Vixen Universal Tripod Accessory Pouch

Practical bag that securely stores an extra photo lens, the Polarie U mount, battery packs or other accessories close at hand

  • Universal accessory bag for tripod mounting
  • Easy attachment to photo and astro tripods
  • Keeps your accessories safe and always close at hand
  • Perfect fit for Vixen Polarie U Star Tracker
  • Also for camera lenses, battery packs and remote controls
  • Soft padded and weatherproof bag in black neoprene
  • Absorbs shocks and provides good thermal insulation
  • Protects batteries and power banks from extreme cold
  • Inner diameter: 11cm , depth: 13 cm
  • Weight: 95 g


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: X060142
EAN: 4955295601424
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

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Product information "Vixen Universal Tripod Accessory Pouch"
The soft padded Vixen accessory bag can be attached to a tripod, keeping your accessories close at hand.

The bag is exactly the right size for the Polarie U Star tracker. But also other accessories, such as a camera lens, batteries or the remote control of your camera can be stored safely and within reach in this soft bag. The neoprene material, which absorbs shocks excellently and offers good thermal insulation, protects your accessories extremely well. and protects your batteries and USB battery packs from extreme cold.

  • Accessory bag for attaching to a tripod
  • Perfect fit for the Polarie U Star Tracker
  • Suitable to keep all kinds of accessories clos at hand
  • Material: neoprene, polyester
  • Dimensions: 11 x 13 cm
  • Weight: 95 g

  • Tripod accessory bag
  • Fastening strap
Colour: black
Material: neoprene

Produkt- und Sicherheitshinweise

Bresser GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 2, 46414 Rhede



Vixen POLARIE U Star Tracker
The POLARIE U is an ultra-compact automatic star tracking device that can be easily transported.In addition to the functions of conventional star trackers, which track a camera for a long exposures, accurately tracking the regular movement of celestial objects, the POLARIE U has a speed adjustment function, which allows it to be used as a panning mount too for time lapse photography.Using a smartphone, you can control the shutter release intervals of the images. Through the communication between the smartphone and the POLARIE U Star Tracker, you can control the exposures and take beautiful, sharp pictures of the stars and the Milky Way without getting any star trailing.The Star Tracker is very small and light weight, making it ideal for mobile use or air travel.The Vixen POLARIE U Star Tracker in detail:Star-scape photography (stars and landscape).A silhouetted landscape on earth is photographed together with the starry sky. The beauty of a landscape and the starry sky can be shown together on one photo. POLARIE U opens up a wonderful foreign world of star-scape photography and makes this possible for both beginners and advanced photographers.Conventional telescopic astrophotography photographs a relatively narrow area of the sky. Star-scape photography mainly uses a wide-angle lens and takes impressive photos in which stars, and other celestial targets such as the majestic Milky Way and landscapes are combined. The possibilities of the compositions are endless and a completely new kind of landscape photography opens up.Weight reduction of more than 20% and improved load capacity.The structure of the original POLARIE has been completely changed. The distance between the two bearings that support the rotating shaft is about four times the distance of the previous model. This leads to a higher load capacity despite the weight reduction of 20%. The maximum load capacity is 2.5 kg (approx. 2.5 kg at 10 cm from the centre of rotation) when used for wide-field astrophotography. The maximum load capacity is increased to 6.5 kg (approx. 6.5 kg at 10 cm from the centre of rotation) when a POLARIE Multi mounting block (optional) and a dovetail slide rail DD (optional) are combined. In addition, used in vertical configuration, the POLARIE U can reach a load capacity of 10 kg (approx. 10 kg 10 cm from the centre of rotation) for time-lapse photography and is therefore suitable for heavy camera equipment.Settings via SmartphoneCommunication between tracker and smartphone via the Vixen Polarie U App enables various settings via smartphones or tablet. For star/landscape photography, the speed is selected in user-defined mode, and for time-lapse photography, settings for interval time, exposure, and rotation speed can also be easily programmed.Five different speeds:Star-scape photography (half star speed). This setting is intended for displaying a landscape together with the starry sky. The stars are not tracked exactly, but slower in order not to blur the landscape in the foreground. This way you get beautiful images of the landscape and the starry sky.Wide Field Astrophotography (Star Speed)When this mode is selected, the POLARIE U follows the stars at the same speed as the daily movement of the stars. In this mode, widefield long time exposures of comets, nebulae, star clusters and the Milky Way are made and tracked precisely.Solar Tracking (solar speed)For recording solar eclipses over a long period of time.Moon Tracking (moon speed)For recording lunar eclipses over a long period of time.Custom ModeThis allows you to set the POLARIE U to the desired tracking speed. The initial setting is four times the star speed. If you want to change the setting for a different speed, a smartphone or other wifi device and application software are required.Shoot-Move-Shoot ModeIt is possible to stop the movement of the camera during the exposure and restart it after the end of the exposure. It is also equipped with a camera connector (shutter release) that controls the camera shutter during shooting with SMS or interval shooting. If the camera in use is connected with the cable release, the settings can be easily adjusted using a smartphone. A Wi-Fi connection is required when using this feature. An additional cable is required to connect the camera and POLARIE U together.Autoguider portCommercially available autoguiders can be used with the POLARIE U (Usable only in R.A.).  An important new feature over the original Polarie - attach a small Guidescope, or Off Axis Guider and autoguiding camera to your main camera and use the standard ST-4 protocol port to guide the Polarie U in Right Ascension, ensuring absolute accuracy of tracking (requires additional separate computer, or standalone guider). FEATURES    Speeds: Sidereal rate, 0.5X star speed, sun, moon. North / South hemisphere compatible    Operating System: Android 4.4 and over or iOS 9.9 and over Wi-Fi: IEEE 802.11b/g    Worm gear: RA gear rim with 144 teeth (58.4 mm Al alloy)    Screw: 9.8 mm brass    RA and DC axis: 40mm, aluminium alloy    Motor drive: electric motor drive with impulse motor (stepper motor)    Load capacity: 2.5 kg standard, 6.5 kg with special accessories, 10 kg with fast motion    Wi-Fi function for Smartphone    Direction finder tube: 8.9 degree field of view without magnification.    Power supply: USB Type-C or 4x AA batteries    Dimensions: 88.5mm x 72mm x 110.5mm    Weight: 575gSCOPE OF DELIVERY    POLARIE U Star Tracker    Attachable direction finder

