Bamboo Stem 

Bamboo is not a tree, but is more closely related to grass. There are more than 1000 species, which grow mainly in Asia, Africa and America. The biggest bamboo stems may grow up to 30m high. The bamboo shoots grow from a tuberous root, which can rapidly spread through runners. Unlike all trees, individual bamboo culms emerge from the ground at their full diameter and grow to their full height in a single growing season of three to four months. During these several months, each new shoot grows vertically into a culm with no branching out until the majority of the mature height is reached. Then, the branches extend from the nodes and leafs grow. In the next years, the bamboo slowly hardens. After a few years, the bamboo shoot already dies off and will decay from fungi.

This brief life means culms are ready for harvest and suitable for use within three to seven years. Bamboo is used for construction, furniture, other household goods, musical instruments and to produce paper and textiles.

Some information in this copy may have been obtained from the online resource: Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

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