towards the zenith. The BT-ED70S-A large binoculars are 4 kg light and particularly portable. An attached metal carrying handle ensures easy transport and a secure grip during tripod mounting. The binoculars have a standard Vixen dovetail rail as well as a standard 1/4 and 3/8 inch photo tripod thread. They can therefore be used on almost all common photo tripods and telescope mounts.The ideal binocular mountHowever, we recommend the Vixen HF2 fork mount for mounting. Thanks to its sophisticated design and precision mechanics, it offers perfect viewing comfort and practically zero vibrations. Especially for astronomical observations, a solid mount with tripod is one of the most important accessories. This guarantees observation without shaking and allows you to see even the finest details.Interchangeable 1.25-inch eyepiecesStay flexible and use your favourite eyepieces and ideal magnification. The BT-ED70S-A has standardised 1.25-inch eyepiece holders, allowing you to change eyepieces at any time.Which eyepieces can be used?All eyepieces with a 1.25'' barrel. Eyepieces with focal lengths of 8 to 26 mm are particularly recommended. The magnification can thus be varied from approx. 15x to 50x (focal length of binoculars : focal length of eyepiece = magnification). The eyepieces are held in the binoculars by a precise brass ring clamp and guarantee a tilt-free position. Depending on the interpupillary distance, the outer diameter of the eyepiece housing should not exceed a value of approx. 50 mm. Of course, two identical eyepieces of the same series should always be used.Use of colour and nebula filters for astronomical observationsIncrease the contrast and visibility of objects and details by screwing the appropriate filters directly into the thread of the eyepiece sleeves. Of course, colour and nebula filters must always be used in pairs. All EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC screw-in filters with 1.25''/31.7 mm diameter are suitable (see Art. No. 03102xx).Comfortable 45-degree viewer and single focusingThe 45-degree viewer enables a relaxed observation position even when the binoculars are heavily tilted. The individual interpupillary distance can also be adjusted within a range of 58 to 102 mm. The fine helical focusing system makes precise focusing simple and effortless.Retractable dewcapsThe integrated dew caps can be pulled out in high humidity and cold conditions. This prevents fogging of the outer objective lenses and effectively shields from additional stray light coming in from the side.FEATURESObjective lenses: 70 mm / ED apochromaticFull multi-coating on all lens surfacesFocal length 400 mm (F = 5.7)Resolving power: 1.66 arcsecondsLimiting magnitude: Mag 11.0Dimensions: 400 × 190 × 155 mmWeight: 4 kgAdjustable interpupillary distance: 58-102 mmIntegrated and retractable dew capsViewfinder shoe: Vixen StandardEyepiece mount: 1.25 inch / 31.7 mm barrel diameterSingle eyepiece focusingTripod mount: GP dovetail rail, 1/4 and 3/8 inch photo tripod threads.SCOPE OF DELIVERYBT-ED70S-A Large Binoculars (without eyepieces)Vixen finder shoeIntegrated dew capsDust coverCarrying handle

Vixen BT-81S-A Astronomy Binoculars
Take a look through the new Vixen BT-81S-A binoculars. You will be impressed when you use them to observe gas nebula, star clusters or comets. The magnesium fluoride coating reduces chromatic aberration and the large aperture of 81 mm ensures a razor-sharp, contrast-rich image. The BT-81S-A binocular telescope set weighs 4.1 kg, is portable and also exceptionally suited for nature observations. FEATURES Objective lenses: 81 mm 2-lens achromat, multi-coated Focal length: 480 mm (f5.9) Resolution and limiting magnitude: 1.43 arc seconds; 11.3 Light-gathering power: 134x Dimensions and weight: 480 x 190 x 155 mm; 4.1 kg Adapter and connections: 31.7 mm sockets WHAT’S INCLUDED Binoculars 80 mm Carry handle Viewfinder Dew caps

Vixen SXG-HAL130 Aluminum Tripod for GP, SX & AP Mounts
High-quality, stable aluminium tripod for a variety of mounts with 45 mm connections. The aluminium profile ensures firm positioning with a minimum amount of vibration. Suitable for GP2, GPD2, AP, SX, SXP, SXP2 and AXJ mounts or similar with 45 mm connections. FEATURES Robust aluminium tripod without mount Suitable for: GP-, SX- & AP mounts Height-adjustable: 81 - 130 cm Weight: 5.5 kg WHAT’S INCLUDED Aluminium tripod Adjustment pins for GP2, GPD2, AP and SX mounts