€50 Gift Card
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

BRESSER StarTracker Astronomical Photo Mount Kit
Do you already own a photo camera and would like to create impressive pictures of the night sky with the help of the long exposure or even make time-lapse pictures with little effort? The BRESSER StarTracker Astronomical Photo Mount Kit is the ideal base. Not only for beginners in astrophotography, this mount is particularly well suited, but also the experts swear by a compact and easy-to-use mount to automatically compensate for the natural rotation of the earth. The built-in tracking motor rotates the saddle-mounted camera precisely against the earth's rotation and thus the stars remain in pinpoint shape even with long exposures. This set contains all the components required for a quick and comfortable entry into the world of astrophotography with the exception of a camera and objective lens: A stable BRESSER tripod TP-100 DX with carrying bag, the BRESSER Micro Motion Head MH-100 (polar-wedge), the BRESSER Polar Finder Scope for StarTracker PM-100 and of course the BRESSER StarTracker astrophoto mount PM-100 with ball head.Which cameras are basically suitable for use with the BRESSER photo mount? All cameras with 1/4'' (6.3mm) tripod connection thread and bulb length B for long exposure are suitable. The BRESSER StarTracker Astronomical Photo Mount PM-100 is designed for a camera with lens of max. 2.0 kg total weight to carry and track in polar mode. In Azimut mode also a camera weight up to 5.0kg is possible.  Large aperture, wide-angle lenses are ideal for the beginning, because the requirements for tracking accuracy accumulate with increasing focal length and exposure time. Thus, a shot with wide-angle lens can be exposed for up to several minutes and the stars remain punctiform without problems. For example, with a 200mm telephoto lens the polar alignment of the photo mount must be exactly right. But thanks to the delievered optical Polar Finder Scope, this is done quickly. After setting up the light and compact StarTracker Photo Mount, simply set the approximate latitude (pole height) and aim Polaris through the integrated Polar Finder Scope. Then mount the camera with the photo lens using the quick-release plate on the supplied ball head. With the ball head, the camera can be aligned and determined at any time on any section of the sky. As soon as the tracking motor is switched on, long-time exposure can be started immediately. This does not even take 5 minutes ... The tracking is carried out by a precise stepper motor, which can be controlled by an easy digital setup on LCD screen. Low power consumption allows up to 20 hours of operation with just one battery charge or simply use the micro USB port for an unlimited power supply. Typically achievable exposure times with good tracking accuracy are: 16mm wide-angle lens: 5 minutes (300 sec.) , 100mm telephoto lens: 1 minute (60 sec.) FEATURES StarTracker Astronomical Photo Mount Kit Equatorial StarTracker Photo-MountAutomatic siderial tracking against the Earth rotation  Different tracking speed setting possible Suitable for northern and southern henisphere Time lapse: from 15 minutes to 48 hours Ballhead with quick release saddle plate and 1/4'' Photo thread for Kamera mountingPhoto-Mount with 1/4'' threaded bolt for ballhead mounting Additional quick release coupling for ball head removal High precision stepper motor with helical gear for accurate tracking Clear LCD screen and easy setup menu Battery operation 4 x AA batteries or mico USB (optional acc.)  Battery life: up to 20 hours Weight Photo-Mont: 0.63kgTransport weight incl. complete accessories: 3.6 kg Adjustment height mount with tripod: 80-155cm Tripod transport dimensions: 60x10x10cm; tripod weight: 2,1 kg Load capacity of Photo-Mount: up to 2.0kg/5.0kg (EQ/AZ) SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER StarTracker astronomical Photo-Mount PM-100BRESSER Ballhead with quick release saddle plateBRESSER Polar Finder Scope for StarTracker PM-100BRESSER Micro Motion Head MH-100 (Polar-Wedge)BRESSER Tripod TP-100 DX with carry bag User manual 

