Ein Achromat ist eine optisch gekittete Doppellinse. Farb- und Abbildungsfehler einer Einzellinse werden durch einen Achromaten weitgehend eliminiert. Ein gutes Fernglas hat wenigstens je einen Achromaten im Okular- und Objektiv-Linsensystem.


Bei Air-Achromaten sind beide Linsen durch einen schmalen Luftspalt getrennt. Durch den Einsatz von Air-Achromaten ist es möglich, die Baulänge zu verkürzen und so sehr kompakte Ferngläser herzustellen.


Um das Fernglas den unterschiedlichen Augenabständen der Benutzer anzupassen, ist es um die Mittelachse schwenkbar. Der richtige Augenabstand ist dann eingestellt, wenn der Benutzer einen Bildkreis bei der Beobachtung sieht. In den technischen und optischen Daten ist der maximal und minimal einstellbare Augenabstand jedes Fernglas-Modells angegeben. Der Augenabstand wird vom Mittelpunkt der linken Okularlinse bis zum Mittelpunkt der rechten Okularlinse gemessen.


Augenmuscheln sind die Verbindung zwischen den Okular-Linsen und dem Auge. Fast alle Modelle besitzen umklappbare Gummiaugenmuscheln. Diese sind mit den Okularringen verbunden.

Sie erfüllen zwei Funktionen:

Der Druck auf das Auge bei längerem Beobachten wird durch das weiche Gummi vermindert.

Für Beobachtungen mit einer Brille werden die Gummiaugenmuscheln umgeklappt.

Dadurch wird der Abstand zwischen den Okular-Linsen und dem Auge verkürzt, der Brillenträger nutzt das ganze mögliche Gesichtsfeld des Fernglas-Modells aus.


Ferngläser neuester Bauart. Durch den Einsatz von exakt geschliffenen Dachkantprismen ist ein fast linearer Strahlengang des Lichts möglich. D.h. diese Gläser sind besonders schlank und handlich. Ein Qualitätsunterschied zu den gebräuchlichen Porro-Modellen besteht nicht. Typische Modelle: 8x56 Linear und 8x25 Handy.


Die Dämmerungszahl ist das Maß für die Sehleistung und Detailerkennbarkeit bei Ferngläsern.

Wurzel aus (Objektiv Ø x Vergrößerung)

Das Ergebnis ist rein rechnerisch zu bewerten und nur für einen Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Fernglas-Typen (8x30, 7x50, 10x50 usw.) interessant. Die errechnete Zahl berücksichtigt keine Leistungssteigerung des Fernglases durch Vergütung, hochwertige Glassorten usw. siehe: Lichtstärke


Bei Ferngläsern mit Mitteltrieb-Einstellung ist das rechte Okular (bei den meisten Zoom-Ferngläsern das linke Okular) drehbar. Damit kann die Fehlsichtigkeit des Benutzers ausgeglichen werden. Bei Modellen mit Einzel-Okulareinstellung sind beide Okulare drehbar und dienen ebenfalls zur Scharfeinstellung.


Bei dem von BRESSER entwickelten, patentierten SUPER-FOCUS System handelt es sich um eine große Hilfe beim Scharfeinstellen des Fernglases: Das Glas wird vom Benutzer auf seine individuelle Sehkraft eingestellt; danach kann blitzschnell zwischen dem Nahbereich und dem Fernbereich des Modells umgeschaltet werden. Besonders beim Beobachten von sich schnell bewegenden Objekten ist die schnelle und exakte Veränderung des Schärfenbereiches von Vorteil. Nach Lösen des Super-Focus Systems kann die Scharfeinstellung auf dem konventionellen Wege erfolgen. Im Gegensatz zu den angebotenen FIXED-FOCUS Ferngläsern spielt bei dem SUPER-FOKUS System die unterschiedliche Sehkraft der Benutzer keine Rolle: das Glas wird auf die Sehkraft des jeweiligen Benutzers exakt eingestellt.


Die BRESSER BINOCOM K- und CLS Modelle werden mit eingebautem Kompass geliefert. Diese Ferngläser werden hauptsächlich zur Navigation in der Seefahrt eingesetzt. Alle BINOCOM-Modelle sind außerdem wasserdicht bis 3m Tiefe / 2 Minuten.


Fernglas ohne Prismen. In der heutigen Zeit werden fast ausschließlich Theatergläser nach dem galileischen Prinzip gebaut. Das Sehfeld bei dieser Bauform ist besonders groß - allerdings ist die Vergrößerung auf max. 4-5x beschränkt.


Ferngläser mit Gummiarmierung sind für den harten, berufs-mäßigen Einsatz empfehlenswert. Die schwarze oder oliv-grüne Gummiarmierung schützt das Fernglas bei Stoß, Fall und bei Spritzwasser. Die Gummiarmierung unserer Ferngläser ist bei normalem Gebrauch lichtecht und unempfindlich gegen Sonneneinstrahlung.


siehe: Augenmuscheln

JUSTIERUNG (Doppelbild)

Unter einer Justierung bei Ferngläsern versteht man die parallele Ausrichtung der beiden Fernglashälften. Wird ein Fernglas hart gestoßen, oder fällt es 42 z. B. auf den Boden werden die Prismen verschoben und das Glas ist dejustiert. Bei Beobachtungen durch ein dejustiertes Fernglas-Modell erscheinen dem Betrachter die Konturen verschoben (Doppelbild). Eine leichte Dejustierung des Modells wird eventuell durch die Akkomodierung (Anpassung) der Augen ausgeglichen, bei längerem Sehen treten dann aber Kopfschmerzen auf. In jedem Fall ist ein dejustiertes Fernglas zur Reparatur einzusenden.


Brillenträger-Okular mit erhöhtem Augenpunkt. Betrachtung des ganzen Sehfeldes für Brillenträger möglich.

