Vixen M56 filter adapter for M48mm and M52mm filter thread

This adapter ring enables you to take colour and nebula filters with M48 and M52 thread

  • Vixen M56 Filteradapter für M48mm und M52mm Filtergewinde
  • Adapted to M52 thread for photo filters
  • Adapted to M48 thread for astronomical nebula filters
  • Can be used with the 60mm Wide Photo Adapters
  • Female thread M48 x 0.75mm
  • Female thread M52 x 0.75mm
  • Male thread M56 x 0.75mm
  • Dimension: 56 x 7 mm
  • Weight: 7g
  • High manufacturing quality "Made in Japan


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X037239
EAN: 4955295372393
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

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Product information "Vixen M56 filter adapter for M48mm and M52mm filter thread"
This adapter ring enables you to take colour and nebula filters with M48 and M52 thread.

The M56 thread of the filter adapter is screwed into the Wide Photo Adapter AD 60DX, for example, and then offers an adaptation to M52 and M48 filter threads for various nebula filters for photography. The adapter has each one 48 mm and 52 mm thread. The adapter ring can be used on the Wide Photo Adapter 60DX, Wide Photo Adapter 60 mm, 60 mm ring with T-thread adapter or the EA60mm up to 50.8mm.

The adapter ring can be used on the telescopes A81M, A105M II, SD81S, SD115S, AX103S, FL55SS, VC200L, VMC200L, VMC260Lin combination with the optionally available adapters described above.

The Corrector PH, the Extender PH and the Coma Corrector 3 cannot be used with this Adater when used with the R200SS OTA in combination with the EA 60mm to 50.8mm.

  • Internal thread M48 (diameter 48 mm, thread pitch = 0.75 mm)
  • Internal thread M52 (diameter 52 mm, thread pitch = 0.75 mm)
  • External thread M56 (diameter 56 mm, thread pitch = 0.75 mm)Applicable adapters: Wide Photo AD 60DX, Wide Photo AD 60 mm, 60 mm ring with T-thread AD, EA60 mm to 50.8 mm
  • Dimensions: 56 x 7 mm
  • Weight: 7g
  • Made in Japan

  • Filter adapter for M48mm and M52mm filter thread
Colour: black
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



Vixen Wide Photo Adapter 60DX for Nikon
The Wide Photo Adapter 60DX connects your Nikon DSLR camera to your telescope via a 60 mm thread. Thanks to the use of new materials and an improved design, Vixen was able to significantly improve the precision and load capacity compared with conventional adapters. The adapter's large interior diameter prevents shadows at the edges of the image when using a full-frame DSLR camera.FEATURESIncreased material strength for additional stability6 screws hold the camera in position (compared with 4 on most conventional adapters)Screw tips with Delrin inserts prevents the camera from tilting and minimizes distortion.Large interior diameter prevents shadowingBlack interior prevents scattered lightCompatible with 60 mm accessories when the camera adapter is removed2 screw sets (L and S) prevent scratches on the camera housing2 screw sets for adjusting the rotation resistanceDELIVERY CONTENTVixen Wide Photo Adapter 60DX for Nikon cameras2 screw sets (L and S)