BRESSER Photo mount with field tripod and wedge
Do you already own a photo camera and would like to create impressive pictures of the night sky with the help of the long exposure or even make time-lapse pictures with little effort ? The BRESSER photo mount is the ideal base. Not only for beginners in astrophotography, this mount is particularly well suited, but also the experts swear by a compact and easy-to-use mount to automatically compensate for the natural rotation of the earth. The built-in tracking motor rotates the saddle-mounted camera precisely against the earth's rotation and thus the stars remain punctiform even with long exposures. Which cameras are basically suitable for use with the BRESSER photo mount ? All cameras with ¼ inch (6.3mm) tripod connection thread and bulb length" B "for long exposure are suitable. The BRESSER photo mount is designed for a camera with lens of max. 2.5 kg total weight to carry and track. Large aperture, wide-angle lenses are ideal for the beginning, because the requirements for tracking accuracy accumulate with increasing focal length and exposure time. Thus, a shot with wide-angle lens can be exposed for up to several minutes and the stars remain punctiform without problems. For example, with a 200mm telephoto lens the polar alignment of the photo mount must be exactly right. But thanks to the optical pole finder, this is done quickly.  After setting up the light and compact photo mount, simply set the approximate latitude (pole height) to the scale and aim Polaris through the illuminated pole finder scope. Then mount the camera with the photo lens using the quick-release plate on the supplied ball head. With the ball head, the camera can be aligned and determined at any time on any section of the sky. As soon as the tracking motor is switched on, long-time exposure can be started immediately. This does not even take 5 minutes ...  The tracking is carried out by a precise stepper motor, which can also be moved via the hand box with 2- or 32-fold speed in forward and reverse. Thus, the sky section can be adjusted even more precisely. Low power consumption allows up to 50 hours of operation with just one battery charge.  The height-adjustable stainless steel tripod with polar wedge is an extremely stable base for the BRESSER photo mount. Thanks to the integrated circular level in the tripod head even the leveling of the photo mount is child's play. If you already own a sturdy photo tripod with a video tilt head you can use the photo mount's head directly with the 1/4 inch & 3/8 inch photo thread holes. The pole height (latitude) is then adjusted by the video tilt head. The photo-mount and the tripod with polar wedge are also available separately - Product No.: 4964111 and 4964112   FEATURESEquatorial Photo-MountAdjustable stainless steel field tripod with polar wedge and bubble levelAutomatic siderial tracking against the Earth rotation Handbox to control the tracking motors (2x/32x)Suitable for northern and southern henisphereOptical pole finder scope with illumination unit includedBallhead with quick release saddle plate and 1/4" Photo thread for Kamera mountingPhoto-Mount with 3/8" threaded bolt for ballhead mountingPhoto-Mount with 1/4" und 3/8" inner threads for tripod mountingHigh precision stepper motor with helical gear for accurate tracking Large screws and handles for easy usage at night  Battery operation or stabilized power adapter (optional acc.) Battery life: up to 50 hoursPower connector at handbox: 6 volts DC jack 5.5/2.5mm (positive pole at center pin)Weight Photo-Mont with ballhead: 1.4 kg Weight tripod with polar wedge: 3.5 kgLoad capacity of Photo-Mount: up to 2.5 kg Height of camera sattle plate max. 140 cmSCOPE OF DELIVERYFoto-Mount headTracking motor with HandboxUltra-stable stainless steel field tripod with bubble levelBallhead with quick release saddle plate Pole finder scope with illumination unitBattery compartment 6 volts with case (no D-batteries included)Manual   