LICHTSTÄRKE, allgemeiner Hinweis

Die Lichtstärke ist das Maß für die Helligkeit des Fernglases. Unter normalen Umständen ist ein 7x50 Fernglas (L.S.51) für den Benutzer erheblich lichtstärker als ein 10x50 Fernglas (L.S. 25). Um die höhere Lichtstärke des 7x50 Fernglases ausnutzen zu können, ist es Voraussetzung, dass sich die Pupille des Benutzers auf die Größe der Austritts-Pupille des Fernglases vergrößert (beim 7x50 = AP 7.14). Bei älteren Menschen (über 50 Jahre) öffnet sich die Pupille oft nicht mehr auf die maximale Größe und in diesem Fall kann die höhere Lichtstärke eines Fernglases nicht ausgenutzt werden.

LICHTSTÄRKE, geometrisch

Die geometrische Lichtstärke ist der rechnerische Helligkeitswert eines Fernglases. Modelle mit hoher Lichtstärke sind besonders für Beobachtungen in der Dämmerung geeignet.

Formel zur Berechnung der Lichtstärke:

(Objektiv Ø : Vergrößerung) zum Quadrat

z. B.: 50 : 10 = 5x5 = 25 Bei dieser Berechnung der Lichtstärke wird nicht eine leistungssteigernde Ausstattung des Glases berücksichtigt, wie z.B. BAK-4 Prismen, Mehrschichtvergütung, Qualität des optischen Glases usw. Diese Leistungssteigerung wird durch Berechnung der relativen Lichtstärke deutlich gemacht.


Die relative Lichtstärke ist der moderne Ausdruck, der die Verwendung von speziell vergüteten Linsen und Barium Kronglas (BAK-4) erhöhte Lichtstärke berükksichtigt. Unsere Ferngläser haben z. B. eine bis zu 60% höhere Lichtstärke als einfache, unvergütete Prismengläser.


Als Nachtgläser werden Modelle bezeichnet, die eine hohe geometrische und relative Lichtstärke aufweisen (z.B. 7x50, 8x56, 9x63, usw.) Ein hervorragendes Nachtglas ist das BRESSER 8x56 JAGD.


Restlichtverstärker sind für den Einsatz in der Nacht konzipiert. Auch in der Nacht gibt es noch das so genannte "Restlicht" (Sternenlicht, Mondlicht usw.). Dieses Restlicht wird elektronisch im Fernglas bis zu 50.000x verstärkt. Durch den Einsatz eines zusätzlichen Lasers wird die Beobachtungsmöglichkeit des Restlichtverstärkers noch wesentlich erweitert. Das elektronische Bild eines RV ist aber in der Schärfe und Brillanz nicht mit einem optischen Bild eines Prismenglases zu vergleichen.


Bei diesen Ferngläsern ist eine 7-15 lagige rubinfarbene Mineralschicht auf die Objektiv-Linsen aufgedampft worden. Diese Vergütung erhöht bei Sonnenlicht den Kontrast des Fernglas-Bildes, da die Rot-Anteile des Lichtes weitgehend ausgefiltert werden. Es ist allerdings auch zu sagen, dass durch die Rot- Vergütung die Lichtstärke des Glases um ca. 7% heruntergesetzt wird.


Unter Sehfeld eines Fernglases versteht man das übersehbare Gelände bei einem Abstand von 1000m vom Objekt. Das Sehfeld ist meistens in "Meter" angegeben. Bei der Angabe des Sehfeldes als Winkel (z. B. 7°) entspricht 1° = 17.5m. Ein Fernglas mit einem Sehfeld über 120m/1000m wird unter der Bezeichnung "Grossfeld", über 140/1000m unter der Bezeichnung "Weitwinkel" angeboten. Weitwinkel-Ferngläser sind besonders für sich bewegende Objekte (Fußball, Pferderennen) empfehlenswert.


Bei vielen Fernglas-Modellen ist bereits ein Stativgewinde eingesetzt. Diese Ferngläser können mit Hilfe eines Stativ-Adapters auf ein Stativ geschraubt werden und garantieren so ein "ruhiges" Bild.


Normale optische Linsen haben die Eigenschaft, einen Teil des einfallenden Lichtes zu reflektieren. Es entsteht ein Lichtverlust und eine Verminderung des Kontrastes durch Streulicht. Durch Vergütung der Linsen (aufdampfen einer reflexmindernden Mineral-schicht) wird die Reflexion erheblich gemindert und die Lichttransmission (Durchlässigkeit) gesteigert. Ein vollvergütetes Fernglas läßt im Vergleich mit einem unvergüteten Glas ca. 60% mehr Licht in den Strahlengang ein. Durch Verwendung spezieller Vergütungen (UV-Vergütung, Mehrschichtvergütung) wird die Lichtstärke weiter gesteigert.

BRESSER Table Tripod 24cm
The BRESSER table-tripod with its height of 24 cm is a lot more versatile than one might think. It can be used lying in prone position, on observation posts as well as simply from a table. It is useful for a large variety of BRESSER binoculars* as well as BRESSER spotting scopes up to the weight of 1.000 g. With the convenient adjustment handle the tripod head can be moved vertically and horizontally; it also can be fastened to provide a steady image for observations. The BRESSER table tripod can be folded to have space-saving, small package for mobile use (dimensions when folded: ca. 295 x 65 x 54mm; weight: 245 g). FEATURESsturdy table tripod1/4" threadeasy positioning and fixation of the tripod head via handlecompact and lightweightSCOPE OF DELIVERYTable tripod 24 cm *For the use with binoculars an optional tripod adapter (item # 1916000 or 1916500) is needed.

