Vixen Space Eye 50/600 AZ1 Telescope Set

Entry level telescope for moon, planet and earth observation

  • Entry level telescope for moon, planet and earth observation
  • Lunar craters can be observed in detail
  • Planets show some details, like the ring on Saturn
  • Bright deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula become visible
  • Type: Fraunhofer refractor telescope
  • Highest practical power: 100x, Focal length: 600 mm
  • Objective lens diameter: 50 mm, Mounting: Altazimutal
  • Eyepieces PL10mm(60x), PL20mm(30x) included
  • Eyepiece diameter: 31.7 mm (1.25"), weight: 2,8kg
  • Viewfinder 5x20, diagonal mirror and aluminium tripod included


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X002451
EAN: 4955295592609
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

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Product information "Vixen Space Eye 50/600 AZ1 Telescope Set"
The Vixen Space Eye: Excellent value for money for beginners in astronomy. With the Space Eye 50/600 beautiful observations of the moon, planets and bright deep-sky objects are possible. With the generously dimensioned, adjustable aluminium tripod and vibration minimizing mount, stars can easily be followed or observations in nature can be made. First observations will be an unforgettable experience !

The Vixen Space Eye 50/600 is a entry level astronomy system. With 50mm aperture, many observations of the starry sky are already possible. Beside moon and also the big planets show some details, like the ring on the planet Saturn and also bright deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula become visible. With two eyepieces, star diagonal mirror and fine movements this set is completely equipped and due to the standard eyepiece connection of 31,7mm a large optional accessory program is available. In addition, this telescope set is also excellent for earth observation! The accessory tray for eyepieces etc. , allows you to place the accessories directly on the tripod and thus provides quick access to eyepieces and other small parts needed. The stable aluminium tripod is height adjustable from 70 to 127cm and carries the mount safely and with low vibration.

  • Entry level telescope for moon, planet and earth observation
  • Easy to use azimuthal mount with fine adjustment
  • Very lightweight, compact and transportable
  • The perfect start into the world of astronomy
  • Also excellent for children
  • Lunar craters can be observed in detail
  • Planets show some details, like the ring on Saturn
  • Bright deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula become visible
  • Telescope set with many included accessories
  • Achromatic 50mm lens
  • Focal length: 600mm, F/12
  • Eyepieces PL10mm(60x), PL20mm(30x) included
  • Azimuthal mount with fine movement
  • Tripod extendable from 70 to 127cm
  • Weight: 2,8 kg

  • Space Eye 50M Telescope
  • 5x20 viewfinder
  • Compass
  • Eyepieces: PL20mm and PL 10mm (31,7mm / 1.25inch)
  • Star diagonal mirror (31,7mm/1.25inch)
  • Aluminium tripod
  • Azimuthal mount with fine adjustment
  • Accessory tray
Colour: black/white
Finderscope: 5 x 20 mm
Focus Group [Telescopes]: Beginners, Visual enthusiasts
Material: Aluminium, Plastic
Material tripod 3): Aluminium / plastic
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Azimutal
Optical design: Achromatic Refractor
Product Family [Telescopes]: Refractor telescope

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 10mm (1.25")
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 6.5 mm Weight: 80 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 10 mm (1.25'')

€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 15mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 11 mm Weight: 100 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 15 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 20mm (1.25'')
High-quality eyepiece for beginners who want high-quality results at an affordable price.The 2-group, 4-element Plossl lens design of the NPL eyepieces ensures clear and sharp images with good colour correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission, the eyepieces also offer a comfortable eye distance.Compared with predecessor models, the chromatic aberration has been further reduced to render razor-sharp edges.FEATURESPlug-in diameter: 31.7 mm Apparent field of vision: 50° Exit pupil distance: 15 mm Weight: 110 g DELIVERY CONTENT 1x 20 mm eyepiece (1.25'')Protective caps on front and back

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 25mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The NPL20, NPL25, NPL30 and NPL40 eyepieces employ twist-up eye-guards for viewing comfort. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 19.5 mm Weight: 130 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 25 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 30mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The NPL20, NPL25, NPL30 and NPL40 eyepieces employ twist-up eye-guards for viewing comfort. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 24 mm Weight: 120 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 30 mm (1.25'')

Vixen NPL 50° Eyepiece 8mm (1.25'')
The 2-group 4-element Plossl optical design of the NPL series eyepieces delivers flat and clear images with good color correction. The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission. FEATURES Push-fit Size: 31.7 mm Apparent field of view: 50° Eye relief: 4.5 mm Weight: 79 g WHAT'S INCLUDED 1x Eyepiece 8 mm (1.25'')

OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.

Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German language.

Vixen Moon Filter ND
The bright moon becomes even brighter when viewed through a telescope.With large telescopes, observing at full moon can cause significant eye strain and impair your night vision when you move your eye away from the eyepiece.This moon filter reduces the amount of light, allowing you to observe the moon in comfort.The moon filter features a screw thread for 31.7 mm eyepieces. FEATURES Moon filter for 31.7 mm eyepiecesReduces the brightness of the moonProtects your eyes against bright moon lightWeight: 10 gDELIVERY CONTENTMoon filter

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 9mm (1.25'')
​The Vixen SLV series are the modern take on the classic Vixen Lanthanum eyepieces. These eyepieces were legendary for their generous eye relief and precise nature, making them a firm favourite with planetary, lunar and double star observers. This 9mm is an excellent choice for higher power on most telescopes, an ideal premium replacement for eyepieces supplied with many telescopes, especially good for Planetary observers. The SLV Series of Vixen Eyepieces feature a hexagonal shaped eyepiece barrel, long 20mm eye relief, and twist up click stop eyecup for adjusting to the most comfortable viewing. The SLV eyepieces feature high grade lanthanum glass, and deliver remarkably clear and high contrast star images to the edge of the viewing circle. The lenses are fully multicoated for high light transmission.Size 31.7mm/1.25"Apparent FOV 50°Eye relief 20mmWeight 168g (5.92oz)

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 6mm (1.25'')
​The Vixen SLV series are the modern take on the classic Vixen Lanthanum eyepieces. These eyepieces were legendary for their generous eye relief and precise nature, making them a firm favourite with planetary, lunar and double star observers. This 6mm is an excellent choice for higher power on most telescopes, especially good for Lunar and Planetary observers. The SLV Series of Vixen Eyepieces feature a hexagonal shaped eyepiece barrel, long 20mm eye relief, and twist up click stop eyecup for adjusting to the most comfortable viewing. The SLV eyepieces feature high grade lanthanum glass, and deliver remarkably clear and high contrast star images to the edge of the viewing circle. The lenses are fully multicoated for high light transmission.Size 31.7mm/1.25"Apparent FOV 50°Eye relief 20mmWeight 168g (5.92oz)

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 25mm (1.25'')
The Vixen SLV eyepieces use high-quality lanthanum glass to deliver remarkably clear and high-contrast star images right up to the edge of the field of view.All lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission.Twist up eyecups allow the user to set observing height to their own comfortable specification.  20mm eye relief means that even those who have to wear glasses to observe are able to see right to the edge of the field of view.PROPERTIESVery high sharpness and contrast across the entire field of viewComfortable eye relief of 20mmalmost no chromatism visible due to lanthanum glass31.7 mm receptacle connectionEyecup that can be turned down for glasses wearersWeight: 151gWHAT'S INCLUDEDVixen SLV 50 ° eyepieceDust caps

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 20mm (1.25'')
The SLV eyepieces with high-quality lanthanum glass provide remarkably clear and high-contrast star images right up to the edge.The lenses are fully multi-coated for high light transmission.Thanks to the large and comfortable eye relief distance of 20 mm , the eye comfort is maintained, even during longer observing sessions.Even those who wear glasses will have the entire field of view is clearly visible.The click stop eyecups can be tuned up or down to the user's preference.PROPERTIESVery high sharpness and contrast across the entire field of viewComfortable eye relief of 20mmalmost no colour defects due to lanthanum glass1.25" 31.7 mm barrel sizeTurn-down eyecup for people who wear glassesWeight: 155 gWHAT'S INCLUDEDVixen SLV 50 ° eyepieceDust caps

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 15mm (1.25'')
​The Vixen SLV series are the modern take on the classic Vixen Lanthanum eyepieces. These eyepieces were legendary for their generous eye relief and precise nature, making them a firm favourite with planetary, lunar and double star observers. This 15mm SLV is an excellent eyepiece for medium power for most telescopes, an ideal general purpose eyepiece and provides excellent comfort with long eye relief. The SLV Series of Vixen Eyepieces feature a hexagonal shaped eyepiece body, long 20mm eye relief, and twist up click stop eyecup for adjusting to the most comfortable viewing. The SLV eyepieces feature high grade lanthanum glass, and deliver remarkably clear and high contrast star images to the edge of the viewing circle. The lenses are fully multicoated for high light transmission.Size 31.7mm/1.25"Apparent FOV 50°Eye relief 20mmWeight 168g (5.92oz)