Vixen Polarie Star Tracker Camera Mount for Astrophotography
The Vixen POLARIE is a new camera accessory, that enables you to capture sharp, point-like images of the stars. It has been developed to track the stars and to compensate for the movement of the earth. POLARIE enables you to take atmospheric shots of landscapes and the night sky and can also capture these in sharp images. Extremely simple and compact design for use in every location on earth. If you have ever viewed a romantic, starry sky, you will surely have felt the desire to capture it on film. But if you have tried to do this, you will know that it’s really not all that easy. This is because you need to have multiple exposures of several minutes if you want to photograph the stars. As our earth is always turning on its axis, the stars keep moving as time passes and become long strokes on photographs. Today’s digital technology gives us the option of obtaining shorter exposure times by increasing the sensitivity of the sensor, but, unfortunately, this dramatically increases picture noise and the picture becomes very noisy and ugly. This makes it impossible to take beautiful images of the night sky. For this reason, the Vixen company has developed the Polarie Star Tracker, which eliminates the problem of star migration. When you attach your camera to the Polarie, the device will track in the opposite direction of earth’s rotation and this allows for sharp, point-like images of the starry sky even when using long exposure times. POLARIE is a new and unique camera accessory for photographing the night sky, with perfectly point-like stars being tracked. Using the simplest solution, it makes the experience of photographing the night sky more accessible for everyone. The multi-functional mode dial is adjustable for sky- and landscape-, moon-, sun- and star-tracking. Polar altimeter for a fast focus. Also included: USB connection for external power supply and a built-in compass for quick orientation. Available as optional extra accessories are a polar finder telescope for exact alignment with the celestial pole for long-exposure photography including into the telephoto range, and a tripod. FEATURES Tracking speed: Sidereal, 0.5x sidereal, sun, moon Fine adjustment: F57, 6mm worm wheel with 144 teeth Polar axis: F 40mm, aluminium alloy Drive: High-precision stepper motor: Bearing capacity: approx. 2kg incl. ball head Orientation aperture: Field of vision 8.9° vInclinometer: 0° to 70° Miscellaneous: Built-in compass (removable) Power supply: 2x AA batteries (compatible with alkaline, Ni-MH, Ni-CD batteries) or external power supply compatible with USB mini-B Drive voltage: AA batteries: DC2,4-3.0V, Max. 0.6A External power supply: DC4,4-5,25V, max. 0.3A Operating time: approx. 2 hours with alkaline batteries Approx. 20 hours with external power supply at 20°C with 2 kg load Operating temperature: 0° to 40° Dimensions: 95mm x 137mm x 58mm Weight: 740g without batteries Optional accessories available: Polar finder telescope, M-155 tripod, QPL compass, ball head WHAT’S INCLUDED 1x camera mount

