Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 15mm (1.25'')

NPL eyepieces offer an outstanding price/performance ratio as well as excellent colour correction, contrast and sharpness.

  • Plug-in diameter: 31.7 mm
  • Apparent field of vision: 50°
  • Exit pupil distance: 11 mm
  • Fully coated lens surfaces with multi-layer coating
  • High contrast and sharpness, optimal colour correction
  • Weight: 100 g


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X000275
EAN: 4955295392056
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

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Product information "Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 15mm (1.25'')"
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission.

  • Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm
  • Apparent field of view: 50°
  • Eye relief: 11 mm
  • Weight: 100 g

  • 1x Eyepiece 15 mm (1.25'')
Colour: silver
Eyecups: Rubber eyecups, fixed
Lenses/Groups [Eyepiece]: 2/4
Material: Aluminium

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



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Vixen Moon Filter ND
The bright moon becomes even brighter when viewed through a telescope.With large telescopes, observing at full moon can cause significant eye strain and impair your night vision when you move your eye away from the eyepiece.This moon filter reduces the amount of light, allowing you to observe the moon in comfort.The moon filter features a screw thread for 31.7 mm eyepieces. FEATURES Moon filter for 31.7 mm eyepiecesReduces the brightness of the moonProtects your eyes against bright moon lightWeight: 10 gDELIVERY CONTENTMoon filter


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BRESSER 45° Amici Prism 1.25'' for MESSIER MCX/MC Telescopes
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Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 25mm (1.25'')
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BRESSER Amici Prism 90° 31.7mm/1.25"
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Vixen A80Mf optical Tube
The A80Mf refractor is an ideal entry-level model for beginner astronomers who value high-quality optics. Thanks to Vixen’s quality controls, the 80 mm lenses are produced to an outstanding quality. The refractor comes with two Plössl eyepieces (6.3 mm and 20 mm) and a 90° star diagonal. The A80Mf is ideal for exploring the moon and the brighter planets. On moonless nights you can observe the Andromeda Galaxy or Orion’s Nebula. The 6x24 viewfinder makes locating celestial objects quick and easy. We recommend using this product with the optional Porta II mount. The mount is lightweight, stable and easy to use. FEATURES Objective lenses: 80 mm achromat, coated Focal length: 910 mm (f11.4) Resolution and limiting magnitude: 1.45 arc seconds; 11.3 Light-gathering power: 131x Dimensions and weight: (OD) 90 mm x (L) 860 mm; 3.3kg Viewfinder telescope: 6x24 mm Adapter and connections: 42 mm for T-thread; 31.7 mm connection Included accessories: 31.7 mm star diagonal, PL20mm & PL6.3mm eyepieces Photography: Primary focus and eyepiece projection WHAT’S INCLUDED 31.7 mm star diagonal PL20mm & PL6.3mm eyepieces Tube clamps Dovetail adapter 6x24 mm viewfinder telescope


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Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 25mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The NPL20, NPL25, NPL30 and NPL40 eyepieces employ twist-up eye-guards for viewing comfort. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 19.5 mm Weight: 130 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 25 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 20mm (1.25'')
High-quality eyepiece for beginners who want high-quality results at an affordable price.The 2-group, 4-element Plossl lens design of the NPL eyepieces ensures clear and sharp images with good colour correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission, the eyepieces also offer a comfortable eye distance.Compared with predecessor models, the chromatic aberration has been further reduced to render razor-sharp edges.FEATURESPlug-in diameter: 31.7 mm Apparent field of vision: 50° Exit pupil distance: 15 mm Weight: 110 g DELIVERY CONTENT 1x 20 mm eyepiece (1.25'')Protective caps on front and back

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Vixen 2x Barlow Lens with T2 Thread
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Vixen Moon Filter ND
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Silicone Eye Cup Diameter 32mm for ES Eyepieces
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