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Vixen 60DA Focal adaptor for Canon EOS Cameras
Vixen 60DX Focal adaptor for Canon EOS Cameras This Vixen 60DX is a photographic adaptor for Canon EOS cameras, for use with telescopes with a 60 mm focuser drawtube connection thread. A redesign by Vixen uses new tougher materials for a more solid connection and also offers an accurate, well-machined camera rotator ring, in order to help frame your images perfectly. Camera-Adaptor for Canon EOS with 60mm Focuser connection thread Large inner diameter for full-format cameras, helping to minimise vignetting 6 locking 60° spaced bolts to hold the camera’s rotation in position Dimensions: 81mm x 30 mm / weight: 190g The option of using 6 long or 6 short fixing screws for the rotator The Vixen 60DA Focal adaptor connects your Canon EOS DSLR Camera to a telescope with an appropriate 60 mm Focuser Drawtube Thread. Thanks to the use of new materials and an improved design Vixen was able to considerably uprate both precision and durability, when compared to conventional rotational camera adaptors. Two sets of rotational locking bolts (Long and Short) are supplied. The longer ones are knurled and easy to turn by hand. The shorter options help to prevent marring of the camera casing, when using certain designs of camera and are also much less easy to turn by hand, increasing security if you need the camera locked in a particular rotational position for longer periods. The large inner dimension of this adaptor prevents vignetting at the edges of the image when using full frame DSLR cameras. Canon EOS-Bayonet fastener made of hardwearing brass, for years of hassle-free use. Increased material quality over conventional adapters provides more stability in use. 6 fixing bolts hold the camera in rotational position for increased sturdiness (standard rotators often only use 4, or less). FEATURES Screw tips with Delrin-tips prevent tilting of the camera and subsequent image distortion. Large inner diameter prevents vignetting. Inner blackening suppresses scattered light. Compatible with 60 mm accessories, when the camera adaptor is taken off. Two rotational bolt sets (Long and Short) are supplied. SCOPE OF DELIVERY 60DA Focal adaptor 6 long and 6 short fixing screws

Vixen focal adapter for Canon EOS
The Vixen focal adapter can be used to connect your DSLR camera to your telescope via a 60-mm thread. The large internal diameter of the adapter prevents shadows at the edges of the image when using a full-frame DSLR camera. The focal adapter can also be rotated to rotate the field of view selection. Three locking screws are provided for clamping.Note: Vixen T2 ring also required for your Canon. In this case, the inner ring is removed from the T2 adapter and clamped using three small grub screws.FEATURES60-mm connection thread for OAZWeight: 56 gT-ring for Canon EOS also requiredPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen focal adapter for Canon EOS

Vixen universal T2 focal adapter, 60 mm
​This Vixen focal adapter connects your DSLR or other camera to your telescope with a 60 mm thread.The large interior diameter of the adapter prevents vignetting at the edges of full-frame camera sensors.The focal adapter can be rotated so that the image field can be perfectly framed.This rotational adjustment is facilitated via 3 locking screws, ensuring a firm lock.Note: Vixen T2 ring is also required for your brand of camera.In this case, the inner ring of the T2 adapter is removed and clamped in place with three small grub screws.PROPERTIESConnects your DSLR camera to your telescopePrevents shadowingDimensions: 72 mm x 20 mmWeight: 55 gWHAT'S INCLUDEDFocal adapter universal 60 mmAssembly tool

Vixen T2 ring for Nikon
T2 rings are used as a connecting piece between the camera adapter and the camera. Please note that each camera type requires a different T-ring.FEATUREST2 adapter ring for Nikon camerasAdapts the camera to telescopes and microscopesWeight: 22 gPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen T2 ring for Nikon

Vixen T-ring for Canon EOS
T-rings are used as a connecting piece between the camera adapter and the camera. Please note that each camera type requires a different T-ring.FEATURESVixen T-ring for Canon EOS camerasConnects a camera adapter to the cameraFor microscopes, telescopes and T2 lensesWeight: 52 gPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen T-ring for Canon EOS

Vixen T-Ring for Sony E Cameras
This T2 ring allows you to use your Sony camera on a telescope or microscope with a T2 thread.Depending on the mode, you may require an additional camera adapter.FEATUREST-2 ring for connecting an SLR cameraDesigned for Sony EWeight: 113 gDELIVERY CONTENTT-2 Ring Sony E

Vixen Micro 4/3 T-ring
T-rings are used as a connecting piece between the camera adapter and the camera. Please note that each camera type requires a different T-ring.FEATURESMicro 4/3 T-ringFor telescopes and microscopesWeight: 110 gPACKAGE CONTENTSMicro 4/3 T-ring

Vixen T-Ring - Sony (Konica-Minolta-Sony Alpha)
Connects a Four Thirds camera to your telescope or microscope.A camera adapter is required for this purposeWeight: 58 gDELIVERY CONTENTVixen T-ring - Four Thirds