BRESSER Tripod TP-100 DX with carry bag
Do you own a BRESSER StarTracker Astrophoto Mount PM-100 (Art.No.: 4964120) and are looking for an ultra-stable tripod ? Then the height-adjustable TP-100 DX aluminium tripod from BRESSER is an extremely stable base. With the help of a 1/4 inch photo thread screw, the BRESSER astrophoto mount is firmly attached to the tripod. This allows you to use the astrophoto mount in azimuth mode for time-lapse and panorama shots. For the production of astronomical photos we recommend the use of the BRESSER Micro Motion Head MH-100 (Polar-Wedge) art. no. 4964140. This is screwed directly onto the tripod head and establishes the connection to the astrophoto mount. This allows the astrophoto mount to be set in EQ mode and rotate the saddle-mounted camera precisely against the earth's rotation and thus the stars remain in pinpoint shape even with long exposures. FEATURES Tripod for BRESSER astronomical photo mount (Art.4964130) Universal tripod with 1/4" mounting screw Height-adjustable aluminium tripod with adjustable centre column Large clamping levers for easy operation Tripod legs with 3-fold extension Tripod height min. 54cm; max. 134cm Tripod height in macro position: 24 cm Transport dimensions: 60x10x10cm Weight tripod: 1,7 kg Weight carry bag: 0,5 kg SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Tripod TP-100 DX Tripod bag with carrying strap Instruction manual