BRESSER Tripod Adapter for Binoculars
A tripod adapter is used to attach your binoculars to a tripod. Suitable for binoculars weighing more than 800 g and which have a standard tripod thread.FEATURESSturdy plastic adapterRecommended load capacity: 800 - 1000 gSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x adapter

Bresser Binocular Metal Tripod Adapter SFM-1
Solid slim metal tripod adapter for binoculars with built-in tripod connection thread to connect the binoculars to a tripod. Due to its particularly slim design, this adapter is optimally suited for roof binoculars. But it can also be used to adapt other binoculars up to 1.5 kg to a tripod.

BRESSER T2 ring Canon EOS
T-Mounts are the connecting piece between the camera adapter and the SLR camera. Please read the instruction manual of your camera to find out which T-Mount you need, look into the instruction manual of your camera. Connect your BRESSER Microscope or Telescope with a Canon EOS SLR camera and take images or videos of your observed object!FEATURESConnecting piece between the camera adapter and Canon EOS SLR cameraHigh-quality and precise workmanship made of metalA corresponding camera adapter is neededSCOPE OF DELIVERYT2 Ring Canon EOS

BRESSER T2 Ring Nikon
Connect your BRESSER Microscope or Telescope with a Nikon SLR camera and take images or videos of your observed object!The BRESSER T-Mount is the connecting piece between the camera adapter and SLR camera. To find out what T2-ring you need, look into the instruction manual of your camera.FEATURESConnecting piece between the camera adapter and Nikon SLR cameraHigh-quality and precise workmanship made of metalA corresponding camera adapter is neededSCOPE OF DELIVERYT2 Ring Nikon

BRESSER Hunter 8x21 Binoculars
The BRESSER Hunter series offers practical binoculars in an appealing design with excellent value for money. Compact and convenient, this affordable range provides ideal companions for many situations. The fully coated BK-7 optics and the solid mechanics allow for a good image reproduction. All models offer a diopter adjustment as well as foldable rubber eyecups, making them suitable for both spectacle and non-spectacle wearers. Moreover, the image can be quickly focused with the user-friendly central focus wheel. In addition, the robust rubber armouring on the BRESSER Binoculars Hunter 8x21 ensures a firm grip and protection against impacts. FEATURESPrisms and lens system made of high-quality BK-7 glass materialFully coated (blue) on all optical surfacesCentral focus wheelDiopter adjustmentFoldable eyecupsRobust, rubber-armoured binocular bodySCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsCaseNeckstrapLens cleaning clothInstruction manual

BRESSER Hunter 10x25 Pocket Binoculars
The BRESSER Hunter 10x25 binoculars is a new design offering excellent value for money. Due to its compact and handy shape this series is an ideal companion for many situations. The fully coated optics and the solid mechanics allow for a good and true colour imaging. The ergonomic shape of the armouring and the non-slip rubber provide a safe grip. BK-7 optical glass is used for a good image reproduction. These binoculars are perfect for hiking and other outdoor activities. Thanks to its small dimensions and low weight it can be stowed easily in your luggage. FEATURESCompact and lightweight pocket binoculars Optical design: roof prism binoculars Magnification: 10x Lens diameter: 25 mm Fully coated optics for good image quality Ergonomic shape and non-slip rubber coating for a secure grip With optical BK-7 glass material SCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsCarry caseCarrying strapLens clothmanual

BRESSER T2 ring for Sony - E-mount
Connect your BRESSER Microscope or Telescope with a Sony System camera and take images or videos* of your observed object!T-Mounts are the connecting piece between the T2 camera adapter and the system camera. Please read the instruction manual of your camera to find out which T-Mount you need, look into the instruction manual of your camera.The adapter will provide the necessary distance extension between the flange focal length of 18mm for E-Mount and 55mm for T2. The overall length is 37mm.For Sony NEX or ILCE cameras with E-Mount bajonet (e.g. Sony Alpha 6000, Sony A7S / A7R)SCOPE OF DELIVERYT2-Ring für Sony E-Mount camerasFor Sony NEX, ILCE Cameras (e.g. A7S, A7R)

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10x25 pocket binoculars
When you’re out and about in the countryside, you won’t want to miss any stunning views. Featuring a compact and lightweight design, the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10x25 pocket binoculars are the perfect companion for outdoor enthusiasts. See every detail on tours and walks Thanks to the 10x magnification and 25 mm lens diameter, the binoculars are ideal for spontaneous nature observations on hiking trips or walks. For example, when viewed through the lenses, rare water birds 100 metres away appear as if they were just 10 metres in front of you – perfect for taking a closer look at colourful plumage! And if the bird flies away, you can follow its path through the binoculars – thanks to the 101 m at 1000 m field of view, moving objects are easy to track. The 10x25 binoculars are also suitable for people who wear glasses, as they feature folding rubber eyecups for adjusting the distance between your glasses and the eyepiece lenses. Practical and durable design Thanks to their slim roof prism design, the binoculars produce a detailed, close-up view of your surroundings. What’s more, they also feature a rubber-armoured body that provides an optimal grip when you’re out exploring. The rubber coating also protects the optics in the event of a drop or fall. When you’ve finished observing, you can store the compact binoculars in the included nylon case for quick access when you spot your next discovery. Explore the wonders of nature in stunning detail with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10x25 pocket binoculars! FEATURES Practical folding binoculars 10x magnification 25 mm lens diameter Field of view: 101 m at 1000 m Portable and compact design Ideal for hiking and traveling Twist-up eyecups for glasses wearers Robust, rubber-armoured binocular body DELIVERY CONTENT Binoculars Nylon case Shoulder strap Instruction manual