Vixen DC ring 60 mm to T2 camera thread
This DC ring can be used to fit a 60-mm thread to a 42-mm T2 thread. It is suitable for use with T-mount adapter rings for cameras or with the Vixen T2 42–31.7 mm reducing sleeve (item no.: X002294). This means it can be used to mount DSLR cameras on the Vixen R200SS and other telescopes with 60-mm focuser.FEATURESFor fitting T-mount adapter rings for the camera Adapts to 31.7 mm when connected to the Vixen eyepiece adapter (item no.: X002294)Weight: 26 g PACKAGE CONTENTSDC ring 60 mm


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Vixen 60DA Focal adaptor for Canon EOS Cameras
Vixen 60DX Focal adaptor for Canon EOS Cameras This Vixen 60DX is a photographic adaptor for Canon EOS cameras, for use with telescopes with a 60 mm focuser drawtube connection thread. A redesign by Vixen uses new tougher materials for a more solid connection and also offers an accurate, well-machined camera rotator ring, in order to help frame your images perfectly. Camera-Adaptor for Canon EOS with 60mm Focuser connection thread Large inner diameter for full-format cameras, helping to minimise vignetting 6 locking 60° spaced bolts to hold the camera’s rotation in position Dimensions: 81mm x 30 mm / weight: 190g The option of using 6 long or 6 short fixing screws for the rotator The Vixen 60DA Focal adaptor connects your Canon EOS DSLR Camera to a telescope with an appropriate 60 mm Focuser Drawtube Thread. Thanks to the use of new materials and an improved design Vixen was able to considerably uprate both precision and durability, when compared to conventional rotational camera adaptors. Two sets of rotational locking bolts (Long and Short) are supplied. The longer ones are knurled and easy to turn by hand. The shorter options help to prevent marring of the camera casing, when using certain designs of camera and are also much less easy to turn by hand, increasing security if you need the camera locked in a particular rotational position for longer periods. The large inner dimension of this adaptor prevents vignetting at the edges of the image when using full frame DSLR cameras. Canon EOS-Bayonet fastener made of hardwearing brass, for years of hassle-free use. Increased material quality over conventional adapters provides more stability in use. 6 fixing bolts hold the camera in rotational position for increased sturdiness (standard rotators often only use 4, or less). FEATURES Screw tips with Delrin-tips prevent tilting of the camera and subsequent image distortion. Large inner diameter prevents vignetting. Inner blackening suppresses scattered light. Compatible with 60 mm accessories, when the camera adaptor is taken off. Two rotational bolt sets (Long and Short) are supplied. SCOPE OF DELIVERY 60DA Focal adaptor 6 long and 6 short fixing screws

Vixen DC ring 60 mm to T2 camera thread
This DC ring can be used to fit a 60-mm thread to a 42-mm T2 thread. It is suitable for use with T-mount adapter rings for cameras or with the Vixen T2 42–31.7 mm reducing sleeve (item no.: X002294). This means it can be used to mount DSLR cameras on the Vixen R200SS and other telescopes with 60-mm focuser.FEATURESFor fitting T-mount adapter rings for the camera Adapts to 31.7 mm when connected to the Vixen eyepiece adapter (item no.: X002294)Weight: 26 g PACKAGE CONTENTSDC ring 60 mm