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 12mm (1.25'')
​The Vixen SLV series are the modern take on the classic Vixen Lanthanum eyepieces. These eyepieces were legendary for their generous eye relief and precise nature, making them a firm favourite with planetary, lunar and double star observers. This 12mm is an excellent eyepiece for medium to higher power on most telescopes, an ideal general purpose eyepiece and major improvement over standard eyepieces. The SLV Series of Vixen Eyepieces feature a hexagonal shaped eyepiece body, long 20mm eye relief, and twist up click stop eyecup for adjusting to the most comfortable viewing. The SLV eyepieces feature high grade lanthanum glass, and deliver remarkably clear and high contrast star images to the edge of the viewing circle. The lenses are fully multicoated for high light transmission.Size 31.7mm/1.25"Apparent FOV 50°Eye relief 20mmWeight 168g (5.92oz)

Vixen SLV 50° Eyepiece 10mm (1.25'')
​The Vixen SLV series are the modern take on the classic Vixen Lanthanum eyepieces. These eyepieces were legendary for their generous eye relief and precise nature, making them a firm favourite with planetary, lunar and double star observers. This 10mm is an excellent eyepiece for medium to higher power on most telescopes, an ideal premium replacement for eyepieces supplied with telescopes, especially good for Planetary observers. The SLV Series of Vixen Eyepieces feature a hexagonal shaped eyepiece body, long 20mm eye relief, and twist up click stop eyecup for adjusting to the most comfortable viewing. The SLV eyepieces feature high grade lanthanum glass, and deliver remarkably clear and high contrast star images to the edge of the field of view. The lenses are fully multicoated for high light transmission.Size 31.7mm/1.25"Apparent FOV 50°Eye relief 20mmWeight 168g (5.92oz)

Vixen SG-L02 Headlamp red-light white-light
The perfect LED head torch for nighttime observations! Adjusting your eyes to the dark surroundings is very important when making astronomical observations. In dark areas, it is very difficult to use astronomical equipment without a suitable light. With normal lights, however, the light intensity is more important than protecting your eyes against bright light. Using these lights at night makes your pupils contract, which can make it difficult for your eyes to readjust to the darkness. The SG-L01, our first astronomy LED lamp, featured a built-in red LED that provided a solution to this problem. However, the red light did not offer optimal visibility. On our new astronomy LED light, the SG-L02, the LED lights produce warm light to improve visibility. They also ensure that your eyes stay adapted to the dark. The LEDs do not emit light in the sensitive range of 555 nm. The brightness of the white light can be adjusted between 3 and 42 lumen, while the red light can be adjusted between 0.28 and 7.62 lumen. FEATURES Dimmable red light ensures that your eyes stay adapted to the dark Built-in rechargeable battery, charges via USB Waterproof design LED colour can be switched from red to white 0.28 to 7.62 lumen for red light 3 to 42 lumen for white light Dimensions: 41 mm x 33 mm x 30 mm Weight: 29 g DELIVERY CONTENT SG-L02 head torch Strap (size S) Strap (size L) Pocket clip Cable for charging the battery (USB-A plug to USB Micro-B plug)

Vixen 2x Barlow Lens with T2 Thread
This Barlow lens doubles the focal length of your telescope. It allows you to make astronomical observations with a higher magnification than a conventional eyepiece. Thanks to the Barlow lens between the eyepiece, you can obtain a greater magnification whilst maintaining a comfortable interpupillary distance.This Vixen 2x Barlow lens is ideal for observing and photographing lunar landscapes and details on the brighter planets. The Barlow lens also features a T2 connection for photography with DSLR cameras. With T2 extension tubes, it can also be used as a camera projection adapter.With a deflecting prism, the Barlow lens enables you to obtain a magnification factor of 3.3x.FEATURES2x Barlow lenses with T2 thread2-lens optical systemDoubles the magnification factorAlso suitable as a camera adapter31.7 mm sleeveWeight: 80 gDELIVERY CONTENT 2x Barlow lenses Dust caps