BRESSER Hunter 8x40 Binoculars
The BRESSER Hunter 8x40 is a compact and handy binocular, the perfect companion on just about any outdoor activity. The fully coated optics and its solid mechanics enable a true colour picture replication. The convenient proportion between objective aperture and magnification makes observations during dawn phases possible. Diopter adjustment and foldable rubberized eyecups are included. The handy and touch-proofed surface of the BRESSER Hunter 8x40 provides a comfortable grip. The tripod connection is standardized for these models.FEATURESType: Standard binocularsApplication range: Sports, Nature, HikingPrism glass: BK-7Focus type: CenterExtras: Tripod adapter thread, Rubber armouringColour: blackPrism and lens materials made of BaK-7 glass materialOptical surfaces are blue fully coated Centre-wheel focusingIndividual eyepiece dioptre adjustmentTripod adapter threadRobust, rubber armoured binocular body SCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsNylon bagCarrying strapProtective lens capsProtective eyepiece caps

BRESSER Hunter 7x50 Porro Prism Binoculars
The compact and handy body enable the BRESSER Hunter 7x50 Binoculars to be the perfect companion on just about any outdoor activity. The fully coated optics and its solid mechanics enable a true colour picture replication. The convenient proportion between objective aperture and magnification makes observations during dawn phases possible. Diopter adjustment and foldable rubberized eyecups are included. The handy and touch-proofed surface of the BRESSER Hunter 7x50 provides a comfortable grip. The tripod connection is standardized for these models.FEATURESType: Standard binocularsApplication range: Sports, Nature, HikingPrism glass: BK-7Focus type: CenterExtras: Tripod adapter thread, Rubber armouringColour: blackPrism and lens materials made of BaK-7 glass materialOptical surfaces are blue fully coated Centre-wheel focusingIndividual eyepiece dioptre adjustmentTripod adapter threadRobust, rubber armoured binocular bodySCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsNylon bagCarrying strapProtective lens capsProtective eyepiece caps

Photoadapter Spotting Scopes / DSLR
Capturing beautiful moments with your SLR camera on a photo is sometimes limited when it comes to long distances. Simply connect your SLR camera to your scope with this Photoadapter and benefit from the high magnification of the scope to overcome this problem and capture the smallest details on photo. Inner diameter: 40-54mm Inside dimension Length: 68 - 81mm All you need is your camera, a spotting scope of the Dachstein or Prisch Gen II series and this photo adapter as well as the matching T2 ring for your camera and the fun can start. Suitable for: BRESSER Pirsch Gen II spotting scopes BRESSER Dachstein spotting scopes BRESSER Condor Gen II spotting scopes BRESSER 15-45x60 Spektar spotting scope Spotting scopes of other brands

BRESSER Hunter 10x50 Binoculars
The compact and handy body enable the BRESSER Hunter 10x50 Binoculars to be the perfect companion for just about every outdoor activity. The fully coated optics and its solid mechanics enable a true colour picture replication.The advantageous relation of lens diameter and magnification enable observations at dawn. All models comprise not only a dioptre adjustment but also collapsible rubber eyecups for spectacle wearers. The handy rubber armoured body of the BRESSER Hunter 10x50 binoculars allow a firm grip. A tripod thread is standard for all Hunter binoculars.FEATURESType: Standard binocularsApplication range: Sports, Nature, HikingPrism glass: BK-7Focus type: CenterExtras: Tripod adapter thread, Rubber armouringColour: blackPrism and lens materials made of BaK-7 glass materialOptical surfaces are blue fully coated Centre-wheel focusingIndividual eyepiece dioptre adjustmentTripod adapter threadRobust, rubber armoured binocular bodySCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsNylon bagCarrying strapProtective lens capsProtective eyepiece caps

BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 black
Your ideal companion for a perfect view: The BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 are small enough to fit into any bag, always ready for a quick glimpse at exciting sights. Moreover, with its barely noticeable weight of approximately 185 g, you'll find it's a breeze to carry on trekking expeditions, hiking adventures, leisurely walks, and other activities. Compact binoculars with impressive optics for fascinating views Featuring a 24-mm objective diameter, the Spirit is the perfect pair of daytime binoculars for your outdoor adventures. Its fully multi-coated lenses ensure bright and clear images. The 6x magnification brings distant objects, as far as 600 m, seemingly within a mere 100 m. Ideal for effortlessly observing wildlife, rock formations, historic structures, and more. Every object quickly focused in a large field of view With a wide field of view of 154 m at 1,000 m, it is effortless to admire flying birds and other fast-moving animals. And with the user-friendly central focus wheel you are able to focus on any object swiftly and easily. Enjoy the landscape through the 6x24 binoculars – with or without spectacles The twist-up eyecups ensure that whether you wear glasses or not, you always get to enjoy the full field of view through the Spirit Compact Binoculars. Quickly adjust the perfect eye-to-lens distance with a simple twist. Plus, the dioptre adjustment helps balance out any differences in the eyes' visual acuity. Whether you're in nature, at a sports event, or a concert, the BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 allow you to effortlessly survey any distant eye-catchers wherever you are. FEATURES Compact pocket binoculars Magnification: 6x Objective diameter: 24 mm Field of view: 154 m / 1,000 m Lens coating: Fully multi-coated Central focusing mechanism Dioptre compensation +/- 4 Twist-up eyecups suitable for glasses wearers Adjustable eye relief: 56-72 mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Compact Binoculars Carrying strap Case Lens cleaning cloth Eyepiece dust caps Instruction manual

BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 white
Your ideal companion for a perfect view: The BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 are small enough to fit into any bag, always ready for a quick glimpse at exciting sights. Moreover, with its barely noticeable weight of approximately 185 g, you'll find it's a breeze to carry on trekking expeditions, hiking adventures, leisurely walks, and other activities. Compact binoculars with impressive optics for fascinating views Featuring a 24-mm objective diameter, the Spirit is the perfect pair of daytime binoculars for your outdoor adventures. Its fully multi-coated lenses ensure bright and clear images. The 6x magnification brings distant objects, as far as 600 m, seemingly within a mere 100 m. Ideal for effortlessly observing wildlife, rock formations, historic structures, and more. Every object quickly focused in a large field of view With a wide field of view of 154 m at 1,000 m, it is effortless to admire flying birds and other fast-moving animals. And with the user-friendly central focus wheel you are able to focus on any object swiftly and easily. Enjoy the landscape through the 6x24 binoculars – with or without spectacles The twist-up eyecups ensure that whether you wear glasses or not, you always get to enjoy the full field of view through the Spirit Compact Binoculars. Quickly adjust the perfect eye-to-lens distance with a simple twist. Plus, the dioptre adjustment helps balance out any differences in the eyes' visual acuity. Whether you're in nature, at a sports event, or a concert, the BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 allow you to effortlessly survey any distant eye-catchers wherever you are. FEATURES Compact pocket binoculars Magnification: 6x Objective diameter: 24 mm Field of view: 154 m / 1,000 m Lens coating: Fully multi-coated Central focusing mechanism Dioptre compensation +/- 4 Twist-up eyecups suitable for glasses wearers Adjustable eye relief: 56-72 mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Compact Binoculars Carrying strap Case Lens cleaning cloth Eyepiece dust caps Instruction manual

BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 red
Your ideal companion for a perfect view: The BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 are small enough to fit into any bag, always ready for a quick glimpse at exciting sights. Moreover, with its barely noticeable weight of approximately 185 g, you'll find it's a breeze to carry on trekking expeditions, hiking adventures, leisurely walks, and other activities. Compact binoculars with impressive optics for fascinating views Featuring a 24-mm objective diameter, the Spirit is the perfect pair of daytime binoculars for your outdoor adventures. Its fully multi-coated lenses ensure bright and clear images. The 6x magnification brings distant objects, as far as 600 m, seemingly within a mere 100 m. Ideal for effortlessly observing wildlife, rock formations, historic structures, and more. Every object quickly focused in a large field of view With a wide field of view of 154 m at 1,000 m, it is effortless to admire flying birds and other fast-moving animals. And with the user-friendly central focus wheel you are able to focus on any object swiftly and easily. Enjoy the landscape through the 6x24 binoculars – with or without spectacles The twist-up eyecups ensure that whether you wear glasses or not, you always get to enjoy the full field of view through the Spirit Compact Binoculars. Quickly adjust the perfect eye-to-lens distance with a simple twist. Plus, the dioptre adjustment helps balance out any differences in the eyes' visual acuity. Whether you're in nature, at a sports event, or a concert, the BRESSER Spirit Compact Binoculars 6x24 allow you to effortlessly survey any distant eye-catchers wherever you are. FEATURES Compact pocket binoculars Magnification: 6x Objective diameter: 24 mm Field of view: 154 m / 1,000 m Lens coating: Fully multi-coated Central focusing mechanism Dioptre compensation +/- 4 Twist-up eyecups suitable for glasses wearers Adjustable eye relief: 56-72 mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Compact Binoculars Carrying strap Case Lens cleaning cloth Eyepiece dust caps Instruction manual

BRESSER Hunter 16x50 Binoculars
This compact and handy body enable the BRESSER Hunter 16x50 Binoculars to be the perfect companion on just about any outdoor activity. The fully coated optics and its solid mechanics enable a true colour picture replication. The convenient proportion between objective aperture and magnification makes observations during dawn phases possible. Diopter adjustment and foldable rubberized eyecups are included. The handy and touch-proofed surface of the BRESSER Hunter 16x50 provides a comfortable grip. The tripod connection is standardized for these models.FEATURESType: Standard binocularsApplication range: Sports, Nature, HikingPrism glass: BK-7Focus type: CenterExtras: Tripod adapter thread, Rubber armouringColour: blackPrism and lens materials made of BaK-7 glass materialOptical surfaces are blue fully coated Centre-wheel focusingIndividual eyepiece dioptre adjustmentTripod adapter threadRobust, rubber armoured binocular body SCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsNylon bagCarrying strapProtective lens capsProtective eyepiece caps

BRESSER Hunter 20x50 Porro Binoculars
The BRESSER Hunter 20x50 binoculars new design provides impressive performance. Due to the minimised lightweight design, this inexpensive model is the ideal companion in many situations. The fully coated optics and solid mechanics enable a true colour image reproduction. The high magnification is ideal for observing distant objects. All models include not only a dioptric adjustment but also foldable rubber eyecups for eyeglass wearers. The handy and non-slip surface of the BRESSER Hunter 20x50 binoculars always ensures a firm grip. A tripod mount is part of the standard equipment of these binoculars and is a popular feature particularly with high magnifications . FEATURES Prism lens made ​​of BK-7 glass Blue fully coated optical surfaces Center wheel focusing Dioptric adjustment Foldable eyecups Robust, rubber armored binocular body Tripod adapter thread SCOPE OF DELIVERY Binoculars Case Shoulder strap Caps Lens cleaning cloth Manual

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10x50 Porro Binoculars
These elegant Porro-prism binoculars have excellent optical characteristics. The green fully coated optics guarantee a decisively higher light transmission through the glass, thus increasing color fidelity and contrast. Diopter compensation is standard with these models. This makes these binoculars suitable for beginner birders or nature observers. Even on windy days, due to the 10-fold magnification, a stable image is provided. The 50 mm objective lenses gather enough brightness for observation even in twilight conditions. A carrying pouch and neck strap are included. For longer observations, a tripod-adapter thread is integrated. FEATURESbinoculars for nature observationshigh light gathering capacity for bright images in the twilightSCOPE OF DELIVERYbinocularslens clothcarrying strapcase