BRESSER NANO AR-80/640 AZ Telescope
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.When looking at the technical data, 80mm aperture may not look too impressive. During the observation the impact of the 31 % more light gathering power in respect to a 70mm refractor are easily visible: Details are seen more clearly in the BRESSER NANO AR-80/640 NANO and from a distance of 600 million km the main cloud bands on the planet Jupiter and many Messier objects gets visible. Richfield telescope with high quality achromatic glass lens and a short focal length of 640mm. Suitable also for traveling and to observe large open star clusterns and the milky way. The telescope arrives with a wide array of accessories and almost pre-assembled - observation can start immediately. The BRESSER NANO is a light-to-medium-duty alt-azimuth mount with tripod designed to quickly and easily accept small to medium sized refractors, such as the AR-90s, AR-102s, AR-102xs and the ED-80 APO. Lightweight, fast Newtonians will also match up nicely with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount. As long as your telescope does not exceed 8 pounds and has a Vixen-Style Universal Dovetail bar for mounting the telescope to the mount head, you are good to go. The stainless steel tripod that comes standard with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount has adjustable legs and a wide foot print, which makes the tripod more stable. Spreader vanes with an acessory tray locks against the inside of the legs to secure the tripod even further, and keep vibrations to a minimum. Do you want to capture what you see ? With the included smartphone holder bracket you can use your smartphone to easily take colour pictures of celestial objects - like through a telephoto lens ! With the included camera adapter ring T2 you can also attach your DSLR or CCD camera direct to the focuser in order to capture high resolution pictures of the Moon by using short exposure times.FEATURESHigh quality and compact refractor telescope Richfield telescope also for traveling Easy to use BRESSER NANO AZ Mount Telescope arrives almost pre-assembled MgF2-coated optics Magnification with supplied accessories: 25x, (max. suggested: 160x) Focal distance, aperture ratio: 640mm, f/8 Stainless steel field tripod Smartphone holder bracket included - for taking pictures Eyepiece diameter: 31.7mm (1.25'') Telescope for night and solar observationSCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical tube Messier AR-80/640 BRESSER NANO alt/azimuth mount Stainless steel tripod with accessory tray Eyepiece: BRESSER Super Plössl 26mm Red dot finder Diagonal mirror 1,25'' (31,7mm) Aperture solar-filterSmartphone camera adapter Camera-Adapter Ring T2 (M42x0.75mm) Star chart software & rotatable star-map

Vixen 60–50.8-mm adapter sleeve for R200SS
The Vixen 60–50.8-mm adapter sleeve can be used to adapt the 60-mm connection of a Vixen focuser for a 50.8-mm eyepiece connection. This also allows a mark I–III coma corrector to be connected to a R200SS Newton telescope.FEATURES Adapter ring 60 mm to 50.8 mm Adapts 60-mm focusers for 50.8-mm eyepieces Compatibility: All Vixen OTAs with 60-mm connectionAllows a mark I–III coma corrector to be connected to a R200SS NewtonLength: 13 mm or 34 mmWeight: 66 gPACKAGE CONTENTSVixen 60–50.8-mm adapter sleeve

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 4 Moon & Planets from 200mm (8")
Filter Set 4 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 200mm (8'') Aperture Set 4 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Green No.56 - 0310262 The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Dark Blue No.38A - 0310263 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Works well starting with a 10'' aperture. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Light Yellow No.8 - 0310268 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8'' and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

Vixen BT-81S-A Astronomy Binoculars
Take a look through the new Vixen BT-81S-A binoculars. You will be impressed when you use them to observe gas nebula, star clusters or comets. The magnesium fluoride coating reduces chromatic aberration and the large aperture of 81 mm ensures a razor-sharp, contrast-rich image. The BT-81S-A binocular telescope set weighs 4.1 kg, is portable and also exceptionally suited for nature observations. FEATURES Objective lenses: 81 mm 2-lens achromat, multi-coated Focal length: 480 mm (f5.9) Resolution and limiting magnitude: 1.43 arc seconds; 11.3 Light-gathering power: 134x Dimensions and weight: 480 x 190 x 155 mm; 4.1 kg Adapter and connections: 31.7 mm sockets WHAT’S INCLUDED Binoculars 80 mm Carry handle Viewfinder Dew caps

BRESSER Adapter 2" on T2
Enables you to connect a camera to telescopes that accept 2" barrel eyepieces. You will need a T2-ring for your special camera type also. The very special feature of this adaptor is the very short mechanical design (2.0mm) which enables the camera use also on telescopes with a short focal range. This adapter is also prepared to use with 2" filters.   