The iEXOS-100 is a complete astronomical computerized Wifi or Wired GOTO Equatorial Tracker with integrated PMC-Eight electronics suitable for attaching Small Telescopes or DSLR Cameras attached to a standard Vixen Style Dovetail Plate. Also a ST-4 compatible autoguider port for active tracking control is included. Use with the free ExploreStars App for Tablets (Windows, Android, iOS), or with the free ASCOM Standards Compliant POTH Client from Explore Scientific (either wired or wireless) to work with virtually any sky software that supports ASCOM. The iEXOS-100 utilizes a proven German equatorial mount design and Explore Scientific’s revolutionary PMC-Eight™ motion control system to flawlessly navigate the night sky and track objects as they journey across it. This combination provides superior observing and imaging performance without a prohibitive price tag. GOTO systems play an important role in the world of amateur astronomy because they ensure users spend less time searching for particular objects and more time observing and imaging. The PMC-Eight with its versatile connections supported with free to download apps for Window, Android, and iOS, or through the free to download ASCOM POTH Client to connect to your favorite ASCOM Compliant Astronomical Software, can allow you to control the telescope from a few feet away or by communicating computer-to-computer with an Internet connection from virtually anywhere in the world. One of the standout features of the iEXOS-100 system is its German equatorial design. When it comes to tracking the stars with a telescope, there is nothing that compares to a German equatorial mount because it will follow objects as they rise in the east and set in the west. For observers, a German equatorial mount makes it easy to keep your celestial target in your eyepiece. For imagers, it helps you avoid common astrophotography pitfalls like field rotation. Before you can track an object, you need to find it, and that objective can be daunting when you’re faced with a vast expanse of inky black sky. The iEXOS-100 puts a powerful GOTO system in your arsenal of astronomical tools that takes the frustration out of navigating the night sky. This integrated version of Explore Scientific’s PMC-Eight™ system transcends the industry standard single processor by utilizing eight CPUs that operate independently of one another to focus on defined functions. This delegation of tasks among the processors results in a system that offers superior responsiveness, efficiency, reliability and astoundingly fast timing intervals for seamless images and accurate tracking. Although it is internally complex, the GOTO system can be easily operated from your own Apple, Android or Windows tablet using the ExploreStars app, which has an intuitive nature that makes it simple and quick to align your telescope, navigate the stars and learn specifics about tens of thousands of celestial objects. This dynamic app is fueled by a database that is routinely updated to ensure it remains a relevant resource. Our commitment to creating a streamlined GOTO mount is obvious in other design choices. The iEXOS-100 has locking clutches that will let you quickly reposition your telescope from one side to the other and an altitude knob for smooth height adjustments. The mount base includes a small polar alignment tunnel that allows users to roughly align their observing setup with Polaris. It also has a simple bubble level that comes in handy when stabilizing your tripod. Other features include a bracket for holding the battery pack, which powers the PMC-Eight system™ through 8 C batteries (not included); two 1 kg counterweights for balancing; and glow-in-the-dark markers on certain points of the mount and tripod so you can stay oriented with your setup at night. The mount is designed to hold up to 5 kg of astronomical equipment.IMPORTANT NOTETo start using ExploreStars app, download the free app and download the celestial data set that contains the astronomical catalogs, reference images, and reference text. Simply by unzipping the ExploreStars folder containing the expanded celestial data set into your Pictures directory, you will expand the native database from a thousand objects to over seventy thousand objects.  SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD Explore Scientific PMC-Eight™ Wifi GOTO systemBeautiful full graphical user interface using our very own ExploreStars OpenGotoWifi controlled by Tablet, Notebook or Desktop PC with 7'' or larger display, and Wifi function (computer device not included)Needed system software of optional computer or tablet: WIN8.1, WIN10+11, iOS, Android 4.4 or higherClassic four-button pattern and virtual joystick for guiding, centering, moving and slewing on the touch screenIntuitive 2 star and 3 star alignment procedure Includes a small polar alignment tunnelStandard Vixen Style Dovetail AdapterMount load capacity up to 5 kgMultiprocessor Micro Controller with 8 CPU´sMicro-Stepper Motors and worm gearsSilent Belt-Drive System Mini-USB port for INDI/ASCOM wired computer connectionST-4 compatible autoguider portINDI and ASCOM Driver available: YES, supports also Pulse-GuidingYOU can write your own code and import it into this softwareGPS-compatible and auto time / date settings are dependent on optional receiver on computer, tablet or phoneGlow-in-the-dark markings on mount and tripodWeight mount-head: 4,0 kg ; weight tripod: 2,5 kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYExplore Scientific iEXOS-100 PMC-8 Wifi Goto MountStainless steel tripod with bubble levelCounter weight 2 x 1,0 kg Battery compartment 12 volts with bracket / (8 x C-Cells not included) Coil-cord for DEC motorGlow-in-the-dark markings on mount and tripodExploreStars Software via download for freeInstruction manualIMPORTANT NOTE: This package doesn´t include any WINDOWS/iOS/Android Computer or Tablet.FAQ / KNOWLEDGE-BASE: GROUPS:


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FEATURES Carry case for Porta II and Mini Porta mounts Length of the case can be easily adjusted via strapsFastening straps prevent the bag from slippingSeparate accessory bag for securing to the outside of the carry caseWith carry straps for carrying in hand or on shoulderZip fastener for quick and easy storagePadded compartment for the mount DELIVERY CONTENT Mount bag Accessory bag

EXPLORE-SCIENTIFIC Eyepiece and Accessory Soft Case
The compact versatile EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC soft-sided case is one of the most versatile storage solutions made. It’s the perfect combination of protection and organization for everything from Explore Scientific eyepieces to the smallest batteries, cables and accessories. The walls and dividers are made with a layered combination of protective EVA foam and rigid PE board to keep contents safe (and from shifting between compartments) inside any bag.  FEATURESCompact versatile soft-sided caseProtection and organization of accessoriesFor eyepieces, filters, batteries and cablesWalls and dividers of protective EVA foamNo shifting between compartmentsKeeps the contents safe  Length 22 x 19 x 8cm; Weight 0,5 kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYaccessory soft case with protective dividers