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BRESSER Smartphone Holder for Telescopes (1.25")
Take pictures with your smartphone through the telescope! With the Smartphone camera adapter this is now child's play! Simply screw the adapter to the eyepiece and use your smartphone as a camera with a super-telephoto lens. It lets you take pictures of distant objects as if you were very close. FEATURES Take photos through the telescope Smartphone camera with super telephoto lens Fits 31.7mm (1.25") eyepieces For eyepiece housing diameters from 32-34mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Smartphone holder Locking ring for the smartphone

BRESSER Thermo-Hygrometer with Mould Alert
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BRESSER JUNIOR 6x21 Children's Binoculars in different colours
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From €29.90*
BRESSER Hunter 10x25 Pocket Binoculars
The BRESSER Hunter 10x25 binoculars is a new design offering excellent value for money. Due to its compact and handy shape this series is an ideal companion for many situations. The fully coated optics and the solid mechanics allow for a good and true colour imaging. The ergonomic shape of the armouring and the non-slip rubber provide a safe grip. BK-7 optical glass is used for a good image reproduction. These binoculars are perfect for hiking and other outdoor activities. Thanks to its small dimensions and low weight it can be stowed easily in your luggage. FEATURESCompact and lightweight pocket binoculars Optical design: roof prism binoculars Magnification: 10x Lens diameter: 25 mm Fully coated optics for good image quality Ergonomic shape and non-slip rubber coating for a secure grip With optical BK-7 glass material SCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsCarry caseCarrying strapLens clothmanual


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Vixen Space Eye 70/700 AZ1Telescope Set
The Vixen Space Eye: Excellent value for money for beginners in astronomy. With the Space Eye 70/700 beautiful observations of the moon, planets and bright deep-sky objects are possible. With the generously dimensioned, adjustable aluminium tripod and vibration minimizing mount, stars can easily be followed or observations in nature can be made. Thanks to the included Amici prism, the telescope shows an upright and laterally correct image. First observations will be an unforgettable experience ! The Vixen Space Eye 70/700 is a entry level astronomy system. With 70mm aperture, many observations of the starry sky are already possible. Beside moon and also the big planets show some details, like the ring on the planet Saturn and also bright deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula become visible. With two eyepieces, an Amici prism and fine movements this set is completely equipped and due to the standard eyepiece connection of 31,7mm a large optional accessory program is available. In addition, this telescope set is also excellent for earth observation! The accessory tray for eyepieces etc. , allows you to place the accessories directly on the tripod and thus provides quick access to eyepieces and other small parts needed. The stable aluminium tripod is height adjustable from 70 to 127cm and carries the mount safely and with low vibration. FEATURES Entry level telescope for moon, planet and earth observation Easy to use azimuthal mount with fine adjustmentVery lightweight, compact and transportableThe perfect start into the world of astronomyAlso excellent for childrenLunar craters can be observed in detail Planets show some details, like the ring on SaturnBright deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula become visibleAmici prism included, for an upright and laterally correct imageAchromatic 70mm lensFocal length: 700mm, F/10Eyepieces PL10mm (70x) and PL20mm (35x) included Azimuthal mount with fine movement Tripod extendable from 70 to 127cm Weight: 3,1 kgSCOPE OF DELIVERY Space Eye 70/700M Telescope 5x20 viewfinder Compass Eyepieces: PL20mm and PL 10mm (31,7 mm / 1.25 inch)Errecting prism (Amici prism 31,7 mm/1.25 inch)Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount with fine adjustment Accessory tray

BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ - Refractor Telescope with Hard-top Case
Open the case and you're ready to go: The BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ lens telescope shows you the fascinating world of star clusters and planets. This complete set contains everything you need for your first steps into sky observation: an astronomical lens telescope with 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, an azimuthal mount, a tripod and lots of accessories. The system is very easy to handle and therefore ideal for introducing children to astronomy as a hobby. And since there are so many beautiful things to discover on Earth as well, the telescope is suitable for observing nature and landscapes. Simply an astro-classic – the telescope With this classic lens telescope – a so-called Fraunhofer achromatic refractor – even beginners and children can easily gain new insights into the night sky. Thanks to the modern, precisely coated optics, the starter telescope offers good imaging properties. A sharp image with good contrast – this is ensured by the large focal ratio of about 1 to 11.7 (F/11.7), which results from the ratio of the 60 mm aperture to the 700 mm focal length. Perfect for exploring our Moon, the planets, but also open star clusters and globular clusters. And what about the magnification? The 60 mm aperture provides a resolving power that easily allows magnifications up to about 120x with really sharp images. Technically, even more is possible with this beginner’s telescope – up to 175x with the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the image can become more and more blurred. How much magnification is actually possible depends not only on the telescope, but also on the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). The foundation for moving impressions – mount and tripod For your nighttime observations, attach your telescope to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. Thanks to its extremely easy operation, you can enjoy effortless astronomical explorations with this azimuthal mount. Just like with a normal photo tripod, you simply turn the starter telescope by hand up and down, to the left and right. To ensure that your eyepieces, compass, star map etc. are always within reach, simply place your accessories on the practical storage plate located between the tripod legs. Everything for a good start in astronomy – the accessories In the sturdy hard-top case, in which you can store the beginner's telescope perfectly and take it safely with you on your travels, you will also find lots of accessories. The 5x24 finder is a small miniature telescope that you simply mount parallel to the actual telescope. With its weak 5x magnification and integrated crosshair, it helps you keep track of the starry sky. So it allows you to easily find celestial objects and precisely align the telescope – before you then enjoy the view with the higher magnification. And how high the magnification is depends on which of the three included eyepieces (4 mm; 12.5 mm; 20 mm) you are currently using. To change the magnification, simply insert another one into the telescope's focuser. If at some point you want to change your field of view with additional eyepieces: no problem! The 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) socket diameter complies with an international and cross-manufacturer standard, so you can combine a wide range of optional eyepieces with your telescope. For a comfortable view at any time, you will also find a 90-degree diagonal mirror in the scope of delivery. Otherwise, you would have to lie down under the starter telescope in order to achieve good observation results when the optics are pointed upwards into the sky. Instead, you simply look in comfortably from the side. In addition to the night sky, the Earth also offers many captivating sights. That's why the 1.5x erecting lens turns the image the right side around, so that you can devote your entry-level telescope to observing nature and landscapes during day. However, because orientation in the night sky is not as easy as on our daytime planet, a compass and star map are included in the set. This way you always know where to look and what you will see there. Enjoy a quick start to the exciting hobby of astronomy with the BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ lens telescope including all accessories. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, therefore suitable for children Focal ratio F=11.7, thus sharp image and high contrast Three eyepieces with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications With hard-top case for storage and transport SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens Telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm, 12.5 mm, 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Star diagonal mirror Erecting lens 1.5x Finder telescope: 5x24 Accessory tray Hard-top case Compass Star map Instruction manual

€79.00* €112.00* (29.46% saved)
The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 50/600 AZ telescope is well suited for an introduction into the exploration of space. A small finder scope makes it easy for researchers to find celestial objects, while three different eyepieces allow for different magnifications. A 90° diagonal mirror together with a continuously adjustable tripod always provide an easy view to advanced explorers and newcomers.FEATURESbeginner telescope and accessoriestripod height individually adjustablealso suitable for observations of the landscapeSCOPE OF DELIVERYRefractor telescopeContinuously adjustable aluminum tripod5 x 24 viewfinder3 eyepieces: 4 / 12.5 / 20 mm90° diagonal mirrror1.5x Erecting lensMoon filterAstronomy softwareStar map

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An ultra compact travel telescope with coated optics. The 50/360 telescope and the aluminum tripod can be conveniently stored into a small bag or backpack. Thus, this telescope is a perfect companion not only at home but also when travelling.FEATURESRefractor telescopeDiagonal mirror provides for comfortable viewingCompact and easily transportableSCOPE OF DELIVERYTelescopeAluminium table tripodEyepieces: 6 mm, 20 mmDiagonal mirrorManual

BRESSER Solarix Telescope 114/500 with Solar Filter
Get fascinated by the unique experience of observing the sun but also the wonderful starry night ! We are proud to present the BRESSER Solarix 114/500 - the first all in one Newtonian telescope package that enables you to observe the sun. With a certified quality at a sensational price point. The telescope arrives completely assembled - observation can start immediately. It was never easier for the public to observe the night sky and the sun so easily, cheap and - last but not least - safe. The solar filter that was especially designed for this telescope makes it possible. It contains a special foil that protects the eye against all kinds of solar radiation during observations: infrared, ultraviolet and visible light is dampened to a safe level. Only a safe amount of the visible spectrum can pass the filter and creates a wonderful solar image in the eyepiece. The safety feature of this filter was checked by an independent quality assurance company. Do you want to capture what you see? With the included smartphone holder bracket, you can use your smartphone to easily take colour pictures of celestial objects - like through a telephoto lens! But the BRESSER Solarix 114/500 is of course also ready to be used for observing astronomical objects in the night sky. The featured accessories are everything you need for an immediate start. The newtonian reflector is equipped with a extensive manual and set up in almost no time. The telescope arrives completely assembled - observation can start immediately. Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. FEATURES 20x to 111x Magnification Ready for solar and celestial observing Complete accessories for immediate observations Smartphone Holder Bracked for cellphone photography Easy to use azimutal mount with tripod The telescope arrives completely assembled - observation can start immediately SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical Tube Assembly Azimutal Mount Aluminium Tripod with Spreader Bar and eyepiece holders Aperture Solar-filter2 Eyepieces (31.7 mm / 1.25''): K-9 mm, K-25 mm2x Barlow LensSmartphone holder bracketAstronomical Software and downloadable moon chartUser Manual*Colour appearance through the optics dependent on the observed object and exposure time