BRESSER Hunter 8-24x50 Zoom Binoculars
The BRESSER Hunter 8-24x50 Zoom are compact and handy binocular, they are the perfect companion on just about any outdoor activity. The fully coated optics and its solid mechanics enable a true colour picture replication. The convenient proportion between objective aperture and magnification makes observations during dawn phases possible. Diopter adjustment and foldable rubberized eyecups are included. The handy and touch-proofed surface of the BRESSER Hunter 8-24x50 provides a comfortable grip. The tripod connection is standardized for these models.FEATURESType: Standard binocularsApplication range: Sports, Nature, HikingPrism glass: BK-7Focus type: CenterExtras: Tripod adapter thread, Rubber armouringColour: blackPrism and lens materials made of BaK-7 glass materialOptical surfaces are blue fully coated Centre-wheel focusingIndividual eyepiece dioptre adjustmentTripod adapter threadRobust, rubber armoured binocular bodySCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularsNylon bagCarrying strapProtective lens capsProtective eyepiece caps

BRESSER Topas 8-24x50 Binoculars
The beautifully shaped BRESSER Topas 8-24x50 Zoom binoculars are a reliable Porro prism binoculars with fully coated optics. The powerful, variable magnification enables the Topas 8-24x50 to be used for many different applications. The magnification can be changed conveniently, via a lever, during use. These practical binoculars feature a diopter adjustment and thanks to the foldable eyecups make them perfectly suitable for spectacle wearers. The partial rubber armouring provides a safe grip and the center focusing wheel ensures easy operation. A tripod thread for an adapter is integrated to make long-term observations more comfortable, with an additionally purchasable binocular adapter (Art no: 1916001 or 4914925).FEATURESversatile zoom binocularsfully coated Porro prismscomfortable setting of the magnification via the zoom control leverdiopter adjustmentWHAT'S INCLUDEDbinocularscasecarrying strapmanual

BRESSER Binoculars 8x42 Tobermory
See the world as clearly as the waters around the namesake, picturesque place in Canada through the BRESSER Binoculars 8x42 Tobermory! Whether on a park walk or bird watching in the wild – with the 8x magnification and the generous field of view of 105 m at 1,000 m, you always keep an eye on all exciting details. The combination of 42 mm objective diameter and high-quality broadband coating on the optical glass ensures a pleasantly bright and clear image. Capture all details quickly and effortlessly with the roof prism binoculars The quick focusing via the center drive makes the all-round binoculars particularly user-friendly – ideal for rapid scene changes at sports events or observing nimble animals. And with the integrated tripod connection thread, you can easily fix the binoculars – a real advantage for long-term use such as nature observation or concerts. Perfect view even with glasses: the 8x42 Tobermory binoculars Of course, the roof prism binoculars can also score in terms of observation comfort for eyeglass wearers. With the twist-up eyecups and precise diopter adjustment, the visual experience can be optimally adjusted to the individual needs of each observer. Enjoy unrestricted and comfortable vision across the entire field of view – no matter where your discovery journey takes you. Ready for any outdoor adventure with the robust 8x42 binoculars The ergonomic design of the Tobermory ensures that the binoculars sit securely and comfortably in your hand. The rubber-armored housing reliably protects the sensitive optics and provides the necessary grip – after all, things can get rough in nature. To have the binoculars quickly at hand for any surprising sight, it is best to wear them around your neck with the practical carrying strap. And in the sturdy bag, the optical device is well protected until its next use. Sharpen your view of the beauty of nature and more – with the BRESSER Binoculars 8x42 Tobermory! FEATURES Handy all-round binoculars Magnification: 8x Objective diameter: 42 mm With high-quality broadband coating Field of view: 105 m at 1,000 m distance Near focus from 4 m Easy focusing via center drive Tripod connection thread Diopter adjustment With twist-up eyecups for eyeglass wearers Including bag and carrying strap SCOPE OF DELIVERY Roof prism binoculars 8x42 Dust caps Bag Carrying strap Instructions

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8x25 compact binoculars waterproof
Nothing is more exciting than discovering the wonders of nature. However, with the naked eye, there's only so much you can see. Whether you're hiking in the mountains or on holiday in the Norwegian fjords, the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8x25 pocket binoculars will give you a close-up view of flora and fauna. Featuring 8x magnification and an objective diameter of 25 mm, the binoculars make shy animals 800 metres away appear as if they were just 100 metres in front of you. The field of view is 118 m / 1000 m, meaning that you obtain a 118 m wide field of view at a distance of 1000 m. Compared to binoculars that have a higher magnification, this gives you a better overview of your surroundings. The larger field of view also enables you to find moving objects more quickly, so that you can follow your favourite bird across the sky or a cute fawn through the forest.Pocket binoculars with lightweight design In addition to their lightweight design, the mini binoculars are also very easy to use. For example, you can adjust the distance between your eyes and the eyepieces using the articulated bridge. Meanwhile, the central focusing wheel and the dioptre compensation allow you to bring the high-quality optics into focus. The BaK-4 prisms (barium crown glass) and multi coating ensure a perfect view with a bright image at all times. And thanks to the twist-up eyecups, the binoculars can also be used when wearing glasses. Discover even more - with the 8x25 pocket binoculars These pocket binoculars are waterproof, making them ideal for outdoor adventures or birdwatching. In addition to observing nature or animals, the compact roof-prism binoculars are also ideal for concerts, sporting events or the theatre. What's more, they can be stowed in the nylon bag at any time to save space until you need them again. The mini binoculars also feature an optimal grip thanks to the rubber-armoured body. Let your gaze wander into the distance and marvel at the wonders of nature with the practical NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC pocket binoculars. FEATURES Prism made from premium BaK-4 glass materialWaterproof 8x magnification 25 mm lens diameterMulti coatingExtremely compact and handyIdeal for hiking and as travel binoculars Central focusing wheel Dioptre adjustment Tripod connection thread Robust, rubber-armoured binocular bodyDELIVERY CONTENTBinocularsNylon caseCarry strapInstruction manual

BRESSER 10x25 Wave Binoculars - waterproof
Breathtaking landscapes, shy forest animals or exciting sporting events - the BRESSER Wave 10x25 binoculars show you your favourite eye-catchers in impressively sharp, bright images. Thanks to the 10x magnification, you can get fascinatingly close: viewed through the binoculars at a distance of 1,000 m, your objects of observation only seem to be 100 m away. And the 98 m at 1,000 m field of view is large enough to effortlessly keep moving motifs in view. In addition, their compact dimensions make this lightweight optical instrument the ideal hiking binoculars and constant companion on exciting expeditions. 10x25 Wave binoculars – small but powerful With an objective lens diameter of 25 mm, these handy pocket binoculars offer a bright and clear image. For this purpose, the excellent UR coating on the prism increases the light transmission considerably. The full multi-coating on the optical surfaces also reduces reflections and further increases light transmission. The material has been chosen with care as well: the excellent BaK-4 glass material (barium crown glass) ensures that you always enjoy impressive detail resolution during your observations. Savour the view - with and without spectacles The Wave 10x25 binoculars show everyone the world’s most beautiful side, even with the aid of spectacles. Simply leave the twist-up eyecups screwed in - and the distance between your eyes and the eyepiece lenses is just right. In addition, the dioptre compensation corrects the difference between the visual acuity in the right and left eye. In order to allow you to enjoy the complete field of view while using spectacles, the Wave pocket binoculars are equipped with high-quality LE eyepieces with a raised eye point. Perfect overview while on the move – through the robust Wave 10x25 binoculars Slung loosely around your neck on the comfortable carrying strap, the lightweight pocket binoculars are your durable, sturdy partner for every outdoor activity. With the robust central focusing wheel made of metal, you can bring every interesting sight into focus in no time at all. Adverse weather conditions won't stop you from enjoying your outings? Perfect, because this is where the Wave binoculars show their weatherproof strengths: The waterproof housing guarantees that no liquid enters the binoculars, even during rainy and foggy weather conditions. And the inert gas filling prevents the lenses from fogging up from the inside during extreme temperature fluctuations. When not in use, the binoculars are safely stored in the nylon pouch - but only until the next fascinating eye-catcher appears before your lenses! Enjoy the view into the distance anytime and anywhere through the lightweight and compact BRESSER Wave 10x25 binoculars. FEATURES Compact pocket binoculars Magnification: 10x Lens diameter: 25 mm Field of view: 98 m at 1,000 m Prisms made of high quality BaK-4 glass material Fully multi-coated optical surfaces UR coating on the prism for brighter images Near focus: from 2 m Robust central focusing wheel made of metal Diopter adjustment: +/-3 Twist-up eyecups LE eyepieces for optimal observations with glasses Waterproof Charged with inert gas preventing lenses from fogging up SCOPE OF DELIVERY Binoculars Carrying case Protective lens caps Shoulder strap Instruction manual

BRESSER Condor 10x25 Roof Binocular with UR Coating
The BRESSER Condor 8x25 & 10x25 are extremely lightweight binoculars which are perfect for hiking or spontaneous nature observation, they are waterproof due to nitrogen filling. With the rotatable and lockable eyecups, the eye distance for the observation can be gradually adjusted with and without glasses. A diopter correction is standard. These models have BaK-4 prisms with the special UR coating which brings even more light to your eye. In addition, all Condor binoculars are fully multilayer coated for a better light transmission. The eyepieces and focus wheel are made of sturdy metal.  FEATURESPerfect hiking binocular or take away for spontaneous observation Prism and lens materials made of BaK-4 glass material Centre-wheel focusing Individual eyepiese dioptre adjustment UR-coating Tripod adapter thread Robust, rubber armoured binocular Body SCOPE OF DELIVERY Binocular Carrying strapCloth Bag

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Binoculars 10x42 Algonquin
Sharpen your view of the wonders of the earth with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Binoculars 10x42 Algonquin. Whether birdwatching, hiking, or traveling – with the 10x magnification and a generous field of view of 100 m at 1,000 m, the Binoculars 10x42 let you delve deep into nature. The combination of 42 mm objective diameter, prisms made of high-quality BaK-4 glass material, and full coating always guarantees a bright and clear image. Quickly get everything in focus – with the Algonquin roof prism binoculars Thanks to the efficient center drive focusing, the all-round binoculars are particularly user-friendly – perfect for reacting to rapid movements of agile wildlife or admiring birds in flight. With the tripod connection thread, you can also quickly attach the binoculars to a tripod. This allows you to enjoy the view calmly during long-lasting observations in nature or at events. Optimal views for spectacle wearers too The roof prism binoculars impress with their observation capabilities with and without glasses. After all, the binoculars can be individually adjusted to your personal needs with the twist-up eyecups and the precise diopter adjustment (±3). Enjoy an unrestricted view across the entire field of vision and let nothing distract you on your journey of discovery. Ready for any adventure with the robust Binoculars 10x42 Algonquin The ergonomically shaped design ensures that the binoculars always lie securely and comfortably in your hand. The waterproof housing reliably protects the sensitive optics from rain – ideal for exploration tours in the great outdoors. With the practical carrying strap, the binoculars are always ready to hand. And in the robust carrying case, you can store them well protected until their next use. Embark on your very own journey of discovery now – with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Binoculars 10x42 Algonquin! FEATURES Waterproof roof prism binoculars Magnification: 10x; Objective diameter: 42 mm Field of view: 100 m at 1,000 m Coating: fully coated BaK-4 roof prisms Center drive focusing for quick focusing Diopter adjustment ±3 Suitable for spectacle wearers with twist-up eyecups Tripod connection thread SCOPE OF DELIVERY Binoculars 10x42 Carrying strap Carrying case Lens cleaning cloth Dust protection caps Instruction manual

BRESSER Condor 8x25 Roof Binocular with UR Coating
The BRESSER Condor 8x25 & 10x25 are extremely lightweight binoculars which are perfect for hiking or spontaneous nature observation. As they are nitrogen filled they are waterproof. With the rotatable and lockable eyecups, the eye distance for the observation can be gradually adjusted with and without glasses. A diopter correction is standard. These models have BaK-4 prisms with the special UR coating which brings even more light to your eye. In addition, all Condor binoculars are fully multilayer coated for a better light transmission. The eyepieces and focus wheel are made of sturdy metal.  FEATURESPerfect hiking binocular or take away for spontaneous observation Prism and lens materials made of BaK-4 glass material Centre-wheel focusing UR-Coating Dioptre eyepiece individual adjustment Tripod adapter thread Robust, rubber armoured binocular BodySCOPE OF DELIVERYBinocularCarrying strapClothBag

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 8-24x50 Zoom Binoculars
These Porro-prism binoculars offer an practical zoom function. Thanks to a variable magnification, these binoculars can be utilized for a multitude of applications. The green, fully coated optics guarantee a decisively higher light transmission through the glass, thus increasing color fidelity and contrast. Diopter compensation is standard with this model. A carrying pouch and neck strap are included. For longer observations, a tripod-adapter thread is integrated.FEATURESVersatile zoom binocularsLarge objective lens diameter for high light gathering capacitySuitable for spectacle wearersSCOPE OF DELIVERYbinocularscarrying pouchneck strapmanual

BRESSER Binoculars Travel 8x42
Whether you're soaking up breathtaking landscapes, cheering at a sporting event, or spotting birds in the wild, the BRESSER Travel 8x42 Binoculars make distant viewing effortless. Boasting an 8x magnification and a field of view of 108 metres at 1,000 metres, you'll always have a clear perspective. The 42 mm objective lenses allow plenty of light into your eyes, delivering bright and vivid images. Plus, with their compact size and lightweight design, along with a handy carrying case, these binoculars are the perfect travel companion. Experience outstanding clarity with high-quality optics The BRESSER Travel 8x42 Binoculars are built with superior materials to enhance every viewing moment. Equipped with BaK-4 glass prisms and fully multi-coated lenses, they maximise light transmission and significantly reduce glare. This means you'll enjoy bright, sharp images even in low-light conditions. 8x42 binoculars with reliable performance in all weathers Don't let the weather dampen your adventures. With the Travel 8x42, you're prepared. Their nitrogen-filled housing prevents the internal lenses from fogging up during sudden temperature changes. Additionally, they're waterproof to the IPX7 standard, so a bit of rain won't slow you down. Comfortable viewing—with or without glasses Need glasses to see clearly? No problem. Simply keep the twist-up eyecups folded down, and the binoculars will accommodate your spectacles comfortably. If there's a slight difference in vision between your eyes, the dioptre adjustment lets you fine-tune the focus. Grab the BRESSER Travel 8x42 Binoculars now and enjoy flexible viewing wherever your adventures take you! FEATURES Versatile roof prism binoculars ideal for a range of activities Magnification: 8x Objective lens diameter: 42 mm Field of view at 1,000 m: 108 m Nitrogen-filled to prevent internal lens fogging Waterproof (IPX7 rated) High-quality BaK-4 glass prisms Full Multi-coating Dioptre adjustment for personalised focus Twist-up eyecups for comfortable use with or without glasses Tripod connection thread SCOPE OF DELIVERY 8x42 binoculars Dust caps Neckstrap Lens cleaning cloth Carrying case Instruction manual

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10x25 compact binoculars waterproof
Experience 10x the fun with these 10x25 pocket binoculars! Thanks to the 10x zoom, animals or objects that are 1000 metres away appear as if they are only 100 m in front of you. Compared with binoculars with a lower magnification and the same lens aperture, these binoculars show objects in greater detail. Thanks to the 25 mm lens diameter, the compact binoculars allow you to see grazing deer or bird's nests with ease. At a distance of 1000 m, the field of view is 101 m wide. Ideal for detailed observations of stationary or slow moving objects! The premium BaK-4 glass material (barium crown glass) and the multi coating ensure a highly detailed, bright image. 10x25 pocket binoculars - intuitive, user-friendly design Easy to carry, easy to use: The 10x25 pocket binoculars feature a practical and user-friendly design. You can set the interpupillary distance by adjusting the articulated bridge on the binoculars. This ensures that the two eyepieces work together perfectly with your eyes to provide the best possible view. The binoculars also feature a central focusing wheel and a dioptre compensation to ensure that you obtain razor-sharp images of the objects you want to see. The mini binoculars can also be used when wearing glasses: simply turn the twist-up eyecups to obtain the correct distance to the eyepiece. Versatile design When you're out and about in nature, a change in the weather can leave you caught in the rain. Fortunately, the pocket binoculars are waterproof so that you can continue observing even during wet weather. In addition to birdwatching and observing expansive, solitary landscapes, the compact roof-prism binoculars are also great for city breaks, concerts or the theatre. What's more, the binoculars feature perfect grip thanks to the rubber-armoured body. And when you don't need them, the mini binoculars can be stored in the matching nylon case for protection until you're ready to use them again. Explore the world in stunning detail with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10x25 pocket binoculars! FEATURES Prism made from premium BaK-4 glass material10x magnification25 mm lens diameterMulti coatedWaterproofExtremely handy and compactIdeal for hiking and traveling Central focusing wheel Dioptre adjustment Tripod connection thread Robust, rubber-armoured binocular bodyDELIVERY CONTENTBinocularsNylon caseCarry strapInstruction manual