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Telescope Case ED-APO & AR 127s/152s
Your telescope is much more than an observation aid. It is your personal pathway to the stars, and protecting it while it is in storage or transit should be a priority. Designed specifically for the ED127, ED127CF, AR127s and AR152s, this soft-sided carrying case offers that ideal combination of protection and portability. Inside, the light gray colored nylon features multiple adjustable velcro compartments designed to carefully cradle and easily organize your scope, eyepieces and accessories. The padded polyester outer shell has reinforced back and sides, a shoulder strap with Explore Scientific embroidered logo pad and hand straps for grab-and-go convenience. The case's interior measurements are 110 x 29 x 20 cm. Weight is 1,8 kg.FEATURESSoft-sided carrying caseProtection and organization of your scope and accessoriesIdeal combination of protection and portabilityMultiple adjustable velcro compartmentsShoulder strap with Explore Scientific embroidered logo padNo shifting between compartmentsReinforced back and sidesKeeps the contents safe Interior measurements are 110 x 29 x 20 cm, Weight is 1,8 kgExterior measurements are 115 x 34 x 24 cm SCOPE OF DELIVERYaccessory soft case with protective dividers

Vixen VMC200L Maksutov-Cassegrain mirror telescope - optical tube
Featuring an improved design and optical properties, this compact field corrected Maksutov-Cassegrain system is Vixen's answer to Schmidt Cassegrain and more conventional Maksutov Telescopes. Instead of a heavy corrector plate, the Meniscus corrector is located directly in front of the secondary mirror. As a result, the Field-Maksutov does not dew up easily, as most conventional SCT s and Maksutovs do, when exposed to humid air.  Thanks to the VMC's open tube system, the optics cool down quickly, ensuring that the telescope is ready for use in no time - again offering advantages over traditional Schmidts and Maksutovs, which can take a long time to acclimatise and reach thermal equilibrium. The long focal length of the VMC allows you to make detailed observations of planets, distant galaxies, individual lunar craters and mountains and many other celestial objects.  The mirror is manufactured using an advanced coating deposition technique, normally reserved for research-grade instruments - ensuring an extremely smooth and precisely-finished optical surface.  This, combined with the secondary corrector delivers extremely pleasing visual and photographic performance, with a very flat field.  Unlike the primary mirrors in many rival SCTs and Maksutovs, the VMC200L's primary is fixed and doesn't travel on a focuser baffle, adding to stability and as a result this telescope does not suffer from "mirror flop" or focus shift.The focuser is a conventional, smooth-running single speed rack and pinion design, which ensures stability, even at high loading.  It can be simply upgraded to dual speed use for finer focus control with the X000143 Vixen Dual-Speed-Focuser, if required.The telescope is supplied with a standard Vixen profile mounting dovetail bar and is also supplied with a carry handle, which makes transport and mounting much easier.  The carry handle can also double up as a mounting platform for other accessories, if required.The VMC200L is also supplied with Vixen's superb 7x50mm illuminated finderscope, with variable brightness control, to help you guide the telescope accurately to targets.Last, but not least, is the inclusion of Vixen's extremely useful flip mirror system, which allows for mutual mounting of 1.25" eyepieces or accessories.  Both eyepiece holders can be unscrewed, revealing a standard T2 mounting thread, which allows easy mounting of many cameras or other photographic accessories to either port.  The ability to be able to flip simply between visual use and a camera is of great help when trying to centre and image compact targets - speeding up acquisition of targets and making better use of your time under the night sky.FEATURES 200 mm mirror Focal length: 1950 mm (f9.75) Resolution and limiting magnitude: 0.45 arc seconds; 13.3 Light-gathering power: 816x Backfocus without Reducer: 144.9 mmBackfocus with Reducer: 63.5 mm Dimensions and weight: 232 x 510, 6.8 kg Adapter and connections: 60 mm thread WHAT’S INCLUDED Dovetail bar Flip mirror Carry handle 7x50 viewfinder, illuminated

BRESSER Viewfinder 6x30
BRESSER Viewfinder 6x30 Category: Spare Part for Messier Telescope Series Description: The high-quality Viewfinder 6x30 with a crosshair is an indispensable accessory for Messier Telescopes. It facilitates precise alignment to celestial objects, enabled by easy mounting and precise adjustment. Suitable for the BRESSER Messier Telescope series.