€129.00* €168.00* (23.21% saved)
BRESSER Venus 76/700 AZ Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
The BRESSER Venus 76/700 AZ reflecting telescope allows beginners to experience their very own stargazing hours quickly and easily. With the complete set, you are equipped with everything you need for your very own sky observations: an astronomical reflecting telescope with 76 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, an azimuthal mount, a tripod as well as extensive accessories. And to guarantee a successful start in astronomy, the system is very easy to handle – the perfect first telescope for beginners! Established technology for your easy start – the telescope With this entry-level telescope, you will be able to admire the night sky through a classic Newtonian reflector. A little surprising for astronomy novices: with this particular type, you do not look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. The advantage: even if the telescope aperture is directed vertically towards the sky, you can make your discoveries very comfortably. No need to bend down! In addition, the Newtonian reflector is very easy to use. The optics in this type of reflector telescopes are also impressive, because they are free of chromatic aberrations – resulting in good imaging properties at all times. A sharp image with good contrast – the Venus reflector telescope achieves this with its large focal ratio of about 1 to 9.2 (F/9.2 – calculated from 76 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length). Thanks to its long focal length, the telescope for beginners shows you the Moon, Sun, planets, open star clusters as well as globular clusters in a particularly impressive way. And all this at a magnification of up to 150x in really sharp images! Technically, you can magnify even higher – theoretically up to 525x while using the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the sharpness of the image may slowly decrease. Of course, how much you can magnify depends not only on the resolving power of your telescope. The air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) also plays an important role. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Venus reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. A good foundation for a successful start – mount and tripod The height-adjustable aluminium tripod and the azimuthal mount provide a firm footing and easy celestial navigation. Especially the azimuthal mount makes life easy for beginners, because it is very user-friendly: just like a typical photo tripod, you turn the telescope by hand to the left and right, up and down. This way, your favourite celestial objects quickly appear in your field of vision. Handy: to ensure that your astronomy accessories are always within reach, there is a storage plate between the tripod legs. Everything that goes with it – the accessories Out of the box straight to the fun of observing – with the complete astronomy set, you are quickly on your way to discovering the universe. The LED viewfinder helps you keep an eye on the sky. You just mount the direction finder parallel to the actual telescope and it projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. This then appears to be hovering in front of the sky when you look through the viewfinder. And it does so at exactly the same spot that your telescope is pointed at. This way, the LED finder helps you to align the reflector telescope precisely and to find the celestial objects more easily. When it comes to the level of detail in your observations, the Venus beginner's reflector telescope gives you a choice: the two included eyepieces (4 mm and 20 mm) allow you two different magnifications. You want to get an even closer look? Then simply triple the magnification of the eyepieces with the 3x Barlow lens. In addition, the socket diameter of 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) complies with an international and manufacturer-independent standard. So you can easily expand your set – and with it your astronomical horizon. If you want to observe fascinating sights not only at night but also during the day, simply grab the solar filter. With it, you can safely admire spots and granulation on our nearest star – the Sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! A new hobby leads to new impressions – and naturally you want to capture and share those. Therefore, you can easily use your mobile phone for your first steps into astrophotograpy with the smartphone adapter. Perfect for great snapshots of the Moon or the Sun, for example. Look forward to exciting astronomical discoveries by day and night – with the BRESSER Venus 76/700 AZ reflector telescope. FEATURES Reflector telescope for beginners with 76 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length Reflector type Newton Good for observing Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use even by beginners Focal ratio F/9.2, thus sharp image and good contrast Two eyepieces and a Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps into astrophotography with included smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Refractor telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual
